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Fandom Tangled the series x FNAF SB crossover RP? (Plus maybe a TTS x Sonic RP?)


New Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
If you couldn't already tell- I am VERY unfamiliar with this site-- literally first time using it, so apologies for the mistakes and strange formatting! ;;


Hello!- strange title, I know-- but hear me out for a second, yeah?

Recently I've gotten VERY much back into TTS-- and right off the coattails of a small FNAF binge too! Which, anytime I've got a couple 'o series in my head at once--- inevitably means I'll think up a crossover sooner or later.

Normally, I'd keep said crossover concept to myself-- but this year I made the resolution to go full throttle with my passions in life..- and I think writing my ideas as they come would be a fantastic first step towards that goal! ^-^

I've *also* been wanting to get back into roleplaying. So I thought, why not kill two birds with one stone?--- hence this post.

More than happy to do the non-ship equivalent of "doubling up"! You help me play out this obscure crossover of mine-- and I'll help you do the same for whatever idea you've got!


So, ground rules!

Firstly, *mostly* canon characters. I'll be using a handful of OCs later on in the RP, so I'm not barring you from also having a couple-- but the CCs are going to be the MAIN focus.

I'll be playing the role of everyone's *favorite* alchemist- Varian! ₊✦⁺ Now, as for you... Out of all the Security Breach cast, Sun and Moon are by far my favorites-- so I'd expect you to use 'em as your leading character(s).

(Oh, also Rudiger's there too!)

I can handle roleplaying as any other potentially relevant animatronics...- though, I'd highly prefer splitting those roles semi-evenly between us. Maybe we could even swap who-plays-who depending on the circumstances?

My goal is to avoid any scenario where either of us are basically just RPing with ourselves-- and this crossover would take place when the Vanny/Afton virus is in full swing, so worries about the OOC-ness role switching may bring. Infact, some OOC would actually be *encouraged*!

Gregory's probably not going to be involved in this story. Having like..- four to five main protagonists (Gregory, Freddy ((because you CAN'T separate the boy from his bear, that's cruel)), Sun/Moon, Varian...) would be ALOT to handle in a setting as "cramped" as Security Breach ;;

Maybe it could work in like, a group RP?- but I don't know how many people would even want to tackle this plot in a *one on one*...... So..- eh... You can let me know if a group RP is something *you'd* be interested in-- but I wouldn't hold my breath about it, you know?

While my version of Varian's lore and personality is (meant to be) pretty accurate to canon, the story and world he lives in has ALOT of creative liberties taken. He's basically apart of a "canon rewrite" AU I've got brewing-- which doesn't have much, if *any*, relevance for the Security Breach / first half of this RP--- but will be VERY important once or *if* we start exploring a more Tangled related plot.

Since I'm using a CC that isn't quite strict to, well, *canon*--- you're more than welcome to include abunch of headcanons and whatnot for whatever CCs you play! 👍


Anyhow, let's move onto the setting(s)!

The RP starts in the FNAF universe, at around 1 AM. Establishing scene would center around Sun just..- doing what he does, mindin' his business-- until a sound of distress cuts through the usual background noise of the daycare.

The sound would've been too quiet for any average person (maybe even animatronic) to notice-- but the Daycare Attendant has some of the *best* hearing in the pizzaplex, so it's not much trouble finding this mysteries source!

Enter Varian, whose tucked himself away in some far off corner of the daycare's outskirts/edges. Possibly in that theater section that's connected to it?-- not sure yet, as there's plenty of nooks and crannies to choose from...

Fella's...- *not* looking so hot......-- he's in the midst of tending to a VERY gnarly gash when Sun finds him- and obviously, the attendant gets Very vocal when he realizes he just stumbled upon an ACTIVELY bleeding child in his daycare.

Varian..- let's just say the teen hasn't had particularly *good* luck with animatronics thus far. He freaks out at the sight of Sun and makes an immediate break for it (with the help of his beloved alchemy, of course). For a *hot minute* it's like he just up and disappeared-- but this is Sun's *literal* playground, so Varian doesn't make it very far before getting rediscovered.

