Tainted Ways


The Overseer
They wish to kill us because they fear us. They send us to die because they fear for their own lives. But we will not go quietly into the night.

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Dishonored, disregarded, forgotten... underestimated. The traits which adorn what we are. Captured and thrown down into this infernal prison, we have no choice but to live our days wondering what we have done to deserve such a horrible fate. Sentenced to die, for what cause? We have done nothing wrong. But given the chance of freedom, we will exact our vengeance.

Harold Mercer, founder and president of the Cleansing Association of the New World and his lackeys; David Bishop, the so called "General," and Victoria Strider, the meditative Politician. Both exacting Mercer's wishes in different ways; Bishop with his army of thousands, Strider with the voice that changed the will of millions. In a striking two years, Mercer unified the world, killing all those who opposed him in the process.

Four remain, each with their own talents and skills. Each with their own reasons to be feared. Wishing nothing more but to live free from the hands of this society, they fought against, and were imprisoned. Betrayed by family, friends, allies... we have been forgotten.

But with the help of a "friend," showing nothing but a mask and a power, released us from our prison. With the hand of this mysterious ally, we will exact our revenge. One way, or another.


1) ​No Godmodding. The skills and abilities that you have are currently untrained, and thus you cannot do much with them as of yet.

2) Keep Romance and Language at a PG-13 maximum. Violence, is limitless. Have fun with that.

3) Romance is allowed! Just keep it slow moving. Genuine love stories take time.

4) If there's something wrong with your character sheet, please, do not argue with me about it.

5) The team consists of four members, no more, no less. You can only have one character.

6) And above all, have fun. I'm not opposed to changing a rule or turning the plot another way. Feel free to message me with your ideas.

Character Creation

With four different parts to the team, there are
four different positions.

You simply
choose one of the four positions to use for your character. Once you have chosen, no one else can use that role.

Manipulator [Taken] Defender [Taken] Skill [Taken] Power [Taken]
Psychic Bullet-Proof Skin Sniper Skill Flame Magic
Telekinesis Health Regeneration Sword Skill Shadow Control
Mind Reading Shield Skill Martial Artist Summoning
Gravity Manipulation Iron Will Dual Pistol Skill Beast Transformation

Each position has their uses, and when one is picked, no one else can choose that position.

For example, if you were to choose
Defender, no one else can be a Defender.

From there, you can choose
one of the four skills listed beneath Defender. You can then craft your character by using that one skill.

Character Skeleton

Name -

Gender -

Age -

Personality -

Position - (From one of the above four positions)

Skill - (Chosen from the skills below the chosen position)

Appearance - (A picture would be preferred)

History - (A bit of backstory to explain why your character opposed the order, how you obtained your skill, if anyone betrayed you, etc.)

Weakness - (You have to have at least one decent weakness. Physical attachment to a person, desiring love, seeing hallucinations, mood swings, afraid of combat, etc.)
Resmion Fleur Blanc

Gender - Male

Age - 21

Personality - Initially, Resmion is cold and stand-offish. He often calls anyone and everyone "cruel" or "heartless" and spares no expenses to insult anyone, friend or foe with wit and sarcasm. However, this is a ruse. Resmion is truly whimsical and optimistic. He knows that things look not so bright, but even so, doom and gloom was not something Resmion learned to incorporate.

Position - Power

Skill - Summoning

The user can physically transports the person, creature or object of choice by means of static teleportation. This may also result from a previous summoning contract, which forms a connection between the summon and summoner. The summoning can backfire, however, leading to a plethora of misfortunes such as the summoned person, creature, or object causing great harm to the summoner.

