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Fantasy Tales of Aurezia

Tales of Aurezia

A labelled map of Aurezia

A Glimpse To The World

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History of Aurezia
Thousands of years ago before Aurezia came into its current state, only the gods walked upon the world. Alone, they lived, seeing the same old scenery of barren lands every passing day. It took them a while to realize that they could do something about it.

And so, with their divine powers, they forged the beauty of the lands - the greens and the browns of the earth, the blues and whites of the skies and the seas. After such, they created life - the beasts of the lands, the birds of the skies, and the fishes of the seas. They saw to it that each one is fitting for the destination, giving them various feats such as tough hide, flight, and breathing underwater. They watched the glorious days pass by as these changes they made show its effect unto the world.

It was wonderful. The barren world was now full of magnificence. However, it did not take long for them to want more changes. The world was following a cycle, and so was the things in it. This bored the gods, much like the days when it was barren. They wanted changes to occur, they wanted to see things unexpected. They wanted to make the world act on its own. Thus, they gave birth to the humans - mortals derived from their own essence.

The stewards of the world. Self-aware and bound to change. Unpredictable. The gods, one more, watched as the days passed by. And they were extremely pleased with the results. Humans acted and decided on various things, in different ways, at different times, under different circumstances. No man was the same as the other. Events unfolded on their own without the gods. Changes occurred without their interference. But most importantly, these mortals worshiped them, prolonging their all ready immortal lives, as well as developing their divine powers.

The gods, seeing that they are no longer needed, other than being worshiped by the humans, went to the Heavens - a higher plane of existence meant only for the righteous, the blessed, and the divine.

The world developed far quicker without the physical presence of the gods. Soon enough, various kinds of civilizations were formed. Belonging to one of these was The Silver Throne - the governing head of the land of Aurezia. Under its rule, was an age of prosperity.

History of Aurezia II
Centuries after the ascent of the gods and the founding of the Silver Throne, a world-changing event occurred. A certain god, named Agranihr, began to desire for absolute supremacy - both among his fellow gods, and the mortals of the world. With his divine powers, he began to slaughter his own kind in the Heavens. Without any preparation for such a thing, the gods quickly fell, and their numbers were drastically reduced. Some other gods, in fear of dying, joined him in his cause, whilst others remained firm and stood in his way. The War of The Heavens began.

The effects of this event unfolding were not restricted to The Heavens only. As the gods waged war, their powers seeped through the world, creating various links and connections to the different things that made up the world. The affected creatures were morphed into something more, something greater. Some of them became the monsters the world now fears, others became benevolent and were known as elementals, and spirits. The humans affected began to be able to wield the powers of these gods, however weak or strong it may be. They became saints and heroes.

The War of The Heavens ended a century after, and most of the world had been affected by their divine powers. The ambitious god, Agranihr, and those who sided with him were defeated, but not killed - unlike Agranihr, they were merciful. The few gods who remained, led by Lakuhrez, banished them and gave them varying punishments. Agranihr and the others were furious. They wanted revenge, but their powers were diminished. Agranihr, unlike them, still has his sights for the top, and he had a plan. He, with much effort, convinced the other gods to grant him their power, so he can forge a different plane, like The Heavens, where they could hide and replenish their strengths and numbers. Thus, The Depths of Hell came to existence. Once he and the other gods were there, he immediately used the rest of the powers he borrowed to bring them into submission. He turned them from gods into the first Hellborn, and made them create an army that would soon bring The Heavens crashing down. The Hellborn grew in number.

Lakuhrez, on the other hand, notified the world of this - Agranihr's dark desire, the fall of the gods, and the birth of The Depths of Hell and the Hellborn. He returned to The Heavens and closed it - barring both entry and exit. The mortals, in this revelation, were astounded, but not for long. They began to form various religious sects, which worshiped the remaining gods, specifically Lakuhrez, since he was now the leader of these divine beings. Of course, cults were also formed, those which believed that Agranihr and the others were right, and that this so-called Depths of Hell were a different form of The Heavens in its own sense.

Current Times
Our story takes place five centuries (five hundred years) after The War of The Heavens. The world has developed even further, and the various sects and cults have grown. In this time, the Hellborn are emerging upon the world, conquering various locations and securing various artifacts. The Silver Throne, stands against them and their unknown goals - hunting down their kind with the aid of the different religious sects.

As this occurs, a strange form of energy seeps from an undiscovered realm to this world. The educated ones call it The Arcane. It is said to grant people god-like powers if handled accordingly, and that is true. However, very little is known of The Arcane, and the ones who can wield and manipulate it could only use it to a certain extent.

And with such, the creatures of the world are agitated, making them act rather different from usual. This stirs fear and confusion in the hearts of the people. Politics begin to be more complex than it was ever before, trades between cities are disturbed, and peace and prosperity is beginning to fade.

You are a citizen of Aurezia, and you are affected by this strange events. However, like Agranihr, your eyes do not stray far from your goals. You may be a humble farmer from Pathsow, trying to make your way from rags to riches. You may be an ambitious squire yearning to be a lord. You may be a young scholar trying to know more about this Arcane. You may be a devoted worshiper of Lakuhrez, hoping to cleanse the world of Agrahnirs evils. You may be a knight, following The Silver Throne's decrees. You may be a simple guy with darn simply goals.

One thing is clear to you. This world, by any means, is not aiding you from getting what you want. Or even what you need.

The Roleplay
Tales of Aurezia is a free-roam RP. There are main, overarching plots, but you are free to create your own. You will be given enough freedom to have a (hopefully) satisfying character development. Whatever you decide to do, the main plots will affect you, and your plot.

I will not be enforcing any post length restriction, but I do require you to be able to create a post with enough detail to not only react, but to make the story push forward as well. Appropriate grammar and spelling are, however, crucial to me. As for post frequency, as long as you can post once a week, that'd be enough. I do hope that if you'll be joining, you'd stay for as long as possible.

Anyways, enough of that.

If you're interested, don't be afraid to join. The more, the merrier.

Thanks to inkarnate.com for the map, and fantasynamegenerators.com for help in naming them all.
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That's plenty enough, though more are greatly appreciated. The thread will be worked upon within a few moments. Expect it to be up within a week or more.
Oh, I just realized what 'free roam' meant.

This'll be different. I'm not too great at making my own situations.
Drakerus said:
Oh, I just realized what 'free roam' meant.
This'll be different. I'm not too great at making my own situations.
I'll be there to guide you until such time you can do so.
thankfully i am used to free roam type stuff. and character stories are my forte. though i am willing to listen/read what you say.

i might ask questions though, if you dont mind???
[QUOTE="Jack Rakan]thankfully i am used to free roam type stuff. and character stories are my forte. though i am willing to listen/read what you say.
i might ask questions though, if you dont mind???

Ask away.
I might just end up tagging along with someone else's character most of the time.

Can't wait for the grand adventures!
Drakerus said:
I might just end up tagging along with someone else's character most of the time.
Can't wait for the grand adventures!
Well, at the current situation, going around the world alone is very dangerous.
Drakerus said:
I might just end up tagging along with someone else's character most of the time.
Can't wait for the grand adventures!
I tend to make a post throwing myself in there and tag along also. I like free roaming, and fun. It means we wouldn't have to wait exactly for every single person to post. It keeps things going.
Reinhardt said:
That's plenty enough, though more are greatly appreciated. The thread will be worked upon within a few moments. Expect it to be up within a week or more.
Why must we wait so long! ;'(

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