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Fantasy Talking To The Moon -OOC-

Omg it would be the end of Anna’s relaxation. If no one claimed him I was going to just pair him with esa but heck yeah I’m down for whatever. He’s gonna try and bully her when the touch base anyway so get ready for that 😂😂😂😂
Omg it would be the end of Anna’s relaxation. If no one claimed him I was going to just pair him with esa but heck yeah I’m down for whatever. He’s gonna try and bully her when the touch base anyway so get ready for that 😂😂😂😂
I'm so ready! Let's do it
In my post the person he felt deserved a beat down was Anna 😂 so let’s hope Vincent and Lucas manage to keep things together. I’ll probably have esa just show up out of nowhere, but right now she is currently sneaking her way into luca’s and Vincent’s room (not really sneaking cus Luna let her in) to give some ‘gifts’.
In my post the person he felt deserved a beat down was Anna 😂 so let’s hope Vincent and Lucas manage to keep things together. I’ll probably have esa just show up out of nowhere, but right now she is currently sneaking her way into luca’s and Vincent’s room (not really sneaking cus Luna let her in) to give some ‘gifts’.
Eric: *walks into camp*
Anna: you again...
Eric: *sniffs*
Anna: *sniffs*
E+A: NO.
lol omg i have this whole epic anime battle intro that eric has planned in his head and he finally gets to confront her (i'll pm you why he hates her) and then the realization clicking in. And just to add in drama cus why not ill say esa really liked eric.
Oh Xenagg Xenagg we need to think on how we are going to get Meli and Lucas within sniffing range of eachother 😂 Maybe she ventures back into the forest after her refreshing beverages and she happens to head in Silverwoods direction, which causes Lucas to smell her an he sneaks off right when Eric and Anna start brawling with drama! Poor Vincent would be cross as his son not only left him to deal with Eric he then brings a rogue back with him. LOL
oh crap i was about to have a way to get meli in contact with silverwood and introduce kina but yall already figured it out XD oh well i'll just have her come up another way
no no it's fine It's kinda the same thing but with less steps. Kina's thing is that despite her being a werewolf she doesn't trust other werewolves. Obviously she can't do anything to the pack members but she has killed rouges if they stick around for to long. Obvi she spots meli cus she is new to the area and she plans on chasing her away or killing her. My original plan was that obvi Mel is fast af and a lil too tough for kin. So kina was going to go to the clan and pretty much tell them there was a flipping rouge and she might be a danger and she needs to be chased off or killed. yall go looking for her lucas sniff sniff and then boom. I was under the assumption that you wanted rogues to be introduce later on not everyone saying hi all at once. It's all good tho it was just a suggestion. i am already thinking of other ways.
I could always change it up!!! I don’t mind deleting what I wrote for Meli and waiting for you to introduce Kina!
lol alright bet. I'll do a seen of kina giving her first warning to mel to get lost.
no no it's fine It's kinda the same thing but with less steps. Kina's thing is that despite her being a werewolf she doesn't trust other werewolves. Obviously she can't do anything to the pack members but she has killed rouges if they stick around for to long. Obvi she spots meli cus she is new to the area and she plans on chasing her away or killing her. My original plan was that obvi Mel is fast af and a lil too tough for kin. So kina was going to go to the clan and pretty much tell them there was a flipping rouge and she might be a danger and she needs to be chased off or killed. yall go looking for her lucas sniff sniff and then boom. I was under the assumption that you wanted rogues to be introduce later on not everyone saying hi all at once. It's all good tho it was just a suggestion. i am already thinking of other ways.

The meeting today was caused by the sudden spark in Rogue activity so this all works out perfectly.
Also Kina is going to be a challenge for anyone, but she is open. If your character requires a lot of love and affection she might not be the best choice. Her version of I love you aint for everyone Loralyda Loralyda

but it be cool to see someone pull out her softer side
I don't bite feel free to be honest with me, I see RP potential there, but if you're not feeling it, I'd rather know rather than have you lose interest or not have fun ;P
(great english here, sorry I'm a lil tired.)

Owh dear Lupus I have a lot to read up on...

myst.erion myst.erion I can't stop staring at your gif signature... the lost boys?

Boondox Boondox can I still make another character or are applications closed now?
i already made it official lol they have mated...that came out wrong but you know what i mean. which leaves my hippie girl left to do her hippie girl crap and honestly i love that.
Loralyda Loralyda You may make another character! If theres an odd ratio that character might be without a mate for abit. I am debating on making another main character myself

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