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Realistic or Modern TCTOW - CS




Alice Pemberton

Eldest Pemberton Daughter






Alice is the perfect big sister. She is comforting and wise and isn't afraid to unleash her own opinion in help of others. Alice's actions are rarely calculated; she leads with her heart and is very spontaneous in this way. Although opinionated and sometimes impulsive, Alice does have a level head if the situation calls for it; if she thinks that he words will harm someone, she can hold them back. If she sees that she must hinder her own happiness for the sake of anothers, she will. Alice is selfless, but not in a way that anyone would notice. Being the eldest, she had to forsake her own pride to ease the grief of her siblings. She constantly had to put her own feelings aside to protect her family, and still does. Alice is full of conviction. She will not bow down to something if she believes it to be wrong. She will not allow her words to be ignored or repressed if she believes them to be right. She tries to right any small injustice that she sees and believes in freedom.

Although her opinions are often there to guide, Alice can be quite divisive. Her opinions on the rights of women and treatment of people of a different ethnicity often comes out; especially if she has been drinking wine. She can be incredibly stubborn; if she believes her opinion to be right she will fight to the death to defend it. Alice has always been this way, even as a child. Although Alice is often a shoulder to cry on, her advice isn't always the best. She is 27 and still unmarried; her flamboyant opinions and brevity often scares away suitors. She has always been unlucky in love. She has never worked or even been to a city. She has had very little life experience and yet she sees it fit to offer advice to anyone who seeks it. Sometimes, she gets it right, but on occasion, she can make a situation worse with her words.


- Walking
- Bonnets
- Reading
- Justice
- Sunshine

- Clouds
- Ignorance
- Dancing
- Church
- War

Favourite Season:
Summer. It's full of dew and heat and bright smells. She can leave the house without a coat and her hair free. It's a gorgeous time of year.

Favourite Colour:

Character Quote:
"Everyone deserves freedom, for it is the most beautiful thing in the world."


Reaction to the Liptons:
Being city dwelling mill owners, Alice expects them to be arrogant, oppressive and rude. However, she is intrigued to meet them, even if she doesn't let that be known to her family.

Would you like to leave Wickerton one day?:
If Alice was going to leave Wickerton; she would have already. She would have kept quiet and married the first idiot that came along and escaped to some city or seaside. Alice belongs in Wickerton. At this rate; she thinks she'll live with her Mother forever.

Relationship with Mother:
Alice and her Mother have always had a less than proper dynamic. Mother treats Alice almost as a sister; consulting her when things go wrong and entrusting her to, in part, raise the children. When Father died, Alice was the one who took over as Mother became sick with grief. They are the best of friends and have a deep respect for one another.

Relationship with siblings:
Alice has always been a Motherly figure to her siblings. She has always looked after them and offered them support and advice. She protects them fiercely and often will tell them her opinion if she thinks it will improve their happiness.

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Nairobi Lipton Haile

: Nairobi Lipton Haile
Role: Youngest Lipton Sister
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nairobi is Stubborn, has Trust Issues and is Impatient. Nairobi is a very stubborn person some days, whatever she wants to do, she does and used to not take into consideration the advice of others except for her mother. Since she is stubborn, she has a (good) habit of helping others, such as her mother, without even being asked too. Exerting herself to the point where she develops a fever from tiring her body out. That is the thing about Nairobi and her mother that is the same, they put others before themselves and never think twice about the consequences of pushing themselves above and beyond. Her stubbornness has created a tough shell around her where she has trust issues allowing people to come into her life and giving advice. You could say she has never had a fatherly figure to help answer her questions, so she has been trying to answer them herself. Putting together a logical reason for why it is what it is.

