Tamat Herd: One of These Nights [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]


Creepy smile
It's been a few weeks that you have been in Marita, siege of the Confederation, to take some time away from Greyfalls after your unexpected exaltation.

You've been succesfully establishing a network of new contacts in the upper class society here, with you silver tongue and distinguished manners.

After a evening tea with one of your newest friends, you can feel the air cooling as the night slowly falls on Marita.

While walking back through a maze of grey stone administrative buildings to the Soft Silk inn, the place where you are staying for free after having seduced the owner, enjoying the view from an elegant white stone bridge, your path crosses a young noble woman, wearing a magnificent red and white kimono and carrying an cherry umbrella.

She seems far too noble to be on her own at this hour of the night.


roll perception + awareness

and sorry for the delay !

Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 1 10 5 2 ] (TN: 7)

Still not entirely sure how to play this out. For now I assume I just roll to see if I see something(since I can't very well RP something I don't see)
The woman gives you a slight nod and a so very sad smile as she passes you by, and you're left breathless for a few seconds at her disarming gesture, wondering why she would do something like that as she walks away from you.

Only the four young men now standing at each entry of the bridge shake you from your surprise.

The young woman freezes and starts trembling.

"Easy now Sawami" one of the man starts "You know what we want, no need to resist, you'll come with us quietly now."

"N... no !" she replies, searching support from the bridge... or maybe ready to throw herself into the river.
Tamat swung around and strolled up to the young woman with a wide smile.

"Ahhh, Sawami! It is you! I've been looking for you everywhere!" He took her by the hand and lightly patted it, in a vaguely comforting way.

"Now come, come, or we'll be late, and we can't have that can we?" he smiled disarmingly at her. Finally affecting to notice the other men he turned and blinked almost owlishly at one of them.

"Ah, can I help you sir?" he asked, curiously.
The men start walking towards Sawami and the one who has spoken a second before now speaks again:

"Yes you can, but you can even help yourself, quietly walk away, you don't know this woman and you have no business with her, while we do. Do us all a favor and leave now sir."

Sawami holds your hand tight and you can feel she's trembling.
"Oh but I do! I do! The last time m'lord and I passed through here delightful little Sawami just charmed him immensely! He does so wish to see her again..." he practically gushed. Turning back to Sawami he patted her hand a little more, last thing he needed was for her to crack under the pressure.

"Oh, he didn't talk about anyone or anything else for weeks he didn't! He so regretted not taking you with him, but then, where we were going was no fit place for a lady, and when we finally make our way here again, oh the difficulty in finding you! He feared you had moved away, or some misfortune had befallen you! He wanted to send you an invitation to dine with him, alas, you couldn't be found, but now here you are! You simply must come with me, Master Ragara will be so delighted..." he prattered on in the like for a bit, dropping the Ragara name now and then before finally turning one more to the man who had spoken, s if surprised to find him still here.

"Ah, Ummm, Well I must say I never would have found Sawami if not for you fine...err, gentlemen. If you will just give me your names I'm sure I can convince my master to be most generous in compensating you for your aid..." he trailed off.


(Mani.+Perfomance) to get them to disperse peacefully.

Difficulty: I have no damn clue.

Rolling:Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 3 3 9 7 5 3 ] (TN: 7)
The leader of the band seems to hesitate for a second, stunned by your overwhelmingly credible speech:

"I huh... I didn't... know there was a dynast involved here..."

But then he rapidly comes to his senses:

"It doesn't change anything, I'm asking you one last time, leave now, or prepare to suffer the consequences of your stubborness !" and the men draw and ready a serie of strangely mundane weapons for thugs, kama, staves and sticks. They look very much like commoners, brown leather and cloth clothes, ugly faces, and a clear disrespect for personal hygiene, but the way they move betray their training and intentions, they are used to fight in numbers.
This was not going well. Why couldn't the stupid thugs ever leave on cue, suitably bamboozled by the plucky young anathema's words? He distantly realized there was something wrong with that last thought, possibly the combination of the words plucky and anathema. Then again, why couldn't an anathema be a hero-like figure? Did they have to be the monsters described by the Immaculate Philosophy or-

He shook his head. He was getting distracted again. He couldn't answer these questions, which is half of why he was wandering in the first place, to find someone who could.

