Teen Titans RP character sign-up!


Junior Member
Welcome to Jump City, the perfect place for your every day need of crime fighting! Choose your path of “good” or “evil”. Or better said by everybody’s favorite Titan leader, Robin:

“It's simple: There is good and there is evil. There are those who commit crimes and those who stop them. The two sides are opposite, as different as day and night. And the line between them is clear... Or at least, it's supposed to be.”

Follow the journey your life takes you. Fight villains, defeat heroes, uncover your destiny alongside the elite team of young heroes (Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire) as you set your stance in this deadly game of cat and mouse.

So as new evils (and old enemies) erupt across the globe, it’s not only up to the TT but also to the NEW fighters spawned in a web of power; to keep our world secure.

What side are you on?

Where do you stand?

Are you up to the challenge?


*Alright ladies and germs, you know the rules. Keep your grammar decent in the LEAST, and you bet your buns I will not tolerate text talk.

*No god-modding under any circumstances, you character can have powers but cannot be immortal (Let’s keep the main powers to around three or four at the most, with the same amount of sub-powers and abilities for each one if you can).

*Dear God, please no “one-sentence” replies

*Before you seriously injure or kill another person’s character, common courtesy and basic role-playing knowledge would dictate that you ask for permission BEFOREHAND.

*Profanity and basic curse words are perfectly fine (I myself have a tendency to talk like a sailor, hehe).

*Romance is encouraged, but if you want to have a full on sex-scene then let’s only insinuate, please. Specifics on that event or detail are not really allowed by this site, and I would hate to see you love-birds get in trouble from by bad influence ;)

*Try to not have more than three characters. I hate to see people get overwhelmed, so let’s keep it at a certain amount. You can have a character from the show, but you need to post an example role-play as them, and have a good knowledge on their character.

* Have as much fun as possible. But seriously, I mean it! Enjoy yourselves to the fullest, my darling biz-nachos!

Character sheets must be displayed as so:







Affiliation (evil, neutral, good):


Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development):

Basic Personality:

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):

Classification (alien, human, ect):

Weapons (if any):

Skills (optional):


Here’s mine:

Name: Test Subject 2137

Code-name: Paradox

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5”2

Weight: 102

Affiliation: Neutral

Power/s: Energy control (allows flying, blasting, technological manipulation), altered physiology (extreme strength, speed, healing factor), reflexes (heightened senses such as hearing, sight, smell, touch, ect.)

Classification: Genetically modified human

Basic History : : Paradox was to be the perfect human. She was to be the perfect fighter, the perfect person, the perfect weapon. The scientists who made her designed her to be the picturesque soldier, a model for all others. Every single experiment preceding died a terrible and agonizing death, as the modifications put to their bodies rejected the host, causing them to endure horribly painful physical and mental shut-downs. But she was the first to be CREATED with the serum, instead of having it put into her body when she was already grown. Because her anatomy at such an early stage could literally not push it away, the enhancements joined with her instantly and without refusal. For the time of her being a simple protoform, she was kept in a tube and studied…altered…dissected. When Test Subject 2137 was not being slowly taken apart for study and modifications, she was being brutally trained and violently beaten into the “model” she was meant to be. So many things went right, and so many things went wrong. Of course there was a glitch in the cells, which affected her brain with madness unique to the others, an emotional containment very slowly and gradually eating at her mind. The torture didn’t help with that ether.

After some years, Paradox was tired of being a guinea pig that was born only to destroy. She decided to destroy of HER terms and HER terms alone. Test Subject 2137 went berserk, out of control. Even the robotic armies held within the labs were unable to stop her. She found herself with abilities she had no idea she held, with capacities for power she had thought impossible. The girl completely destroyed everything. All the labs, the experiments, the scientists, even the cities in the surrounding areas. Whole cities were brought to ashes under her corruption. She was not even able to stop herself, all she wanted to do was to end it all, but she found she couldn’t. Test Subject 2137 hated herself even more then she hated the people who had made her and ripped her apart for so long, and the hatred only grew stronger as it fueled her lack of control. But something happened. Even to this day, the girl has not the faintest clue as to what it was. In fact, she has grown to believe it was actually outside help from another towards her side that aided her. Yet it stopped. The event which caused it to stop remained blanked from her memory, providing only dark patches and strips in her hardly existing recollection. She found herself alone, in the middle of the Arctic, somehow alive, somehow still clinging to life. Her mind was faint, but her instinct kept her alive. She swore she would not only find out who she was, find out her destiny, but to also find out who…..or WHAT……stopped her reign of destruction. The girl had decided that she would no longer be controlled in the loss of control. She even gave herself a new name, based on her outlook of life as she had seen it. Paradox had been only 7 years old.

