Taming the Wild IC

Clara stalked forwards. Fallen leaves crunching softly underneath her ashen paws. Lithe body slinking between gold gilded trees with ease. This was her home. She knew every twig bush and berry. Her body was well accustomed to travelling the forests every surface. In both her forms she moved through the trees so fluidly she left no trace. She crouched forwards, muscles sliding carefully over each other. Stalking her prey. No humans today. It was rare for them to come into this forest.

The city warned them of the creatures that roamed these woods. Creatures like her. She had never run into another of her kind. Not since her mother. But humans used to be a regular occurrence. Sadly their city had become more aware that they were not alone, and that these woods belong to not to the humans, but to the wild. It disappointed her that she didn’t taste their flesh as often, but still some days an idiot would wander in and she would make a good meal. Some humans still believed they could conquer the wild. Tame the wind. She enjoyed education them otherwise. Her ivory fangs would dance across their skin. Blood flowing freely seeping into her storm grey fur. Some days she would play with her food. More primal needs that her human form was easy to achieve. She enjoyed these days. They brought her entertainment.

But for today she stalked an animal. A plain white tailed deer. The buck would make a good meal. But still humans were much more satisfying. Crouching low in the bushes she peered through the tangled mass of branches. Her prey had stopped for a meal. His young velvet coat shone in the early morning light. Small nubs poked through his skull, the beginnings of what would surly be an eight point crown. It was sad to kill such beautiful innocent creatures. But the bloodlust that welled within her was far too much to handle. Her stomach rumbled quietly, reminding her of her purpose for being here.

Inching forward she began coiling her body. Waiting for the moment to spring, she settled in for a wait. Predatory instincts were simple. Wait, be smart avoid the harm your prey may cause, and go for the death points. Luck was with her this morning though. As the sun was creeping across the sky the youngster tried to avoid the heat. He turned away from her. Moving towards the shade of the trees he kept grazed slowly. Completely unaware that he would soon be the meal.

Uncoiling her body quickly she sprung forwards, sailing through the air. Landing with a hard thump on his back she brought him to the ground, quickly sinking her teeth into the soft hide. Trying to run from the danger onto of him he tried to scramble. But her weight of solid muscle was too much for him, thrashing his head about he tried to hurt her. He was far to young to do any damage. It was pathetic really. Snapping the straining neck between her powerful jaws she felt the body stiffen then go limp. Dead already. It was really to easy for her to kill. Dropping the lifeless body from her maw she watched as it sunk to the ground. Blood pooling in the fresh green grass. Clara only really killed to eat, unless of course it was a human. She actually regretted taking this young life. But hunger soon took over her regret. Lowering her blood stained muzzle to the wet fur she ripped through the hide and sank her teeth into the steaming flesh below.
Meanwhile, only yards from the forest wall, was a circus. This circus had you usual acrobats and animals, but then it had it's darker side. The freak show. The performance consisted of a bearded woman, a man with three legs, a strong man, and, their ending act, the shewolf. They'd caught the girl roaming the forest when she was young, and stuck her in a cage for profit. The audience was encourage to throw sticks and mock her, to enrage her to the point that she transforms into a hideous beast.

Sticks and rocks flew at her from outside the bars. She couldn't see be whom, all these humans looked the same. All she knew was that they were all the enemy, and someday, she'd kill them. But it didn't seem that today was that day. No, today, she would be tormented one more time.

The girl yelled and growled like a wild animal, becoming more and more enraged. She shrieked as she began to shift. Her body grew hairier, claws sprouted from her fingers and toes, she grew a good foot higher. As the werewolf's transformation was complete, she went wilder than ever. The creature leaped around the cage, grabbing onto the bars and trying in vain to swipe at her tormentors. Her eyes were filled with hate and fury for the humans.

While she had her back turned, a man reached a stick into her cage and jabbed her in the rear. The werewolf roared as she whipped around, pouncing so fast, he could hardly react. His fingers slipped out just as her jaws clamped down; he's almost lost an arm. The other people laughed and continued to mock the creature. She continued her rampage until she was too exhausted. The poor girl flopped down on the floor, panting. The rain of sticks and rocks, however, never seemed to grow tired. The girl whimpered and curled up, trying to protect herself. Little streaks of tears stained the fur on her face.
Miles away from the circus, almost where no light shone, whether it was day or night, stood the abandoned woods, where a young female vampire played her music in the secluded area of her home. She sung her sorrowful song, wondering when she would run into another of her kind, or perhaps another species. She shook her head, then remembering what would happen. Blood. And lots of it.

Her voice rose over all of the trees and bushes, hitting every note almost perfectly. She strummed her guitar slowly. Then the craving finally approached.

The girl's head throbbed violently, her skin burned and she suddenly felt light-headed. She cried hopelessly, knowing that nobody could hear her. Her scarlet marks felt worse, feeling like somebody had stabbed her neck with a sharp stake. The girl screamed and cried, until the dying pain left her. Her knees buckled, her eyes closed, her conciousness left her.

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