Taboo (Signup and Info)


One Thousand Club



Yeah Taboo, even the word is a no no. But that's what most us call the group, because that's why we're here; Our taboos, the things we do or long for that are socially unaccepted or out of the norm. We all fight different battles, some against the world or within ourselves, yet here we all come for support; we all come to 'Alternate Lifestyle Anonymous' aka Taboo. Some of us come court mandated, or our so called loved ones coerce us into attendance, few even come of their own violation, yet no matter the reason they attend the first session they soon learn just how unorthodox this support group is...

Rules and Guidelines:

  • KNOW your 'taboo', what it's really about and not some media representation about it.
  • When creating your character keep in mind the characters already accepted, having ten people with the same issue makes it repetitive and limits what can be done
  • Keep in mind the PG 13 guidelines, no letting certain aspects get out of hand.

Examples of taboos/alternate lifestyles(feel free to deviate from this):



Deforming Body (Lizard man, etc in looks)



Sexual Identity


Eating Disorders


Character Sheets:








I was being ambiguous in the initial list but yes to both. How they identify themselves or their attractions be it any variation (poly, pan, or whatever gender identity they claim is their own).
Okay, Thank you ^-^

Name: Quinn Whitacre

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Taboo: Gay

History: His parents made him go here, when he was caught with another guy, at thier house. He was deemed never to see that boy again, which broke Quinns heart, and was sent to Taboo. He'd graduated a year later, but sence he was still living in their house, he had to go to the meetings, anyways.


Additional: he loves My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, and The Used
Name: Emily Delance

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Taboo: Twincest (or that she’s in love with her brother)

History: Emily has always been in love with her brother Ryyan. For the longest time her only wish was for them to be a couple. She dated a lot of guys, fooled around even, but none of them could ever be as good as him in her eyes. Now she’s starting to feel her love and feelings for him is hopeless. She’s going to the center on her own in hopes to get help and move on.


Blue eyes, Blonde semi short hair


Name: (Andrea) Andy Adams

Age: 16

Sex: legally female

Taboo: Transgender (Andy feels as if they are a he, as if they are in the wrong body, and question everything including their own thoughts and feelings)

History: Grew up in a typical family, a mother that stayed home to raise the kids, workaholic father, and an older brother that Andy idolizes. 'She' knew from a young age that something wasn't right and always struggled within the norms of their gender role. Andy tried to confide in their mother but their words were either unheard or unaccepted. Since then Andy struggled with trying to accept who or what they may be whilst trying to make their mother happy.

Personality: Socially withdrawn, Andy will act friendly with others on a base level but never truly let others in, untrusting and unable to deal with the rejection if they learn the truth about them. So to the outside world Andy seems like a tomboy that doesn't show interest in relationships, and that's okay in their book.


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Additional: Andy's second and final attempt to talk to mother about everything brought Andy into Taboo

Name: Ryyan Delance

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Taboo: Incest (It started in youth. Exploring with his younger twin sister, with a mix of curiosity and lust that he ended as they started to get older, as he realized just what he was doing and how wrong it was for his desires of both body and heart)

History: Absent parents made for Ryyan trying to grow up too soon too fast to take care of himself and his beloved sister. He made many a mistake on the way but was the type to admit to it and do what he could to rectify his wrongdoings.

Personality: Ryyan would rather study or box than go into any sort of relationship with a woman(since there's only one on his mind) and will easily expel one who may try. Otherwise he's very sociable, and tends to get out as much as he can which is easy enough with his sweet and caring nature, he makes friends with most anyone.


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Additional: Ryyan isn't in Taboo and knows nothing about the group.
Name: Keung "Kiki" kimchi

Age: 16

Sex: male

Taboo: sexual identity/ Gay

History: Kueng grew up in a traditional Korean household. Being gay is a taboo in much of society but especially in Asia. He was caught kissing another boy and was sent straight to taboo. His family haven't contacted him since.

Personality: Keung is very flamboyant and a girly gay. He loves being fashionable and fun and is quite the extrovert. He doesn't care what people thing of him and loves himself for who he is. Don't cross him, he can hold his own.


