Story Tales of the Beginning

Sebastian Cokak VIII

"I had Luck"
Greetings, Roleplayers, this is just an story i have been working for some days or so, and i already ended the first chapter, so here you have it, courtesy of the house.

Before all things existed.
There was The Void.
An infinite place.
Without time, nor space.

In there three Ideas existed even before the void itself, even before the void before the void.

A Mind, with the capacity of infinite knowledge, a Body, with the capacity of infinite power, and a Soul, with the capacity of unlimited will.

These three Elements laid on the unlimited void, until a voice resounded on the entire void.

“Wakey Wakey, Wakey Wakey, is time for creating existence.”

The Mind gave its… no, his first thought was to laugh, “this will be fun.”

The Body moved, and although his body is unable to be described by mere writing, it could be described as “dancing”.

But The Soul looked around the void, looking for something to possess, He, looked at The Body and The Mind, and began approaching them

As The Soul approached the others, And a another thing bloated out of him, a shapeless body, which color was neither black or white, it was grey, the thing escaped The Soul at an irrelevant speed, traveling through the endless void, but after a while it stopped, its body began to took shape, until forming an humanoid form, it was glowing a bright grey light, illuminating the whole infinite void, the three Elements took notice of this.

“What is this? An entity in the unlimited void.” The Mind thought curiously.

The Body pointed at the newly formed humanoid in a surprised manner, The Mind began calming down The Body, and The Soul approached them.

“Damn, let’s combine.” The Mind thought as The Soul approached, The Soul knew what The Mind was going to do, and began dashing away from them, but it was too late, he was The Mind now, The Body floated above and down in a “now me, now me.” gesture.

The light of the merging was millions of times more powerful, brighter and beautiful than the grey light, the color of the flash could only be described as everything all at once, the color of quintillions objects seen at the same time, the void was no longer an empty place, but a world of pitch black, and the new Merged One stood up, as a blank humanoid creature, where nothing inhabited the place, now two entities reside there, a Merged One and a Soul Offspring.

As the two entities floated around the endless void, one of them, the former three Elements, talked.

“So this is what being actually something with a body, soul and mind feels like… very ****… wait why can’t i say the word ****, oooh!!! Silly me, it doesn’t exist.” the Merged One said as he moved his indescribable hands and light came out. He suddenly could say the word “Cool” or anyword he could honestly.

“Could you please shut up.” Asked the Soul Offspring with a monotone voice

“Ugh, I am tired of that black and cursive text” the Merged One said with a tired tone.

“No!!! That’s even worse.”
(Sorry but i have to make your presence as deep as possible. ;) )
“make it in another way.”
(Ok, fine, i’ll will not make your presence deep, dammit >:/ )
“that 's good.”

After this unnecessarily Meta moment, the Merged One

(You should know by now that I am the writer, y’know… :/ )
“FINE, ok, you win.”
(Thank you. :) )

After yet another Meta Moment, the story finally continued.

“Your boring, grey guy, you should be happy for being something, so why shut up?”

“your and my existence is meaningless in the unlimited void.”
Said still in a monotone voice the Soul Offspring

“I think I can make this have a meaning, I am something after all…”
The Merged One said as he began to move his indescribable hands.
“Cre…ation… Now!!!”

“Stop Trying to do something… you're just a powerless, meaningless, Void Entity… WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!!!”
The Soul Offspring broke it's… no his, monotone voice

The pitch black void began to be filled by gigantic floating grey stone orbs, each one the size of a mountain, even some the size of countries, and suddenly the not so empty void was less empty than ever.

“Voila, the void now has… Pla…nets… Planets… that's it… (Genius Merged One, Genius.)”

“What does that even mean?!!??”
The Soul Offspring shouted at the former elements.

“shiver me timbers, i may be a god!!! Or I am THE god.”
God said.
“Oh… i AM actually THE God, Yes!! I am god baby!!!”

Merged One, God looked at his creation, he stared at it for quite a long time, a really, slow, time, Dang it this was boring.

“Is it boring? God, you just created a bunch of floating orbs and called a day.”
Said Soul Offspring to God.

“Shut up!!! your just Soul Dude now”
Shouted God at the Soul Dude.

