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Fantasy Tales of the Rising Phoenix

Character Creation

Now, we are at one of the most important parts of the rp, creating a character. In this section, I shall be giving you information on the different sections of the character sheet, which you will be making. This will cover things that will affect your character, such as what race he/she should be, what is his/her role in this story, etc.



*Do not mind the guns.

Races. Usually, in fantasy-based stories, we tend to follow the stereotype wherein humans, elves, and dwarves exist together. But why should we stop there? Let's not exclude the orcs, trolls, gnomes, and other humanoid races. We aren't settling at that level, though. Any race, that would fit in the fantasy genre, can be used in this rp. Heck, you may even make up your own race, provided that you give the significant info on them, such as their appearance, culture, traditions, and other things that make them unique.

Although I have said that, I will still be checking the viability of your chosen race and the compatibility of it to this rp. That means if your race is just straight overpowered, then it won't be accepted as one.


Roles. To avoid everyone being able to survive on their own, which would make the story quite less interesting, I've decided to create roles, which then, will be filled in by your characters. I believe that using such a thing will allow not only me, but the players as well, to create twists and interesting events in the story. Now, off to the different roles, and their purposes. A team is required to have at least one of each role.



- A fighter is a role whose main purpose is to engage enemies on combat. They are usually equipped with weapons and armors, and are quite skilled in the battlefield. Although they have much prowess in the physical form of battle, they are incapable of using magic, but still have a way of working against it.



- A mage is a role whose main purpose is to provide defense, offense, or utility, both in and out of combat, through magical means. Usually armed with an array of spells, a mage is a role that is the most versatile. However, their ability to use magic has prevented them to use weaponry, and they are the weakest in terms of physical stature.



- A defender is a role whose main purpose is to face front all opposers and cover their allies from harm. Their usual task is to protect those who are defenseless by shielding them with themselves, or simply take the attention of the enemies to them, giving their allies a chance to strike. They usually come in heavily armored outfits, which provides them high defenses not only to physical means, but to magic as well. However, they are quite slow, and are not as dangerous as the fighters and mages.



- A supporter is a role whose main purpose is to provide support and utility to the other roles, both in and out of combat. Usually they posses a little bit of combat knowledge up to having none at all. This means that they will be the first to fall if left unattended, and that is why they are usually located in the back lines, where they safely provide support to their allies. Supporting can be done through magical and non-magical means. Supporters usually handles the healing of the other members of the team, fixing their morale, and setting up camps, checking maps, and more outside-of-combat based actions.

On Magic and Combat

Magic is a covers quite a large scope. That is why I will be stating here several types of magic which you can use, in order to avoid people one-shorting others with very powerful and complex magic. Remember, you can only use ONE type.

Types of Magic:


- Be it generating flames, or manipulating the waters, elemental magic is the most common magic that is being used. Elemental magic is versatile, it can be used in defense, offense and utility. An average mage can use several elements which would be giving the same impact, or focus on one element and increase the effectivity of that element's spells.


- Be it conjuring a small wolf, or calling upon a huge rock-like creature, summoning magic provides the mage a companion/s which he can use to his bidding. However, in some cases, the summoned creatures tend to disregard the mage as their master and eventually cause chaos. Summoned creatures may or may not have special abilities, which would depend on the mage's current knowledge. Summoned creatures will not exist permanently by the mage's side. Usually, they disappear once they have served their purpose or have gone through the time limit.

Shape shifting

- One of the rarest types of magic. Usually, it allows the mage to turn into a vicious creature, bestowing him new Abilties within a time limit. However, as the mage gains the creature's strength, he also gains its weaknesses. There are many problems with this type of magic, especially regarding the lack of clothing when one reverts to the original form. It is rumored that advanced knowledge in this magic allows a mage to shapeshift into another person as a whole.


- The common magic usually used by Supporters. This type of magic allows the mage to imbue a target with different kinds of energy, bestowing them heightened abilities, or simply shielding them from harm. Enchantment magic can also cure wounds, though not quite effective. The enchantments lasts only for a short moment, and can be dispelled by other enchantment spells.

Now, on combat. There are many things that a combat-based character can do, but not all. He can win most battles, but that is not a certainty. All are subjected to chance, and might not be able to be on the winning side of the fight. Heck, one can even die to a battle. But don't worry, if your character is to die, I'll make sure that you'd be informed of such a thing and asked for your approval before it happens. If your character dies, you can make another one, and catch up to the story, or simply go with another team.

On Skills and Abilties

Now, to one of the most crucial parts of character creation - the skills and abilities. I have classified them as skills, which are a character's out-of-combat capabilities, and abilities, which would be the in-combat credentials. Takes note that not all are recommended to have great skills and abilities right off the bat, for that could only cause a lot of complications during "judgement time".


- As said, skills are the things that the character can effectively do outside combat. Things such as map-reading, herbal knowledge, and more of that scale fall under here. Although they would seem to be quite boring, they hold much more impact than the Abilties. Trust me, the Undiscovered Lands isn't dangerous only because of the unknown creatures in it, but because of the unprepared venturers as well.


- As said, abilities are the things that the character can do effectively in combat. Things such as swordsmanship, quick reflexes, magic spells, and more fall under here. Abilities, like skills, can grow and develop into more effective ones, however the time and process in doing so is quite long.


Equipment is also an important part of character creation. You wouldn't want you character to be naked, and using nothing but an imaginary stick as a weapon right? Equipment in this story will be having a small take on the realistic part, though. There are certainly no guns here, since we are going to be playing in the medieval period. Also, an average person cannot carry a freakishly large weapon, when he simply doesn't have the means, and strength to do so. Mages, as said earlier, cannot equip weapons, but they can use magic tomes and staves to assist them in their spell casts. Having heavy armor will certainly slow you down, like the Defenders. A person cannot carry a large amount of items, and yet still move with ease. Do not turn your inventories as your portable banks.

