• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern tales of honour - characters



ic - ooc - characters - rules - npcs - lore
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Age: (21+)




Vices: (3+)

Virtues: (3+)

Personality: (3+ paragraphs based on the above vices/virtues)

Likes: (3+)

Dislikes: (3+)


Greatest Accomplishment:


History: (3+ paragraphs)



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Edward Bilton






- Detached
- Aggressive
- Obsessive
- Regretful

- Protective
- Determined
- Gentle
- Childish

The perfect word to describe Ed is detached. As much as he gets too involved in cases, and how invested he gets with the victims of crime, he can stay absolutely separate from them. He learned this in the army, and he's always seen it as more of a good thing than a bad, because it keeps his head level; as much as it can be. Ed has basically no family members left, besides his mother, and so that has taught him to be protective of what he has; of the good, innocent people in his life. It's one of the reasons he became a deputy. He has an incredible need to protect the good and destroy the bad, which links into another part of his personality. Being protective means that he will - and has- do anything to keep those in his town from harms way. He can become aggressive and argumentative if he doesn't get the truth, or what he wants to be the truth. He's not always the best person to go to if he's in the thick of an investigation.

Ed is always determined to find answers, no matter what he has to do. However, he very rarely gets the answers that he wants, even if they are true. If he finds that someone has done something that he hadn't expected, he gets incredibly angry. He gets obsessive over what he thinks has happened, and he fixates on certain pieces of evidence. He's is very often in denial, and sometimes, after a big case, he'll go into a sort of hibernation, take a week off and disappear, especially if it doesn't go how he expected. He can be very regretful, if he doesn't do something that could have made the case go quicker. Ed does have a gentle side, especially when it comes to children. He never had kids of his own, and after seeing some of the awful suburban people that occupy Mapleton, he wants to make sure that the kids of the town lead good lives. He can sometimes be childish around younger people, and they bring out a slightly happier version of himself.

- Whiskey
- Lake Houses
- His Mother
- Old Country Music
- Steak

- Being Wrong
- TV
- Flowers
- Rain
- Motorcycles

Seeing all the kids grow up like their parents; monotone, depressed, suburban people with steady jobs and no life experience. He wants them to see the world. He wants to protect their future in more ways than one.

Greatest Accomplishment:
Completing three tours in Afghanistan.

Moving to his family's lake house to retire.



Ed was born in Mapleton, his Father was gone before he was even born; out of town never to be seen again. He Mother was kind and strong and lucky to have a Mother who was just the same. He was raised by his Grandma, Alice, and his Mom, Olivia. Alice had been born in Italy, but moved to Mapleton when she was five. His childhood was pretty good, but he soon realised that he needed to get out. The quickest ticket to leave was the army, and so as soon as he turned seventeen, he left to join the marines.

After very few trips back home, ten years service and a Captain's badge, Ed decided that it was time to go home. The marines had changed him. He'd killed, he'd lost people, including his Grandma, back home. When he came back to Mapleton, he was stunned; nothing had changed. The marines may have been scary and awful at times, but he had seen so much of the world, the beauty as well as the bad. People in Mapleton were the same, except now they all had kids and mortgages. After a while, he decided to join the sheriff's department. Back then, the Sheriff was Macon Wells; he was grouchy and mean, but he'd been the sheriff for years and people loved him. Three years into being a deputy, Ed was in the thick of a battle with a drug gang. Drugs had been a big part of Mapleton, but they had gone unnoticed for so long. Ed had been promoted to chief investigator, and so he felt it was his duty to stop this gang. However, he unfurled a long list of people who were in on the gang, and were profiting from the sales.

Sheriff Macon Wells was one of the men who had been taking money from the drug gangs and hiding their wrong doings. Ed faced a lot of backlash, but he brought the whole thing to the public and was hailed a hero. Deputy Sheriff Arthur Rawley was next up to be called as Sheriff, but he stepped aside so that Ed could take up the role; Ed was younger and more qualified. The two were partners for years, and became very close. But, Arthur was getting old, and so when he turned sixty, he moved away to Florida.

Olivia Bilton - Mother - Alive
Alice Bilton - Grandmother - Deceased

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Name: Andrew Graham
Age: 37
Role: Coroner
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Reserved, Andrew will refrain from talking to individuals he has a professional relationship with. He feels that when in a working environment, he and his co-workers should be focussing on the task at hand and not having small chit-chat. Because of this, he will not speak without being spoken to, and will only talk about work.

Undetermined, this may seem unusual for someone like Andrew but when placed in a situation he knows that's going downhill. He'll won't work as hard and won't bother to save the operation. He'll still act like he's working but will refuse to make any real progress until the situation has saved itself.