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Additional: N/A
Name: Satsu

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Taboo: Sadomasochism/Blood obsession (In short Satsu is attracted to pain. It excites her in a primal sense that she can not explain. It might not be a problem if she didn't go about playing with people that didn't want to play the game. Her unhealthy relationship with blood, cutting and drinking such a bodily fluid are apparently inappropriate)

History: Has a dark past that she's not much inclined to share, though is known for changing up the story when asked of her history

Personality: Dark and self centered, she isn't exactly a bad person but she places her wants above others and it just so happens that people can sometimes get hurt on the way there. She has a morbid sense of humor, and actually gets along with others that don't take life so seriously

Physical: multiple ear piercings each ear(three lobe, three rim, one scaffold, two rook), naval, lip, and eyebrow are majority her displayed piercings. As for tattoos, inner wrist, back wings and thighs are all she has at the moment.

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Additional: Group is court ordered as well as multiple other therapeutic sessions
Name: Joan Whityn

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Taboo: Necrophilia/obsession with death

History: Joan was born into a closeness to death. Not only was her father the owner of a morgue and worked in it as well, but when she was three her mother, a physicist was diagnosis of lung cancer. Joan watched from a young age as her mother withered away and then died when she was six. Her father was torn and as Joan was the only child and motherless, he would bring her to work with him. Joan was fascinated by the dead bodies that surrounded her at an early age. She even would spend her time in graveyards, talking to the graves. As Joan got older, she saw the corpses as her friends and her first kiss was with a dead teenage boy that was brought in. Her father, deep in depression and a workaholic, did not notice his daughter's strange behavioral or attachment to the dead.

Although straight, Joan found herself more attracted to the dead than the living boys around her. She also became obsessed with death, always sending herself to the edge of death, seeing it as a thrill and the ability to be closer to the things she loved. Joan was found out when she tried to sleep with a corpse.

Personality: Joan is a very introverted person around people. She shies away from large crowds and groups and rarely socializes with "the living". She had a rather large and wild imagination. She tends to be stuck in her head most of the time and is dismissive of people's opinions of her. She is very reckless, getting off on doing dangerous things, finding death funny. She has a dark sense of humor.



Additional: She is forced to attend and also has personal therapy sessions

Name: Charles Cunnings

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Taboo: Anorexic

History: Charles never had a difficult or demanding childhood. His parents were as supportive as they could be and although they sometimes interferened in his life, they never tried to pressure Charles into anything he didn't want to do. Nor was he hurting for attention either, having a good group of friends and a good amount of girlfriends as well. But Charles rarely ate from an early age. Charles claimed that he didn't want to put anything into his body that wasn't already there. That it would ruin the perfect body he had been given. Over time he just felt that eating was unnecessary and a waste of time in which he could be doing other things. He also seems to be disgusted by almost all food and tends to throw up food when he tries to eat. Charles has been underweight for seven years now and his parents are beginning to worry about him, saying he needs help.

Personality: Charles is seen as a snob at times and get irritated easily, especially when people bring up his weight or his not eating. Charles is normally a friendly guy, ready to socialize and have a good time. He cares about other people, but when it comes to his own self, Charles would rather avoid the topic. Charles is actually very understanding and accepting of others as well and a good listener, though he doesn't always give the best advice.


Additional: Feels the meetings are pointless
Name: Anya Dardanos

Age: 17

Sex: female

Taboo: sadism

History: Anya is a sociopath and sadist, born, not bred. From the time she was a small child she was skilled in manipulating others to do as she wished, and she discovered quickly that she enjoyed and was sometimes sexually excited by watching others experience physical, mental, or emotional pain and suffering. She then set about attempting to find ways to witness it in whatever way she could, which often meant provoking it herself. Anya does not physically harm others herself, but does find ways to maneuver them to be hurt without her laying a hand on them. After watching her toddler brother drown and doing nothing to stop it, she was sent to a juvenile center, then to a penitentiary academy, and has recently been discharged again into her parents' care. Her parents and the court require her to come here for counseling, and though she pretends contrition to their faces, in the group she feels fairly free to be honest about her utter lack of remorse for her sadism.