Nairobi is a loving, caring, nurturing and respectful women who gives her one hundred percent when she is helping someone in need. Since she came from a very poor community, growing up without a father was hard, her mother had to play both roles. Trying to give Nairobi everything she needed, but Nairobi would often times not want to accept, though seeing how hard her mother worked to achieve those things, made her more appreciative and accepting of life and the little things that they brought. Nairobi has developed some languages along the way since she was still young and able to retain the new languages and plus wherever she went with her mother she would always ask people to teach her their culture, their way of life, and their languages. Gaining the knowledge that she needs to adapt to where they will be living. Nairobi is a pretty smart girl and wishes to gain even more knowledge wherever she goes. Nairobi is very oblivious when it comes to love, she won't notice it even if it was in front of her. She hasn't been the luckiest girl when finding love nor has she ever been in love nor has anyone ever loved her the way she would like to be loved, except for her mother who loves her unconditionally. She lost the feelings of what love is and what love feels like. So she keeps to herself, not wanting to make a fool out of herself.

Likes: Cooking, Cleaning, Picnics, Learning new things and nature
Dislikes: Spiders, Rude people, hot weather, being alone, and being rejected
Favourite Season: Spring
Favourite Color: Red

Character Quote: “The world can be a cruel place, but we must remember to not give into its cruelty.”

Other (Lipton family only)
Reaction to Wickerton
: "Personally I am fine with the Wickerton, it is very beautiful and a calming place. I enjoy it more than the city, when you are in the city, you find so many people rushing and the city never sleeps. When you are more in the countryside, there are so many nooks and secret places to allow your mind to wander freely too. Also, it is much slower and peaceful here in Wickerton, the people are amusing and go about their own business; at least some do. I have moved to so many places in my life that Wickerton seems like a good place to settle, quaint and perfect for someone who wants to get away and clear her mind."

Do you prefer the city or country?: “I prefer the country, it is peaceful and in the morning, you are woken up to the sounds of mother nature doing her job; birds, leaves on the trees blowing, and small critters making their way through the morning. In the nighttime, everything is still and nothing can be heard except for the distance howls of stray dogs and owls in the tree. It is a different kind of mood around here when you are in the countryside, a good kind of mood."

Notable past relationships: (LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO START ANY RELATIONSHIPS W/ MY CHARACTER NAIROBI...Loves, Romances, Friends, ect)

Relationship with Father:
Nairobi had never grown up with her father. She had spent all her life up until the age of 10 with her mother, attached to the hip. Nairobi's mother, Junia, had a very small affair with Mr Lipton during her years of working with the family, she was one of the very close workers and the only one to have formed a good relationship with the family. Especially Mr Lipton, they have kept their relationship a secret, and one night they took their affair to the next level and Nairobi was born. But before Nairobi was even born, and still in her mother's womb, Junia left the Liptons with a brief note saying that she could not stay any longer. Basically running away, and that was illegal to do if you were not released from service from that family. A year later on the run, Junia was caught by Mr Lipton when she was working for another family in an estate and demanded she come back until she showed him that she had Nairobi. Outraged of the whole situation, he did not want to believe that it was his child and turned away. All that Junia had asked of Lipton is to take her in and give her a better life then what she could not give to Nairobi. He did not, and instead, he told her that she had probably slept with someone else and that the child was not his. Torn by hearing this, Junia worked every day to save up enough money to take her and Nairobi far away. Nairobi learned of all of this news when her mother told her this on her dying bed. Torn by this new revelation, Nairobi found herself torn when Mr Lipton came to take her away after he got a note that Junia sent stating when her death will be. Nairobi felt as though she was a burden to her father, and that he did not want her. Instead of taking her in and claiming her as his full blood, he told his family that he had taken Nairobi in because he felt sorry for her and could not see how a ten-year-old child could survive in such a harsh world. Nairobi feels numb, but yet she feels a sense of resentment and trust issue towards her father.

