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Multiple Settings Take me back to the night we met

Anya Romanov

heart, don't fail me now.
Hey everyone! I have a pretty specific craving right now, so you can go ahead and scroll down to see if we’re looking for the same thing. If you’re still interested, please be sure to read all of my ~rules~ before you contact me.

1. First of all, grammar and spelling are important to me. Do I expect you to be perfect? No. Do I make mistakes? Yes! But I also try really hard to craft well-written material that flows and carries the story onward in a way that is easy and enjoyable to read. I would like for you to do the same. Also, I should let you know that I like having at least 2 thick paragraphs per response. Usually more, because I love details, but 2 juicy paragraphs is my minimum.
2. Communication is KEY. I love plotting things out. You don't have to ask me about every single detail, but let's talk about the next steps. Let's both share ideas and make decisions together. If you feel like there is a side character that we should both control at times, let's talk about it! I will more than likely be agreeable to it. What I don't like is when my partners control my character(s) or try to change details about them that I had already established. :C This has happened to me way more than I ever thought was possible, so please, just be open and talk through things with me.
3. Confession: I would not consider my role plays or my characters to be dark, and I actually am not a fan for making that the predominant theme of the story. Dark themes are okay, but a few things I tend to avoid are rape, huge age gaps, master/slave dynamics, and adultery.
4. Another confession: I love romance. My role plays have romance in them. It isn't always immediate - in fact, a slow burn is my favorite variety of romance - but it must be there. I love tension and angst and fluff. Witty banter, little details, playing out the evolution of a blossoming relationship - YES. I love when two interesting, strong, flawed characters fall for one another and forge a deep, long-lasting relationship. Of course, we won't make it entirely easy for them, but I like to keep conflict and fluff balanced.
5. I am 100% happy to play as either male or female! It depends on the plot and setting, of course, but I am equally comfortable with both. Character development is paramount for me, so I hope you put the same amount of effort into it as I do. Confession #3: I really love playing males and am pretty much always happy to do so. I'm weirdly picky about playing females... You have to be really good and give me an excellent male character to play against for me to whip out my leading ladies.
6. I only do male x female pairings.
7. I prefer for our main characters to be over the age of 18. I usually like to have them in their early-mid twenties.
8. I only RP over PM or email at the moment.
9. I'm not asking for a full application and writing sample from anyone, but please just tell me what you're interested in and include any pertinent details (like if you have a specific role or gender you'd prefer to play) when you contact me. It just makes the planning process go more smoothly!
10. Character sheets/bios/profiles: I'm happy to do them, but we definitely don't have to. My only real preference is that IF we use pictures, I'd like them to be realistic photos of actual people.


I don’t have a giant list with lots to choose from this time around. Sorry! Instead, here’s the ~vibe~ I’m going for:

A complicated romance in a medieval* setting. I have several ideas involving two people who haphazardly meet, go on adventures, and develop feelings with one another - but it won’t be an easy romance. Numerous obstacles stand in their way, from family tensions to betrothal to physical danger. We can also start our characters off with some kind of pre-established relationship.

I'm looking for something with a nice little plot we can built off of and plenty of room for character development. Romance is obviously a central factor here, but it doesn’t need to feel rushed or forced. I want real chemistry, the evolution of a relationship from acquaintance to deep, sacrificial love. I want ups and downs, and ultimately I want them to be together and be happy. I want these two people to be strong and independent but also completely enamored with one another, having each other’s backs through thick and thin. I want their mutual trust and passion (within site rules, obvs) to go hand in hand. I want ALL OF IT

Ok, specifics. Once again, I'm happy to play either gender, and I would be very happy to play literally any of the characters on this list. My males are warrior types, and my females are variable. Each pairing could be a number of things! I’ll go ahead and list a few options:

[Knight/Guard/Soldier/etc.] x Noblewoman
[Knight/Guard/Soldier/etc.] x Peasant
[Knight/Guard/Soldier/etc.] x Princess (kind of craving a specific plot for this right now, too!)

I won’t go into great detail about my ideas, mainly because I don’t have anything fleshed out yet. Here are some things we could incorporate - one or any combination:

Childhood Friends
Best Friends Become Lovers
Someone Is Presumed Dead
Girl Power
Long Journeys
Wartime Drama

I actually have a plot idea that covers pretty much all of these, if you're interested!

[*Regarding medieval settings: I prefer an AU medieval setting with made-up names, geography, etc. I am NOT interested in any fantasy or magical elements right now.]

I’d be happy to elaborate and discuss ideas over PM! Shoot me a message!
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To those who are still waiting on responses, I apologize! The past few weeks got unexpectedly stressful. I'm out of the woods for now, so I'm going to try and respond to y'all! If I don't respond fairly soon, feel free to shoot me a message!
And I'm still taking more partners c:
Omg I have this plot that I'm actually craving... I've tried similar plotlines but they never came to fruition. It involves romance, adventure, and badass women! At the core there would be a romantic pairing, but there would also be a platonic fxf friendship and they would have adventures and face all manner of danger together.
Interested! I have a character that might fit well into your scenarios, but he's usually a nobleman. Perhaps our two characters knew each other when they were younger and mine was presumed dead? I'm just throwing out ideas that we can probably work into your ideas.
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