There are more things that could be elaborated but I don't plan to take up too much time and space in doing so.

Character Feedback

Reviews and feedback on your character will be done before it is accepted. However, in order to keep the cs tab as order as it can, I will be doing such things in the OOC tab. Once your character has been approved, your post shall receive a like from me.

CS Template:

The Rising Phoenix Guild

    Appearance: (Description only. Use imagefloat function if using a picture.)

    Personality: At least a paragraph of five sentences.

    Backstory: Describe your character's history before the expedition.


MIGRATED CSs (Accepted Only)


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Xedris Morteo

    Role: Mage (Summoner)

    Race: Lich

    Age: Ancient

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Once he was cruel and ambitious, but now Xedris has lost most earthly desires and only seeks the contemplation of nature. He is an advocate of balance, in all its forms, and his soothing personality balances his innately terrifying undead presence. He sees his own nature as an opportunity to observe the world in ways mortal eyes cannot, but that could be just because he cannot remember ever not being an undead. He is as patient as a rock, and has about the same sense of time. If left alone he might very well we spend a few years admiring a beautiful pasture without noticing the passing of time.

    Backstory: A very long time ago, Xedris Morteo was a powerful and evil necromancer intent on taking over the world. His undead armies and Xedris' own transformation into a lich made him one of the greatest calamities of his era. However, mighty heroes rose up against him in an effort to defeat him.

    Although the heroes did not succeed in killing him, they did manage to steal his phylactery (soul jar, the source of his power) and seal him inside of a tomb.


    There he remained for who-knows how long, alone in the dark. After a few centuries without the phylactery, he began to lose his powers and memories. When he finally escaped, he was a shadow of his former self with greatly diminished powers and no memory of his past. Chased away by mortals, he wandered the wilds alone. Gaining an affinity with nature despite his undead nature.

    There was nothing left of the malevolent necromancer, Xedris became a philosopher obsessed with the balance between life and death, the nature of order and chaos, and other great mysteries.

    When encountering mortals in the wilds, he would hide his face and help them in any way he could, until eventually his secret was discovered by the guild.

    He has centuries of experience with the wilds and the spirits that dwell within, but even he will have a hard time understanding the undiscovered lands


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Elith McCoy

    Role: Mage (Weak Nature Manip. + Healing)

    Race: Human

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Elith usually wears men's clothing, due to her work in healing. She always wears her long leather coat, shown above, but isn't against wearing a dress. She always wears long leather gloves that go up to her elbow, and a long-sleeve undershirt. She has blue eyes, brown/red curly hair, usually kept in a bun, and pale skin. Overall, she's fairly pretty, but her attire, and oftentimes the streaks of dirt on her face, tends to counteract that, not that she cares. She has only one scar she keeps visible, which runs from just behind her left ear, to just below her collar bone. It is not very commonly noticed. She usually also carries her pack, and has an odd pack and shield holster system that allows her to carry either on her hip or back. Her height is about 5' 8".

    Personality: Elith is nice and sweet in a very laid-back way. She is very much a mother-bear, putting everyone else's needs and wishes before her own. She keeps an open mind about everything, always wanting to learn more. She can be very excitable, but also very calm; she understands the value of solitude. She is funny and can put anyone at ease in moments. However, she can be sharp-tongued when she wishes.

    She's very willing to protect at the risk of her own life. Elith has acted in what has been criticized as "reckless disregard for her own life." She always wants to help people, often going to lengths to hide her own physical or emotional pain for others. She tries to never kill, as she believes she is not judge or jury, but is willing to kill in defense of the third. When she cannot protect someone, or her friends or innocents are being hurt, she can snap; and when she's enraged as such, may the gods help her target.

    Backstory: Elith was raised on the outskirts of Phaesa. Her parents had trouble keeping an eye on her, since she'd be off to learn anything new the second it was possible. As she got older, she'd still ask questions, but also began taking things apart, eventually rebuilding them. She grew up with a deep love of plants, and a fascination with herbs and their abilities. Despite how often she volunteered and worked with people, she was a loner, often declining invitations to parties to stay at home, and read or tinker. Her book knowledge is great, but she believes in learning things first-hand.

    Her parents were killed when she was 17. They'd been camping and had strayed too close to the edges of the forest. (Leaving some to reveal
    :P ) By dawn, Elith was left with her hand crippled, a wound to her neck and shoulder, and absolutely alone.

    Elith runs into problems that aren't concerning her, and can't help but get involved; this has led to her helping the Guard on multiple occasions, prompting her to become battle-trained and have a reputation. She has some terrifying stories of raids she's been dragged on and the like, and their sometimes less than fantastic results, and she has the scars to prove it. This only has increased her protectiveness over innocents, especially children. She recently joined the Guild, happy for the adventure.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Stigr Ironhands

    Role: Support

    Race: Dwarf

    Age: 75

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Like many of the people in his particular clan, Stigr is blunt to the point that casual passersby think he is extremely rude. While he doesn't mean to offend anyone most of the time, he'll also refuse to apologize in any instance where someone is offended, stating that their interpretation has naught to do with him. Stigr's views on most subjects are like that as well; Very rarely, he'll reveal his opinion on some matter, though the opinions are almost always about something wildly inconsequential like how many potatoes should be in a bowl of stew or why it's more important to keep your beard exposed while smithing rather than tucking it behind your apron. In his own way, however, Stigr does care about the well-being of others around him. As he told a cohort of his once, "If all of you died, who would buy my drinks? It ain't gonna be me." Due to his upbringing, Stigr also has an intense fondness for food and drink of all sorts and views sharing a meal with someone as the ultimate proof of acceptance between them.