Paranoid, Andrew is easily spooked and fears being watched without him knowing. He also enjoys his privacy when he wants it. Because of this, he'll often go great lengths in order to make sure he's safe. But there's always a nagging thought in his head that constantly unfolds a worse case Senario. This make's him feel slightly insecure, especially when he's on edge.

Impersonal (Seemingly), Because of Andrew's reserved nature during work, he may seem detached and impersonal. If someone, brings good or bad news, he'll simply shrug it off until his task has been completed.

Intelligent, Andrew is very smart. Both practically and theoretically. He's good at spotting hints and clues and linking them together. As a coroner, he's great at analysing the body and seeing anomalies no one else can.

Mature, Andrew doesn't like casual chat and conversation with his co workers that doesn't revolve around the task at hand. He thinks it's unnecessary and sees it as counter-productive. Because of this anti-social behaviour at work, he'll seem formal and remain calm to keep the mood.

Honest, This is something that Andrew holds above all else. Honesty. He thinks that it's essential in the work environment, especially in the police force, to achieve a clean and quick end to the investigation. Lies and any form of dishonesty is frowned on by Andrew, therefore will tell the truth when he has to. No matter how damaging it is to him.

Unbiased, Because of his honesty, Andrew will refuse to have any sort of biases affect his report to his superiors. If he wants a clean report, which he always does, he will deliver it void of any personal opinions based on his emotion. This is difficult for Andrew, because for some cases, he may have extreme views which he prefers not to express.

Personality: Andrew is extremely clever. He also enjoys solving puzzles, probably because it seems to tribute to his brilliance. Despite this, he's extremely honest when reporting back to his superiors, not bothering to hide any mistakes he or his peers have made. He will stick true to his word and never breaks a promise. Because of his flawless qualities in the workplace, he may strike some of his co-workers as mature and hardworking.

However, he can be boring when it comes to social interactions. Having only a few likes and fairly unusual hobbies, Andrew isn't someone that can be easily sympathised with. But when meeting a 'kindred spirit', Andrew can very quickly connect as long as it's outside the workplace.

Likes: Psychology, Puzzles, Birds, his family and Hunting

Dislikes: Metal rock, Defeat, Criminals.

Fears: Being watched

Greatest Achievements: Scoring the top in his university class, earned the most-likely to succeed award in his class, hunting down a large stag and pinning its skull on top of his mantelpiece.

Dreams: Andrew wants to go back home in NYC, retire early and spend the rest of his days raising his family and going on the occasional hunt.

History: Andrew was born in Massachusetts to a pair of Engineering professors. He was lovingly raised on facts and stories of the great scientists and leaders before him. While the other kids were out playing sport, he would occasionally invite one of his close friends over to set up and preform a science experiment. On occasion, Andrew was brought on camping trips in Vermont with his father, a birdwatching enthusiast. Andrew adopted his father's hobby and saw this as a calm way of passing the time, but feared the same of happening to him. What if someone was watching you, far away, in the bushes?

His fear was somewhat developed when his father brought him on the first of his hunting trips. It was essentially, the same as birdwatching. Hiding and stalking. Only this time, it was a much larger prey and he was to pull a trigger. He enjoyed the aftermath of the hunt. Turning bones and hide into trophies and trinkets. One of his most memorable moments after a hunt was fixing a skull of a stag above his fireplace.

It was fun. But the actual process, was scary for him. It reminded him of his strange irrational fear. This time, it was just a more extreme version of someone watching him, with a gun.

Middle and high school rolled by relatively quickly, he earns straight A's, goes to a nice local college and studies anatomy. During his uni life, Andrew witnessed a crime. A rape. This was new to Andrew and he decided to look into it further. He wanted to know more about a criminal, the mindset of one. He wanted to tear away at the mind and find out what makes one tick. This was his opportunity.

He was the only witness to the rape. One night, after walking back from a lecture, he spotted a fellow anatomy student walk out of a dark alley followed shortly with the cries of a young woman. It was obvious what happened, but felt clueless and didn't know how to react. He fled the scene and spent sleepless nights trying to make justice of the situation.

He 'befriended' the student, who so happened to be in the same class as him and recorded every conversation he had with him. Throughout this period of 3 months, he would try to get him drunk, just a bit every Friday night. And each time, he would spill just a bit of his feelings out.

His subject was mad. A strange, social deviant who took out his anger on some random girl. But he didn't improvise it. Instead, the criminal planned it all out. Stalked the girl, knew her weekly schedule. The criminal didn't feel guilty, but instead relieved, claiming the crime was a message for society.It soon dawned on Andrew that this was no idiot, he was a dangerous individual.