“Hey, why did you change my Name?!!!?? I didn’t even like it but at least tell me before you do it.”
Said Soul Dude as he crossed his now describable arms (who were given to him just to make him more expressive)
“Wow this is new.”

(God, we have to talk.)
“What writer, what do we have to talk”
(I need you two create a physical manifestation, it’s hard to write so much complex things, so could you please)
“Ok of course… (YES YES YES)”

God and Soul Dude descended to the stone Planets. God tried to touch the ground but he couldn't, so with a snap of his fingers, he made the objects touchable, he laid on the ground with Soul Dude, who still was a soul and couldn’t touch the ground, Soul Dude tried to grab a chunk out of the ground but he couldn't.

“Uh God, could you?” Said Soul Dude.
“Oh it seems you're just a soul, i’ll create you a body” God said as he created a body for soul dude, the body ended up being the same grey blank figure.

There was an awkward silence until Soul Dude broke the silence.

“God, how did you come up with the name Planet?”
“Well now that you ask, i don’t know, i just knew it, like, it came out of nowhere and bang!!! new name for a thing, actually, it seems as if we came here knowing lots of things.” responded God at Soul Dude.

“Wanna race?” Said Dude.
“Why? Like I know what it is, but we are going to fall into the emptiness of the void.” He replied
“Make something to change that” Said Dude as he stood up.
“Ok… i’ll do it” God said as he lifted his hands and created gravity, Soul Dude got crushed by the power of the gravity.
“Less… Gravitational… Power.” Groaned Dude.
“Oh… Sorry.” God lightened the gravity to be earth-like.
“Better.” Dude said as he stood up.

The two entered a running position, and while god began dashing through the whole planetoid at a not measurable speed, Dude just ran at human pace.

“You suck at this.” said god taunting him while still dashing through the whole planetoid.
“It’s not my fault you gave me a body and not the capacity of flight, but if we were in the same conditions I would win this race.”

God descended to the ground and the two began running, to the surprise of God, Dude won.

“Bah!!! i let you win…” Said God as he threw his arm behind his back.
“Yeah… Yeah, whatever you say.” Dude walked through the rocky plains, it was kinda boring, all covered in darkness and all rocky.

“God, can we try something?” Asked Dude
“Yeah, What, Dude” God said as he approached Dude.

“Make a humanoid creature out of a stone.” commented Dude.
“I like where you're going…” God extended his hands to a small stump of stones and began forming a human-sized humanoid made out of stone.
“How could I make him?” thought God as he looked at the humanoid made out of stone.
“You should give him… Mmm… what you should give him… Oh I know, give him the capacity of seeing, feeling, and talking.” Recommended Dude.
“That's a wonderful idea.” God said as white lightning came out of his palms and the humanoid began moving, it was confused as there was no light, it seemed god and dude could see in the dark, God noticed this so he raised his hands and suddenly the stone planets began moving in circles as a giant light ball appeared on the sky, some of the planets crashed into one and other, forming more giant planets, but where god and dude were was not affected by it.

God grabbed Dude, and flew away from the humanoid, whose eyes were adapting to the change of light.
“What are you doing?” Dude said.
“I will surprise this fella, he doesn’t know we are here.” said God.

Meanwhile the stone humanoid stood there, watching around, and overall being very confused about the situation.

“Am i… Alive?” Asked the stone one to himself, he laid on the floor, he knew so much yet so little, how he knew what alive was?
“What is my point?” Asked the stone humanoid to himself.
“Greetings” Said a voice behind him, it was God.
“Ahh… Are you… God.” the stone man asked him.
“Well… Yes… I am certainly god, I created you.”
“Why?” The stone man asked god.
“I… I… Don’t know, well, dude tell me to create a humanoid out of stone, but… why did I do it? Why did I create you?” God said as he sat on a stone.
“...” The stone man said nothing, and then wandered off to the horizon, his stone physique slowly rotted away until it was just a grey man, he watched his hand.
“If I don't have a point… then no one should have.” He clenched his fist, he leaped into the air, going away into the shadowy void, at last… this was the one who asked.