Relationship with siblings: (I will wait for everyone to finish their CS and form relationships or come up with ideas on how she interacts with her siblings)

code by @Goldieloxx

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Jacob Lipton

Middle Lipton Son






In some ways, Jacob Lipton can be a comforting presence. His affinity for silence is often a great virtue; especially in a town so drenched with conversation and gossip. He is a silently confident kind of person. He knows his worth and will not fall below it. He strives for the best. His calmness has an air of arrogance, but it has carried him a long way in a houseful of headstrong men. Jacob is a very charming young man; he has always been able to get what he wants from his parents and his siblings. Some may see this as manipulation; he sees it as playing on the right team. Jacob, although often contemplative, knows when to have a good time and can loosen up well, especially if it means he will be entertained. He revels in watching other people laugh, though not always for the right reasons. Jacob is loyal to few; but this scarce use of loyalty has kept him safe, and the people that he trusts have a strong ally. Jacob knows when to separate his feelings; which is usually often. He knows not to be too emotional, and has kept himself guarded from the cruelty of the world. Although he may not show it, Jacob is very emotional, albeit internally. He feels strongly and loves passionately.

Jacob Lipton is exactly what you might expect of a second born son. He is always left wanting. He is never satisfied. He can be very disgruntled if he doesn't get what he wants; and will work down anyone who does not bow to his wishes. To many, he appears arrogant; he walks with a palpable confidence that often seems rude and abrasive. His silence can be seen again, as rude or ignorant. Jacob is often bored and provokes the feelings of others for his own amusement. He puts a barrier between himself and the people around him, so he doesn't realise their pain or grief or even love. Jacob can often be bitter. If things don't go his way, he dwells on it and amplifies it and buries his anger until it explodes. Jacob does not care for lower class people. He has seen the squalor that they revel in; dirt and dust in the city. Jacob is very much a man not of his word. He will promise anything if it means he can get what he desires. Jacob is a very closed person; he speaks to no one about how he feels, not even his family. He often disguises his feelings with nonchalance and rudeness.


- Parties
- Wine
- Sunrise
- Scientific Books
- Alone Time

- The Working Class
- Rain
- Bright Colours
- Theatre
- Religion

Favourite Season:
Spring. Everyone is out and about and making a fool of themselves.

Favourite Colour:

Character Quote:
"I can trust but one person implicitly; that person is my self."


Reaction to Wickerton:
Jacob finds Wickerton to be quite entertaining. The people are funny and seem to be deluded in the idea that they are the classiest of people. He revels in their need to impress, as they do it so ungracefully. He wants to see more of the place and its functions.

Do you prefer the city or the country?:
Jacob has given up any hope of returning to the city; especially Manchester. He despises every last inch of the place. It reminds him solely of the death of his Mother, and the darkness of the sky turns his stomach. He feels unsafe there and he always will. Jacob likes to be secure, and so fear is not an emotion he wants to let in. Although the country can be tedious and full of idiots; he prefers it tenfold over the soot of the city.

Notable Past Relationships:
Jacob and his Mother were the best of friends. She was his golden child. She gave him everything. There isn't a soul in the world who knew Jacob as well as her, and there will be none who follow in this. He has changed greatly since her passing; he is much more cynical and angry. He has renounced God. He drinks more and manipulates people. He was no angel before her death, but his hopelessness has turned him into a shadow of himself.

Relationship with siblings:
As Jacob had always been his Mother's favourite; he found himself jealous of his siblings if she gave them any attention. That jealousy carries through still, especially with his sister.

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Matthew Lipton

  • 560282Name:
    Matthew Alexander Lipton

    Eldest Lipton Son




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"...enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life."


Henry Solomon Lipton. Nickname: Hal
Role: Lipton youngest Son
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, closeted.