He grew attached with Andrew, trusting him with his secret and began to boast about it. This disgusted Andrew. Andrew gathered all the necessary tapes, wrote a letter and mailed it all to the the local police station anonymously. Within a week, the student disappeared from class altogether, never to be seen again.

Andrew felt bittersweet. He had done society a favour, taken down deviants without them knowing it. For Andrew though, that was the problem. He betrayed his moral conscience by betraying someone's trust. He was using them as his own personal benefit, their demise was somehow relieving and rewarding to him. He suppressed his desires to do any sort of undercover or field work, and instead stuck to what he did best, anatomy.

After graduating, Andrew moved to New York, in an attempt to leave his rural life behind for something more 'normal'. He spent his late 20's as a junior coroner working for the NYPD during the day, and a cider lover at night. Not having touched a single drop of alcohol before, Andrew fell in love with it. The bar was where he met his current wife. Emily, a bartender, who was only a few year younger and had also been studying Anatomy. She was intelligent and smart, like him. She was someone who understood him. They fell in love immediately and soon married. With family and a promising future, Andrew shut off alcohol from his life, refusing any drink even on special occasions.

Andrew climbed the ranks to a senior coroner by the age of 34 before deciding to have a child. But work distracted Andrew and he was torn between the Police and family life.

This is supposed to be Andrew's last case, to be transferred to Mapleton and to assist the investigation there. He was told that he'll be on the task force of a short investigation and should be back within a few weeks. He's gone over that 1 month period long ago and is still on the investigation.

Andrew doesn't feel comfortable in the small town. He feels threatened in a small community, where everyone knows your name. He treats the small town charm as if it's a breach of privacy. The murders aren't connecting either, frustrating Andrew and putting pressure on him.

He's only recently, without his family beside him and the pressures of work building up, Andrew has begun drinking. It started with just a pint of beer before it turned into hard alcohol and spirits. It's a relief for Andrew at night and hides it well from his co-workers and family, but if it continues, Andrew might lose sight of his future dreams.


Michael Elias Graham, Father, 65
Marium Graham, Mother, 62
Emily Graham, Wife, 35
Laura Graham, Daughter, 3

Other: Theme=X
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phaedra elaine luna
Name: Phaedra Elaine Luna
Age: 26
Role: Chief Deputy
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual and Workaholic
Vices: Reckless and Rash, Opinionated, Cunning, Brazen, Stubborn, Ambitious, Busybody | Nosy
Virtues: Hard-working, Intelligent, Clever, Down-to-Earth, Honest, Empathetic, Loyal, Considerate and Thoughtful
Personality: Phaedra can be quite the troublemaker, especially when she gets too close to a case and gets thoroughly involved. She tends to have a temper upon those who do not take their jobs seriously or do not work their hardest in each and every case. Phaedra prefers to call the victims them by name and sees them as people rather than just another “number” or “basket case”. She is willful and stubborn, never taking “no” for an answer and is usually seen going above and beyond what is needed. Phaedra can be a workaholic, forgetting to sleep or eat because she gets too invested. She never half-asses anything whether it’s her job or personal appointments. Aside from her stubbornness, Phaedra will always be around wherever the action takes place or leads her. She likes "hands-on" involvement rather than desk work - that isn't to say she doesn't take emergency calls or is part of the witness protection, but rather she likes being out, investigating and doing whatever she needs to get her case in order. Interviewing comes second nature to her, sometimes playing bad cop or good cop, whatever the circumstances suggest, however, thanks to her minor in criminal psychology, she tends to try to pluck at the minds of the suspects [sometimes, by accident, her co-workers as well].

Nevertheless, aside from her brash and brazen behaviors that gets her into a lot of trouble, she does everything she can to prove her point, never allowing others to belittle her. She will stand up for what is right and can be quite opinionated, never allowing others to underestimate her abilities. Although she's been studying all her life, with added training and internships, Phaedra can be considered the jack-of-all trade. However, because she is still quite young, Phaedra can be reckless, honestly forgetting proper etiquette, getting lost in the heat of the moment even if she is patient and understanding. At times, people may question the young girl due to her soft heart and nature to empathize with not only those around her but even the suspects. Phaedra honestly can't help but to try to look at both sides of the coins which causes disputes and shows her naiveness in character.