"Ah. Well, my good fellow.." he said fishing around in the pocket of his somewhat ratty jacket "If you'll just look here.." with this he pulled out his pocket watch and showed it to him, giving him a moment to focus on it "I think you'll find..."

He quickly pivoted on his heel and snapped a quick kick at the man.

"That you really shouldn't have threatened me." he snapped.


Join Battle: Results for 5 dice: 4 successes [ 7 3 4 9 0 ] (TN: 7)

Accuracy: Results for 8 dice: 3 successes [ 4 1 7 2 6 8 9 3 ] (TN: 7)

Raw Damage: Results for 5 dice: 4 successes [ 7 9 1 8 7 ] (TN: 7)
Your quicksilver movements and attitude surprise everyone on the bridge, giving you the upper hand.


Leader 6xD10: 2 5 1 6 4 9 : 1 suxx

7 goons: 5xD10: 2 5 5 9 6 : 1 suxx

Sawami 8xD10: 1 8 8 6 7 2 3 1 : 3 suxx

... well at least this is a good start...

T0: Tamat / Sawami

T3: Leader and goons

add 2 stunt die to your roll.

Sorry for not including the stunt dice all the time. I'm still getting ahold of what does, and does not constitute a stunt...

Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 5 9 ] (TN: 7)
Your foot finds his chest and you can feel this will not be a pleasant meeting.


You hit by one, so that Str 2 + kick 2 + 1 = 5

His soak is 2B, so roll 3 damage suxx.

In any case, his "stand up" pool is lower than 5 so he must check for knockdown

3xD10: 3 7 6/ 1 suxx, not enough...


The precision of your kick catches him off guard and the impact stops him as his body adopts a horizontal position just a instant before falling to the ground.
Hastily hankering to have at this happy happening Tamat's heel homed in on the head honcho's head.


Not entirely sure if I'm doing this right, so I'll keep it simple for now. But a little alliteration for because.

JB:5 dice:Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 2 7 7 4 9 ] (TN: 7)

Accuracy: 8 dice: Results for 8 dice: 5 successes [ 6 8 7 9 2 6 1 0 ] (TN: 7)

Raw Dmg: 5 dice Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 4 7 9 1 4 ] (TN: 7)

You need to roll 3 dice of damage for your kick.

Then it will be my turn T3, then yours on T5.

Relax, it just means you didn't do any damage... there are no consequences for a botched damage roll since 10 do not count as 2 suxx... a botch on an attack roll would have been funnier :twisted:


The Leader screams "Grab the girl and throw this fool into the river !" at his men and the seven men start running towards you and Sawami going for your limbs.


Leader getting up / goons attack:

4 on you: 5xD10: 10 8 3 4 9 : 4 suxx (you are at -3 DDV total and since you just attacked your PDV is not enough to null the clinch, you're caught unless you use a charm / stunt).

3 on Sawami : 5xD10: 1 9 6 10 2 :3 suxx she's caught.


Sawami is caught by the neck and the arms. She tries to free herself but the men are too strong for her.


T5: you

T8: leader

T9: goons.
"Guh!" Tamat gasped as the wind was knocked out of his lungs, as the first man collided with him, tangling up his arms and legs.

Tamat staggered, caught off guard and knocked off balance as he was, the other men quickly had little trouble snagging his arms and legs.

Getting his breath back he looked at the men and smiled jovially at them.

"Now, now chaps. I quite like you fellows too, but I'm afraid you're rather ruining my 'Save the damsel in distress' bit, and it's rude to keep a lady waiting for her rescue so if I could just convince you to let go..." he grunted the last few words as he struggled against their holds.


I don't THINK any of my charms can really help with being clinched...

And...I dunno. I can't really think of something stunt-worthy for dodging a clinch.


I'm caught.

I believe it's Dex+MA to get out of the clinch...

Results for 8 dice: 7 successes [ 9 0 1 8 5 0 7 6 ] (TN: 7) O_O. Woo!