Personality: Anya is rather sharp and observant, sharp-tongued and sarcastic when it suits her purposes, but also enjoys changing her personality and methods of behaving to suit whichever person or group she is with in the moment. Manipulative, cruel, and interested in proving herself to be top at everything and dominant. Anya very much dislikes being talked down to or made a fool of, and she will retaliate against anyone who gets to her. She does not feel genuine emotion or pain but only shallow anger, interest, and physical attraction. She is rarely truly interested in another person sexually and has no capacity to love. Anya is physically attracted only to those that she believes are equally dominant to her, which is not many. Anya has absolutely no intention of changing herself and is very much satisfied with herself as she currently is.

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Name: Keegan Tyler



Taboo: Keegan feels a compulsion to seek out romantic/sexual relationships with people who are old enough to be her parent. Once she has set her sights on someone, whether or not they return her affection, she is then obsessed with them and stalks them.

History: Keegan was found abandoned as an infant in a dumpster and then placed in the foster care system. In eleven years she switched placements 17 times, and was sexually abused in several of them. At age eleven she was placed in a foster home in which the father sexually abused her, but by this point, Keegan thought herself to be in love with him. When the foster father turned to an older foster child, Keegan was upset enough by this perceived betrayal to attempt to kill him. She was placed in a juvenile center, then the same penitentiary academy as Anya (they know each other, but have rarely interacted before this point). Recently, a female counselor, Mara, has taken enough interest in Keegan's case to choose to gain custody of her through the foster care system and has taken her on as a foster child. She is a single foster mother with no other children. She has chosen to enroll Keegan here as well as in continuing therapy because her compulsion and obsessions are continuing.

Personality: Keegan is rather immature her age and has no insight as to her behavior or perception. She is eager to be loved and hungry for attention of any kind, and yet has poor social skills to be able to receive it. Keegan does poorly in school and has no friends, nor is she particularly interested in making any who are near her own age. She is somewhat hostile towards other females and in fact has not yet bonded well with her own foster mother, who has plans to adopt her if all goes well. Keegan can be violent and aggressive if angered.

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Name: Aubrey Elise Tremaine "The Voodoo Child"

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Taboo: Aubrey has an odd obsession with voodoo dolls and has such concerning childish mannerisms that her foster mother sent her here. She believes certain people need punishing and if her voodoo dolls do not do it for her, sometimes she will. Aubrey also refuses to wear 'normal clothes' and will always - no matter the occasion - go around in big frilly dresses that resemble a china doll, always having her hair up in pigtails. It is this pretendence of a child even though she is 14 combined with her voodoo dolls and 'imaginary friends' that got her sent to Taboo to make her hopefully grow out of this 'phase'

History: Aubrey was born to a single mum with bad taste in men - since Aubrey's father had left as soon as Aubrey's mum announced her pregnancy to him. When Aubrey was four, the sweetest little girl with pigtails, her mum got a new boyfriend and four years later though the two were still together it was a highly violent relationship. Aubrey's mum had begun drinking to handle the stress, and for about a year and a half had been taking out the anger on her daughter, mentally and physically abusing her because her boyfriend was doing the same to her. Aubrey grew to hate her mother, and she found herself, at the age of eight, observing the violent fights between her mum and her long term boyfriend. She noticed how at some point in various fights, he would grab a knife and place it to the woman's throat, and then how they would end up making up, sitting on the sofa together and making out. So Aubrey spent a while in her room, making a voodoo doll of her mother, and one night once it was finished she carefully inserted a needle through the neck of the doll, near the front as if it had been slashed. She then hid the doll and waited.

