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Fantasy Talking To The Moon -OOC-

I think I am going to add a paired section on the character page in the main post so we can see who is with who right away from the top of the page
ok, I might have taken a look at someones tab system
-shifts eyes to Dumplingboy Dumplingboy hope you don't mind, its just very convenient!-

But working on Relah now, not sure yet where I should put her though.

Maybe add characters who are still looking too? Makes it easier to search for a mate I think.
lol it's fine. I've been writing a post for four hours now, its not long im just lazy and keep watching youtube after every three word
allllll this planning DX i want to get it on it but i've no time at all

Loralyda Loralyda yes!! it's from The Lost Boys!!! :o:D:angelD:

Boondox Boondox i can't guarantee i will be able to post today~ i am completing one assignment by 5 today, and another by 11, and I also have something due Sunday night~
I will definitely try to make juno's first post after assignment 2 is submitted~ IF i dont pass out
myst.erion myst.erion i feel that struggle with all the assignments... I keep distracting myself 😭 I have to finish 2 20 page thesis’ and a final essay on the USSR but it’s all due next week. I’m procrastinating hardcore 😅 wishing you all the luck with your work!!
myst.erion myst.erion i feel that struggle with all the assignments... I keep distracting myself 😭 I have to finish 2 20 page thesis’ and a final essay on the USSR but it’s all due next week. I’m procrastinating hardcore 😅 wishing you all the luck with your work!!
thankyouuuuuuuu DX i said i wouldnt leave things so last minute again after my last assignment stuffed me over but here we are again!
i urge you to stop getting distracted :P Dx
good luck to you too!
myst.erion myst.erion Xenagg Xenagg

WELL... I am laid off work due to this corona thing, I am stuck home with a toddlerasaurus so THIS is my sanity and I have lots of time to give right now. I understand about everyone still having lives except me. LOL
myst.erion myst.erion I knew it!!!! I've been staring at it for a while and I could not figure out why it looked so familiar, and then it hit me! Claaassic movie <3
Xenagg Xenagg Owh believe me, I know exactly how you feel, I got 2 months left and I still gotta finish up 4 medical exams x.x
myst.erion myst.erion I knew it!!!! I've been staring at it for a while and I could not figure out why it looked so familiar, and then it hit me! Claaassic movie <3
Xenagg Xenagg Owh believe me, I know exactly how you feel, I got 2 months left and I still gotta finish up 4 medical exams x.x

Oh no, that sounds even more stressful 😳 2 months are gunna go by quickly too but you got this!!!
Hey aja how is the writing going?
oh you know wrote one sentence got distracted and now am watching the entire twilight movie
Xenagg Xenagg Going from "well be fiiiiiiiiine" to "OMGIMHYPERVENTILATINGPANIC" back to "coooool as a cucumber!~" I hope you're faring better, I mean yours is due next week! I'd die!
Dumplingboy Dumplingboy lol, we need a parent-block movie sites while writing app 😆
you know what, im done. i'm finally done with my flipping post and i read the post for anna and now i have to rewrite everything cus that is noooot how i saw this going at all
the amount of stupidity i posses is world breaking XD i should be locked up and studied
Ah okay maybe it's me. cus i was like am i not in a different group. yeah know what ill just post what i have and we can figure it out XD
Yes, post what you have an we can just get Wolfie to edit that part out or add something different. 😊 No harm done we will straighten it out.
omg the fact that this rp is literally just the song talking to the moon in rp form and it took me this long to realize it even tho its named talking to the moon

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