Dude went to God, the two there had a conversation.
“God, what happened?” Dude said as he touched God's shoulder.
“Nothing… I feel just… weird…” God stood up, and began looking around the rocky plains.
“Ok, can we go to the giant stone planet it formed, we can try again there.” recommended Dude as he pointed to the giant planet, which size was equal to mars.
“Yeah… We can do that…” God holded Dude, and they flew to the stone planet in an instant.

When they reached the planet, the two searched for a stump of stones, when they found the perfect stump, god created another humanoid, this one had spikes on his head, and was overall more slim than the previous one, god gave life to it, the stone humanoid raised up.
“What is this? I'm alive, what a twist.” the stone man said to himself, God approached him, and introduced himself.
“Greetings, I am your creator, God.”
“Hello God, thanks for creating me, why did you do it?” asked the stone man, god thought for a little bit.
“Because… I wanted to create you.”
“That’s kinda lame.” the stone man said to god.
“Yeah you're right… I created you… because… because I wanted to create life.” said god as he put his hand on the back of his head.
“What's life?” asked the stone man.
“Yeah explain to him, God.” an hourglass figure humanoid said to God as she sat on a stone, she was Life.
“What the heck!!!” screamed Dude, who was surprised by the sudden apparition of the figure.
“Oh, you must be Life… why are you here?” God asked Life.
“What do you mean, there is any other place with life in it.” Life said as she stood up.
“Hey, explain yourself, what you are!!!” Shouted Dude to her, Life ignored him.
“Calm down Dude, Life is the thing that makes a thing a living being.” God told Dude.
“Ok… so she is Life, fine, ok… Why does she look like this.” Dude asked her, Life's appearance, although blank, had an overarching hourglass, I mean she didn’t look unrealistic, just to… how can I say it in words, she looked astonishing, even though she didn’t have a face, she looked too different from God and Dude.
“Oh… You say I'm too “hourglass” for you?” Life said as she giggled.
“No… I just find it weird that you look like this.” Dude said as he walked away from her.

The stone man stared at this situation with confusion.
“God, so that is life?” the stone man said to god, who was still watching Dude and Life argue.
“Oh… Yeah, that's her.” God said while not watching him.
“She’s… Kinda pretty…” the stone man whispered, god stared at him almost completely rotating his head.
“What?” God said, it seemed he didn’t know why the stone man thinked that for a moment, but then he realized.
“Oh, not this please, ok…breathe god, breathe is in the nature of beings to like things, I can’t complain.”
“So… my purpose is to worship Life, honestly i don’t mind it.” the stone man said to god as he kept staring at Life, which Life responded by just raising her hand.
“No!!! your purpose is…” suddenly God had an idea, a wonderful and holy idea.
“Your purpose is… Free Will.” said God while smiling at the stone man.
“What is that?” the stone man asked God.
“You can do whatever you want.” said God to the stone man, he then grabbed him and teleported to another part of the planet.
“Ahhh!!!! Where is Life?” screamed and asked the stone man to God.
“You can do whatever you want, but you have one and only one rule, don’t. cause. trouble.” God said as he teleported away, leaving the stone man alone

“So I am alone now, no Life, no God, what could I do, I mean, I feel as free as I never was, well if just a brief moment means something.” said the stone man to himself while looking around on the stone plains.
“Mmmm… what could I do…” the stone said as he rubbed his chin.
“I need to do something to spend… time.” he said as his words resounded through the whole stone plains, there yet another humanoid appeared, it looked the same as God, but it had some strange flowy rock thing on its head, it was hair, the humanoid had long beautiful stone grey hair, but not only that, the humanoid had a muscular built which could only be described as “majestic”, the humanoid looked at the stone man while flexing its muscles
“Did you mention me?” the humanoid said to the stone being with what I can only describe as a “manly” tone.

