Technically Not New


Although I am new to the new layout, I had been RPing for a few years, not on this site, however it was mainly on one thread that ended in 2013. My alter ego - Darren Hirst - has taken on many forms including, but not limited to, the Grim Reaper (or rather a division of him) and a normal, everyday teenager.

A little about me:

I'm on my gap year before going to Portsmouth Uni to study Architecture. My main hobbies are writing, gaming, singing, D&D-ing and History. Music is my life, I am an avid fan of Heavy Metal and the many different sub-genres and have formed two main bands 'Gates of Desolation' in 2009 and 'The Edge Of Reason' in 2011/2012 but never got that far due to school and exams.

My favourite RP category has to be fantasy as it is such a broad subject. The main thread I was a part of was a fantasy story which ended up becoming based around trying to kill Lucifer. I mainly RP with humans as I can normally create a whole world around the character.

Apart from that, there's not much to tell, if you're interested in something you can ask.

So yeah... Hi!
Welcome, the forces of Dracos welcome you. If you are in need of anything ask, otherwise feel free to look around and find an RP or two to get involved with!
DeathlyLivings said:
Although I am new to the new layout, I had been RPing for a few years, not on this site, however it was mainly on one thread that ended in 2013. My alter ego - Darren Hirst - has taken on many forms including, but not limited to, the Grim Reaper (or rather a division of him) and a normal, everyday teenager.

A little about me:

I'm on my gap year before going to Portsmouth Uni to study Architecture. My main hobbies are writing, gaming, singing, D&D-ing and History. Music is my life, I am an avid fan of Heavy Metal and the many different sub-genres and have formed two main bands 'Gates of Desolation' in 2009 and 'The Edge Of Reason' in 2011/2012 but never got that far due to school and exams.

My favourite RP category has to be fantasy as it is such a broad subject. The main thread I was a part of was a fantasy story which ended up becoming based around trying to kill Lucifer. I mainly RP with humans as I can normally create a whole world around the character.

Apart from that, there's not much to tell, if you're interested in something you can ask.

So yeah... Hi!
ScarletMaximoff said:
To be honest we did one cover and one song and never got round to recording, haha


[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Welcome, the forces of Dracos welcome you. If you are in need of anything ask, otherwise feel free to look around and find an RP or two to get involved with!

Thanks dude!

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