Installment Two


One Thousand Club

You pace the docks, looking for your boat. The sun beats down on your chest, and you can't wait until you get into a boat so you can cool off. You look at the water, but resist the temptation to dive in.

You look around. People are wearing black, red, and white. Chokers, vests, bandanas, skull T-shirts, and gore T-shirts are a common theme. A fat, bearded man who passes by you glares at you with blackened teeth and shakes his fist. You shiver and back away.


You pass angry people arguing and throwing punches at each other. You pass a bunch of people smoking some substance and a grinning man holding huge wads of money. You see a man throwing a big bulky bag into the water. You wish your great uncle didn't pick these sketchy docks, but alas, a fully paid vacation does sound nice. The same fat, bearded man who was mad at you earlier passes you again.


Suddenly, everything goes black.


"Hey! Hey! Wake up!"


You open your eyes. The first thing you notice is that you are laying on the most comfortable bed you've felt in your life. Just laying on it wants to make you slip into a deep sleep. The warm, snug blankets make you feel like an angel has come down to hug you. The pillows are so soft, you feel just resting your head on them makes you think clearer.


Then you see the same man who was mad at you earlier, but you notice several things. His beard has been shaved, and the hair on his head is tied back in three ponytails. He is dressed in a light blue suit complimented by a light blue tie, with a clean white shirt underneath. You wrinkle your nose as you notice that he wreaks of dead fish.


"Who are you?" You ask him.


"My name is Sylvester." The man says. "I am an associate of your late great uncle."


"My great uncle?" Suddenly it all comes back. The inheritance, the vacation, the scavenger hunt, the island. "Where am I?"


"On my ship!" Sylvester throws out his arms and smiles. His teeth look like they were never blackened in the first place. "You got your old great uncle's room, the luxury room. Aren't you jealous?"


You look around the room. The wall is decorated with beautiful paintings of sunsets, oceans, islands, and gold. A row of bookshelves line the wall in front of you, full of expensive books and bottles with ships in them. A large window reveals that it is early in the morning.


"Are you hungry?" Sylvester gestures towards a table by your bed. On it is a fancily decorated wine bottle with a letter addressed to you on it, and a large plate with your favorite foods. A stack of pancakes with strawberry syrup and whip cream, two buttered biscuits, a delicious-looking dessert that looks like a cross between a cookie and a brownie, and a scrambled egg all delight your eyes.


"Breakfast in bed?" You ask.


"You're our very special guest!" Sylvester smiles warmly. "Your great uncle made sure everything was perfect for you!"


The boat gives a violent lurch. Sylvester catches your breakfast but your wine bottle clatters to the ground. Some books fall open on the ground. An office desk's drawers slide open. The lamp by your bed clatters to the floor. Some paintings fall off the wall.

Then it all stops. Sylvester rubs his forehead, frowning. "Oh dear..."


Yells are heard above deck. "Captain! Captain! The next clue, sir, it's the old man's Tome! We need it now! For the loot!"


Sylvester looks at you, clearly distressed. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Stay here!"


He places your breakfast on the bed and promptly runs out of the room. You look around, deciding what to do. You notice a book that has fallen to the ground titled 'The Tome'. Yet you are curious as to what is happening above deck.

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