    Backstory: Stigr was born in deep in a cave between Cahan and Ridon to a couple that had newly joined the clan that occupied it, the plainsfolk. His parents never quite fit in, but simply made due until it was clear whether Stigr would be able to successfully integrate or not. Once it was clear that he'd be alright, his parents set about to actually building a life within the halls of the plainsfolk. Much of his life was uneventful until he began to show a natural aptitude for working the forge, at which point he was whisked away to apprentice under one of the master smiths deep in the cave system.

    After fifteen years of making small crafts and mainly working the bellows, Stigr was finally given the chance to make an axe for one of the guard trainees. While not as high quality as something his master would have produced in the same situation with the same materials, it was forged well enough that one of the captains of the guard took it for himself rather than let a trainee wield it. It was at this point that Stigr decided to step out of the caves he'd spent his entire life in, at the relatively young age of 70, and ply his trade elsewhere. While he assured the elders of that it was just to learn new techniques and return with them once he achieved mastery, he had no intention of returning at all. While he has decent skill with a hammer and forge, Stigr knows that there is no real way of predicting what trials he'll encounter in the undiscovered lands.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Fox Redtail

    Role:Mage (Shapeshifter)

    Race: Wildling

    Age: 19


    Personality: The gentlest way to describe fox's complete lack of social graces and skills is to say that she is extremely quirky and prone to not paying attention to what others say. As an outcast from civilization fox rarely has any Idea of what town, city or life in general is like outside her forest home. In general though, shes like a big ol wolf, extremely affectionate and loyal to those she likes but obsessve and hateful to those she doesn't, with very little grey area in between.The other important aspect is, down to her bones, fox is a hunter, she has the black and white view of pray and not prey and can get very territorial when others try to poach on what's hers. While she values all life and nature, she values the kill or be killed mentality highly as part of it.Lastly,fox is half nature spirit and the clash between her mortal side and spirit half is constant. She cannot force herself into a normal life and become fully human or her spirit half will be pained and she cannot be a true part of nature or her mortality will slowly kill her. This causes massive conflict in her psyche constantly and Fox knows that if doesn't stop soon, it will kill her.


    In the town where fox was born, anything to do with nature spirits was considered at best bad luck and at worst a heresy worthy of burning..When Fox was born her mother saw her supernaturally glowing eyes and she left the girl for dead in the woods. Luckily the wildling was found by a wandering adventurer who took it upon himself to raise her right. He did so for seven years before he succumbed to a deadly poison and died, leaving Fox alone. The trauma from this snapped Fox and the young child shape-shifted for the first time. She spent the next twelve years on her own. learning to control her power and generally living a peaceful life.. That changed when a group of adventurers came looking for her foster father in the forest, after three days of hunting they cornered fox and after a series of tense questionings biting and a few black eyes the truth came out, they wanted Fox's father, a former master navigator for an expedition, and Fox volunteered to come in his place.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Maeric Tower-Stone

    Role: Defender

    Race: Dwarf

    Age: 175

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: He is a stocky man, when he hasn't got his helmet on you can see his beard reaches halfway down his body and is plaited and braided where ever it isn't tied with copper rings and his face looks like it was chiseled out of a mountain.

    Personality: Maeric has a love of two things, a good battle and good company, especially if either are aided by a good stiff drink. His personality reflects this completely as, for the most part, he is a very jolly little fellow happy to tell you stories of battles past and eager to listen to all you have to say as well. However if there is a smell of battle you can see the expression in his face harden like steel, his hands searching for an ever better grip on his hammer and his stance hunched, shield close in, as though expected a hammer much like his to impact his shield and send him flying. The thing with Maeric is that he loves a good battle, but if he is to be in one then he is going to win. Despite this he loves drink and often has a good pint or two before a battle, if there is any around o' course. The other interesting thing to note is that, while it's hard to offend him, its also hard to make peace with the man, that said if you manage he will happily forget what it was you did, especially if you offer him a drink.

    Backstory: Maeric is of the Clan of the Grey-Beard and its minor clan Tower-Stone. It has long been tradition among those of the GreyBeards that stories be told of battles before and battles to be. The GreyBeards are a folk of mystery and folklore and, beyond their love of fighting, gather in great halls to partake in the great 'Story Smithing' where dwarves young and old would meet and tell stories, stories they had been told and stories that they had created or, often with the elders, stories they had lived. Maeric lived for these and, even as a young dwarfling, would travel for days to see an elder tell one of their finests stories. As soon as he was old enough to set a path for himself he set of during the warmer months in the hopes of finding adventure and inspiration and spent the cooler months telling and listening to great stories in the many halls of the GreyBeards and even beyond. His renown among the GreyBeards became so great that he was offered him a piece of Tower-Stone armour, Armour so rare even the great smiths of the clan TowerStone themselves knew not of the secrets that were once involved in making it. Maeric accepted it telling them he would travel far, seek the edges of all that is and find stories never before experienced and then, once he had done all this, he would return and take his place among the elders, with a long beard of grey and an infinite supply of impossible stories. This was back when he was a mere dwarf of 105.

    Now after many years exploring all that was known to the world and making a trade telling tales and felling fiends he found his beard not grey and little more adventure to be had. Then he heard tell of the Rising Phoenix, it was told to him that they slew a dragon and that they sook to uphold a future of glory and justice, maintaining all that was good and proper and dissolving all that was dark and destructive. He travelled to them and told them of his life and his abilities and, moreover, or his search for adventure. This was some years ago now but they saw that his skill could amplify their deeds to the common people and that his strength was true. They had him go along on their most impressive feats so that he would go forth and recount them in story, telling the world how fantastic the guild was, how glorious and gracious. Then they told him of their plans for the undiscovered lands, now he had their respect so he was able to decline without loosing any standings among the guild at all but, he accepted saying that "If anything in this small world will give me tales never told before then that be it!"


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Aldras Stone

    Role: Fighter

    Race: Human

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: (Description only. Use imagefloat function if using a picture.)