Phaedra is absolutely family-oriented, always making sure to take time out of her day to wish her family well to let them know they are in her thoughts. She's quite friendly, joking and laughing with her co-workers though when the time calls to buckle down and work, it is as if she's an entirely different person. Phaedra likes to consider herself as an organised person, though not to the point of a perfectionist. At the same time, there are times when Phaedra may stare off into space only because there are a million thoughts running through her head. She is quite forgiving and at times, nurturing and maternal, always being supportive of those she cares about. However, because Phaedra likes her independency, it takes her awhile to swallow her pride and ask for help, taking on more than she can handle at certain times. It's only when others force her to take a break or to give them the workload would Phaedra feel comfortable handling her duties. She is absolutely competitive, taking any challenges that comes her way due to her resilient nature.
Likes: Going where the wind takes her, Books, Animals, Coffee, Winter, Poetry, Honesty, Much needed down-time, Her family and friends
Dislikes: Sleepless nights [ though, it's not like she would know], Countless paperwork, Unnecessary violence, False accusations, Rumours, Betrayal, Lies, Losing
Fears: She absolutely hates clowns and heights - she just freezes up completely. Phaedra fears not being able to protect her family, especially her little sister who looks up to her. She's afraid to mess up in an investigation and is fearful of actually never being "good" enough - despite it not being shown, she does care about what people think of her.
Greatest Accomplishment: She was the youngest of her class to finish with two degrees, one for a bachelor's and another for a master's degree in criminal justice. When she first got into the field, Phaedra was in charge of protecting a key eye-witness for an investigation that was on-going involving drug cartels that was keep on the downlow. In the end, after the whole investigation - although they didn't catch the main head honcho of the cartel as he was too high up, but two of the crew members and the boss of the members - Phaedra placed herself in the line of fire causing her to earn a badge and recognition for her service.
Dreams: One day, Phaedra dreams of becoming part of the federal government agency, the behavioral special analysis unit - wanting to become a profiler and move up in her position. But, first, she'd need to apply to a law enforcement academy - perhaps Quantico - but, she is still hesitant to leave.
History: Growing up in a household with just her grandmother, her father, her younger sister, and herself, it was quite a peaceful atmosphere, humble, if you will. The Luna family stayed out of the city and in the countryside, farming their own land and cultivating crops. Phaedra's father taught her everything she knew about being on the force, giving rise to Phaedra's ambition and goal in life. She wanted to grow up just like her father. However, because her father was always away due to missions, Phaedra always took it upon herself to take care of the household as she was the oldest and wanted to set a good example for her little sister.

Time passed and Phaedra never knew her mother to the point that she doesn't even know that she's alive. All she knew was that her mother walked out of them one day and that was that. Her father, on the other hand, always had hoped that she'd come back, keeping the fiery spirit and hope. However, Phaedra didn't believe it and only needed the family they had now: her sister, father, and grandmother. Despite the memories of having her mother with her until her little sister was born, she kept that memory tucked away, never looking back on them as she believed it wasn't "necessary". Her mother was a stranger to her and she hoped, from the bottom of her heart, she would never come back - not after the life she and the rest of her family built together.

When Phaedra went to school, she excelled in most of her classes, becoming one of the top-ranked student. She was smart and she loved knowledge, however, socialising was a bit harder for her. While Phaedra excelled in studies, her little sister was the social butterfly out of the two. But, she didn't mind as she liked watching over her sister, protecting her when she could and can. However, whenever Phaedra found a chance to be passionate on a subject she loved, she could talk for hours on end. High school passed and Phaedra graduated high school at the age of 17 years old. Phaedra took her successes and decided to move up the ranks and attend a university [even if it meant moving out of the household and to another city]. After 5 years, Phaedra graduated at the age of 22 with a bachelor and master's in criminal justice. Phaedra had went on and interned, trained, and worked for another 2 years under the guidance of the law academy before officially getting the position as deputy. Since then she has been part of the team but only recently was given the position as Chief Deputy due to the retirement of the Arthur Rawley. To say she was excited and honored was an understatement, however, she knew most people didn't approve of such a choice especially due to her young age. But, she couldn't say "no" and accepted her position, gaining both enemies and friends because of her choice. However, that only meant she needed to work harder to prove not only others, but herself. Hard work does pay off.
Family: Ex-CIA Agent Abraham Samson Luna [father] - alive
Gwendolyn Sara Luna [grandmother] - alive
Phoebe Eloise Luna [sister] - alive
Unknown Mother - estranged
Skills: First-aid Certified
Parkouring [a great track runner]
Combat [above average with hand-to-hand combat and medium to high-skilled with a gun]
Flexible and agile [gymnastic-based]
Horse-riding and Farming
Other:- Phaedra has a master's degree in criminal justice [ major in criminal justice , minor in criminal psychology ] as she was able to take only up to five years to earn her degrees due a dual degree program. Afterwards, she did her training for deputy within three month's time, earning her rightful place on the field.
- She has trouble sleeping at times due to the many thoughts in her head, so she's usually up early than most being a morning riser.
- Phaedra is 100% a nerd, always up to talk about philosophy, bonding about absolutely anything, and debating.
hidden scroll
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Daphne A. Donadieu

