

Forever Dreaming








Personality: {+Positive >Neutral -Negative} {Will probbly change a tad as she grows.}

+ Adventurous

 Tarika is very much a lover of anything and everything exploring and adventure, though always within bounds.

+ Colorful

She's a very peppy young she-wolf, who just seems full of life in everything she does, and not simply because she's a pup.

+ Energetic

In truth, energetic is even too little of a word for her. she never seems to run out of energy, and is always hyper. She seems to hate sitting still or sleeping even more than most pups, as sleep is a disliked thing for pups anyway.

> Experimental

She has a habit of testing others, pushing at the limits between breaking rules and following them constantly, just to see how far she can go before she has to stop. She tries to stop before any serious rule-breaking though, when she can or is aware of it.

> Physical

This little lass seems to always be wanting to jump on everyone and everything, even solid rocks, walls, or trees. She's gotten her head knocked on such objects plenty of times, but it still doesn't seem to stop her.

> Whimsical

Tarika is always spouting nonsense, that really does make no sense at all. It's not even full stories, it's just bits of random information that she seems to understand but most others find impossible to decipher.

-  Aloof

She can't seem to take anything seriously, ever, unless it's like a life or death thing even she'd be able to understand.

- Clumsy

Her feet and mind don't always seem to cooperate with her, which leads to her tripping or falling over seemingly air quite often. When she's talking, she might get stuck or completely forget what she was saying and say something entirely irrelevant.

- Fearful

While she may act brave and be very much a strange and wild little lass, there are many things that can completely terrify her and make her very, very upset. Like losing her 'mother figure' again.

  1. --


Tarika's life thus far hasn't really been the most amazing one in the world. She was born to a rogue along with two siblings, on the border of Borealis's territory. It's assumed her mother was not aware of this. The little pups grew slowly, and eventually their oh so wonderful mother left them. Being  the young wolves they were, defenseless at best, they cried for their mother throughout the day. Eventually three cries faded to two, and then to one as her weaker siblings passed on before they even got a chance to grow up. She was found by a member of the Borealis pack laying tucked in a sloppy 'den' of sorts among her motionless siblings, trying to get what heat and warmth she could. She was brought pack to the pack, and given a spot within them, where she grew to be the young lass she is today. She's not the youngest pup in the pack, but more like somewhere in the middle.


Sloan - {Dame, Unknown whereabouts, Probably Deceased}

Enoch - {Sire, Deceased}

Diem - {Sister, Deceased}

Lathan - {Brother, Deceased}






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Ahh, that's so tragic! </3 She's accepted!

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