Tea-house Bakery [Actual RP]


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Hello! ~ Welcome to the Tea-house Bakery.

The Tea-house was founded four years ago by a young woman who wished to bring happiness into a gloomy London.

While the young woman bakes sweet treats for her regulars, her business partner, a smart young man takes care of a more interesting clientele.

With his ability to seek the past and future within a tarot deck.

Lost supernatural beings seeking advice on how to proceed with their lives, or in need of assistance contacting a human who is unaware of their presence.

There are many creatures out there looking for answers in a human world,

all of them come to Tea-house Bakery.

Are you seeking advice? Please come in, I'm sure we can assist you.

Whether it be with a sweet treat, or a tarot reading of your future.

The Dark side of the Tea-house - Recently a string of murders revolving the female owner's past has been plaguing the bakery. A race of creatures is taking revenge for her seemingly normal life.

(This is a very important plot line that I will lead you through it as the RP goes on.)

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The Rules:

Basic RPN rules

No Mary Sues or Gary Sues

Be as active as you can

Please be literate. I am looking for skilled writers only

Be nice to each other

No god-modding

No one liners. If you're having writers block please PM me and I will help you.

If you are playing the antagonist please do not kill off another character without their permission as well as mine.

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If you'd would like to join ~ Here is the sign-up thread link: http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/tea-house-bakery-sign-up-looking-for-an-antagonist.13657/

Annina was flapping her wings, watching the hustle and bustle of the city underneath her. At this view all the mortals looked like tiny specks, 'that's all we are.... just specks of sand in our hourglass...' she mused to herself. Having enough of the frigid cold air, that was frequent in London, she glided down towards a dark alleyway. As soon as her talons touched the ground she looked around her soundings seeing that they were clear, Annina changed her form into a human girl. She then adjusted her hoodie to combat the chilling weather and calmly walked out of the alley. Annina walked down the streets with her head looking at the ground, similarly to the mortals passing her by as if they don't see her. In the distance she could hear Big Ben chiming, slightly counting the chimes she knew it was nine am, she continued to walk towards the Tea-house bakery for her usual tea.
It was early in the morning when Harlow Richards woke up. She lay quietly wrapped in silken sheets for over five minutes while an alarm buzzed loudly by her ear, before finally, her hand slipped from beneath the duvet to shut it off. Outside the world was still covered in a blanket of darkness, which was just the way Harlow liked it.

Rubbing the back of her neck softly, Harlow pulled herself up into a haphazard sitting position. While it was not unusual for the young woman to wake up before the sun was out this particular morning, she found herself more tired than she should have been. Schlepping out of bed the drowsy red-head took a moment to catch her balance, before making her way to her closet.

Living above the bakery made mornings easy for Harlow, once dressed she would bounce down the stairs into the bakery kitchen. This was the best part of the morning, a routine that she had perfected before she and Everett had even been in business for a year. Every morning Harlow made her favourite gourmet tea, along with a fresh baked pastry.

The doors to the Tea-house Bakery opened at 7 a.m. every morning, and Harlow took it upon herself to make sure everything was just perfect before she unlocked the doors.

Sweeping her long red hair back into a bun, she prepared herself for the rush. Men and women came and went buying baked goods, coffee, and tea. Of course there was the odd little creature that scurried in that no one notice but her, and she would offer them what they wanted on the house. With supernatural clientele Harlow was not the one who collected payment, so she simply smiled sweetly and handed over whichever little treat they picked. The morning passed slowly and 9 a.m was just rolling around, as Harlow pushed another set of cinnamon rolls into the oven. The bell over head the door dinged, alerting her to the customer so she turned away from the bakery to greet whoever came through.
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Billy walked down the street with a slight smirk on his face, enjoying the sight of London at its greatest, it was one of the more impressive cities in the world. He visited many cities through out his years, the painful birth, rebirth process ever ensuing. He was drawn to one thing, a rumor of a tea house, that hopefully he could discover if there were others of his kind around, relatively close. Instead he reached into his pocket pulled out a pack of cigarettes, opened it up, and took one out. He slowly placed it into his mouth, and held his left hand over the front as he ignited it, that was one of his abilities, as a phoenix, the ability to ignite on touch when needed. He inhaled a puff as he adjusted his jacket slowly, it wasn't too chilly outside, he lived in the USA for the past 60-70 years, where the weather was beautiful, that was until he enlisted in world war 2, for the US Army, under a false identity, but other than that London was a beautiful city.