Born the youngest of three, Hal knew that it was unlikely he would ever see the same respect or importance as his brothers did. So Hal dedicated his life to following his heart, studying what he wishes, choosing the arts and classical studies over more typically masculine subjects. Not a fan of sparring or politics and war, Hal found his passions in writing and reading, even researching his occasional whims, devoting any free time he has to studying what he can from romantic movements to history. He has a profound love for knowledge and will continually seek it out in any way that he can. This devotion carries across to most aspects of his life, if he has a slight interest in it you can guarantee that he will put in the time and effort to learn anything he can about it. Despite this appearance of a recluse, Hal is an incredibly attentive person will remember the seemingly small details of his friends and their lives. If he’s told something that seems important to the person, even if it is as small as not liking a certain food, he will ensure that he remembers it. Yet even with his observant nature, where he will typically notice changes to the people around his, whilst he will keep note of it, he will never approach the person, finding it too uncomfortable or awkward and instead believing that they’ll approach him if they need him.


Easily described as a recluse by most, Hal prefers to spend his time reading and writing, or following up his ideas with mild research, he often prefers his own company to that of others, typically finding them as distractions. The time spent alone matched with a short temper has left him rather irritable and incredibly easy to wind up. Although it isn’t often that he actually loses that temper, instead he will simply grow quiet and stalk off somewhere to sulk. Unfortunately, he is in his own words ‘honest’ which translates to blunt, he often doesn’t care for the politics of dancing around a subject and will speak his opinion freely, an exception of this is in the presence of his father. In spite of Hal’s academic achievements, Hal is only truly exceptional or even adequate in what he wants to participate in or study, his devotion suddenly gone if he lacks the interest. Even with this devotion, Hal lacks organisational skills and his continual studying has led to large messes, stacks of papers and books organised in ways only he can understand.


Reaction to Wickerton: It has all the charm of a village perfect for a small visit. But to live there is exhausting. There quickly runs out of 'fun' actvities to do, and the rate of idle gossip and rumours spread much faster in places like Wickerton.

Do you prefer the city or country?: City. Without a shadow of a doubt, Hal wishes for nothing more than to return to the city. Perhaps not Manchester, but anywhere, as long as the city is big, and exhausting, and full of a life the country could never give him, he wants to be there.

Notable past relationships: (Loves, Romances, Friends, ect) Back in Manchester, Hal formed few but long friendships with several like-minded people. Most-notably would be Gabriel Blake, if anything he had been the exact opposite of Hal. He was loud and rambunctious, taking every opportunity for trouble and dragging Hal along with or without his delight. Although the two were only friends for a short summer, Hal was enamored by Gabriel's free-spirited attitude, often reminding him of the attitudes of romantics, Hal begun to take on a more personable attitude, at least until Gabriel fell ill. Mr Blake refusing any access to his sons death bed, Hal once again withdrew. Although he would never admit it, he often thinks of Gabriel and what could have been.

Relationship with Father: Hal has a deep respect for his father and before the death of their mother, Hal would have considered them rather close. But after their mother passed, Hal withdrew from his father, somewhat disappointed and hurt that he would leave their home and memories behind.

Relationship with siblings:


☾Deep waters

☾ Romantics
✰Nice Wines
☾Loud Music
✰Heavy Rain


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Eliza Pemberton



Name: Eliza Blanche Pemberton

Role: Youngest Pemberton Daughter

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 5' 4"/165cm

Weight: 121 lbs/55 kg


Likes: Eliza loves to walk among the winding paths of the gardens, especially in the mornings, when the dew still clings to the plants and fills the air with the light fragrance of flowers and leaves. Cakes and pastries are things she often indulges in. Though she takes care in maintaining some restraint, once in a while she can't resist the delicate little goods in the windows of the shops in Chesterfield when she goes on occasion. Bird-watching is a secret joy of hers. On her walks, when nobody is about to see her, she watches the robins and finches as they flit about in the tree branches. More than once she has tried to tempt them to sit on her finger, but the wild birds have no interest in her. She feels childish, chasing around little creatures, holding her hand to them.

Dislikes: One thing Eliza absolutely cannot stand is bad table manners. Smacking, finger-eating, and every other little disturbance are quick to rile her up into a fit. Just the thought of open-mouthed chewing sends a chill up her spine. As quick a way to displease her is arriving late to any sort of event, even as little as failing to sit at breakfast before eating begins. It is a matter of great importance to be punctual. Though she doesn't consider herself to be a hypochondriac, she is completely repulsed by poor hygiene. Dirt under the nails is particularly heinous.

