Other Taking Psychic Damage (A.K.A 'Wait, that's HOW old?')


The Cold One
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I propose a fun game for one and all to play, mostly because I am old and love causing psychic damage to my friends. The rules are simple, name one thing people thing is either not so long ago, or longer ago than people realize just to make everyone feel the inexorable march of time. I'll go first.

Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park (2000) is older today than Thriller was in 2005 (1982).

Kingdom Hearts is 23 years old.

Finding Nemo is of a legal drinking age in America. Shrek is 2 years older.

The first MCU movie (Iron Man) is of legal voting age next year (In the same vein, children who were born after the financial crash can legally vote).
Jokes on you I have already grappled with being over thirty the existential terror has passed into acceptance
They no longer teach operating computers or typing class in schools any more

Blockbuster was the best way to get movies

Arcades was how you learned to play fighting games
- A whole cabinet was hard countered by a single stick of gum

If you were born pre 1993 you are older than the World Wide Web domain

The second generation of Pokemon was only in 1999

When somebody doesn't know what a landline is
They no longer teach operating computers or typing class in schools any more

Blockbuster was the best way to get movies

Arcades was how you learned to play fighting games
- A whole cabinet was hard countered by a single stick of gum

If you were born pre 1993 you are older than the World Wide Web domain

The second generation of Pokemon was only in 1999

When somebody doesn't know what a landline is
The proportion of people who know why the Save Icon looks like that grows smaller each year.
The proportion of people who know why the Save Icon looks like that grows smaller each year.

"What do you mean by *roll up* the windows?"
Another fun one for y'all. Overwatch 1 is currently as old as Final Fantasy 7 was when the Playstation 3 released.
most of the undergraduate students at my university have never heard of cntrl + alt + delete for logging into a pc.

Gerard Way and MCR I looooooove you!

Live action of Umbrella academy 6 years ago.
'Member the Pandemic?

MCR broke up 12 years ago.
'Member the Boston Marathon bombing?

I'm Not Okay came out 21 years ago.
'Member SARS outbreak?

My boi Gerard Way aka Unc Jiggy is 47.
My mommy is a year older.

Had to end on a shout out to moms after all the bad stuffs lol

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