Billy flicked the cigarette butt as he neared the tea house, he also heard about the treats and the tea from this place. He pulled off half a smile as he walked up to the door and opened it, just as he noticed as someone else had walked in.
Annina closed her eyes and huddled within her hoodie as the cold wind blow through her. She was grateful when she reached the Tea House, she couldn't understand how mortals got used to the cold it was times like these were she like her feathers. Walking inside the warm shop, she let out a breath of contentment before walking up to the counter to order her usual Jasmine tea with a strawberry scone.
"Good morning, Welcome to the Tea-house!" Harlow's voice was soft but energetic as she set about welcoming both customers. The young woman who had entered the shop first, put through an order, while the gentleman had just arrived. The baker went about making Jasmine tea in a rather large white mug with delicate patterns painted on it, carefully she set the steaming mug down beside a carefully places strawberry scone. "Cold outside isn't it? Well I hope this warms you up, and it's on the house today."

Harlow liked to help people and seeing the girl standing there, looking oh so cold made the baker's heart break a little. Although it was unlikely that the girl was homeless, she could not help but feel bad for anyone caught outside.

"Is there anything else I can get you hun?" Tenderly Harlow pushed the plate and mug towards Annina a large smile playing on her peachy lips. "I've seen you in here before... What was your name? I can't seem to remember." This was not a rare occurrence for the young woman, although she was caring and compassionate it was once in a blue moon that she could remember anything but recipes.
"No thank you." Annina politely said as she held the white mug with her hands, smiling at the warmth it gave. She took a sip of the tea, and felt the warmth course through herself. Warm tea is the only thing to give her warmth these days whether it be the coldness of the weather that plagues outside or the coldness within herself. Settling the mug down, Annina looked at the owner slightly debating within herself whether to speak or not. "My name's Annina." she politely answered, before taking another sip of her tea.
Billy smiled at the woman, it felt like it was warmer inside, better than it was outside that's for sure. He slowly approached the counter and looked around. He turned around towards a table and walked towards it, and then sat down. He sat back and folded his arms as he took out a piece of paper with writing on it, they were his questions so he wouldn't forget it. Billy read the paper to himself. " Other people of your race? Where? What should I do? " He wanted to make sense of it it.

Billy took a look around and smiled, he looked at the waitress who was near by someone who was sitting, which they were relatively close. He said out loud to her. " Good morning! A coffee please some cream a few sugars? " He asked calmly and nicely as he threw up a half smile towards her, he needed a coffee, it was his breakfast, ever since he discovered coffee he has been drinking it since.
xxxxx"No, Mum... five more minutes..." Avalon lazily rolled onto her side, her mind fighting the battle between waking up and sleeping in. "Mum... close drapes will you? It's too bright..." Her eyes still shut, Avalon reached over towards the window, misinterpreting the distance between her bed and the drapes, before tumbling down to the carpet floor in a heap of blankets, pillows, and tangled limbs. Her cat, Chester, trotted over to watch pitiful girl as she struggled to stand up and pull the sheets off of her. "Mornin' Chester... Nice way to wake up isn't it?" She groaned, pulling herself from the sheets. Avalon's mother, of course was no where near her home, and in fact, all the way back in Cheshire.