  • Name: Daphne Angelique Donadieu

    Nicknames: DD, Daph, Angel

    Age: Twenty-One

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Role: Deputy over Witness Protection
    & Radio Communications

History & Family:
Fresh out of Highschool, Donadieu immediately engaged in six months of basic training, a total of two years all in all and specialized in communications and technology. While she did receive the same training as the other deputies, she prefers to not be on the field, but rather, behind the scenes and in the earpiece.

Growing up, Daphne Donadieu was the only child to a police officer and a therapist later turned medium. She was born in southern France, then later moved to California at the age of just three, then later Mapleton at the age of ten. No matter the location of her home, it was always a very spiritual household, as her mother burned white sage religiously and encouraged the idea that if you let just anyone inside of your home, they may bring negative energy and negative spirits in with them. Needless to say, Daphne never hosted many sleepovers as a little girl.

All in all, Daphne doesn't have many close relatives, her parents having left southern France in an attempt to insure their daughter could be raised with a better chance for opportunities as she progressed in age.
As a young girl, Daphne explored talents from Ballet, to choir, even to orchestra playing the violin for a year before deciding it wasn't for her. When she began to shape into teenage years, she found herself to be more and more like her mother, a clairvoyant. And though it was in her blood, and she did it so naturally, she aspired to be like her father. She decided there was a way to mix the two, to care for people and watch over others without having to be at the front of danger.


Ernest Delgado

b a s i c s​
Ernest Delgado
Cisgender male
Bisexual (preference for males)
p e r s o n a l i t y​
Cynical - Due to his overall experiences from childhood to his participation in war, there has become a certain hardness to his personality when it comes down to feeling compassion for others. Ernest has grown to have a rather pessimistic perspective on life, and tends to expect the worst from others. He has become distrustful of people's integrity especially due to having dealt with criminals for years. This cynicism has come hand-in-hand with his tendency to become non-empathic, sometimes not allowing him to give others a chance at all.
Morally ambiguous - It's hard to tell what Ernest is going to do at times. Like all people, he follows a set of principles. He does what he thinks is right, but his perception of what is right can sometimes be questionable. In spite of him being well-meaning, he can be dishonest among other things when trying to accomplish the so-called "right thing". At his worst and most desperate, Ernest can resort to violence and aggression instead of actually solving the problem.
Vengeful - He would never direct his anger at people who don't deserve it, but Ernest is the type to hold grudges, and considering his tendencies to become violent if someone does something to induce his hatred, it's probably best not to cross him.
Sociable/charming - Despite him not having too many friends, Ernest is highly likable and can be very charming, and generally has a good rapport among the townspeople. Of course, his overall good looks also help with him being able to keep the unruly housewives of Mapleton particularly in check, but a lot of it has to do with his ability to not only play nice, but also his ability to act like he's your absolute dearest friend.
- No matter how he feels about his superior, he'll do his job and do it well because that's just how Ernest works. He absolutely despises incompetence among his co-workers and tries to make up for everyone else's mistakes by himself. However, this doesn't completely mean he's loyal to Ed Bilton, or that he'll do his every bidding, because his need to uncover Mapleton's underlying clockwork of crime overpowers his loyalty to authorities. He'll take what he perceives to be the most efficient (but as much as possible legal) route, even if it means having to disobey orders from above.
Romantic - It might be because he's growing older by the minute and settling down sounds like the best retirement option to him, but Ernest would very much like a second shot at love. He wants to raise children with someone and eventually have that picturesque, white-picket-fence-house, and he wants to live in it with someone he cares about. Sadly, he doesn't really have the time to actively look for that someone.
- Wine
- Cooking
- Dogs
- Suits
- Leather jackets
- Complacency
- Ignorance
- Incompetence
- His family
Greatest accomplishment:
- Having served 2 tours in Iraq.
- Serving as Sheriff in his previous town
- Have a family of his own
- Restore Mapleton's honor
- Dying without having a family
b a c k g r o u n d​
Having been born and raised in Mapleton by a big family of people he didn't even know well or like, it is surprising that Ernest has any good memories of the town at all. In fact, he loved it, in spite of all its shortcomings and sordid secrets. Among his family, he was the only one who ever seemed to be going somewhere. He had excellent grades throughout high school, and he did it without the help of his alcoholic mother, his bum of a father, or any of his indolent siblings. In fact, the only form of assistance he ever received from his family was when his father taught him to shoot when he was 16, and Ernest consequently realized he wanted to enlist as a soldier and serve his country. It was this kind of ambition that led him to earn a scholarship at a prestigious military academy outside of Mapleton, finally leaving the town he loved so dearly.

