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Fandom Teen Titans Person Documents (CS)

Name: Richard (Dick) Grayson. Aka the Nightwing and future Batman.

Age: 20

Hight: 5'10"

Gender: Male

Bio: Dick had always been a fun loving guy. Despite his parents death and rough childhood he had picked himself up with the help of Bruce. He was now fast becoming one of Gotham's golden boys and dispite lack of sleep he was always top of his grades.
That was when he decided to start something knew. Something to help kids like him and help them do something better for the world.
This was the creation of the Titans.

Personality: Nothing stops him when he puts his mind to something, not even Bruce.
Dick does have a very kind heart and has a soft spot for the younger kids. He will always make sure they are looked after and that none of the older kids pick on them. He also wears his heart on his sleeve at times and unlike Bruce who is constantly hiding his feelings, Dick isn't afraid to tell people how he really is and how he feels about someone.

Wepons: Batarangs, smaller shuriken-like "Wing Dings", regurgitant gas (tear gas with an additive to make you throw up) pellets smoke capsules. His right gauntlet contains a 100,000 volt stun gun, although his preferred weapons are two shatterproof polymer Escrima Sticks. (Thank you Mr Internet.)

Abilities: His acrobatic skills have been blended into his fighting. As Bruce taught him from a young age how to fight, his skills have just gotten stronger as he has gotten older.

Theme song:

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Name: Raven Roth

Alias: Rachel Roth

Age: 17

  • Raven has had an eventful life and like most lives it starts with her parents. Her mother Angela Roth, she was young, rebellious, and gullible. This led her to join a cult where they decided to do a bride of the devil rite, how many expected this to work , who knows but this time it did; though the didn't summon Satan but rather Trigon. Trigon would come in the guise of the most handsome of men and only during the deed would he revel his true form and terrify Angela so much she would soon flee the cult and end up on the streets. It was here that being from another dimension Azarath would intervene and take Angela in. Still when Raven was born her mother understandably, to some, wanted nothing to do with her and given her heritage it was mere moments before one inhabitant of Azarath suggested they kill the baby Raven before she grew. The Azar, the leader of Azarath decided against this and said she would raise Raven and tutor her to try to prevent her father from using her. This might have worked if the Azar could have mentored Raven into adulthood, but she sadly died after only 10 years leaving Raven alone the other inhabitants of Azarath wanting little to do with her and not getting rid of her only because of respect for the former Azar.

    Raven now alone would sink into her own depression before seeking some home, any home, and any companion she could. While one half of her family completely rejected her, there was another half she had never tried and perhaps if she understood him she would understand why she was so hated. This was a mistake, one that while borne of only good intentions would have the most dire of consequences for the idyllic realm of Azarath. Thus when Raven was 12 she would reach out and call forth her father Trigon. While the cultists could only bring forth a tiny fraction of his power, just enough to manifest and little else, Raven being his daughter could bring him forth in his fully glory. The moment Trigon arrived was the moment Azarath was destroyed, in a moment paradise was remade into hell and life was robbed from all that lived.

    Trigon then took raven to his home realm, a hellish place of pain and suffering, where he planned to reeducate his daughter to better play her part. Raven would endure nearly 3 years in the tender mercies of her father and his methods of teaching, though what always horrified her most was anytime she felt his emotions she could feel that in his own way Trigon did care for her. Still Raven would put a stop to Trigon's plans as he underestimated her and she was able to use her magic to trap him withing a gem where he hopefully would remain. This left Raven alone again and after a time she would leave Trigon's realm for Earth seeking what she always had a home and family.










APPEARANCE: (Teaser Photo)Screenshot_20200817-181008_Pinterest.jpg

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