xxxxxWith a crooked smile, she scratched the cat's head, and went straight to the shower, following her usual morning routine: Brushing her teeth, combing her hair, changing her clothes feeding the cat... Just before leaving, she waved a goodbye to a certain no one, losing the door shut behind her. As usual, she would be going to the Tea-House Bakery for breakfast. Not only did other supernaturals such as herself visit there often, but the food was good, and most of all, Harlow worked there. It might not have sounded like that much of a deal to most others, but Harlow's past always intrigued the girl rather than frighten her. She wanted to know more about her ruthless and cruel personality, but the fact that she lost her memory wasn't that big of a help. Avalon of course, did happen to be lucky enough to find out that a tarot card user worked there.

xxxxxAvalon zipped up her coat, protecting her from the harsh London air. She never liked the weather where she lived. It was mostly rainy, foggy, and dark days. Though Avalon did't enjoy the weather, it made her appreciate the sunnier days so much more. Sighing, Avalon carelessly hopped dow the steps in front of the apartment building, skiping two steps, then three. She had almost gotten to five when the landlord called out for her to stop playing her little stair game and walk down the stairs like any regular human being.

xxxxx"Except I'm not human..." She muttered under her breath before rebelliously shoving her hands in her coat pockets and going on her way. Finding the bakery wasn't hard, and took a very short amount of time for her to arrive, after all, she had been visiting nearly every morning for breakfast since she lived so close by. Avalon walked in through the door, the familiar ding from the bell putting a smile on the fairy's face. "Ah, Mornin'." She said, greeting the not-so-frightening dragon as well as the human she did not know at the counter. Unsure if whether the woman was still ordering, Avalon stood behind her, waiting patiently. She took a furtive glance over her shoulder to make sure that her wings weren't popping out of her back. Luckily, her coat had folded them against her bare back and concealed them. That meant no screaming humans today, fortunately.
Everett stretched as he awoke around eight thirty. Generally, he would have woken up around the same time as Harlow and have a small breakfast with her, however, it appeared that he had neglected to set his alarm clock the previous day, and he assumed good ol' Harley hadn't tried to wake him up. Then again, he figured, it was for the best, taking into account he had been known to sleep in the buff when he had been either too busy or too lazy to bother doing his laundry, and was out of clean pyjamas. Deciding it was probably for the best to go downstairs and join Harley in the bakery, Everett rolled out of his light blue sheets that were likely made for a child (He liked them, nevertheless) and went to take a quick shower.

Taking only about three minutes for his shower, Everett quickly put on a cheap blue suit, and brown dress-shoes. He hurried out of his room and downstairs, grabbing his deck of Tarot cards in case someone were to want a casual reading. Usually, if he were to do serious business with customers beyond payments, Everett would request they accompany him upstairs, or in the kitchen. He wasn't fond of interruptions, and he knew the majority of his clientele weren't either.

Now around nine in the morning, Everett, with his characteristic grin plastered on his face, made his way through the kitchen to be behind the counter near Harlow, which was the odd route he usually traversed to get to his table in the corner of the bakery where he generally sat when he wasn't holding conversations with some of the regulars. As usual, he greeted his friend, rather softly as to not disrupt any conversations the customers may have been having, "G'morning Harley, Y'need any help, or...?"
"Annina. That's a beautiful name." The dragon woman whispered as the raven haired girl took a seat with her mug of tea. Everett's soft voice caressed Harlow's ears as she caught the tail end of the male customer's order. "Everette this gentleman would like a coffee with cream and sugar, could you fill his order while I take care of this young woman?" Harlow's eyes slipped over Avalon as another sweet smile took over her face. "Hi, welcome to the Tea-house what can I get for you today?" She addressed the pink-haired girl politely her voice soft and friendly.