Despite everything against her (not even including the massive search parties that desperately looked for the remains of what they assumed would be the dead subject), she trained herself. She lived in the cold Arctic for a while, though found herself traveling across the oceans, the deserts, half of the world, searching for the answers to the questions so powerfully plaguing her. Test Subject 2137 was so alone that she talked to herself, only having discussions with the strange and dark figments of her vivid imagination. Wherever she went, dare she linger near other people, others seemed to sense something “wrong” with her. She was turned away in every single attempt at contact. This hardened her, living on her own with only insanity and internal power to keep her company. But she never stopped training, she never stopped learning, she never stopped searching. Little evidence found its way in her path, but what was found was held to dearly. Paradox followed tales of secret organizations, powerful beings, teams of elite fighters. During her travels she even brought down several programs similar, or even quite different at that, from the one which made her the “monster” she was. She even earned the name “The Lost One” across those who searched for her, and the reasons will be quite obvious as you get to know my character more. At that, destruction and death continued to follow her, no matter how hard she tried to change that. Anyway, her journeys turned up nothing more than hidden tracks and more clues. Eventually she came to the infamous Jump City, where she is at this moment, hoping to find the answers she had been looking for.

Basic Personality: She is so intelligent and clever that her brain is even more intimidating to others then her powers, she is fast, has picturesque endurance, stamina, is quick witted as well as quick on her feet, swift, brave, adventurous, eccentric, stubborn, charming when need be, fearless emotional coverage, smart-mouthed, courageous, strong-willed, an excellent master strategist, she has her ability to manipulate others when desired, has barriers of mental strength, the ability to make most decisions instantly, having exquisite balance and grace, the type of person who has a position of leadership usually granted to them were they provided the opportunity, amongst certain other qualities deemed desirable for a human weapon. She is as much of a brilliant intellectual as she is a fearsome warrior. Always feeling lost and never belonging anywhere, she has come to believe that she will never discover where she was meant to go and who she was meant to be. She is incredibly lonely. She would also never admit the fact that deep down she craves companionship, but her trust issues and fear of hurting people she is around keeps those desires at bay. Paradox has a tendency to fool/convince herself that what she is doing is the "right thing" or what she was "meant to do", when she is actually against the activity she is tricking herself into completing. This is just as she has had herself believe that she a truly evil person, even though deep, deep down she wishes to believe otherwise. She can come off as cold, harsh, or mean, but secretly she cares deeply. Unfortunately for her, she has never had anybody to care about or to care about her in return, causing this quality to seldom be initiated. She is driven, stubborn, determined, ruthless, and never gives up. She has few fears, one of them is losing. Being exceedingly competitive she will do whatever it takes to accomplish her goals. Paradox is the kind of person who will be completely destroying you in battle one minute, and saving you from falling over a cliff the next. She hates having to hide, and prefers to fight her battles up front and personal, never sending others to do her work. Paradox will usually, (fairly) remain calm and collected, though is prone to sudden bursts of emotion (usually anger or depression, but sometimes even glimpses of joy or excitement). As stated before, she IS mentally unstable despite her otherwise strong personality and determination; she has a disease somewhat similar to schizophrenia. Paradox refuses to allow herself to trust any person, and in fear of harming others distances herself from them. My character has severe difficulty keeping her mouth shut when something needs to be said, though, and can be counted on to fight back as fiercely VERBALLY and EMOTIONALLY as she does PHYSICALLY. She loves attacking her enemies with mental blows even more than the ones to their bodies. Many see her as an un-tamable, dark, and dangerous loner.