She waited until another fight occurred, waited until he put the knife to her mother's neck and then she bashed right into him. The knife slipped, and cut open a nice long gash in Aubrey's mother's throat, blood splattering out as Aubrey made her eyes fill with fear, tears brimming as she allowed enough time for the boyfriend to realize what he had done before letting out a nice loud scream and darting from the room. She ran to the next door neighbour's house - a sweet couple who's children had all grown up and moved on - and knocked urgently on their door. They had heard the screaming between Aubrey's mother and her boyfriend, knew the two were violent to each other and immediately reported the incident to the police.

Of course the boyfriend was sent to prison for murder, despite his pleas that it was an 'accident', that the child bumped into him, and Aubrey, seen as the innocent child who had lost her mother got bundles of attention, hugs and anything else she wanted. She had won. She was put into foster care and immediately taken up for her sweet looks and sad past. Once she was alone again, she took out the hidden voodoo doll, and stitched it's eyes into two crosses to symbolize it was dead.

Personality: Aubrey is in one word. Creepy. She's the kind of girl you'd expect to find in a horror movie, the one who guides the survivors to all their deaths yet is never seen hurting them herself. She has a bubbly, confident personality and a love of all things evil such as the dark, blood, voodoo etc. She is constantly mimicking childhood, skipping, humming nursery rhymes and sitting in childlike poses. Just because it's simply 'fun' to scare people. Always with a smile on her face - no matter the situation - Aubrey is anticipating meeting her new potential dolls....

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Additional: Oddly enough, Aubrey doesn't know much about voodoo, she just liked the dolls and became obsessed with making them. And when they don't do as she wishes she does their job for them, just like she did with her mother. She also tends to view people as toys rather than emotion filled humans.

( [MENTION=2373]AlwaysChaos[/MENTION] , Let me know if I should change anything )
  • Ricolla 'Rizzi' Eliza Tamborelli

  • 17

  • Female

  • Lesbian

  • Rizzi grew up in home full of girls, two older sisters and two younger sister. Her parents were both lawyers and hardly ever had time for their middle child, always making sure the two older girls were doing well and getting what they needed to be smart and at the top of their class and making sure the two younger ones were growing up well. Therefore, Rizzi was left alone, spending practically all her time in her room. Being the way she was her parents eventually began trying to put her in extra curricular activities. The only thing she really loved though was photography. She would photograph anything and everything, including people crying, eating, screaming, kissing, anything. It was her passion.

In her 7th grade year she discovered her sexual taste when one of her female cousins kissed her. The two had been drinking a bottle of vodka they had found while Rizzi's aunt was out and it was a surprise when Ella, her cousin, leaned in and kissed her. Ella had been 16 at the time, while Rizzi was merely 13. She soon began to have physical attraction to her cousin and other girls as well. The fact that she was a lesbian surprised and frightened her while making her feel a bit giddy as well.

In 9th she felt she was ready to tell her nonexistent parents about herself, but that changed when she heard them talking about one of her father's cases. It was on a lesbian woman raping her niece. She heard them say terrible things about anyone who wasn't straight and this immeadiately scared her from telling. So, she became even more secluded and began avoiding her parents rather than trying to get their attention.

Rizzi was signed up for the Taboo when a teacher caught her kissing another girl. Even though it wasn't on school grounds the teacher felt like Rizzi needed help. The girl had been her first real girlfriend and they had just finished their third date at the Olive Garden in town. Rizzi hadn't even been the one to begin the kiss but the way the teacher saw it, Rizzi was forcing the girl. So, the teacher told the principal and after much begging from Rizzi they didn't hand over this information to Rizzi's parents. She's not white sure as to whether or not she should feel better about talking about it to strangers in the group or not.

  • Shadowy and dark, Rizzi is the one who is quite ignored at school and isn't known by most. Being a secluded person she doesn't have many friends and feels like even if she did, once they found out she was a lesbian they'd forever abandon her. Her heavy home life, a law family, makes her be even more secluded than if she had just a few friends. She tries hard to make herself invisible and yet this effort only seems to make her more noticeable. All in all, Rizzi is a rather lonely girl and prefers to be left alone.