Out of the corner of her eye Harlow watched Everett, her best friend of four years now, her business partner. Without turning away from Avalon she gently touched Everett's hand before he had a chance to walk to serve the male customer. With the hand she had touched him with Harlow pointed towards a fresh Chocolate croissant, she had made an extra one just for him.
"Sure thing, boss," Everett joked, winking briefly, spinning around to pour a cup of fresh coffee. He had never been too fond of coffee himself unless it had a rather hefty, undoubtedly unhealthy amount of sugar and cream. Then again, he'd never been too fond of tea without a rather unorthodox amount of milk either. Before he got the chance to even progress one step, he felt a small touch on his hand, causing him to turn back around, eyebrows raised out of curiosity. When his eyes rested on the chocolate croissant, he smiled warmly, he laughed lightly once more, before turning his attention once more to the task at hand, "Why thank you miss."

Quickly pouring the coffee, and putting exactly two and a half scoops of sugar, and a generous amount of cream, he stirred the drink swiftly and handed it to the rather tall man on the other side of the counter. His smile seemed like a permanent fixture; it remained almost no matter what Everett was doing. He put a paper napkin underneath the small plate that held the cup of coffee, "Here you go, chap. Tell me if I didn't do it how you like it, and I'll give it another go." Everett gestured towards Harlow and laughed, "She's the chef, you know. I'm just her apprentice."
Billy slowly and carefully reached for the plate that was holding the mug of coffee as he raised it up to his mouth and took a sip, it was perfect, well to him anyways. He chuckled for a second as he lowered the mug and looked at the man and smirked saying. " Thank you it's perfect... " He obviously wasn't from around there as his American accent showed from the two hundred years he has spent in the United States. Billy raised the mug to his mouth again and took a gulp, it wasn't all that hot, but it wasn't really his preference, he didn't want the person to feel bad. Billy watched as his hands slightly began to grow red as he heated the mug slowly, watching as steam began to rise out of the coffee, he raised the mug again off the plate and took another sip and said. " There we go, this is what I needed.... I just moved here, from the states. "
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Annina nervously looked into her mug, "Thank you." Being a lone spirit at heart made accepting compliments slightly awkward for her as she didn't know what she should say in return. Seeing that she was holding up the line, Annina picked up the plate holding her scone and sat in a nearby table. Annina tore a piece off of her scone and began nibbling on the pasty, enjoying the rich strawberry flavor. She brought her mug of jasmine tea to her lips as she looked at the other customers, she didn't see anything different about them. '..humans all look the same...am I a disgrace to my ancestors for be unable to perform my duties..' mused Annina as she stared into her tea. She saw her reflection in the liquid, raising the mug once more to drink the warm tea as if it could erase the cold within her.
xxxxx"Annina, that's a beautiful name." Avalon overheard, giving a slight smile to the other woman as she made her way to her seat. So that was her name. She would have to remember that. Turning her gaze back to Harlow, she flashed a smile. The dragon was just so kind. Avalon constantly found herself having to remind herself that this woman she was dealing with had murdered her friend's father. It was just so hard to imagine that a sweet person like could could have ruthlessly killed so many people.

xxxxx"I'll be having the Chrysanthemum tea, as well as..." Avalon paused for a second, taking a short moment to decide before nodding, as if confirming with herself, that what she wanted was the perfect choice for the morning. "... a cinnamon roll and a blueberry scone. That will be all I believe." The short pink-haired girl gave one last smile before turning and make her way to a table. She had only taken two steps when a man sitting alone, had just received his coffee. Avalon would have dismissed such an unimportant event for nothing if his hands hadn't began to glow red, heating up the mug he held in his hands. "Wha-What the f-" She watched, a bit in shock as steam rose up from the cup, obviously heated up and warmer than it was previously.

xxxxxSure, her own kind had powers and such, but she was sure this man wasn't one of the Fae. If he was, she would have known. It took her a few seconds to realize that she had been staring wide-eyed for much to long. Picking her jaw back up from the ground she made her way to a seat with a clear view of the world outside... well, more like street.
"Thank you, Ev." She smiled gratefully as young man went about pouring and doctoring coffee while she listened to Avalon's order. During the late morning seemed to be the most lax hour for the Tea-house, which seemed to draw the super natural clientele in. Regardless of whether a human could see them or not it was more comforting to know you're surrounded by those who do not wish you harm. It had never occurred to the amnesia stricken girl that her ability to see the non-human quality in each customer, was anything different from Everett's.