Vices: Eliza is unambitious. Life is fine how it is for her, and there's no need to strive for greater. She takes many of the smaller things in life for granted, not thinking to be grateful for the things that have been secure for as long as she can remember. A world lacking comfort and safety is entirely unknown to her, leaving her quite spoiled. As the youngest, she never had too high expectations to live up to, and has been relatively unchallenged. This has left her free-spirited, not thinking of what consequences might arise from her actions. Loving gossip, she isn't the best at holding secrets.

Virtues: As long as times are good, you can count on Eliza to be in good spirits. Without annoyances, she is pleasant and easy to be around, loving a good joke or two. Her go-with-the-flow attitude is almost contagious, and her ever-present state of relaxation is difficult to deny. As an excellent conversationalist, she can go back-and-forth for hours, always having something on her mind to share. She loves to have a bit of fun, even if it means getting into a little mischief. There's never a dull moment to her.

Favorite Season: Autumn

Favorite Color: Scarlet

Character Quote: "I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness."


Notable past relationships: When they were much younger, she and Helena Davenport were good friends, but as the only child of her parents, Helena was drawn away as they grew older, and they fell out of friendship.

Relationship with Mother: Eliza relies on her mother for strength, especially following the death of her father.

Relationship with siblings: She loves each of her siblings dearly, though she holds a reputation among them for playing tricks.


Reaction to the Liptons: The arrival of a new family is very exciting. Eliza is overjoyed to have a change of pace, and is curious to meet each of the Liptons.

Would you like to leave Wickerton one day?: Though she is attached to the home she grew up in, she would likely adventure away from Wickerton, as long as there were gardens and pastry shops.

code by Ri.a
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Name: August Josiah Pemberton
Role: Oldest Pemberton Son
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

(1+ paragraph explaining the positives of the character; must have at least three traits)
August is almost nothing if not ambitious--he purchased a commission in the Army, as it interested him far more than family business or finance, with almost the express purpose of working his way towards becoming a prestigious general. He was supposed to just serve as an aide to a superior officer initially, a nominally safe position for the oldest Pemberton boy. However during the grueling British retreat towards Coruña, Spain in the winter of 1809, and ensuing battle, he oftentimes put himself in harm's way as an ad hoc commander, showing his courage. He did earn an award for this. His wartime exploits have made him quite confident in himself.

Vices: (1+ paragraph explaining the negatives of the character; must have at least three traits)
August's exploits during the aforementioned campaign and battle may have given rise to confidence, but in another way they also made August rather proud. He may have served commendably, but he can easily drift towards vainglory, especially after a bit of drinking. He's developed both a hedonistic and fatalistic/cynical strain the past few years since returning from Spain/Coruña. August has been troubled, trying to reconcile his usual confidence in himself and ability to forge his own path, with this more resigned fatalism. However August tries to hide and mask this trouble with his customary confidence, pride, and with pleasures. He can be stubborn, set in his pursuit of prestige and rank, and set in his ways, although ignoring the financial issues the family may face.

Likes: parties/company, dancing, sweets, alcohol, smoking, telling of his exploits, games
Dislikes: winter, the French, being alone, painting and playing music (he keeps trying; too stubborn to give up!)

Favourite Season: Spring
Favourite Colour: Green

Character Quote: "Seize the moment and make it yours."

Other (Pemberton family only)
Reaction to the Liptons: August isn't interested in business, finance, industry, and that sort of thing so he isn't thrilled per se, at the thought of meeting a business/industry family. However he is interested to see what they offer.

Would you like to leave Wickerton one day?: No--this is one case where August is not particularly ambitious. He doesn't want to leave for the time being. Wickerton is home, plain and simple.