  • --

Name: Hedric ‘Kins’ Jenkins (Iness, figment of his imagination)

Age: Twenty-one years of age, (Twenty-three, figment of his imagination)

Sex: Male, (Imaginary female person he talks to)

Taboo: Schizophrenic: Explanation: Delusional episodes by which he is seen talking and replying to no body, the invisible individual being a figment of his imagination and a bit twisted with advice. This also causes the occasional bipolar hiccup due to the fragile air of his mind.In short he is a laundry list of peculiarities...

History: Born to a family with an older brother he has always been one for the imaginative side of life, which was apparent when he seemed to have a friend that no one had seen. At the age of fifteen he had an incident with a homemade blowtorch which included a big portion of the neighborhood…lets just say things went up in smoke. When asked what had happened he simply replied, “What Iness said it was necessary.” His parents with the help of a physiatrist later found out that this was the friend that had been with him all the time, her being a figment of his imagination. In lou of more senseless professional help,(of which was just a waste of money) the court sent him to a local support group after he beat the living hell out of a pedestrian for coping a feel on Iness.

Personality: His personality is a bit….erratic, it can be in constant flux with each passing day and moment. For the most part he is a solid individual, well unless he is talking to people that are not there and screaming at a potted plant about getting a job.


Just have to say it, when did taboo end up meaning insane institution. :P *ducks and goes to find the rp*
@Faith Eliza Cord

Just wanted to explain. Ryyan, Emily's brother didn't come. He doesn't even know she's starting to go to such places like this. xD If she had any clue he shared the attraction . . . well he would be in trouble due to how brash and bold she can be at times. So she's there alone. I just get minor fun teases when she goes home at night later and he gets to come in later. *grins*
Thank you kindly. xD Yeah it was because she planned to play him off and on and it isn't really a NPC why he's there.
Name: Evan Chambers

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Taboo: Masochism

History: Evan was born into a dysfunctional family. His parents split when he was still a toddler and he spent the next ten years being shipped back and forth between them each week. Evan didn't mind too much as they lived in different towns, but he still managed to attend school and other activities mainly in his father's one. His father was mostly absent and Evan spent his days there with his new girlfriend then wife and his mother was usually home. Evan choose his father over his mother when he was fourteen as he was afraid his mother would find out his secret.

Evan had found out that he enjoys the feeling of pain in 4th grade after getting pushed around on the playground. As he got older he would instigate fights with others in order to get hurt and it increased as he aged. He found inflicting pain on himself worked as well, but not as much as it does when it's inflicted on him by someone else, especially a willing party. Evan kept this hidden, but after the school worried about him getting beat up a lot, Evan confessed to his step-mother. After a debate with his mother and father, Evan was told that he should seek help. Evan is going to Taboo in actuality in order to find someone to feed his addiction to pain.

Personality: Evan comes off as a haughty and kind of a jerk. He seems very confident in himself and his actions and appears to be cocky as well. Evan has little concept for right and wrong, and it doesn't matter one way or the other if someone is kind or mean to him. He is also dismissive of people's concern and cold as well. Deep down Evan is insecure and has little love for himself and self-esteem.



Name: Mary "Jupiter" Jenner

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Taboo: Nymphomaniac/Pansexual

History: Jupiter was born the youngest and only girl in a very Christian family. Since her father was a pastor, she spent most of her youth attending church and hearing her family criticize and bad mouth those who they consider "sinners". When she was ten she found out that she was pansexual when she got close to a MtF classmate. When she realized her attraction a few years later, after hiding their friendship, it made her afraid. Her father was no stranger to "disicplining" his children when he thought they were being bad and committing what her family considers a sin, was worse.

Jupiter eventually stopped hanging out with her out of fear. But her life was about to change. In eighth grade, Jupiter met a junior girl, who took her to a party. There she got drunk after being coerced and ended up having oral sex with a guy. His both frighten the girl and excited her. The older girl, Britney ended up convincing the young girl to go to more parties and experiment as well. Jupiter started referring to herself as Jupiter amongst the party crowd to separate her family and church life from the party life.