(Has dark brown hair with eyes of the same color. Her skin is naturally pale, and she is covered in old scars. The bottoms of her hands, feet, and small of her back had a circular metal panel that constantly glows with energy, along with thin tendrils of metal coming from the areas)

Weapons (if any): Various knives and blasters for back-up as well as her special fight suit, though she does prefer her natural abilities.


Can I be Raven please? She was my favorite character so I know quite bit about her, what should I do my example-role play about?
Oh certainly, consider Raven all yours.

Anything that comes to mind, really. I just want to see your style of portraying her. It doesn't need to be very long, only around a paragraph or so, and can be a fight/battle training scenario, or just her studying, meditating, ect.

Nothing much.
Okie-dokie, here goes.

Raven was on the roof, legs crossed and floating about a foot above the ground with her eyes closed and a vacant look. She was meditating. 'Azarath, metrion, zinthos.' She was calm, it was around dusk and the rest of the titans were in the living room socializing. But Raven preferred the peaceful serenity of the roof, a slight breeze bowing through every now and then, the soft sound of the waves lapping on their island. Suddenly, a loud beeping noise sounded! Snapping out of her peaceful mood, Raven flung the door open and raced into the tower. She came face to face with Robin.

"Raven, Cinderblock is out again! He's destroying buildings down town!" Raven nodded, joining the rest of her team and racing towards the trouble. Jump City was never a quiet place, but Raven wouldn't want it to be. She enjoyed the life of fighting crime. Dark energy gathering around her hands, Raven flew off to face Cinderblock.

Is that okay?
Name: mortem capelli

Code-name: cannon kid

Age: 19

Gender: male

Height: 3ft 9

Wight: 180 pounds

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): evil

Power/s: can summon guns from any point of his body, can eat anything and turn it into a bullet of any size

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development): From a young age, he could summon cannons, pistols and gun nosels from any point of his body, He even accidently ate somones table chewed and swallowed so he could fire it

Basic Personality: He is veeeery lazy, but can be serious

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):

Classification (alien, human, ect): mutant

Weapons (if any): twin pistols

Skills (optional): ultimate accuracy, hand to hand combat, control of any long ranged weapon, super speed, high durability and super strengh
its fine, hmm..so I should always have a phermise of tea, oh I soooo wanna be cocky too, literally drinking tea when people fight me :)
Name: Natasia Ucklov

Code-name: Kitten

Age: 17

Gender: female

Height: 5'9

Wight: 105 lbs

Affiliation (evil, neutral, good): good/member of the titans

Power/s: Natasia has the ability to grow long, razor sharp talons, long, venom injecting fangs, extreme balance and flexibility, and the ability to turn into a black cat

Basic History (let’s leave some room for character development): Natasia was a normal Russian girl whose parents immigrated to the states. Her parents discovered that Natasia was in no where normal. From a small age, they could see that she could retract and elongate her nails, extend her canine teeth and sometimes even saw her with a cat tail. Natasia had an incident when she had bit a child in school, sending him to the hospital with lethal injection. From that point on, Natasia was deemed a mutant.

Basic Personality: Natasia is bubbly, flighty, and fun. Natasia is loyal and loves to kick but.

Appearance (pictures are encouraged though not required. Please give a descriptive mental image if you do not have a photo available):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda9e3bcd_Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800(1).jpg.4a870b5ab7addfb20320293182a50de1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda9e3bcd_Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800(1).jpg.4a870b5ab7addfb20320293182a50de1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Classification (alien, human, ect): Mutant

Weapons (if any): None

Skills (optional): Flexibility, balance, speaks many languages



  • Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800 (1).jpg
    Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800 (1).jpg
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ya know just imagine

"its my favorite brand, earl grey...a cup before every victory" 
omg i had a brain fart

5 mutants vs the titans each corrosponding to there other

like me im the cyborg cause ya know guns and durabillity
I'm not sure if brain fart would be the correct term for that, but it sounds like a good idea. Hmm, I wonder who Raven's opponent would be. Perhaps another villian will be created with dark powers and flying and stuff so it matches
hmm....well...theres that guy who did the


but hes an alien more of a mutant

and I meant the non canon characters ya know

just sayin has to be a mutant atleast

cause im a mutant, another character is a mutant ya know im just tryin tohelp
Lol I'm lovin it. Star fire is definitely my favorite of the titans so it works perfectly. :)

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