Notable past relationships: (Loves, Romances, Friends ect): Thomas Blackburn, a Chesterfield native, has served alongside August and is his best friend. Romantically, August has made a few pursuits but they didn't work out. August never let it get him down, although he has come to wonder whether he will happen upon the right match as a matter of fate, or whether it is all up to him. August was known to have fancied Helena Davenport when he was young, although it is a small source of embarrassment for him by this point, as she was two years his senior.

Relationship with Mother: beyond loving her naturally as his mother, doesn't feel like he has the same connection with her as his sisters.

Relationship with siblings: He holds nothing genuine against them, although he tends to find his older sister's "motherliness" annoying.
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Albert Lipton

Lipton Father






Albert Lipton is an agreeable man. He participates in jovial conversation and adds his own anecdotes. He is a calm man with a business mind and knows the worth of a level head. Albert is aware of his wealth and importance and is careful with whom he shares secrets with. He is incredibly adept at seeing the truth in people; seeing who they are before they've opened their mouths. Although not a caring man, Lipton can be the type to give brilliant advice. Albert is also incredibly protective of his children, even though this protection often doesn't work. He will do anything to better his children, even if this means holding back the things that they want. Lipton is incredibly smart in all meaning of the word. He is clever and went to Cambridge University in his youth. He is also one to perfect his appearance; he orders the nicest and smartest suits. He did the same for his children; sparing no expense for their clothing. In this way, he's very generous. Albert is also charitable where he can be; if he sees someone that needs help he will do anything to help them, within reason. However, he does not seek out organisations in need of money or people in need of help. If someone seeks him out; he will do what he can.

Albert's business sense often comes across as arrogance and pomposity. Because of his wealth and love of fine clothing, he can often seem as though he is above the people he interacts with, and often intimidates them. Albert can sometimes act as an overlord; he holds money and possessions over his children's head if they don't act well or disgrace him. Although he's a relatively kind Father when his children are doing well; he's cold and cruel if they disappoint him. Albert can often act as though he knows everything. If someone does not know the answer to a question; he will, or he will at least pretend he does. Albert sees himself as almost perfect. He doesn't see the flaws in his actions. Albert has very little loyalty, even to his family. Although he will protect them on a good day, if they were to completely disgrace him, he'd have no trouble with cutting them off completely.


- Fine suits
- Smoking
- Control
- Business
- Money

- Young children
- Sweets
- Alcohol
- Idiots
- Arrogant Women

Favourite Season:

Favourite Colour:


Character Quote:
"Business is business. It should not interfere with life."

Reaction to Wickerton:
It is a well needed reprieve from the dirt of the city. Although many things annoy and disappoint Albert, his wife never did. Anabelle was the love of his life. He couldn't stay in the home she had practically built herself without thinking of her. Wickerton is a good place to run the business from afar. It's a great place to take his children away from the city, even if his sons don't always disagree.

Do you prefer the city or country?:
Although the city is a place of business and is a world that Albert thrives in, it is tainted. He prefers neither, in truth. Not anymore.

Notable past relationships:
Albert's wife, Annabelle, was a great woman. She was strong but humble and elegant and full of great taste. She was a brilliant mother and passionate wife. Albert's relationship with her was, at times, explosive, but that was what made it such a brilliant love. Albert feels lost without her, but he also feels a sense of freedom. He doesn't have to worry that she'll find out about his adultery.

The Mother of his only daughter was a worker in one of his mills. He didn't even know her name. He had rejected the child, at first. But when Albert heard again from the woman, he decided that he had no choice but to take in the girl, to ease his conscience. To everyone else, even his family, Albert was a kind man who had taken in a poor immigrant child out of selflessness. Only he and Nairobi knew the truth.