-3+2=-1. Still pretty useless.

Also I think I misunderstood just how DV drops from actions worked. And still do. Must do more research.

Regardless I have already made a witty qoute. Play on!
The leader of the goons gets up and looks severely at his men

"Hold that insolent... you have NO idea what you just got yourself into you little prick!"

And with that he throws his right hook into your liver.


7xD10: 3 8 7 10 10 6 5: holy sh... 6 suxx

Str 2 + 6 8B vs... soak 2B

6xD10: 6 3 3 4 1 5: :shock: damn it's your luck day :lol:


His fist buries itself into your belly, but his punch is nearly not good enough.

This is the occasion you needed, as soon as he's about to launch the second blow, you feel the grip of his men loosening, and you know it is your chance.

Using the softness of your clothes and quicksilver movements, you twist their arms and break their holds on you.

"What are you doing you morons, give him a lesson !!!" yells the leader.


T9: goons vs Tamat

5xD10: 8 6 9 1 10: 4 suxx, impressive but not nearly good enough against your 7 suxx, so you're free to act the four men are too but you go first !

T13: leader
With a merry grin and an echoing laugh Tamat danced away from their clumsy attempts to snare him again and reached into a pocket in his jacket and drew forth a handful of cards, which he spread like a cheap fan. Waving it at the stumbling men and holding it up to his eyes and fluttering his eyelashes at the leader he laughed at their confused expressions before tossing the handful at them, using the brief moment of stunned silence to slip around and strike three blows at each of the men who had captured Sawami.


Let's try a flurry shall we?

Three attacks and incidentally a usage of Demure Carp Feint



Base: 8 +1(weapon:Punch)-3(Penalties(Multiple Action))=6

Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 6 2 7 6 3 7 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 1 7 2 7 3 7 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 6 dice: 4 successes [ 9 9 4 7 7 1 ] (TN: 7)

Right...from what I've seen I'd need to know their Soaks & DVs to get the dmg but...

I figure I can just roll the max # of die and you can take the first (# of dice I would have) numbers and count those as my rolls.

Raw Damage=[str(2)+Weapon Damage(0)]=2

Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 6 4 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 2 5 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 2 7 ] (TN: 7)

...and that's when I learned an important lesson about the importance of the Str stat in character generation.

And Demure Carp Feint brings my DVs from 4 to 6 sans...not sure but I suspect 3 for the flurry, sans probably 2 for coordinated attacks for 1 DDV and 3 PDV? That sound right? (I'd like to get a grip on the rules as soon as possible, so forgive me if I'm pestering you)

Okay let's do the math again :wink:

When you flurry, you get - x (total number of actions) on the first roll then - x (total number of actions +1) and so on.

In your case, if your base is 8 + 1 fist, the first roll is 6 (9-3), second roll would be 5 (9-4) third roll would be 4 (9-5) :)

However your description earned you a 2 die stunt, which means your rolls would be 8-7-6 :)

In the right order of events it's : 1/ attack roll (you) 2/ confrontation with DV (me) 3/ determining failure or success (me) 4/ determining damage (me) 5/ rolling damage (you).

You can't roll damage before you know if you hit your targets or know their soak value :) .

Good use of DCF by the way, your PDV is now (dex 4 + MA 4 + def fist 2) /2 - 3 attacks + 2 DCF: 4 :)
Results for 8 dice: 4 successes [ 5 5 8 3 3 0 7 3 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 7 dice: 4 successes [ 9 8 3 2 4 5 0 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 7 4 2 9 7 2 ] (TN: 7)

And I figured I know what my MAX dice could POSSIBLY be for each attack. 2 dice.

So I roll 2 dice for each target, record the results and ignore the successes.

That way when YOU figure out how many dice I should have actually rolled you can just take the first [that many] results and ignore the rest. Just trying to save time, but naturally whatever you want goes...

Well they have a soak of 3B, and they are extras automatic damage (= post soak damage /3) applies.

So you just punch them to their -1 level (2 more to go to knock them down).


But yeah I'd rather follow the steps (mainly for the purpose of charms boosting soak) to roll damage as the final step: :)

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