Appearance -

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History -

Resmion only had his mother to help him through these tough times. His mother and his father were separated when he was at a young age. For 10 years, he simply watched his mother, Ophelia, cry, calling herself a horrible person, and wishing every night she could provided a better life her own son who she loved more than her own self. He would at times have to stop her from killing herself often reminding her that leaving him here would only mean all that she said was right. One day, Resmion wakes up to his mother being carried like an animal by David Bishop and two soldiers. He was kicking and screaming begging for them to leave his poor mother. However, Bishop had a better idea. He took a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Ophelia's forehead. He looked at Resmion smiling and laughing, as if that monster of a man had won the lottery. Resmion screamed, "Don't do it!". And without a second thought, he pulled the trigger and his mother's lifeless body collapsed onto the ground. He then looked at Bishop dead in the eyes saying, "How could you?". Bishop simply laughed at him, and said,"She never told you, did she?" "She was one of the many in this place who stopped at nothing to speak against me, calling me a monster." "So I showed what a monster can really do." Anyone would have wanted to kill themselves after sending their child into a pit of agony and torment. I just made it easier for her." "You bastard. I won't let you get away with this," Resmion said angrily, tears racing down his face. "People..What people?" "What the hell does that even mean?" "Nobody cares for anyone. We're just killing one another with smiles on our faces. Nobody gives a damn about anything. As long they aren't the ones who suffer," Resmion raved on. "Damn you monsters." Damn you. Damn you. DAMN you! DAMN YOU! As he went on this tangent, a giant beast with sharp claws began to emerge only his right hard from a black hole and killed the soldiers but found itself being pulled back into the black hole before it could even touch Bishop. Since then, Resmion lied in wait for a chance of freedom along with wondering why Bishop murdered his mother..it was like Bishop knew something Resmion did not.

Weakness - Having lost his mother and never knowing his father, Resmion was depraved of parental affection, and seeks the feeling of love that his mother always showed.

(If there is something unsuitable here, DO NOT hesitate to tell me.)
I liked your character, though there was a minor issue. Your story had a few minor plot holes. Firstly, why was the force after your parents? And why is it so important that Bishop felt the need to arrive in person?

Note, of course, that you're powers are limited, though I did enjoy the whole "black hole" concept and how it appeared from your rage. I thought that was pretty cool, to be honest.

Otherwise it looks good! Welcome aboard, [MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION]
Name: Saeko (pronounced Pyscho) Avimaatz de Marē

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty - born May 8th

Personality: Very rebellious and stubborn, Saeko is never afraid to speak her mind or throw in a good punch. She is loyal and friendly, usually walking with a proud stature and eccentric smile. Her ways are clumsy and very disorganized so it is hard for her to stay focused on one thing at a time. When cornered she is sarcastic and humorous, but in a normal conversation she will become bubbly, using hand motions to describe her mood. She takes no crap from anyone and she will never be one to back away form a fight or argument. She is spiteful and hateful when it comes to the Cleansing Association and Harold Mercer, along with his two lackey's. At times she may become mischievous, maddened, malicious, or even delirious and her behavior can never be determined. So watch out.

Position: Manipulator

Skill: Gravity Manipulation -

The user can control gravitational fields. They can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth (“nexus inducing”), flatten objects, and generate miniature black holes to compress objects into oblivion. Often times, users of this ability also possess some form of Darkness-related power, as they can absorb light like a black hole, thus making their gravitational distortions appear black.Another capability is to repel and attract objects with the user as the epicenter. Similar to the laws of magnetism, one can repulse matter, and energy regardless of its mass. The user can attract objects as well in a telekinetic manner.

Offensive uses of this power are to repulse people or objects with such force it could shatter wood, rocks, and human bones, and to increase gravity to crush opponents or decrease it to render them defenseless. A defensive use is to create a gravitational force-field repelling certain objects and attacks.

Appearance: Standing five foot seven inches and within approximately one-hundred and twenty pounds, Saeko has very light crème skin that works well with her ocean blue eyes. Her purple hair cascades down her back and ends just below her shoulder blades. Usually, it is always put up into a high ponytail where two long strands of hair frame her heart shamed face. Ears and button-nose line up just right on her face and her pale shade of pink lips balance out everything pretty fairly. A three inch scar travels down her left eye which gives her a bada** rebellious look.