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Mary Pemberton

Pemberton Mother






Mary Pemberton is an incredibly sensible woman. She is calm and caring and collected. She follows social convention to a high standard, but not in a prudish manor. She is convivial and gentle and always keeps good manners. At home, Mrs. Pemberton lets herself loose a little more. She is honest with her children completely and is open with her opinions. She can be very humorous, in a sweet kind of way. Mrs. Pemberton is always kind to their servant; Miss Dent. She has always been a lenient Mother, not punishing her children too strongly. Mary is also a very emotional person. She becomes sad at small things, and incredibly happy at others. She feels things very strongly. Mary has high ambition for all of her children, but is inspiring rather than pushy. She has also let them be the people that they want to be.

Mrs Pemberton is of perfect manner, in public. However, at home, she lets her children run rampant, and always has. She is not good at discipline and is more focused on making sure appearances are kept. She can be quite judgemental, especially if she feels as though she has been judged. She is quick to pass her opinion to her children, without restriction and often once she has made her mind up about a person, it cannot be changed. Mrs. Pemberton's emotions are all over the place. She can be sad one minute and happy the next. She can be quite unstable at times.

- Social Gatherings
- Fruit
- Light fabrics
- Jewellery
- Mornings

- Storms
- Desserts
- Dancing
- Drunks
- Extravagant clothing

Favourite Season:

Favourite Colour:


Character Quote:
"Alexandra Rutherford is improper and rude in questioning the quality of my clothing. Irritating woman."

Reaction to the Liptons:
Mrs. Pemberton is quite excited at the prospect of a new, rich family. She has high hopes for a possible marriage and is excited for the many social gatherings to come.

Notable past relationships:
Mrs. Pemberton misses her husband Andrew very much. When he died at the turn of the century, she could not be consoled. She was heart broken. Her life came to a stop, and she somewhat expected to die soon after. However, with four children to raise and protect, she used her grief as a way to spur on her own life.

Lydia Pemberton
562901 562902
Pemberton Middle Daughter




Lydia always seems to have a book nearby, whether it's for reading or for her artistic endeavors. She knows the Wickerton Library so well she might as well work there. Every few weeks, it's a new stack of books about a new something or whatever. She is quite the opposite of an extrovert. Lydia prefers to stay within her own company and can entertain herself quite well. Aside from reading, Lydia also takes part in the arts. Lydia will shut herself in her room and paint for hours upon hours. She is very detail oriented, which can lead to some complex pieces, most of which are of nature. Always carrying a calm demeanor, Lydia is able to look at the bigger picture. She pays attention to the little details in everyday life and finds a genuine appreciation for them. Lydia enjoys trying to take what is given to her, and making the most of it.

Because she feels little need to socialize, Lydia can often be seen as exclusive and standoffish. She is nothing but her own critic, always murmuring about what's wrong with the cheek on this child, or the highlighting on this tree. She rarely enjoys parties. When they roll around, she sticks to her mother's side, as her siblings are generally unavailable during these occasions. Lydia knows that change is essential for life, but still has a very negative feeling about it. She prefers things to just stay the same, as she believes that asking for more in her life would be greedy and selfish. Her large consciousness for the surroundings has left Lydia with a desire to be as little of a burden, on her mother, as possible. Keeping to herself most of the time, Lydia is incredibly indecisive, when it comes to group decisions.

The fireplace

Large amounts of noise
Fantasy and mystery novels

Favourite Season:

Favourite Colour:
Maya Blue

Character Quote:
"Even warlords had people to tell them what to do."

Reaction to the Liptons:
Overall, Lydia feels neutral about it. She sees both the benefits and detriments to the situation. She isn't very interested in becoming romantically involved but understands what her role is in the family.

Would you like to leave Wickerton one day?:
Lydia feels like it would be a good experience to leave Wickerton. She's interested to see how different opinions and viewpoints change, just by the location of a person. Lydia wouldn't leave for long, perhaps move away for a year or two, then come back to Wickerton and resume normal life.

Relationship with Mother:
Lydia is relatively close to her mother. She knows that her mother is doing everything she can for her family and appreciates her strength to continue to live after such a heartbreaking death.

Relationship with siblings:
She is not as close to her siblings as she would like to be. (with maybe an exception, if someone would like to work something out)​

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