Nodding towards the Fae, Harlow gracefully went about preparing the order. Assembling the pastries on a small jewel plate came first, the cinnamon bun was fresh from the oven and the scone had been made just a tad earlier. It was the tea that needed time, Chrysanthemum tea a wonderfully delicate tea. Harlow let it steep for a few minutes while she prepared steamed milk and honey in case it was desired.

Finally she the large steamy mug down beside the pastries with a large satisfied grin.
"Free of charge today, love. To warm you up from the cold."

Looking over with a tilt of her head, red hair falling into her green eyes, Harlow watched as the male customer heated his drink after Everett had delivered it. A knowing laugh danced out as she set her gaze on Ev.
"Hey what have you got booked today? Just regulars? Or has someone new come in?" It was nice to know what was going on, on the other part of their business. It was quite an unusual gift he possessed which made both of their lives very interesting.

Ananias walked inside the bakery, his knees cracked and grumbled with discontent. Looking around Ananias quickly stumbled to closest table and grabbed a seat, wincing as he slowly massaged his knees. The hours of walking had taken its toll and his stomach grumbled with discontentment looking around Ananias examines the quaint little bakery and is taken aback by the sheer delicious scents of various culinary goodies. " 'Ello, can anybody here help an old fart like me out?" he said rummaging through his pockets and pulling out little velvet drawstring bag. "Um, what can I get with this..." Ananias said as loose change gently clinked and rolled on the table in front of him.
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All Enzo could remember was leaving his cousin's "flat" as she took to calling it to run a few errands, he didn't know when he left the flat though. Despite the fact that the US version of the words were what he was used to back in his home country, the exposure he had with his relatives living in the UK allowed him to recognize both versions of the same word. They called it a "flat" he'd stick to calling it an "apartment." Although Enzo has been living in London for almost two months he still hadn't grown used to everything which was why when he was sent out to errands, like today, he'd be given very specific instructions so as not to get lost.

An error of judgement had Enzo hungry in the middle of the errand trip. It was the price to pay for skipping breakfast and not get used to such a practice. Thankful for the fact he was given some pocket money, he decided to look for a place to duck in for a quick bite then head back home to his cousins. He wasn't in the mood for a meal, just a snack which had him crossing out all the restaurants he came across until he arrived at the door of a cafe of sorts, it looked small enough and the word bakery would at least guarantee him something light to snack on. Peering in, it seemed as though the cafe had a sort of homey feel it, as if felt like it was a welcoming place at least from the outside.

Deciding that this would be about as good as all the others he might come across, Enzo stepped inside. Then realization smacked him hard in the face, he had no idea how these places worked and was left standing by the door, he swore he looked lost. It didn't help that these establishments might have some unspoken rules in it. He was also sure that the "lost idiot" effect was amplified by the fact that he was Asian no matter how you looked at him. "G-good morning?" Nice one, Enz....Now what?
He ran down the street, trying o get away from his pursuer. He didn't know what the man wanted, all he knew was that the man was after him. People didn't usually pick on the poor bird-man often and he'd never make anyone hold a grudge, so what did this man want with him? What could possibly have happened? Looking around anxiously, the aviary fellow suddenly wished that he wasn't crippled whenever his wings came out, otherwise this would be easy. He decided to act quickly and turn at the first left ahead of him. The last left turn he'd ever make.

He ran into a dead end of high brick wall that could only be gotten over if someone flew over it. He had lost his ability to do that when he once tried to fly in a storm. He turned around, staring terrified at his masked pursuer. As the masked man began to calmly walk towards him, he backed up against the wall, to scared to even try to bring out his wings and fly. Soon enough, he was staring into the eyes of the mask.

