Tales of Afeos: Beginnings


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Character Creation

Name: [First - Last]
Race: [Human, Undal, Dunavir, Eldwaen, Hywin]
Age: [Keep in mind of your ace; human = 1-90 ; Undal = 1-1000+ ; Eldwaen = 1-1000+; Dunavir = 1-150 ; Hywin = 1-150]
Appearance: [Description/Image]
Background: [brief/Detailed overview of this character]

Strengths: [No more than 3]
Weaknesses: [No less than 3]
Affinities: [Types of Magick; only if you are Undal (Max of 3 affinities), Eldwaen (Max of 2 affinities) or Hywin (Max of 2 affinities)]
Weapons: [Melee weapons, ranged weapons, staff, etc..]
Tools: [Materials such as rope, crafting parts (Scrap metal/blacksmith tool set, etc..]
Misc: [Anything secondary; food, drink, spices, jewelry, etc..]
Name: Gwynn Sunborn

Nickname/ Title: Lord of Cinder

Race: Eldwean

Gender: Male

Age: 500


Personality: Gwynn is a kind yet harsh soul. He is loyal to those who are worthy and to those that aren't he is very cold and distant not even acknowledging their existence.

Background: Gwynn got the title Lord of Cinder before the time of presumed peace. During the first war. Gwynn used his mighty flame and lightning magick to fight the Undal from the ground. His powerful flames left nothing behind but a pile of cinders where his opponent once stood. Gwynn's bolts caused mighty claps of thunder when thrown. Striking his foes hard and true.

Strengths: Powerful magick, strong will, and the enchanted sword of his fallen companion Siff.

Weaknesses: Pride, compassion, and his hatred of the Undal.

Affinities: Fire and Lightning magick

Weapons: An enchanted great sword wielded by a good friend of The Lord of Cinder. Artorias once used this blade in the battles against the Undal. It is said that this powerful sword feeds on the magick of the Undal slain by it.

Tools: A large wet stone enchanted to sharpen Artorias' mighty great sword.

Misc: Gwynn keeps Artorias' covenant ring. The Wolf Pack ring is said to unlock the swords powers allowing the wearer to wield the large great sword in one hand with ease.

Artorias' great sword:

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Name: Taka Alecdracia

Nicknames/Titles: Former captain of the guard

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/taka--.jpg.608f27c02790c0db9d469e38af0dd397.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/taka--.jpg.608f27c02790c0db9d469e38af0dd397.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A soldier without a cause, still wearing her uniform. A critic of the monarchy. A guardian of the monarchy. A loyalist. A loudmouth. Someone who is effected by the suffering of others. Someone who's seen and caused the carnage of war. A person interested in the culture and practices of other races. Someone who is honest. A woman who tries to find a middle ground but wouldn't betray her race to achieve peace. At her heart, Taka is a fighter and she feels deeply for others but won't nessesary act on that compassion. She knows who's side she's on.

Background: Taka grew up in the shadow of the court. As dirt faced little girl, Taka followed her father everywhere. He trained as a soldier and she spent much of her childhood being babysat by his regiment. Taka imitated her father and took on many of his personality traits and habits. Including his outspokenness towards the blunders of the monarchy and his eye for detail--one of which eventually got her dismissed from duty. She never wanted to be anything but a warrior. Sword training and archery came naturally to her.

Her father passed away while she was still a teenager. Taka fights for the same things he fought for. Humanity's wellbeing and a long-shot chance at peace. Her dream is to command soldiers again, but on a bigger scale.


--She is accustomed to facing situations where her or her company lives might be traded for the greater good.

--She still has connections in the kingdom (with all races through lesser lords and emissaries)

--A lasting reputation--she still has the loyalty and sympathy of her regiment and the undying scorn of the human aristocracy


--Her loyalty to humanity can sometime supersede her desire to do what's right.

--A inclination to use brute force instead of strategy.

--She is blunt and doesn't believe in ceremony which can ruffle some feathers.

Weapons: A sword--long and thin cut for quick movement. It is enspelled to never break as long as she wields it. Taka also wears brass knuckles for hand to hand combat.

Tools: A bag of gems and precious stones for trading purposes. Salves for buns and bandages. Flint.

Misc: Eldwaen seeds that grow fruit over night, a badge bearing her old sigil as captain of the guard.



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