    A tall young man with a muscled and lean body, his fringe is long and sometimes covers his eyes. He bandages his hands and legs but not the fingers and toes. His eyes and hair are both black and he has a long scar running from his right shoulder to

    Personality: Aldras is an easy to talk to and friendly guy and will entertain others but never say much about himself. He is very independent and likes do things at his own pace. Aldras is a highly skilled fighter but cannot be bothered with everything else, often requiring others to clean up after him. In battle, he is very serious, intimidating, demanding and harsh, almost a different person from how he is outside of battle. A self centered, stubborn and lazy young man, he will not fight a battle he feels he isn't needed in but is very intense when he wants nothing more than to win. He has a bad habit of testing others and doesn't like orders. When it is concerning a matter important to him, he likes to handle it/work alone no matter how reckless or unreasonable it might be. He has a short temper when in a bad mood or discussing topics sensitive to him though he is otherwise calm and mischievous, disturbing others as and when he feels like it. He can be temperamental, happy when minute then moody the next. Despite his self centered behavior, he treasures his family greatly. Touch anything of his without his permission and he might just kill you. His obsession over the state, position and cleanliness of his equipment has often been considered unusual for a guy as lazy as him.

    Backstory: He lost his mother to the Undiscovered lands when he was 10 but refused to believe she was dead, devoting the next 9 years of his life to training himself so that he could take them on. He did not want to join the Rising Phoenix Guild but was eventually convinced to by his father. As a gift to him, his father gave him the sword he now uses in battle. He killed the people he had determined responsible for his mother's venture into the Undiscovered lands. As a result of his mother having been betrayed by several of her close friends Aldras later killed, he has issues trusting others beyond a certain extent and is hostile to anyone he deems a threat. He made a name for himself as the Reaper from the killing sprees and took up jobs after that in order to train himself even more in preparation for his journey into the Undiscovered lands under this alias.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Rhassh Armer A.K.A. Shiryoku

    Role: Fighter

    Race: Considered a Human, although truly an Etherborn

    Age: 31

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Standing at 6'0, Rhassh can be easily spotted within small groups, not because of his size, nor his presence, but because of his appearance that resembles that of a ninja's. He wears lightweight yet sturdy clothing, which some parts are covered by mixed leather and metal armor. Most of his face is covered by a mask, leaving only his strangely glowing blue eyes revealed. His two main, and only, weapons are found strapped at his back, crossed against each other.

    Personality: To many, Rhassh would be seen as a weird person, who's been too indulged in his own delusions. Why, you ask? There would be quite a lot of reasons, but what would be stated here would be the ones causing the most impact - his persistence of forcing others to call him by 'Shiryoku' and not by his real name, and his very intriguing yet strange mask, which for some apparent reason, must not be removed under any circumstance. Usually, he'd been seen at an isolated place silently meditating, which of course is quite strange, but since it was a common sight, others would usually ignore it. He also seldomly speaks in long sentences, and if someone would ask why he does so, he would reply with "I only speak what must be spoken."

    However, despite these things, he still possess some good qualities. He is one of the very few fighters who doesn't charge head on, but prefers to act as a wall between his allies and enemies, like a defender. Heck, he would even use his own body as a shield to block any harm directed to his allies. Although it is rarely shown, he is quite a kind person.

    Backstory: Rhassh cannot quite remember his past. Every time he tries to do so, whilst meditating, he could only see one memory, and even that was unclear. In the memory, he sees a person speaking to him, although he could not recognize the face for it was blurred as hell. Distorted sounds would fill his ears, then slowly fade into silence. After that, a clear statement can be heard.

    "You must not reveal your identity. Not under any circumstance."

    And after every time he would hear those words, he would snap out of meditation, and his chest would ache, for a reason he is yet to know. Those very words are the reason why he put himself in such an outfit, which hides his identity as a whole. It is also why he prefers to be called "Shiryoku", although that may be caused by an influence from the eastern lands he originated from, which he also has no memory of.

    He arrived at the shores of Yislone at the age of 10, unconscious, covered in a wet cloak and a make-shift mask. One of the highest ranking members of the Rising Phoenix Guild, Brand LeBlanc, apparently found him during one of his patrols on the outskirts of the ports of Ridon. That man was the only one who saw his face, and his true identity. However, to Brand such a thing did not matter, he took in Rhassh as his own kin, fed him, bathed him, trained him, and even taught him how to control his 'ability'. The young lad grew under his care and authority. Soon enough, upon reaching the age of 18, he was introduced in the Rising Phoenix Guild, and was warmly welcomed. He showed excellence in several fields, seeing that Brand trained him. Upon being recognized and finally labeled as a fighter, he went on different missions under the guild.

    After a while, Brand took him into his own team. The young man and his master were reunited once more. They took on several missions, which all varied in difficulty. They had fun, and was content with their lives in the guild. However, that changed on one fated day. The two were traveling alone in the outskirts of Phaesa, when they suddenly encountered a raging beast. It was unlike any other creature they have faced before. It was large, and unbelievably terrifying. Before they could even react, it charged towards them. A long and bloody battle occurred between them. After hours of steel and claws clashing against flesh, the fight had ended. Although the two ended up victorious, it cost them something irreplaceable - Brand LeBlanc's life. At the sight of his dying master, Rhassh was filled with guilt, anger, and regret. He was too focused on doing his role well that he didn't notice the state of his comrade. As his master gave his final breath, he vowed to make up for his lack of attention on his allies.