“Who are you?” the stone man said to the humanoid.
“I am Time Dude, but you can call me… Time MAN” the newly revealed humanoid said. He approached the stone man, with a comfy tone, he said these words.
“What is your name?” he said from his nonexistent mouth.
“Well, sir, my name, well… I don't have one.” said the stone man to the bulky dude.
“Well, invent one, I have watched what the good ol’ God told you, you have free will.” Said Time Man to the stone man, waiting to know his identity.
“Yeah, yeah, Time Himbo let me do the work.” said Dude who appeared out of nowhere, Timey just moved out of his way if he knowed him.
“You!!! what are you doing here?” Said the stone man to Soul Dude.
“I'm here to make your identity.” Dude said to the rocky fella.
“Why can’t I decide myself?” the stone man said to him.
“No, you WILL decide, i am just here to see if you don’t mess things up, yeah is shitty, yeah i deserve it for treating Life bad, yep totally, but it was worth it, totally, a billionth times worth it.” said Dude as he moved his hands upwards.
“Damn, you're such a douche.” Timey said to Dude, giving a little slap in the air.
“Yeah… I am TOTALLY a douchebag… oh look at me i am a super, no, SUPER DUPER DOUCHEBAG.” said Dude, clearly mocking Timey.
“Fuck you.” Said Time as he punched Dude, sending him flying to some rocks.
“Pathetic… After all, you’re just a weak dude who can’t die, oh, just like any of us… except for the weak part.” Timey said as Dude stood up, and took a look at Time Dude.
“That didn’t even hurt, but emotionally, it didn’t, I know I was the one being bad in the conversation, I just don’t… i just, im sorry, i hate when things go beyond my control, i mean, i don’t have any control, but i don’t know, at first i thought i was going to exist as a pointless and blank figure, but after God talked and make this, i felt different, i felt, alive, even that contradicts my fight with Life, but i felt alive, that's why i wanted god to give life to things, because i liked it, but somehow i was… disappointed with Life being this, hourglass figure, i thought it would be just like god and i, but she was like this, i don’t know, why i would be bad to her, she didn’t even said something bad to me, but i did that to her, and… it was not worth it, not a billionth times, and if i was capable of seeing Life, i would ask her for forgiveness.”
“it’s fine… I am not even mad.” said the familiar voice behind Dude.
“Oh, it’s you, how could you be mad, I am essential to your existence and so you’re, after all, what is a life without a soul?” Dude said to Life, the two smiled at each other, if dude could, he would be blushing.
“Oh who is this new humanoid guy.” said Life to Time Dude.
“OH!!! it’s me Time Man, a pleasure to meet you.” Time Dude extended his hand to greet her, Life gave him the hand, after shaking hands, she looked at him.
“Could I have that wonderful hair of yours?” she asked him for it.
“Oh, of course.” he said, and in a moment Life formed a longer stone grey hair that reached her knees.

The stone man began staring at Life, Dude took notice of this, and whispered something to Life, Life then disappeared, the stone man became SAD for a bit, but at the end he calmed down.
“So? you already decided your name, generic stone fella.” asked Dude to the nameless stone man.
“Nope, not yet… wait, i have one, as i'm made out of stone, how about my name is Tone, y’know like Stone without S.” said the newly self-named Tone to Dude.

Timey clapped at this, Dude just stared at him as he would have done something outrageous.
“Ok… Tone, that's your name, welp, you're all by yourself now, goodbye… “Tone”.” Said Dude as he was teleported away thanks to God.
“Welp, that means that it’s just Tone and you Mr. Time.” Tone said to Time, Time meanwhile was stretching.
“Oh, but I am leaving, I have to see all this planet has to offer.” Time said while entering a run estance.
“Could I go with you, I mean you can lift me, and we can travel around to someplace, y’know” Tone said to Timey, which Timey thought for a bit, but then he quickly grabbed Tone and ran into the horizon.