History: At the age of fifteen Victoria Strider, a politician who helped take over this barren world, visited her small home cottage that she inhabited with her parents and older brother, Saïx. She was a smooth talker and in a matter of minutes she was sitting comfortably inside her home sipping a cup of tea. Let me rewind though. When Saeko was ten she discovered a small ability inside her that allowed her to create small black holes that sucked up everything in a one foot radius. It was a very weak power, but nonetheless her friends were scared to also be sucked up and they abandoned her. Her own brother even became distant.

For the next five years she never used the ability in hopes it would go away. When Victoria Strider showed up to her home though she knew that it was never going to leave her life. The young political woman began to try and persuade her parents into joining General Bishops' army, since they both had spent years training in several Martial Art techniques and technological gadgets. It had all started when Mercer showed up with his goons. Saeko believed her parents would turn down her attempts as quickly as they could, but amazingly they complied. Everything started to go downhill though when Ms. Strider mentioned Saeko's small ability. When her parents refused to give up their daughter, Strider called in the General and gave them all one last chance before something drastic happened.

"She will go. She is a monster. A psychotic girl with dangerous powers." Saïx came out of his room, no shame across his face as he expressed his thoughts toward the group in his living room. He was seventeen at the time and the anger, hurt, and sadness that swirled inside his eyes would haunt Saeko for the rest of her life.

Evidently, Saeko's parents gave her up without shedding a tear and Saïx didn't even look her in the eyes as General Bishop dragged her away by her hair.

The now twenty year old has become hateful towards her captors along with her once beloved family. After that night she was taken away she had tried to escape, but a guard had hit her over the head with and iron shovel which scrambled her brain and caused her to lose every memory that belonged to her before the age of ten. Her powers were to weak to help her escape... Since then she has no recollection of her life before her abilities sprouted (meaning she remembers everything form the age of ten and up), along with the abandonment of her friends and brother gave her, she only remembers the bad in her life which as caused her to become slightly psychotic in the head. She now has very reason to go against the order

Weakness: Her personality shifts unexpectedly. The subject of her brother is also very sensitive to her and when Bishop or Strider bring it up it freezes her completely and causes her to relive the night she was taken away.

(Please tell me if I need to change ANYTHING. I will edit if needed no matter what. Also, what era is this RP centered in? Futuristic or Medieval or 20th Century?)
Due to education and a different blogging-platform I am on, I'll be on every other day at least and every day at most. So please keep this in consideration as we roleplay. That is if I get in.

Name - Liberta Matto (meaning freedom fool in Italian)

Gender - Male

Age - 19

Personality - A serious male built with a small sense of humor for times of somberness, this is the blonde Liberta Matto. Even though being nineteen years of age, he could hold a childish personality sometimes as well. Being very secretive about his past, he gets very sensitive when life stories of others appear. His only goal is to become stronger to protect the others he love.

Position - Skill

Skill - Sword Skill (uses cutlass)

Appearance - View attachment 11110

History- Being born to a family that was quite small, just two boys and parents, he had an equal amount of affection frim both parents. None hated him, none favored him more than his brother. But, that was what made the boy envious. He wanted to be noticed!

Liberta tried everything, from house work to chopping down wood for the fire places in the house. But this sparked no interest in his parents. It was just their other son, nothing more! One day, in frustration he burned down the house, along with the paternal figures. He was scared then, he never wanted to hurt someone unless he had to, ever again.

This drove grief and guilt into the boy, making him feel less confident he could be better than his brother, But this was also a package of self confidence. As soon as he realized if he trainned, he'd show his parents who was the coolest son in the world!

Trainning with an old cutlass his father kept, he was able to use the cutlass. Not just like anyone normal, like a person who could defeat an army with just his sword. So swearing to his own oath, "I will live by the sword til' I avenge you!" the male started his journey.

But with power, it came greed and envy over his brother. How was his brother managing so fine while he struggled? The male could not see through this, getting upset at his brother, and simply (maybe it wasn't an accident) beating him up. This was not with fists, but the butt of the cutlass. So it was a chance that if he had gone completely insane, he could have cut his brother clean.

