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Fandom Tale of Hoopa | OOC

I was kinda thinking, "What kind of Pokemon looks kinda menacing face value." I'm not that good at thinking.
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Okay so I'm working on a Noah post right so I apologize that it won't have my next Ven post with it! I've put off Noah for long enough so I'd just like to get him up!
I just hope my most recent post with Shinobu is better. Is it alright if I control the fishemen NPC she's asking information to?( in my next post)
It was better, thank you! And feel free to control NPCs as long as they aren't the ones I have listed on the front they are free game to use!
I just thought of this earlier, I could just name the Marill in the Name Rater location inside Lavender Town. Might get a few Pokemon lore from the NPC who works there too. But that won't get an interaction either so ye.

As it were, I actually am starting my work week tomorrow so tomorrow - Sunday I might not get posts out for Steve and Lea, if I do itd be like 1x a day at most and quality may vary. So just a reminder phhot.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre I just noticed you made a little Zelda textbox to quote the Happy Mask Salesman. Dunno why I didn't see it before but that is so cool!
Thank you! I must give the timeless the UI it deserves as Respecc. I dunno, I was just being experimental by mixing other dialogue boxes.

Also, I promise that Ib does get a little chatty later on. HMS can ramble his opinions as to Ib mostly on the more on the listener side. Squad141 Squad141 Currently making post rn

As it were, I actually am starting my work week tomorrow so tomorrow - Sunday I might not get posts out for Steve and Lea, if I do itd be like 1x a day at most and quality may vary. So just a reminder phhot.
All good! No worries at all and thank you for the reminder!
All good! No worries at all and thank you for the reminder!

Ye I know job is common but I have a semi active job so weekends when I work I am usually tired, especially since this is just my 3rd weekend. But I'm keeping up and setting time to reply as long as I feel up to it. :)
Thank you! I must give the timeless the UI it deserves as Respecc. I dunno, I was just being experimental by mixing other dialogue boxes.

Also, I promise that Ib does get a little chatty later on. HMS can ramble his opinions as to Ib mostly on the more on the listener side. Squad141 Squad141 Currently making post rn
No prob! I'm really happy that you chose Ib, btw, I love that game a lot
Ye I know job is common but I have a semi active job so weekends when I work I am usually tired, especially since this is just my 3rd weekend. But I'm keeping up and setting time to reply as long as I feel up to it. :)
Completely understandable! Always take time to yourself if you gotta! Posts can always wait ^^
I'd say having a heightened sense of hearing would still be fine, given some characters would likely naturally have it. e.g. Mio probably has very good hearing because of her cat ears and stuff like that
I'd say having a heightened sense of hearing would still be fine, given some characters would likely naturally have it. e.g. Mio probably has very good hearing because of her cat ears and stuff like that
That will be useful for detecting wild pokemon or potential danger.
I'm guessing for Zenitsu,Ventus and Lea are resplacing Tanjiro and Inosuke(respecfully).
I'll try and get posts up for Ven and Noah today if I can!

I'm guessing for Zenitsu,Ventus and Lea are resplacing Tanjiro and Inosuke(respecfully).
Possibly though I'm not too sure Lea fits the same role Inosuke does lmao
My focus sadly is not with me today so it'll likely be tomorrow when I post!
All good! No worries at all ^^

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