“Sup?” Dude said to God, as he entered a stone cave god had made, God greeted him.
“How was the stone man Dude?” asked God as he modeled a new stone humanoid.
“You mean Tone?” said Dude as he sat on a stone chair.
“Yeah, the stone guy… Tone, what a simple name.” God said as he gave some touches to the stone humanoid, such as a mouth, a pair of eyes and a nose.
“He’s fine, he was with the Time Himbo anyways.” Dude commented, “By the way, what is that in its face?” he asked, pointing out the features of the stone humanoid.
“Features, i will give it to Tone, so he can express more, also” God touched his face, and suddenly his blank face became a face with nose, mouth and eyes.
“Wow, I want that too.” said Dude, God touched his face, giving him an actual face, “Cool.” Dude said as he touched his nose.
“Also, I made sure that the faces have an almost infinite amount of combinations.” Said God, as he continued modeling the stone humanoid.
“Wait Time Dude, also had something in his head, it was wavy and weird, can i have that but short, really short.” Dude said, and in a moment God gave him hair, a really short hair, God also, in a moment, grew hair, instantly, this one was medium in length, not so long, nor so short, it was medium overall.
“We look cool.” the both said, as they looked at eachother.
“We should ask Life if she wants to have a face.” Dude said to God.
The two approached another cave God made where Life now inhabited, the two called her.
“What do you wish, God… damn… how you two did this.” said Life as she touched the face of God and Dude.
“I made it, now you deserve it, Pop” God said as he touched Life's face, and her face was created, it was as astonishing as the rest of her body.
“Thanks.” Life said, as she touched her face, “How do I look?” She said to God and Dude.
“You look good.” said God, he then looked at Dude, he pushed him with his elbow.
“You look Mmm… fine… I mean, very good, I mean, astonishing” Mumbled Dude, and then gave a little laugh
“Thanks.” Life gave a little giggle to Dude, if he could, Dude would be red as a tomato.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard outside, it was a familiar stone man, not Tone, but a more sinister one.
“God? what is it.” Dude said, as God walked outside with a worried expression.
“Don’t come outside.” It was the only order God could give at the moment.
“N-No i cannot be, it's you.” God said as he watched as The one who asked stood up from the giant crater, about the size of a house, tried to connect a punch to God, but God only pushed him with a gust of wind to some mountain far away, Towa (The one who asked) dashed with a quick run to God.
“We meet at last, dear creator.” Towa tried to punch god again, but this time an invisible barrier stopped him, Towa struck with all he got, he punched and punched, but nothing could destroy the barrier.
“Why are you here?!!” God asked Towa, God took a closer look to Towa, he looked different than the last time, he didn’t look like a stone humanoid, he looked like a grey man, with hair and all, he even had those parts, God covered his eyes, and then snapped his fingers and instantly a cloak covered Towa.
“Why I'm here, creator, hadn’t figured it out, or is your omniscience just for what you want, i am the question, i am your first creation, i am, THE ONE WHO ASKED.” Towa said to God while smiling as he never had, he finally had a purpose, to get rid of the purpose of everyone.

God grabbed Towa and sent him flying off the planet, he sent him to another planet where he crashed into with a thunderous sound, Towa raised up, his body broken, bleeding a dense black liquid from his skin, his scars were not like normal ones, they were like cracks on his skin.
“Hahahaha… it doesn’t matter, I WILL win eventually.” Towa said as he closed his eyes, laid on the floor, and at least for now, was defeated.
God watched him lie on the ground of the planet, he wanted to make sure he does not escape this, so he threw an entire mountain at him, crushing him.

God returned to the original planet, where Life and Dude were waiting for him.
“What happened, God.” Life asked as God passed beside them.
God smiled, “Nothing happened.” God then told them to go inside his cave, he had to talk to them.

“Why did you call us, Dude?” Dude told god.
“Yeah, why did you call us, God?” Life also said, god made them sit on stone chairs.
“I want to talk.” said God, they each sat on their respective chairs with their respective name marked on it.
“What is your purpose Dude?” asked God while looking at the stone ground.
“Why do you ask that?” Dude asked him that first.
“I just need it, please.” God begged Dude, God grabbed Dude’s arm.
“Ok, Fine, my purpose is…” Dude took a glance at Life, “Enjoy Life, and be overall fine.” Dude said, God smiled, a sincere smile, almost like smiling to a brother.
“Thanks…” God then took a glance at Life, “Now you Lifey.” said God to Life.
“Lifey, that's new, ok, my purpose is, to love, to love anything who loves life, and be loved, be loved by anyone who loves life.” Life winked at Dude, which if Dude could, he would be so red, they would need to invent a new variant of red, God smiled, he felt happy.
“Can we hug?” God said to the two, the two said yes, and they hugged, because they knew that for now, everything was gonna be alright.
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