    That began his new fighting style, that mimics that of a defender's moves. It took quite a long time before he could move on from his master's death, and live a life like he used to. Soon enough, he was once more, back in the field, acting as a fighter, but rather a unique one. Years after his master's death, the guild finally decided to siege and conquer the Undiscovered Lands. With a goal not only to avenge and bring justice to his master's death, but to show that he has improved over the years, he set off to the dreaded lands of mystery and danger - the Undiscovered Lands.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Serah Silas

    Role: Supporter

    Race: Light Caster

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Serah is standing at 5 feet and 4 inches with a slender body. Serah is seen to have long brown hair that is usually adorned with a big pink bow. Her hair is usually braided as two locks of hair are placed in the front of her face. She has bright green eyes. She wears a long pale pink dress along with a dark pink short jacket over it. Serah wears brown boots for walking, even during the summer, she finds it more comfortable to wear boots while journeying to wherever she is needed. Her pendant is her compass and is never seen without it on her neck. Not only does she wear a pendant, but she has bracelets on both of her wrist used to assist her in her spells.

    Personality: Serah is light-hearted and has a cheerful personality. She is usually soft-spoken, unless she has been angered, however, she is rarely shown to be angry. Serah loves adventure and hates being bored. Her curiosity brings her great trouble since she trouble always somehow finds her. She will stand for what she believes in, even knowing if there are those who are against her. Her family believes she's naively brave and reckless. She's forgetful and is usually clumsy. Serah loves traveling and finding new places with comrades, she dislikes being alone and left to her thoughts. She loves taking care of plants and animals, and finds interest in learning about new species. Her goal is to finish reading every book that has ever been written by anyone and everyone. Serah finds interest in gaining knowledge and experience through the books she's read and adventures/ journies she's been on. Serah's heart will never be at peace, knowing there is a vast world out there, still waiting to be discovered and new discoveries that need to be made. As a Light Caster, Serah uses her magic for good, with no exceptions.

    Backstory: As a Light Caster, Serah was born with magical abilities inside of her. However, as a child, she was always ill and her parents are protective of her well-being. Because of her childhood, Serah had always been curious of the outside world and yearns for adventure. As she grew up,a way from people and the city, Caham, it just made her want to rebel and see the world for herself. Her parents and the rest of her siblings, of course, were overprotective of her and denied her any rights of leaving the vicinity of their home, where the fields were always green, where the flowers always bloomed, and the area was safe and calm. Serah was always an obedient child, listening to her parents, playing with her siblings, and staying where they can always keep an eye on her. Her siblings had taught her how to control her magic and teach her, her abilities, of course, problems arised when they found out that, Serah's abilities have the power to take other's pain and inflict it on herself. Because of those abilities, her parents forbade her from ever using it and only focusing on simple spells.

    As she grew up, she found herself not liking being left alone to her thoughts and finding comfort in books and being with her siblings. She's practice her magic and spells, but even that started becoming tiring. One day, enough was enough, she couldn't stand being taken away from the world. She wanted to see more and be something more than the "ill" girl her parents always believed her to be. She fought hard and told her side of the story and reasons why she wants to leave the nest. Finally, after so much begging and nagging, her family finally let her venture off, of course, there were rules. She always had to contact them through letters, never use her abilities that would cause her harm, and to never do anything reckless. Serah abided by those rules and soon enough, she was on her journey. On her path towards adventure and seeing new sights, she heard of a guild called The Rising Pheonix. She heard stories from the townsfolk about their good deeds and their most famous accomplishment: the slaying of a dragon. Because of her interest in the stories of this guild, she was curious to see who they were and what else they would accomplish. Serah's admiration and sense of justice was immeasureable as she continued on her journey towards the guild, they were well-respected and famous for all they have done for their city and people. At that, Serah traveled to where the guild was located and signed to become a member.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Nia Tereshi

    Role: Defender

    Race: She says she is human, but she's really an Ender (a strange race that live in a different universe from humans. They are all very tall and slender, with black hair and purple eyes. They have one portal though, and it leads to the universe where humans are. The king leads an army of them in to wreck havoc and then return using a map to the portal back home. All Enders have one human appearance that they can change into so they won't be killed by humans.

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Nia is very tall and slender. She stands at over six feet with long blonde hair and blue eyes. This is the form she is almost always in. She doesn't want anyone to see her true form.

    Personality: Nia tends to be a little cold hearted. She will still talk to others, though it will take a while for her to actually trust them. As a defender, she will still protect someone if they need it, though she tells then they have to be faster than they were. She does know that it hurts others, and it upsets her too. The entire mean thing is just an act. She is actually very nice and would have fun with people but she always thinks she will be shunned because of what she truly is.

    Backstory: Nia is very well known among others Enders. She was royalty, after all. Her people, however, did not like the ways she thought. The idea to befriend humans did not appeal to them. They kidnapped her and brung her through a portal. She never knew or seen the map so she would not be able to come back easily.

    She landed right outside the guild. Almost imediantly, she hid who she was so that people wouldn't go ahead and kill her for what her family did. She walked inside and was greeted and told all about the guild and how they would explore the Undiscovered Lands. She thought that could be where the portal was so she accepted the offer to join the guild, using a mean personality so she wouldn't cause suspicion.


The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Chrys Stein

    Role: Support

    Race: Faux (see race tab)

    Age: 49

    Gender: Female

    Personality: An upbeat and ready-for-action kind of girl. She does her best to be a positive influence. She's a devout follower of Faux teachings. She has a devious streak from her time with the thieves' guild, but hides it well. Overall, she's intelligent and easy to be around.

    Backstory: Chrys' life has been just as strange as her parents themselves. Both fairly successful adventurers, they taught her their skills so that she may follow in their footsteps. Each hoped that she'd follow in their own path more strongly than the other's, but she took to both ability sets equally well in training. In practice, however, she found herself most useful as a support.

    Once she struck out on her own, she was quickly taken in by a thieves' guild for attempting to pickpocket the guildmaster. Amused by her boldness, they accepted her among them, and she stayed for years. Her supportive abilities increased the guild's take exponentially, as did her ability to cook for the guild. She enjoyed her time with the guild greatly, but as the guild grew ever larger while her role remained much the same, the instinctive call for adventure inherited from her parents led her to leave the guild for more unexplored territories.