Ernest served his cadetship up until he was 22, and he then completed his 7 years of service in the U.S. army. When he left, he left as a 29-year-old civilian who'd gained medals for his heroic acts in Iraq, but was without family, friends or a partner. Ernest had nothing but his service dog Jupiter, his otherwise lonely house in the city, and his recurring visions of blood and viscera from war. That was, until he met a girl named Marnie at a mutual acquaintance's wedding. Marnie and Ernest seemed perfect for each other - both cynical and quick-witted, and highly ambitious - and they fell very passionately in love. They had plenty of dreams together, one of which was marrying each other (something they were able to accomplish) and another was raising a family in a house with a white picket fence and their dog Jupiter running around with their children in the backyard.

Those dreams were dashed after three miscarriages, and a trip to the doctor telling them that Marnie was never going to be able to have children. They were devastated, but they loved each other and were determined to have the future they always wanted to have together. Amidst the process of trying to adopt however, things grew to be more and more rocky between them, as Marnie became more and more detached and resentful and Ernest was promoted to Sheriff of the town, and didn't know how exactly to cope with both his and Marnie's turbulent emotions. Eventually, they both just grew more and more argumentative, and their 8 year long relationship crumbled at the hands of life's hurdles.

Ernest quit his job and moved back to Mapleton, leaving Jupiter in the hands of his ex-wife, in hopes of finding some semblance of a home. He lived quietly in the years he resided in Mapleton, but upon being offered the position of Sheriff after Macon Wells's ruination, he had attained purpose again. The idea of doing what he loved in the town he loved seemed to be absolutely perfect, and Ernest was prepared to undo all of the previous Sheriff's malpractices.

However, before he could actually perform his duty as Mapleton's new Sheriff, the offer for the post was retracted. Ernest had reportedly been seen in intimate conditions with another man at a bar by someone in the department, and due to "unfit behavior for a potential leader", he could no longer be considered for such an esteemed position. Instead, he was offered the position of deputy, since, they had explained, Ernest's skills could still be of service. The department promised that they and the reported witness would stay silent on the matter as long as he accepted the position of a deputy. And now, he is forced simply to comply to orders from above, only being able to imagine what he'd be doing differently from his superior Ed Bilton had he been more careful.
o t h e r​
Marnie Ross [ex-wife] - If you knew both Marnie and Ernest personally, you wouldn't wonder at all why they'd been together. In fact, you'd wonder why they aren't still together, as they're incredibly similar people. When they would visit Mapleton, Marnie and Ernest faced a lot of judgment from plenty of the townspeople, mostly because of the 10-year age gap that separates them. Despite having had a generally rocky relationship with one another in the past though, they're actually quite good friends, and it's not rare for Ernest to receive calls from her at any time of the day. Marnie now lives somewhere in New York, and they sometimes still meet each other halfway for... well, the occasional evening of meaningless sex.
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[size= 2]name_ bartholomew matthias brekker.

age_ twenty eight.

role_ coroner.

gender_ cisgender male.

sexuality_ heterosexual but he’s very afraid of girls.

[x] quiet
[x] clumsy
[x] disorganised

[x] motherly
[x] easily excited
[x] considerate

Personality_ wipp bc i’m hiding in a toilet.

[x] crime shows.
[x] terrible sci fi movies from the eighties.
[x] star wars.

[x] alcohol.
[x] his dad and his four other brothers.
[x] ducks.

[x] ducks - bart was attacked by a duck when he was younger and since then has been deathly afraid of the species.
[x] failure - for most of his life, bart has never earned a simple thumbs up from dad. mainly because his dad is a world class asshole and thus, bart seeks validation.

greatest accomplishment_
[x] going to see the rocky horror picture show live in new york.
[x] graduating as class valedictorian.

[x] to have a family of his own.
[x] to film his own sci fi movie.

history_ wipppp.