His brother noticed his loss of sanity and heated up with fear, calling the government agents and he ended up here. In this hellhole, only to be free and helping these people.

His reason? To create the perfect Utopia of no elder brothers being better and no deaths.

Weakness - Afraid to hurt people, unless it's his brother
[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] I enjoyed your character. I liked how you toyed with the idea of gravity manipulation. Though keep in mind that your character is still weak; untrained. Though eventually she will embrace her full power, such is yet to be the case. Otherwise, well done! You art accepted.

[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] *claps vigorously* Well done! Nice character. The weakness is sturdy, the ability is leveled, and your history is rather interesting. Welcome aboard!

Aaaand that's everyone! I'll be taking up the last role, though I won't be able to write it up immediately. Feel free to talk to your fellow role-players using this thread to talk about your characters and what not. I mean, we will all have been in prison for some time. So, a lot of talking would have taken place. As soon as I've completed my character, I will start the thread. I can't wait to start role-playing with you guys!
[MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] Ahhh! Really? You've got to be kidding me! Thanks so much!
Name - Kenneth Steward

Gender - Male

Age - 29

Personality - Rather optimistic and jovial in most occasions, suffers from being rather overprotective of his allies and family. His trust is truly his downfall.

Position - Defender

Skill - Iron Will;

Though some may doubt the strength of will, some may use it as an asset. Though it is not a ability which some may call superhuman, it is rather powerful in the right hands. With such will, wounds are irrelevant. Pain is ignored if a goal is in sight. If one's mind is set on a target or goal when such will is possessed, the task will be done, no matter what the cost.

Appearance -

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History - Born into a wealthy home along with his twin, Edmond, he lived a rather normal and spoiled life. Everything he wanted was always offered to him, and everything he needed was always available. While his brother reveled in what he possessed, Kenneth felt only sorrow for those that did not have it as well. Kenneth would save portions of meals to feed his friends during school, or to give to whatever homeless he found on his way to school.

As the years passed, Kenneth's reputations grew, and Edmund's greed became apparent. Both of their parents were powerful politicians at the time, and both had agreed that Kenneth was to be their successor. The only problem was that they wanted him to be their sole successor. Edmund, ravished by his greed and desires, was to simply be given a trust fund so that he would survive on what he needed. He would be well cared for, but of course, Edmund wanted more. He wanted to be loved by those that followed such politicians and he did not want his brother to take the limelight.

But as the years progressed, Edmund did nothing to stop it. Kenneth became the perfect embodiment of care and leadership. People wanted him to be Mayor, Governor; even President. Everyone said that he was destined for greatness. And such seemed assured, until the society began to "unify" the people. Those that used to follow Kenneth swayed, following Mercer instead. Following his undeniable reign. And of course, Kenneth fought. Not with arm and leg, but with word of mouth. What fans had faith continued to follow, though many were taken out of sight; killed by those that wished for a perfect society.

What life Kenneth was destined to have dwindled, until it became nothing at all. Soon, he became addicted to alcohol, though he kept it hidden from the people who still followed him. His life became a wreck. And though he was too small to fight Mercer properly, he used what power he had to assist those that could use it; the President, various Governors, and even leaders from other countries. He believed that Mercer must be stopped.

By the shadows of one night, near the beginning of Mercer's absolute reign, Kenneth was betrayed. Edmund had finally gained the help which he needed, and so lead them to Kenneth's chamber. Feeling nothing but a grown loathing for his brother, he felt absolutely no remorse as he watched his brother beaten to the ground. Kenneth disappeared from the map, as so many senators and politicians had before him.

Weakness - Along with being horribly over trusting, He's also suffering from his staggering addiction to alcoholic beverages. With his sense of being overprotective and trusting nature, he has power, though with such trust, he feels as though he will never be betrayed.
[MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] Thank you so much! I am really looking forward to this RP. C:

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