....Annnd *this* is where I'll leave off the "first meeting" draft! I've got plenty of specific scene ideas and all that- but I don't want to get *too* ahead of myself, since roleplaying is all about improvising with a partner! +⁺₊

A good chunk of the RP will revolve around the pizzaplex and typical(ish) Security Breach horrors and shenanigans--- but after we wrap up that plotline, I'd REALLY like to transition into an arc about our lads making their way into *Varian's* world, learning about Varian's troubled past- and experiencing his potentially even more troubled future.

Also, I love me a good fish-out-of-water trope-- Varian's already got a good dose of that from his time in FNAF's universe- so I'd say it's about time Sun and Moon get their own helping too!

Also also-- Tangled already has A TON of theming involving the sun and moon (the planets) that it feels insanely appropriate to add Sun and Moon (the animatronics) into the mix ⁺✦₊


Now, abit about myself! ^-^

I'm nineteen, twenty in May. I don't really care how old *you* are, since we're not writing anything sexual-- but with FNAF being FNAF, there's GOING to be dark themes here and there--- and I'm no stranger to gore and emotionally distressing topics, so *be WARNED*!

I'm a lad, he/him-- no preference for my partner's gender.

Let me know if you've got any triggers!..- or even just stuff you're kinda "eeeeh" with...... I don't mind having to avoid or get creative with some stuff if it means keeping you comfortable--- if I weren't willing to compromise on things, I'd be writing a fanfic- not roleplaying.

Speaking of triggers, I don't really have many "hard no"s...

I hate anything involving finger/toe-nail damage. Don't want to touch ANYTHING incestuous or pedophilic with a 100-foot pole...... Don't talk about politics or real life tragedies around me--- and give me fair warning about anything suicide related.

I *know* there's going to be a good handful of dark topics in this RP-- but I REALLY hate when stuff is ALL angst / horror / negative all the time... I'm a man who likes a good silver lining. For every breakdown or injury, there's gotta be a scene about hope, growth, or just goofiness. Generally, I like characters being hurt because you then get to see them *heal*.

There can be exceptions to that rule, of course. Tragedies can be immensely interesting-- and I can't say they won't potentially be present in this RP--- but I'd like for our main lads to have an ultimately positive adventure.

I haven't roleplayed in a LOOOONNNG time-- and I'm a Verrry visual person, so I might have a hard time writing certain stuff scene-to-scene. Though, I'll try my best to make sure my replies are both fun to read- and easy to respond to! ^-^;;

My writing style is about boiling / refining all the actions, thoughts, and dialogue down into only what's actually *important* and *needed*-- they might seem abit short because of that- but by default, It'll be *at least* afew paragraphs.

I don't care how long or short your replies are, so long as you give me some actions to work off of / react to.

My default is third-person. I usually write in present or past tense- but every now and then I sprinkle in future-tense when I think it fits. No preference for what POV and tense you write in though!-- infact, I actually find first and second person to be really fun to read! : D

I deal with a handful of mental health issues, motivation and consistency aren't exactly my strong suites-- and I'm *already* a slow writer as is... So you may get aton of replies in the span of a single day--- or you could get only a singular one within an entire month..- it really just depends on how I'm feeling. The only thing I can promise is that at *one point* you WILL get a reply.

Finally- OOC chat is unnecessary, though not unwelcome. My main focus is on writing a story together, rather than becoming friends-- but I'm far from anti-social, so no worries if you just want to chat every now and then.


That's all for now! If I've caught your attention with my silly little idea, just shoot a comment or DM my way! : D

I've already gotten a starter written, so setup should be quick!

Alternatively, If you like the cut of my jib but aren't so interested in this specific crossover-- then no problem! I've got about fifty-thousand other RP ideas, just let me know the series/fandoms you enjoy- and I'll more than likely have a crossover already in mind! ✨


I've also been thinking up a potential Sonic x Tangled The Series crossover as well. Specifically focusing on Varian and a (heavily headcanon-ized) Metal Sonic.

I've got the beginnings of a plot idea for it, if anyone's interested. You'd be taking the role of Varian in this one though!
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Bump!-- kinda forgot I had an AD posted here... ;; My bad!- if anyone's messaged me in the past few weeks and got no reply, feel free to re-DM me.

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