    While on an adventure, she was critically injured and left for dead by her party. She was found by the Faux, who healed her and gave her a home while she recovered. They taught her of their culture and of their religion, to which she converted during her stay. She remained with the Faux for a few years afterward, hoping to find another adventurer to pass on the favor she'd been given. An elder among the Faux suggested that she leave to join an adventuring guild that she may more easily complete her goal, leading to her joining the Rising Phoenix guild.

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Notfiying @Ktulu and @Bacon is fluffy

The Rising Phoenix Guild - WORK IN PROGRESS

  • [img=http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/dawnrocks/Fantasy Art/600x848_6115_Howl_2d_illustration_girl_woman_portrait_fantasy_picture_image_digital_art.jpg]Name:
    Role: Attacker
    Age: Twenty five years of age
    Gender: Female




The Rising Phoenix Guild

  • [img=http://i.imgur.com/hVbE19U.jpg] Name:Mei

    Personality:Mei is a walking contradiction,exuding confidence but lacking in any real self esteem. To her interaction with other people is simply a challenge to surmount, to fool her audience into thinking she's not an introvert. Her sense of right and wrong are always at odds with eachother, often opting to turn the other cheek even though her stomach is telling her keeping quiet about other people's injustices is wrong. Hell she often justifies her actions by convincing herself the woes of a person she has no personal attachment to, do not matter to her. Mei is a woman who can't look at herself in a mirror because she's afraid of what'll be staring back at her.

    Backstory: Mei's always said her past was a blur, being nothing more than an assortment of randomly assembled memories not of her own. Day in and day out she would enter a dim chamber, brutally hot in the summer and oppressively cold in the winter. It's barren stone floor used to scrape at the sole of her feet and catch her toes in the crevices between piece.An assortment of colors would illuminate in the corner of her eye, often being beakers of bubbling crimson stew simmering under an errie dancing flame. Toward the center of the chamber, past the clutter was a lone wooden stool which stood in contrast to its surroundings. Alone and under a skylight, she would obediently sit on it as her master exposed her to the elements. Rain, snow or shining sunny day she would sit alone staring into nothing. For as far as the eye there was nothing more than endless expanse, green grasslands till the horizon and beyond. There she would be isolated and eventually entranced by solitude. When she was not conscious formulas she had never seen before would bombard her, voices not her own or that which she could recognize and diagrams, all foreign and utterly incomprehensible.

    It went on like that until her 13th birthday. The master who had never coddled her or even showed her an ounce of humanity had hung himself the night before.His expression was disturbingly calm, no longer did he possess the deep valleys created by his usual perpetual scowl. No longer did he exude a never ending sense of urgency.The man she did not even call master had ended his life without so much as a note to her. She in turn did not feel sorrow nor did she long for him. The man had simply fed her and gave her a roof over her head. It was like another world under his care, the only time she ever felt human was when he forced her to stay on the roof of his chamber. The only time she felt alive was when she was exposed to the loneliness of nature. Without him she was free to pursue what she wanted,but the problem was what did one pursue? It was at this moment in time where she started to observe people. Using the teachings of her deceased master, she would sneak into houses and listen to what others had to say. To her it was fascinating to know that not everyone possessed her knowledge of the arcane, in fact she was surprised the world was worse than the loneliness. She was almost driven mad at the premise of what people actually were. The fronts,barriers, and sheer variable of those she observed perplexed her to no end.

    "Why do people hurt eachother"
    "Why do people lie to eachother"
    "Why do people hug eachother"
    "Why do people laugh"

    That's when she was brought to the concept of possession and gaurding one's possessions. It fascinated her to see others have such an attachment to that which did not feed them, to that which did not protect them, or even offer them comfort. How what made people frustrated and empty, was somehow more guarded than themselves. So in the pursuit of this knowledge Mei became a thief. She for reasons she did not understand nor did she want to, could somehow derive meaning from entering someone's realm and undermine their sense of security. She had no interest in them nor did she care for their possessions or what they were gaurding,but the very fact it was being gaurded was alluring to her. This all leading up to her entering the abode of a noble, who of all people caught her. A man who welcomed her and congratulated her for undermining his security. It was this man who would eventually convince her to join the Rising Phoenix guild. If she wanted to understand herself,she would have to beyond herself and experience new things. The new thing he encouraged her to seek out from them:Adventure



The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Personality:Mei is a walking contradiction,exuding confidence but lacking in any real self esteem. To her interaction with other people is simply a challenge to surmount, to fool her audience into thinking she's not an introvert. Her sense of right and wrong are always at odds with eachother, often opting to turn the other cheek even though her stomach is telling her keeping quiet about other people's injustices is wrong. Hell she often justifies her actions by convincing herself the woes of a person she has no personal attachment to, do not matter to her. Mei is a woman who can't look at herself in a mirror because she's afraid of what'll be staring back at her.

    Backstory: Mei's always said her past was a blur, being nothing more than an assortment of randomly assembled memories not of her own. Day in and day out she would enter a dim chamber, brutally hot in the summer and oppressively cold in the winter. It's barren stone floor used to scrape at the sole of her feet and catch her toes in the crevices between piece.An assortment of colors would illuminate in the corner of her eye, often being beakers of bubbling crimson stew simmering under an errie dancing flame. Toward the center of the chamber, past the clutter was a lone wooden stool which stood in contrast to its surroundings. Alone and under a skylight, she would obediently sit on it as her master exposed her to the elements. Rain, snow or shining sunny day she would sit alone staring into nothing. For as far as the eye there was nothing more than endless expanse, green grasslands till the horizon and beyond. There she would be isolated and eventually entranced by solitude. When she was not conscious formulas she had never seen before would bombard her, voices not her own or that which she could recognize and diagrams, all foreign and utterly incomprehensible.

