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Fandom TEARS AND BRAINROT || alien stage, story of seasons [1x1] [ccxcc, ocxcc]


Roleplay Type(s)
Hello and welcome!

So Alien Stage (more like round 6) has been HAUNTING me as of late and I've just been itching to write about a certain ship! Or if you just wanna scream with me about it, then I'm all ears too. That's just how abysmal I am about it oh my gee

I've also been playing Story of Seasons (FoMT, AWL)- or formerly Harvest Moon, and I've always loved the game and characters since I was a kid. Would love to explore that more in writing because the fanfics are so dry (or maybe I've just been fishing too much at the lake) LOL

I'll be straightforward with this post, so please check these out before you go:
  • Above 18
  • GMT+7
  • Lit to adv. lit (feel free to ask for a writing sample)
  • Genuinely English isn't my first language so some sentences I write might sound kinda awkward
  • Not very demanding other than the preferences down below. You can take your time with your replies, I really don't bite ahaha
  • I don't mind if you don't want to do OOC chatting, I just want whatever's comfortable for you

  • ABOVE 18 (this one is mandatory so please don't lie about it ^^)
  • Lit to adv. lit
  • Strictly third-person narrative writing
  • Enthusiastic about the RP. Let's not take this as a chore but rather have fun with it (:
  • Not an "up to you" "I don't really care for it" "whatever you want" type of person. I want to plot with you, not for you

For ALNST, I would love to do IvanTill (preferably with you doing Till). No concrete plots yet but we can try and do pre-rounds or even high school/normal Earth AUs. There are just so many possibilities with this work so brainstorming would be awesome!

With SoS, we can do farmer x cc. I wouldn't be opposed to doubling with this one. You can pick your favorite bachelor/bachelorette and I'd love to play them for you. As for me, I'll go with whatever character you are most comfortable writing. If you're indecisive, then my preferences would be Gray (FoMT) or Matthew (AWL). Yes, the pattern is very obvious I'm afraid.........

That said, please PM me if this piques your interest! Thanks for the visit and have a good day ^^
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Hi! I'm 100% interested if you're still up for it – I've been on my hands and knees dying to write them for the longest and I damn near jumped out of my skin when I saw your post. I've dabbled a bit in writing Till and I'd love to give him another go! Just gimme a shout if you happen to see this and you're down, I'd be more than happy to chat more here or even elsewhere if that's your thing.
Hi hi! I've been looking for someone to RP Alien Stage with, and Ivantill just has my heart at the moment. If you're still available and up for it, I'd love to take you up on your offer; I've also been meaning to practice writing Till as he's my fav, but heavily complicated for me to write. Please PM if any of this interests you ^^

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