Tana the Fletchinder


pokemon master



[SIZE=11.5pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Tana[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Fletchinder[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]Gender:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Female (She/her)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]Faction:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Soldier[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]Island:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Destirae[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]Moves:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Tailwind, Quick Attack, Peck, Ember[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11.5pt]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] Arrogant and hot-headed, Tana acts exactly as a native of Destirae would be expected to.  [/SIZE]She is proud, brave, and would do anything to protect the home she knows and loves.  Her loyalty is as strong as the flame that burns within her, however her impulsivity often results in conflict.  She emanates a false sense of superiority, namely because she evolved earlier than most of the soldiers she has been training with, but is generally all caw and no peck. 


[SIZE=11.5pt]Although extremely selfless, Tana can come off as harsh and cold to those around her.  [/SIZE]She values the companionship of her fellow comrades, but she is not necessarily friendly and her trust comes at a price.  Once earned, however, she would sacrifice herself in battle to save another if it came to it without a second thought.  She is willing to fight tirelessly for those she loves and cares about, which is part of the reason that she joined the war effort—to protect the remaining members of her family, and the island known to her as home.


[SIZE=11.5pt]Danger is basically Tana’s middle name.  [/SIZE]No matter what the challenge, Tana is up to it, even if it could end up getting her killed.  She is as strong-willed, brave, and stubborn as they come.  Her pride is notorious for clouding her judgement, and is definitely something that she needs to get past if she ever hopes to grow into a strong, dependable soldier.


[SIZE=11.5pt]Like her hero Vic the Brave, Tana aspires to be noble and wise.  [/SIZE]Honor is very important to her, as is respect and strength.  She does her best every day to be as much like him as she possibly can, in hopes that someday she may even be able to lead the Destirae military herself.  However, she still has a very long way to go before that dream can be achieved.


[SIZE=11.5pt]Tana’s training is quite literally the only thing keeping her sane.  [/SIZE]She cannot live peacefully without feeling as though she has a purpose of some kind.  Sitting idle is torture to her, and once put to work, she can be very industrious and successful.  She certainly does not like to disappoint and eagerly gives every task her all, no matter how small it may be.


[SIZE=11.5pt]Unlike most of the inhabitants of Destirae, Tana is not particularly religious.  [/SIZE]Mew, Arceus, she couldn’t give a flying Rattata who the real God is, although she’d never dare voice it.  When asked, she rattles about her undying devotion to Arceus, but the truth is that she joined the military effort because of a personal vendetta.  She wishes for nothing more than to avenge the death of her fallen father—and that is exactly what she intends to do.


[SIZE=11.5pt]History:[/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt] The day that Tana found out her father was slain in battle was a day that would forever haunt her for the rest of her life.  [/SIZE]She woke up that morning to the mournful and desperate bloodcurdling scream of her mother, and immediately rushed to her side in a flurry of feathers to find her speaking to some poor Pelipper with a mortified expression on his face.  The Talonflame’s piercing screech was loud enough to be heard from any peak in Destirae, Tana could swear.  But she was deaf to the sound, deaf to the world in that moment. 


[SIZE=11.5pt]Her father was a strong, selfless Pidgeot and renowned as one of Vic’s most dependable soldiers, Tana knew.  [/SIZE]She had always been closer to her father than her mother, sharing his fighting spirit and bold nature.  As an only child, she received all of his attention, and he had always encouraged her to continue to train—promising that someday she would be even stronger than him.  But right now, she felt as weak as a Caterpie on the south end of Nitraga, and wanted nothing more than to disintegrate into a pile of ash.  Her mother looked to be in even sorrier shape, crumpled up on the ground like a littered paper bag.  How was it that the world could be so unfair?  What kind of God would allow this happen?


[SIZE=11.5pt]But at that moment, Tana had one clear thought.  [/SIZE]She needed to join the military and exact revenge upon the Mew-lovers that had destroyed her life and family.  The idea of her enemies perishing sounded so sweet, and she could almost hear their screams of anguish in her mind.  No plan had ever felt so satisfying to her, and she took off to enlist at that very second, leaving her mother to grieve alone, while Tana could feel nothing but anger and lust for revenge.


[SIZE=11.5pt]At first, the recruiters were hesitant to allow such a young Fletchling to join, as the military in Destirae had a reputation to uphold.  [/SIZE]Known as one of the strongest forces in Pelagos, they were forced to be selective, and a Fletchling with little battling skill was hardly appealing whatsoever.  But, her refusal to leave forced their hand in the matter, and they gave in, allowing her to start off by running errands for the other trainees and officers.


[SIZE=11.5pt]Eventually, she was able to work her way up the ranks to soldier, and with it came evolution.  [/SIZE]Although still leagues away from entering real battle, Tana has continued to train hard, turning her into somewhat of a formidable Pokemon.  She still has a lot to learn, but she has come rather far in a short amount of time, and hopes to continue to hone her skills until she is ready to battle real opponents, rather than the substitute dummies that she has been training with thus far.


[SIZE=11.5pt]Other: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]This is the first roleplay that I’m attempting to join on this site (despite having been a member for like a year now oops) so I hope everything looks okay.  [/SIZE]Let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to change, your criticism would be very helpful and appreciated!


[SIZE=11.5pt]Writing Sample: [/SIZE][SIZE=11.5pt]I have attached it as a PDF below.  [/SIZE]It’s an excerpt from a roleplay I did with Tana about 2 years ago.  This is my first time adapting her for a different roleplay since then, which is really exciting for me!


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