As she went to more and more and allowed Britney to corrupt her, Jupiter found herself getting addicted to sex of any kind. She began to actively search for sexual partners, sleeping with four people at one party once. It made her feel alive to go against her family's values. But things did go downhill and Jupiter stood partying and hanging out with Britney. But she did not stop having sex. One of her brothers came back from college one day while Jupiter was alone with a boy and caught her. He told her about Taboo and told her that she had to go and get "help" or he'd tell their parents.

Personality: Jupiter is a quiet, nervous type, but she has a biting sarcasm when provoked. She does not really care much for the opinion of others, but gets uncomfortable when severely judged by those she does not know. Jupiter prefers to spend time by herself but does not mind being in a crowd as long as no one forces her to do anything. She gets upset when forced into situations she would rather avoid. Although never violent, she can be aggressive and harsh when in a stressful situation.


Additional: She also has a small smoking habit
I can't wait to see these guys in action! I know a character or two dying to meet your Evan... and Jupiter sure looks fun as well.
Name: Trevor Sarto

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Taboo: Trevor is most comfortable acting as and being treated as a dog, as a life style.

History: The youngest of three boys to parents who were loving to their boys, friendly to each other and hard working. Had a small group of close friends from middle school on and he still communicates with them regularly. In his junior year he fell in love with a girl named Lydia, who was a senior and pursued her when she went away to college. Lydia was a deviant girl, and unsure of herself, so she pushed her control over Trevor, always testing to see how far it could go, ultimately turning him into a loyal dog. Trevor never would have left her, but she let him go a little over a year and a half ago for reasons she wasn’t honest with him about.

Personality: Loyal unto death, this is largely a result of lack of confidence, self-identity and insecurity. It didn’t help that his family didn’t understand why he felt this way, when they were supportive, loving and helpful, so he felt ashamed of being so un-trusting and oversensitive. He loses himself in relationships, and Lydia took full advantage of that, turning him into what she wanted, playing with and manipulating him, because she could and for the last two years of their relationship she kept him as a pet in all ways. At present he lives with his middle brother, who found out about and suggested he look into this ALS Anon, because Trevor barely knows how to function anymore for himself and his brother is trying to avoid becoming the crutch in Lydia’s place.


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Additional: Allergic to peanuts

Name: Parker Greye

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Taboo: Parker's a closet homosexual. He's also absolutely reliant on rules, someone or something to guide him and push him into making decisions.

History: Parker was always that kid in elementary school who sat nearest to the teacher's desk, someone you always went to if you needed to borrow a pencil. He was also the kid who got pushed down behind the school and forced to eat worms or lick someone's shoe simply because he was an easy person to manipulate. His mother was a strict but caring woman, until she passed away quietly early in Parker's life. Parker's father was nothing without her - just a softspoken, quiet man with no exact purposes in mind. He was raised as a polite, but easily persuaded and manipulated boy. Almost everyone around him found it oh-so-amusing to take advantage of his weakness. And no matter how horribly he was treated, Parker can't help but continue to let others walk over him time and time again, because like it or not, he needed others to force and push him around. He doesn't exactly acknowledge his indescivity.

Parker remembers his first kiss forced onto him after being confessed to by a girl named Annaleise, being so totally put out of it and running away in a panic. Later on, in his first year of highschool, one of his longtime bullies started the rumor that Parker liked having sex with other guys. The rumor stuck and Parker was used to being labeled as such. He even kissed - or rather, was kissed - by another boy more than once, and he wasn't nearly as freaked out as he was with a girl. Parker had never been attracted to a female sexually or romantically, even being a bit scared around them.. He, after a long, long, long time, admitted to himself he was strictly homosexual. But he keeps that to himself. His counsler suggested the Taboo group to him and insisted it would help after observing Parker's behavior and learning of his sexuality and supposed femophobia. Parker honestly thought it was a stupid idea, but agreed nevertheless.

Personality: Parker is a meek person who bends easily under pressure. He constantly looks for a set of guidelines or something to make descisions for him. He appears to be fairly prickly and unapproachable - a defeated look constantly glued to his face, a slump when he walks, and just a really unwelcoming aura to him.

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