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Tainted Love: Once I Ran to You | 1x1 with RozieRawrs

The girl nods, "I know, I guess I just overthink things." Britt smiles up at her boyfriend, looking into his beautiful eyes, "I love you." She leans up, kissing the boys jawline, "I don't know what good I did to deserve you, but I love you." Bri bites her lip, looking back down at her pager, "I think I'll be okay, usually I'm the last to get called, especially because I'm usually always on call, they try to refrain from calling me in when I'm not on call. Just because I work such long hours, I guess they think it isnt fair." Britt shrugs, "It would be nice to see Matias, maybe after dinner he can come over? We can stay at your place tonight, Wrinkles has everything he needs for the night, so..." Britt trails off, smiling as Fidel wraps his arm around her, the girl moves closer, loving the feeling that runs through her chest. "It's moments like these that make me want to never leave your side, Fidel."
"Mmm... So affectionate today," Fidel murmured as she kissed his face, the pink already spreading its way across his cheeks. "I love you too, Brittany... I'm really not all that great, though," a nervous hand went up to rub the back of his neck. "I stink sometimes, ya know..." He added playfully with a chuckle. "Well, hopefully you won't have to go in to work. I'd love to have you and Wrinkles stay the night... I'm sure Ciro would too... Though, can Wrinkles play with the brace on or will I have to keep Ciro out back? I know he can be, um... how do you say? Rowdy? And that might be too much to handle for his size." He glanced down, noticing as his girlfriend snuggled into him. Her words made his face heat more. "...Maybe, maybe Matias shouldn't come over tonight. Sounds like we need to have a cuddle fest, yes? He might get jealous," he laughed then pecked her forehead. "But don't get comfortable too much; we're nearly at the cafe. ...We'll have time for more of this." He offered a reassuring smile.
RozieRawrs RozieRawrs
(*Your reply was so cute and mushy I literally flailed my arms. xD *)
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"Hey. I think we should be affectionate with each other every day, its very important that we show each other how much we love each other, you know?" Britt smiles up at the boy. She wanted to be with him every day, cuddling him and loving every inch of his body. Bri was ready to stay with him, knowing that her future was with him.. But she was afraid, she was afraid because Fidel had gone off the deep end before and she knew that the closer they got the higher the chances of him getting that way again.
"Yeah, Wrinkles can play. He's a good pooch, he's pretty strong for his small, little self. When my roommate had a German Shepherd Wrinkles used to play with him, of course that girl moved out. Max doesnt have a dog, i don't think he likes Wrinkles very much to be honest." Britt shrugs, "What a shock it will be when Ciro comes over, huh? I think I need to get out of that house, maybe rent out the main house and let Max stay in the basement, although I'd need to find a new place... Wouldn't be too bad, get a small apartment that allows pets. I just don't need that huge house all to myself, I mean it's handy for when you come over or when I have family over but it gets kind of lonely." Britt shrugs, she fiddles with her hair, biting her lip, "A cuddle fest sounds nice, baby." She smiles, looking up at Fidel, "You think Matias will get jealous?" She asks, opening the door to the cafe and walking inside, she looks at the display, reading what her options were. "I mean we could just get our stuff to go so we have more time together before dinner with my brother and his fiance."

(My replies have been sucking, I'm sorry)
Fidel nodded with a small chuckle. "That's true. So, I guess there can never really be too much mush." He gave her shoulders another little squeeze. "But, okay," he nodded again in reference to the pups, "I just wanted Wrinkles to be okay since he has the thing on his leg." As she went on about possibly moving, an idea popped in his head... Was it too soon, though? He'd think more about it first.

By the time he made it out of his quick thoughts, they had arrived at the cafe entrance. She grabbed the door and he stretched to hold it open for them as they entered. "I'm happy you agree to this cuddle fest." He grinned. "I don't know," he shrugged lightly. "It's hard to tell with Mati... but I'm sure he misses my love," he joked. "Unfortunately for him, though, you're prettier and smell nicer," he laughed, "so I much rather cuddle you." He followed suit in looking up at the menu, his eyes scanning across the words - only a few admittedly still foreign, but most comprehensible. "Yeah... Let's just get it to go. We have a busy day. Do you already know what you want?" His eyes stayed fixed on the menu as he reached in the back pocket of his shorts to pull out his wallet. His gaze then shifted down to his girlfriend as he awaited her answer.
RozieRawrs RozieRawrs
(*It's totally fine. Sometimes the muse is low; it happens.*)
Britt shifts in her seat, fiddling with her hair, her pager goes off and she glances at it. Nothing for her. Must be a page for the area. Her boss had texted telling her not to go in today.
"Yeah, a cuddle feat would be great, although Id love it of you could work out some of the kinks in my back. It hurts really bad, I've been on call so much, I think your magic hands could definitely help." She smiles, flipping through the book. She just decides on a French vanilla and a croissant, not wanting to deal with too much..
"You don't have to pay for me baby. I can take care of myself." Britt smiles. She knew Fidel would argue her, he always did.

