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Multiple Settings TADA! The MxM rp you've been looking for.

High King Elliot

King Elliot of Fillory
Before you go reading all of this, I would prefer to rp with people around my age. That means 18 or older please. If you aren't 18, I'm sure your content shoots out rainbows and perfection but... I'm going to pass. I'm 24.
××All roleplays will follow the sites rules and regulations.××

Now that that's all over.... You must be thirsty. Here. Grab a seat and let's get started.

This post is for MxM pairings. Boy love people. If you have come to the wrong place, please exit the vehicle. Now this doesn't mean that we can't play female characters. I often play extra female characters in rps but the main couple or few people I would like to be guys.

×Name, Elliot

×24 years old

×Full-time Worker Bee

×Super Chill

×Little to No Triggers

×8+ Years of Roleplaying Experience

×3-20 Paragraphs for Post Length

×4-7 Average post length

×Quality Posts

×Gets Overzealous Writing Sometimes

×Mucho Details

×OCC Approved

×Pre Plotting Approved

×No Plotting Approved

×Ghost Friendly

×Busy Life, No Problem! Just let me know!

What I ask from you...

∆ Post once a week or more

∆ 3+ or Mirrored paragraphs

∆ 18+ Please! I would like to rp with people close to my age

∆ Decent Grammar and Punctuation

∆ Use PMs on this site to do and occ

∆ If you want something changed or are not feeling it, just ask! I don't bite.

Now the *'s are simple. The more there are, the more I crave it. It's not an exact science. I kind of just press the button until I'm happy but you can guarantee that if it has more than 4 *'s, I'm craving it more than a cat craves world domination.

Single Father Falling in Love AGAIN
********** I would love to find someone to play the single father! I have plots galore for this particular idea. Just let me know if you're interested! The age Gap doesn't have to be as far as you think. A 20 year old and a 30 year old would give plenty of space with an old enough child. The dad could have multiple children or just one.
(Small plot ideas. Many can be used or none at all.)
-Mother passed away violently and/or way too young (car accident, hiking trip fall, run in with I robbers) the single father had been heartbroken for many years until he finally started giving dating a try.
-Single father's best friend pushes the him into the dating scene. He has been sulking for way too many years. It was best for both the child and father to move on but the Father's feelings for the late mother would stop him every time. Somehow, the younger man would make the single father fall deeply in love with him.
-Mother could have cheated on the father and not just once. A repeat offender would leave the single father devastatingly heart broken. The mother might not want anything to do with the old marriage or child once their new boy toy was found.
-The child is different. A Social outcast. They act out because of the divorce but oddly the child LOVES his father's new boyfriend. Eventually, making the single father fall in love seeing how attached their child is.
-The child is a prodigy. Top of the line sports/academics/amazingly brilliant. The new boyfriend happens to dabble in the subject or is obsessed with sports/academics/creativity making the want the new boyfriend to stay around.
-The New boyfriend is decent at cooking. The single father hadn't eaten a regular home cooked meal in awhile since his wife usually did all the cooking. The new boyfriend dazzles the Single father with his ability to do chores and help out around the house. Let the cute kitchen scenes come into play!
-Single father can no longer afford to live on his own. The economy sucks and it's even harder supporting a child by himself. He rents out a room to a college student after a small interview making sure their new roommate would be okay living with a child and was not a criminal. The younger man would see the single father's struggles and help out with the child, eventually making the single father fall in love with him.
-Single father is having a hard time adjusting and balancing both his life and his child's. The young college student could work at the daycare his son goes to and has to take the child home multiple times a week because of their late father. The child and college student get close spending so much time together that the father welcomes the help in. Eventually the father would fall head over heels for the college student.

Taboo Love

******Younger Sibling× Older Siblings best friend

******Younger Sibling× Older Siblings Ex

******Younger Sibling× Older Siblings Coach
This one could be done many ways. With the coach idea, the sport could run in the family. Maybe the younger sibling gets forced to come to games and help out even though he hates the sport that has been shoved down his throat his entire life. Their dad is one of the coaches while the younger sibling either falls for another player or one of the other coaches. Personally I like hockey or lacrosse but we could swing it to any sport, Harry Potter theme Or Boku No Hero if that's more your style.

******X-Men like roleplay. Mutants or powers have been around for a few years and finally they were starting to get some help from the government. People with powers didn't have to hide but the hate is still there. Much like today's society but a little more technologically advanced. Some mutants with the "coolest" powers are praised but most are still segregated.


**I love the idea of soulmates being physically seen because then their forbbiden love has to be hidden carefully. Maybe they're an alien or magical race that have black marks like tattoos on their bodies. When they come in contact their soulmate, the tattoos, eyes, or even their physical heart glows and the glowing chest can be seen.

Teen Angst and Powers

I would be down to do a Boku no Hero with OCs . Maybe more forbidden love.
***Villian×Hero's son

*****Otherwise my preferred style of teenage power struggles is X-Men like. The government doesn't really know how to control them but they are humans none the less so they legally can't lock them away. The teenagers and adults have to hide their powers because of the distaste to mutants.

Emergency 9-1-1
***Firefighters (lots of drama and always a new call to answer)
**Police Officers

Dark Themes
Let's play these tastefully but they are encouraged.
Mental health

Yes. I love JK Rowling's world. It's so beautiful.
I would play a Hufflepuff x Slytherin rp! Maybe we can work the Taboo love into this to some how. I wouldn't mind playing either side.

Please PM me with any questions!
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