[x] gabriel brekker - father - alive.
[x] sarah brekker - mother - deceased.
[x] abraham brekker - eldest brother - alive.
[x] matthias brekker - second eldest brother - alive.
[x] oliver brekker - third eldest brother - alive.
[x] ross brekker - fourth eldest brother - alive.
[size= 2][/size]​
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c a s s a n d r a . f r a z i e r

Age: 28
Birthday: July 14
Sexuality: straight as
an arrow
Weight: 141 lbs.
Height: 5'10"
Ethnicity: caucasian with
some spanish roots

the Brief

Appearance: long dusty-blonde hair, somewhat wavy and mussed, steady grey eyes, long and narrow nose, light freckles in the summertime

Likes: mystery novels, solving a case, interviewing, justice
Dislikes: misuse of power, cloudy days, black teas and coffee, the smell of skunk, eggs (especially when rotten)
Virtues: practical, efficient, concerned for others' well being, a steadying presence, strong sense of justice, seeks harmony with co-workers, witty, most of the time decisive, calm and rational
Greatest Fear: She fears loved ones getting killed, abandoning her, or vanishing from her life. Also fears being alone in a foreign place at night, being chased by clowns in a shopping mall, pigs, bees, and being crushed by the weight of the world. Not accomplishing her dream.
Biggest Dream: Protect people and save as many lives as she can. Cassandra one day aspires to be a mom, by adoption or by birth. Wants to eventually retire and own a pair of corgis. In the back of her mind, she wants to find out more about her youngest sibling who has been missing for fourteen years.
Star Achievement: Solved a famed case in 1999. Boxing and martial arts medals. Won the state championship a few years back.


Personality ~

Cassandra Clair Fraizer is a forward-thinking person. To those she is close to, she is expresses emotions more. When dealing with those she loves, she goes with whatever her heart is telling her. In the workplace, she is calm, cool, and efficient, preferring to leave the socializing during work parties or post-case drinking celebrations. To the people involved in cases, she demonstrates the rare trait of compassion, not hesitating to bring a glass of water to make it easier for them to respond in an interrogation, for example. But to the psychos and unmerciful, she is just cold and judgmental. Cassandra especially hates those who abuse children and women, hence her strong sense of justice. Cassandra is able to exercise justice and mercy fairly well and at appropriate times. The only times her emotions get the best of her is when people are being unjust and ignoring the facts so the result is injustice and/or oppression. She really and genuinely cares about the citizens of the city, but her cynical side keeps her from building many relationships of trust, especially with the lackluster personas of Mapleton's suburbia. In the past she has been scarred and hurt, so those who she attaches to emotionally have her full confidence as she is highly selective.
History ~
Cassandra grew up a tom boy in a public school. Needless to say, she was bullied quite a bit by both the boys and girls at her school. Her sister was conflicted over whether to step in and stop the mess she was getting into, but chose not to in order to hang around the "elite crowd" and keep her rep shiny. Eventually, Helena apologizes to Cassandra, but Cassandra isn't sure whether her elder sibling's heart has really changed or not. After she comes home one day with a bleeding nose, her father teaches her how to defend herself. Eventually, she exceeds him in martial arts skill (as he is aging and hasn't done it in a while).

During high school, relations improved. She showed off her fighting ability with some of the older school bullies and left them with bruises and a lesson they'd never forget: don't mess with her. She joined the school's boxing team as the only female member and stood her ground there, single-handedly winning against several of the fighters at other high schools. She also swam competitively and won silver. In her high school years, she biked to school during warmer days, preferring it over the stuffy limousine and chauffeur. Earned her driver's license in one try to her father's approval, and made nice with some of her former enemies. Not that they're super close or anything. Being a strong-headed person, she found her own friends and grew close to them.

After high school, she found a job as a store clerk and stayed in that position for three years while she earned her degree in criminal law. She excelled in her human psychology and physiology courses, and continued to practice her fighting skills in the school's mixed martial arts club, although less often than in high school. During this time, she found several authors whose work she really engaged with and believed in. Her morals and sense of justice was formed during this time. She enjoys debates with sharp-minded people and wrote at least one article for the college's magazine on gender discrimination. She earned mostly As and Bs and became more socially skilled. Her teachers recognized and favored her strong sense of justice and her determination to see it done. These relationships with her professors eventually launched her into the crim justice/law world. After working with a PI for several years, she ended up being hired as Deputy Chief to Edward Bilton due to her cool+calm decision making.

Family ~

Her older sister works in a high end retail store. They aren't particularly close. May call once a month or so. They rely on each other when times get rough, but otherwise stay out of each other's way focused on work and their own social circles. Her sister, Helena, finds her work unsavory. "Why don't you find a real job?" she often asks Cassandra. "Like, a nice one..."

Her father, Corven Fraizer, is a dominating man with an iron straight posture and graying sideburns. He is handsome in a silver fox way but is strictly loyal to his wife, Selene. He is a man of morals and taught her how to kickbox and be street smart after she got bullied so bad she came home with a broken and bloody nose one day from school. Corven is the CEO of a large shipping company that has locales around the globe.