Britts phone goes off, she reaches in her pocket, sliding the green bar to answer, placing the black IPhone to her ear. "Hello?" She looks up Fidel, crossing her eyes, making a goofy face, "Yeah Chris, Im bringing Fidel. 5:30? Gotcha, yeah, yeah. " Britt fiddles with her hair, "Gotta go, though. Love you." Britt hangs up, sliding her phone into her pocket.
"So where were we?" She asks with a grin, the waiter comes up to them, smirking at Brittany.
"What can I get you, babe?" He asks, a flirty tone in his voice.
Britt doesn't even pick it up, looking at Fidel with a love struck smile, she glances at the boy, fiddling with her hair, "Hi. Uh. Can I get a large French vanilla and a croissant. But can I get them to go please?" She purrs.
The waiter nods, "A shame you have to go, and you?" He glances over at Fidel, a bored expression now plastering on his face.
Britt just bites her lip, looking at Fidel. She loved everything about him, his smile, his eyes. Britt was love struck by him, even the simple things could just throw her off, the way he talked, the way he pulled her to him while they are cuddling.

Aato Aato
(Thanks haha. They will get better I hope.))
Fidel nodded intently as he listened to his girlfriend speak, looking between her and the menu, but probably at her more. At the compliment of his massage skills, he stretches his hands and flashes her a smug, cheesy grin. "I'll be happy to help you out. We can't have you stiff and trying to cuddle." He chuckled. He turned back to the menu, skimming it a bit before solidifying his decision. Though, Brittany speaking redirected his attention again. "Oh, no, it's fine. I know you're very independent, but you're my princesa. It's the least I could do." He grinned.

Just as he was looking back to the menu, Britt's phone rang. First it caused him to look up, but he looked back to the menu again as he figured it were her brother by the sound of the conversation. By the time she got off the phone, the waiter had arrived. He took her order first and Fidel frowned, picking up on the other male's flirtatious tone. So, when it was time for him to order, he reached across the table for Brittany's hand and deepened his voice when he spoke, "I'll have a small coffee - black - with a ham and cheese croissant...to go." He stared the waiter down, not even noticing the girl across from him making googly eyes.
RozieRawrs RozieRawrs
(*So, I thought they were at the counter looking at the menu - I was so confused when you mentioned a table, but I went with it. Didn't want to waste anymore time not replying by asking (probably silly) questions.*)
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"You spoil me, you really do." Britt shakes her head, setting the menus to the side, as the waiter writes down things. The boy takes another glance at the girl, shaking his head when she doesnt even look up at him, her mind to focused on Fidel. He treated her like the only girl in the world. Sometimes that meant he would get a little too jealous, but she didn't mind too much. It seemed to be a small price to pay to have the perfect light at the end of her metaphorical tunnel of darkness.
Britt notices her boyfriend staring at the waiter, watching his every move, she reaches across the table, taking his hand, "So, I was thinking for the wedding, obviously you're going to be my one up. Maybe we should get you a matching suit and tie, like something cute." She smiles wide, "What do you think? That way we would look like the perfect couple and.. Well you do look super duper sexy in a suit and tie I have to say."

The waiter walks back, their food in his hands, "You sure you want this to go, gorgeous? You can stay as long as you would like." He flirts, smiling as he hands the girl her coffee, his name and number written on her cup, Britt just ignores it, looking up at Fidel.
"Yep. My boyfriend and I have some important things to do. Thanks Mason." She smiles up at the Waiter, grabbing her things.
Mason nods, "Well that'll be $14.95 please." He announces, handing them a receipt, he looks over at Fidel.

((Oh haha, no I assumed they were sitting at a table because they were going to stay there. Also, I have a bit of writers block right now so my replies might take a while and/or will be terrible, so I apologize in advance.))
Brittany speaking made Fidel break the gaze he bore into the waiter. "Oh? Suit? Right..." His mind was now focusing in on her words and a glance away from her confirmed that the waiter was already taking his leave. "A black suit with a black tie? That's easy." He teased in reference to them wearing matching clothing. "Did you intend for my shirt to be black too?" He grinned, probably finding himself more funny than he actually was. Although his amused facial expression didn't change, her compliment caused his cheeks to flush a rosy color. He was easy to make blush, and for the same reason, he didn't like drawing attention to the fact because he'd likely blush more.