    It went on like that until her 13th birthday. The master who had never coddled her or even showed her an ounce of humanity had hung himself the night before.His expression was disturbingly calm, no longer did he possess the deep valleys created by his usual perpetual scowl. No longer did he exude a never ending sense of urgency.The man she did not even call master had ended his life without so much as a note to her. She in turn did not feel sorrow nor did she long for him. The man had simply fed her and gave her a roof over her head. It was like another world under his care, the only time she ever felt human was when he forced her to stay on the roof of his chamber. The only time she felt alive was when she was exposed to the loneliness of nature. Without him she was free to pursue what she wanted,but the problem was what did one pursue? It was at this moment in time where she started to observe people. Using the teachings of her deceased master, she would sneak into houses and listen to what others had to say. To her it was fascinating to know that not everyone possessed her knowledge of the arcane, in fact she was surprised the world was worse than the loneliness. She was almost driven mad at the premise of what people actually were. The fronts,barriers, and sheer variable of those she observed perplexed her to no end.

    "Why do people hurt eachother"

    "Why do people lie to eachother"

    "Why do people hug eachother"

    "Why do people laugh"




    That's when she was brought to the concept of possession and gaurding one's possessions. It fascinated her to see others have such an attachment to that which did not feed them, to that which did not protect them, or even offer them comfort. How what made people frustrated and empty, was somehow more guarded than themselves. So in the pursuit of this knowledge Mei became a thief. She for reasons she did not understand nor did she want to, could somehow derive meaning from entering someone's realm and undermine their sense of security. She had no interest in them nor did she care for their possessions or what they were gaurding,but the very fact it was being gaurded was alluring to her. This all leading up to her entering the abode of a noble, who of all people caught her. A man who welcomed her and congratulated her for undermining his security. It was this man who would eventually convince her to join the Rising Phoenix guild. If she wanted to understand herself,she would have to beyond herself and experience new things. The new thing he encouraged her to seek out from them:Adventure

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The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Thraig

    Role: Fighter

    Race: Human(mutant)

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Aloof and sarcastic, Thraig is just as quick to joke as he is to kill. He is trusting of his Guild mates, especially his fellow team members, but anyone would describe him as having a "prickly" attitude, though this is due to his hatred of anything excessively opulent. Thraig holds himself to a personal code of ethics and honor. He believes in living for a purpose, not pleasure or excess. He lives for the simple things in life; food, drink, friendship, but mostly combat. Thraig deems combat as the most pure expression of life, and as such he lives for the thrill of battle. He strives to perfect his fighting abilities and yearns for a day when he will finally face a challenging foe.

    Backstory: Thraig was raised to be a Fighter. He, along with several other young boys, were taken at around five years of age by a mercenary company and put through a series of brutal trials and years of training to hone them into lethal warriors for hire. They were stripped of their old names, being told that once they proved themselves they would earn themselves a new name. During the years Thraig proved himself to be a fast learner and skilled combatant, quickly climbing the ranks of his young class until his final trial at the age of eighteen.

    Expecting to hunt down a wild beast or trial by combat,
    Thraig was caught off guard when he was jumped in his chambers and taken into a laboratory to be strapped down on a table and forced to ingest a potion. Each candidate was given a different potion, one that was tailored towards their capabilities and personality. Thraig was given a potion made from herbs and Dragon's blood. Surviving the trial and coming out stronger than ever, as well as earning his new name, Thraig decided it was time to strike off and carve his own path. This path took him through more kingdoms and wars than he cares to recall. And through it all Thraig found his way to the Rising Pheonix Guild.

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The Rising Phoenix Guild


    Name: Al Valkanos

    Role: Fighter

    Race: Human

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Al is a tall man, with a lean frame yet very toned musculature. His long limbs make him look a bit thinner than he actually is. On top of his head is a mop of wild brown hair, covered in cowlicks. His face, however, has surprisingly soft features for someone in his profession - albeit, it's more oft than not got a bruise or bandage. His grin is rather wide. Al's body has a few light scars etched here and there.

    Personality: Al is by all means a kind, well-meaning person, with an understanding of the importance of friendship. He just happens to have a wild streak, and that streak just happens to be rather good at hitting stuff really hard.

    He's not so much caught up in a balance between right and wrong as he is between right and fun. He's impulsive, and has a poor sense of self-preservation, which often means he's the one to do the most dangerous task, regardless of whether he was asked.

    It's probably good to note he's not the sharpest knife; he has poor decision making skills and no sense of danger.

    Backstory: Al has always been an adventurer by trade, killing monsters for money and living life as an explorer, hunter, and walking exterminator/bandit removal service. Despite his exceptional strength and the many miles he's walked, he's yet to have accomplished anything that would make him famous, but he has eaten a number of strange things, resulting in one of his stranger talents. He hopes that his joining the Rising Phoenix Guild will satisfy his constant thirst for adventure, but also enable him to accomplish his lifelong dream of being a homeowner.

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The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Moochaca Mcfistbeard

    Role: Mage (Elemental)

    Race: Dwarf

    Age: 147

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: In spite of his small stature, Moochaca manages to stand imposing with a body huge with muscles. He wears little clothes, opting to wear small pieces of armor more for aesthetic purposes than to offer any real protection. His hair and beard, bleached white from age, are kept long and unkempt.

    Personality: Though most would chalk off Moochaca as a mad man, his eccentricity is what he prides as his strongest suit. Moochaca tends toward purposely making himself slightly different from the others, mostly to feel special, but also because he believes it gives him some bit of an advantage. He tries for the less orthodox, but still follows general guidelines for his own ease. Moochaca speaks rather cryptically, doing so in a series of rhymes. His typical rhyme scheme is AABB CCDD, though he will often use ABBA CDCD, or AAAB BBAC CCDD. While casting spells, he still will speak in a rhythmic manner, but will do so in free-verse. The second and third rhyme schemes are used when Moochaca talks to himself, and explains things to others, respectively. Moochaca isn't keen on picking favorites. He likes his side and likes himself; anything else, he sees as being pointless.