Jacob peered from behind the mask, blinking only once before he dispatched yet another one of the links, ignoring his victim's last cry in pain.
Harlow watched as an older man walked in and took a seat at a table across from the cashier counter, she watched the coins fall with a jingle to the table, her head shaking 'no' instantly. "Today sir, anything you order is free. It's so very cold outside, and I just want to see people warmed up." The young woman made her way to the table at sat across from the old man, a caring smile spread over her lips as she collected and handed the coins back. "So? What can I get for you today? Coffee or tea maybe? Order anything you'd like." This was the reason Harlow opened a bake-shop. Not for money or for fame, she wanted to make a difference in people lives. Even if it was only one kind offering of a pastry.

Just as Harlow was collecting herself to get back to the counter to make whatever Ananias ordered, a lost looking customer came in. She could tell that he was nervous for some reason, his greeting sounded anxious.
"Good morning! Welcome to the Tea-house, what can I get for you today?" The woman waved him over, an award winning smile plastered on her face.
Annina continued to nibble on her strawberry scone and took some sips of her jasmine tea. She savored the taste on her tongue. It was soon apparent that she finished her tea and settled the white mug against the table. She glanced around the other customers seeing a girl with bubble pink hair and a older gentleman. Annina saw a young man looked confused and lost, like the others she saw in her early years.
(( OoC:// I'm sorry for the delay. D: Anyways~! Let's get some people to interact with each other. Knowing Avalon, she would talk to a complete stranger. ))

With a smile, Avalon gave the owner a quick word of thanks before picking up her her tea and such, turning around, and without any hesitation, she made her way to a table where a quiet girl sat. If her memory was correct, her name was Annina. Avalon used her foot to pull out the chair before setting herself down in front of her. "Hi." She greeted with a smile. "I'm Avalon, but you can go ahead and call me Eva." she told her, pulling a the napkin out from under her plate and spreading it out in front of her. "Cold outside isn't it?" Her small talk wasn't impressive, but it was good enough to start some type of conversation.

xxxxxPicking the blueberry scone up from the plate, Avalon gently set it in the middle of the napkin, taking a corner of it and precisely folding it over the small treat. She planned on eating it on a later time. After all, she might as well make use of whatever food came free today. Every once in a while, she would glance over at the man who had heated up his coffee with just his hands. It was quite obvious that he wasn't human after such a feat. Most of the time, the other "supernatural beings" did whatever they could not to reveal what they were among the humans, er... whoever could be a human. "So, do you come here often?" Avalon asked, just before realizing how shady she must have sounded. "Oh, I mean, well..." She pressed her palm against her forehead, shaking her head at her stupidity. "Don't think of what I said as weird, please." she said with a slight laugh.
A woman greeted Enzo, she seemed nice enough and looked to like she was the owner of the establishment. A sort of practiced smile was formed on her lips as she gave the greeting, she must have been used to doing this as Enzo felt a bit reassured. With that said, he was still apprehensive but not enough to be speechless.

"U-uh, What are the house specialties, miss?" Enzo judged that to be one of the safer options as a response. He was hungry and it felt awkward if he were to leave right this moment, he'd see this through to the end. Besides, the atmosphere in the tea house felt lighter and welcoming now that he had time to stop and properly think about his situation. There were already several patrons engaged in conversation with each other and everyone looked friendly enough. At the very least, he might be left alone once he had chosen a spot and sat down.
Annina looked at the bubbly girl that sat in front of her with a bewildered expression. She didn't think of herself as a person to talk to so the fact she was approached by a hyperactive girl made Annina a bit nervous. When the bubblegum haired girl, 'Avalon or Eva', asked her about the weather Annina raised an eyebrow as the answer was obvious. Annina looked down at her empty mug before saying, "You can say that." with a calm voice. She didn't think of Avalon's question as weird.

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