As he noticed the food arriving, he let go of his girlfriend's hand and reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. "$14.95..." He repeated slowly to himself as he went through his wallet for the money, eventually pulling out $16.00 and handing it over to the waiter. He stood as he stared at the other male again, posturing a little by sizing him up. "Keep the change." He uttered begrudgingly. Although he didn't appreciate him making blatant advances at his girl right in front of him, his mother had always taught him that you don't mess with peoples' livelihood, no matter how you felt about them. So, he still gave him a tip.

He picked up his bag of food and cup of coffee before looking over at Brittany. "Do you want me to carry yours too, babygirl?" He expected her to say no, but he at least had to offer.
RozieRawrs RozieRawrs
(*Ooh boy - it's been way too long since I've responded. I didn't realize it got this bad...*)
Britt smiles and shakes her head, looking up at the waiter as Fidel hands him the money, she grabs her drink and her food and smiles warmly at the boy, turning to Fidel. "No, my brothers are wanting us to have the colour they pick incorporated so. You can decide between a tie or a shirt to match their colour." The girl sips her drink, walking out of the shop with Fidel. Her mind turns to what they could do when they got back to the house. They could watch a movie? Or maybe play some video games, draw, something fun. Brittany jumps when her pager goes off. A 911, but not for her area, Britt would have gotten a text from her boss if she was needed. She looks over at her handsome boyfriend. She was mad jealous of Chris for being with the love of his life in such intimate ways, where Brittany and Fidel could possibly never reach. He was over protective and easily jealous. Traits that, at first were cute, but turned to serve as something awful. The yelling, the fighting, it seemed too much for the girl at times.

"So, when we get back to my place, I have to do some laundry. Would you mind checking on Wrinkles while I do that? Then I suppose we could chill for an hour before getting ready. We could turn on The Walking Dead? Maybe string up those pixie lights in my room?" Britt sips her drink, smiling up at Fidel as they walk. He was her everything, her rock, Britt felt almost as though she couldn't lose him despite all of the arguments and jealousy. He did, after all, promise not to ever get that way again.

((I am so so sorry that it took me so long to get this up! I haven't had time lately! I promise my replies will get faster after exams are up!))
"Mmm... Tie would probably be easier, but I'll do the shirt. Seems more... fashionable." Fidel chuckled and took a sip of his coffee, the bitter drink causing his face to grimace a bit - just how he liked it. Again, Brittany's pager went off and she checked it, but he figured it must not have been anything for her since she didn't seem concerned. She only turned to him again - smiley as always - and continued speaking. "Yes. I can check on Wrinkles. That's no problem. I can help with laundry too, if you want. I'm not totally useless," he joked. "After that..." His voice trailed and he looked around in thought again. "Well, it depends on how far where we're meeting your brother is." He looked at her again. "We might not have so much time to actually burn, especially by the time we finish chores."
RozieRawrs RozieRawrs
(*So wompy. :/ On the bright side I think I'm getting the writing more toward what I want it to be...*)
Brittany smiles, taking a sip of her coffee as they walk back towards house. "You do have a point, but I think we have at least two and a half hours to spare. It won't take too long to get to the restaurant." She runs her fingers through her hair before taking a deep breath, the breath turns into a soft yawn. "Besides. Chris wouldn't mind if we were only a little late, as long as it isn't, like, an hour late." Bri smiles, "But I think there could be other things we could do after laundry.. And we could do it anywhere in the house. And it will help us get half way to getting dressed for dinner." The girl smirks, putting her coffee cup to her lips. "Or we could talk about something I've been thinking of doing.. If you're up for it, I mean... Its kind of a step up in our relationship kind of thing."
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Fidel nodded slowly, wrapping his mind around her words, as Brittany spoke about how much time they had to get everything done and, well, just how to use it. Though, his cheeks tinted a warm pink when her words became more suggestive, but instead of shying away, he moved to rest an arm around her waist. "You come up with good ideas... Always such a smart girl," he chuckled playfully. However, he was curious about this 'step in their relationship' that she mentioned. His brows furrowed for all of ten seconds, debating the matter to himself before finally inquiring. "And what would that step be? I'm fine doing whatever you wish." He raised the now half-full cup of coffee, taking another sip.
RozieRawrs RozieRawrs
Britt bites her lip, looking over at the boy as he wraps his arm around her. "Well, I do try very hard to make sure that I come up with good ideas for us. After all, keeping our relationship exciting is very important to me." The girl kisses her mans neck softly. She looks over at him as he inquires about her comment. "Well. We've been together for quite a while and.. I've thought about it quite a few times and.. Well, I was wondering if you and Ciro would like to come and live here with me? I mean I've got so many spare rooms if you want to have your own room, or I could clean out half of my closet and you can come into my room with me.." Britt starts to blush, "It's silly I'm sorry I'm just.." She unlocks the door to her place, letting herself in. She sets her coffee down on the counter, "It's stupid I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

Aato Aato

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