    Backstory: Moochaca was born in the abandoned dwarf fortress of Boatmurdered. There, the residents worshipped a dwarven bloodgod known as Armok, more out of fear than zeal. Though the god had little to really do with the fortress, the proneness that the dwarves had toward misfortune lead commoner and king alike to beg hand and knees to their evil god. Moochaca was raised, all of his life exposed to the religion of his people. He studied what most would consider blood magic, but to the dwarves of Boatmurdered, it was another facet of religion.

    It was his 40th year, when the collapse had finally come. A combination of raids from both elves and kobolds had left the dwarf fortress weak. They were finally done in as a horde of werecreatures swooped in, slaughtering what little remained of the fortress, then razing it to the ground. Moochaca had entered a trance, performing a ritual to Armok in order to protect his people. What instead happened, was a shield of blood formed around Moochaca, protecting him and him alone. Moochaca was the only survivor, and the incident changed him completely. The trance changed Moochaca's very psyche, so that he no longer thinks as a mortal.

    The dwarf spent years out in the woods alone. He fended for himself using brawn and magic. What little he could, he offered to his god. His years of solitude eventually lead him to madness.

    It took him forty years to learn to communicate properly with other races, though Moochaca still acts brash and unruly towards non-dwarves. He became an expeditionary, fearing that he could not make anything else of his life, and he was far too old for children.



The Rising Phoenix Guild

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.3d640995a32bc3269c5df04ec2506133.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.3d640995a32bc3269c5df04ec2506133.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Khaalida

    Role: Mage

    Race: Unknown. Subject refuses to answer. We've seen that subject has elf like ears, dragon like eyes, and a wolf like tail.

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: brunette female with pale broelwn and almost greyish eyes. Those of which resemble a dragon. About 5'6 and has a black tail hanging from her tailbone. Wears something like this except no sleeves:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.5151408760b5bfc96cfa7c0ee2a7e8eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.5151408760b5bfc96cfa7c0ee2a7e8eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Left arm has a brown glove looking like this:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1e27d4d02c78fb8dedbdfdab63b55d15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1e27d4d02c78fb8dedbdfdab63b55d15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: Khaa is very calm and knowing. She has taken in many teachings and shares the secrets with no one. She also meditates once every 3 days to keep her cap and collected at all times. Khaalida is also feisty, smart, and strong. Her powers have become more powerful every day.

    Backstory: Describe your character's history before the expedition.



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The Rising Phoenix Guild

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    Name: Thr'ygus

    Role: Defender

    Race: Aiz Riz'ani (see race tab)

    Age: Ancient

    Gender: Masculine; genderless

    Personality: Thr'ygus, like most of his race, is slightly slow, but this is more literal than it is a definition of his intelligence. Quick-wit and humor is lost on him, and often serves to only irritate him. Ever since being unbound, his singular mindset has been to return to his home and seek vengeance on his people. However, doing so has presented a challenge and leaving alone was considered impossible. He has spent the last centuries waiting for the inhabitants of this world he considers foreign to find a way to venture into the Undiscovered Lands so that he may eventually return home and somehow annihilate his own people. Aside from his single-minded mentality, Thr'ygus is considers himself eternally tired and incapable of rest. He is apparently irritable, but he has never shown signs of getting 'worse'; therefore, how his restlessness actually affects him is unknown.

    Backstory: Thr'ygus is an ancient being originating from the most Northern portions of the Undiscovered Lands. He was unbound hundreds of years ago from a frozen obelisk found in the bottom of a lake that had been frozen solid by the impact created by the obelisk. The guild that found him meant little to him, but the world he found himself in was new. He was integrated into what he considered 'undiscovered' lands over time and often acted as the brute force or intimidation for Guilds. Little was found out about his character until the founding of the Rising Phoenix Guild, which showed enough promise for him to outwardly show interest in the Guild. Their feats brought the elemental hope that he might finally accomplish his goal.

    The exact age of Thr'ygus is a mystery; his concept of time is not only different than other sapient beings, but his lifespan itself appears to be immortal. What little can be determined is generally done so using his time of imprisonment as a date. According to Thr'ygus he commit a transgression against his people using a powerful magic that ultimately made Thr'ygus self-sustaining. Thr'ygus claims the Riz'ani are bound to the ice and can only move around within it. Envious of the other Aiz that could move freely, especially those of the woodland tribes, Thr'ygus allowed mages to inhabit his physical form and experiment on his magical properties. Normally, the Aiz Riz'ani, which are inferred to be the literal embodiments of physical regions, refuse most forms of sapient life. Thr'ygus claims to have killed many of his brothers and 'absorbed' them to become large enough for a spell cast by the mages. He bound the life force, the ecology, the cycle of nature, into a sphere in his center that would allow him to walk outside of his icy realm. What this did, in turn, was separate his new physical body from his old one and in doing so killing all life in the regions he once was.

    As Thr'ygus perception of what happened and his existence as both a 'place' and a 'being' complicate his explanations, it is difficult to tell exactly what happened from his story, or the magic involved. But, what happened next is significantly more clear. His brethren felt that not only was his absorption of his fellow kind a transgression, but his new form a complete degradation to his people. To separate himself from the ice as the Aiz of the Wood do from the trees was an active insult. Thr'ygus was considered an abomination. His own people used their own magic, which alone is weak, but together as an entire tribe is impressively powerful. They bound him to a single obelisk, then together flung him as far as they could from the North, resulting in him landing in the lane his obelisk prison was found in. The complications of his race, its perspective and its culture make completely understanding what happened and how difficult, but the fact stands that Thr'ygus was banished from his home and his people.

    Thr'ygus joined the Rising Phoenix Guild with his goal in mind: seek the Northern portion of the Undiscovered Lands and somehow destroy his brethren for their betrayal. While even considering how that might be possible is a complex question, few put Thr'ygus into question giving his usefulness.


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