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Fantasy Talking To The Moon -OOC-

The song is the same title as the rp. Like the song is about the unseen souls mate that they can’t help think about and everyone swears they are going crazy but he just sits up talking to the moon hoping that she hears his words. Like it’s pretty much the rp with this plot thing.
The song is the same title as the rp. Like the song is about the unseen souls mate that they can’t help think about and everyone swears they are going crazy but he just sits up talking to the moon hoping that she hears his words. Like it’s pretty much the rp with this plot thing.

I am impressed! Its such a mediocre song that I wasn't sure anyone would notice or get the reference. You are absolutely right!
wait- is that the bruno mars song im thinking about???
or another one??

im working on a post right now. one of my assignments is actually due next friday and the other got extended to wednesday and i am fuming~ gotta get it out in the form of my first post~ let's hope i don't screw this up
i think i'll have juno with the younger pack members~
also i hope im not going crazy, but is there a discrepancy in the events ic? things didn't fit together at the end...
Alright, done with Chase's post, not as detailed as i wanted it to be but I'm about to keel over from lack of sleep.
Will get something up with Relah later in the afternoon, we can say that she's probably asleep somewhere under a table or something. ;D
Loralyda Loralyda just a heads up technically the Blackwood pack had not reached the Silverwood yet as Wolfe would describe it. So be ready for some editing to have to be done to all of our post possibly
Loralyda Loralyda I was able to make your post work in with mine, however Wolfie will have to edit out that part about Eric in hers. She can add it into the next one though! :)
Unfortunately, I will be out of town from this evening to sunday evening. Feel free to use my character as an NPC just a little if needed to progress the story. See ya guys on Monday!
i just so happen to have a week off, usually i'm only free in the weekends, i can do smaller post during the week though.
I'll be around sporadically throughout the week, got a lot of night shifts this month so hopefully enough time to write.

-Pets Chase as he's feeling a little ignored since Anna ran off-
How heartbroken would y’all be if I told you guys I planned to kill off which ever one of my characters did not get souls matched with.....lol and I think it’s gonna be the fan favorite Esa. I have an addiction of killing my favorite characters.
Noo, she's beautiful <3
You masochist!!!
Besides, team white-wolf, come on!
Don't make team white-wolf sad!
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I knoooow she is weird and so unapologetic her and it's so cool to rp her and im in love with her....which makes me want to kill her, or make her runway. it's in my nature i got to end someone. An chase is to important, and i plan on giving Kina an important role as well.
Heheh had to make sure Kina had something good to tell the packs on what they should be worried about 😋
Lol I’m tryna figure out how she would react to the drunk girl. She is young and all beat up. It would almost pull on kina’s heart strings....almost.
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oh....wait so we aren't going with the original plan?
Like why would Lucas in the middle of a very important meeting sneak off. This isn’t even his territory to patrol. Plus kina and Mel aren’t even close to them at all. They are near the outskirts but off territory. Mel is very fast, too fast for one wolf to catch her. I thought the point was that kina was going to have to swallow her pride and go to the pack to let them know there was this dangerous rouge running around. I mean it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. If you would prefer to have Lucas sneak off it’s your rp. I’ll just have kina not chase her. It’s just gonna be a couple of days for her to introduce herself. Without cause. she ain’t gonna go meet the pack. I have other characters to play with so it’s fine. In order to keep kina in character I can’t rush her plot line.

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