Her mother, Selene Alabast, is a high minded individual. She wants her daughters to be respectable in society, and thus favors Helena. She shows her favor by giving Helena spare money and they go together for spa nights etc. Selene enjoys the night life and going shopping in brand name stores. It goes without saying that they are rich. Selene is a woman of ideals, and holds a high sense of duty. She is the one who manages the money of the household and is notoriously good at it. Earned her degree in accounting & financial management. Works at a bank downtown.

Her brother...??? Unknown. Missing. Youngest of the Fraizer siblings. Age 13. Selene fed Helena some story about him, which she has not disclosed to Cassandra. So Helena isn't really keen on finding out more. The family wants to protect their reputation.

the Icon
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Felicity 'Flick' Roriquo


Investigations Sergeant




- Obsessive
- Manipulative
- Angry

- Intelligent
- Professional
- Confident

Flick is seen as a headstrong, confident woman, and that's reflected in her work. She's hard working, although slightly manipulative. Her outlook on life is very bitter; everyone gets shit. There's no love and no romance, although, deep down, she still has the need to find her soulmate. She's obsessive, and her string of 'casual' relationships have only fueled those obsessions, most notably with Deputy Ernest Delgado. Because she constantly tells herself that she's fine on her own and that she doesn't have deep feelings, her actual feelings are pushed down and they often rear their ugly head.

Flick's obsessions lead into work more than anything. No matter how small the crime, she has a deep need to find the perpetrator and free or compensate the victims; that's why she's such a good Investigations Sergeant. Her professional attitude to her work life can sometime leak out into her real one and she's often seen to be uptight or angry. Flick is quite the opposite. Although so many years spent at crime scenes has made her slightly cynical, she likes to have fun but enjoys solitude more than anything.

Flick has a rough history with men, and has never found any one to settle down with. Her confidence has been played out, and she has a name for herself in the office. She catches feelings rather easily, even though she professes herself as an independent woman, and sometimes tries to manipulate people into loving her back; making them feel guilty or criminal. She often hates herself after such incidents, though, and a huge cycle of conflict in her own mind starts over again.

- Dogs
- Hikes
- Italian Food
- Blankets
- Long Books

- Sweets
- Rain
- Prolonged Cases
- Dresses
- Rejection

- She's approaching her fourties now, and as she sees it, she's already an old woman. She's pretty much given up hope of having kids, but she fears that she'll never find love.
- What Flick fears even more than loneliness is being trapped. She's scared she'll fall in love with someone and then change her mind, or maybe they'll change theirs, and then she'll be trapped in a hideous relationships. She's scared that once she settles down; she'll hate it.

Greatest Accomplishment:
- Sending her little brother to college.

- Flick wants to retire. She's not sure if she sees a man in her life; she wants to, she wants a family, but she's lost a lot of hope that that will ever happen.



Flick was born in Mapleton to a working class white Mother and Spanish Father. Her parents were often judged by the perfect nuclear families that lived down the block, because they couldn't afford fancy shoes or new school clothes for their children. Flick had a hard time in school, mostly down to the fact that everyone saw her as impure. Her Father was Spanish and dirty, and Flick was even worse because she was the product of a white woman and a I'm uncultured man. Without many friends, Flick had more time to concentrate on her studies, and when she was thirteen, she was blessed with a baby brother.

Flick wanted to make sure that her little brother had a better time that she did, and so she kept a watchful eye over Marco. When she graduated high school, she intended to go to college, study psychology and law and become a psychiatrist, but once she had learned about all of the amazing things that the police force did, she wanted to be a cop.

Flick graduated from the sheriff academy when she was twenty two, and spent nine years working her ass off as a deputy. It was an easy road, but she was a pain in the ass for her superiors, because all she did was nag about crime scenes and get too deep into cases. During this time, Marco was making his way through school, and Flick wanted to make sure that he was having the best experience he could. She'd take him to school in the police car and people would think he was so cool. Flick loved him more than anything and couldn't have been prouder.

In Marco's senior year, Flick was promoted to Investigations Sergeant, and with her pay rise, she decided to send her little brother to college. Her parents were still in low-paying jobs, and didn't have the money to pay. Flick didn't want him to suffer with loans.

Flick's life became a little sadder when her brother left for college. She rarely saw her parents, and her love life was abysmal. She'd slept with nearly every guy in the office; and even she had to admit that she felt lousy about it. She had become obsessed with the bad boy of the department; Ernest Degaldo. He wasn't taking up any of her advances, and that only made her want him more. He was worse that Ed.

Marco Roriquo- Brother - 19
Catherine Roriquo- Mother - 49
Ronaldo Roriquo- Father - 51

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