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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

I've come to the conclusion that any face Eli makes just loops around back to Pearl. Bookmark this post or something because I'm starting a collection of faces he can and will make through someone equally as salty

image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.jpeg image.png image.jpeg

If there is an expression he has made somewhere in the ICC without a suitable picture, quote it and I'll fix the issue immediately








... It's six o'clock in the morning and I can't fall asleep....
I tried and now I'm probably going to go to sleep cause it's really late here, whoops #NervousCauseIHaven'tWrittenInALongTime :ghostxx:

Edit: Eli memes are my new favorite memes

Edit #2: My post was actually going to be longer but I'm r e a l l y tired
I tried and now I'm probably going to go to sleep cause it's really late here, whoops #NervousCauseIHaven'tWrittenInALongTime :ghostxx:

Edit: Eli memes are my new favorite memes

Edit #2: My post was actually going to be longer but I'm r e a l l y tired

It was good, don't worry. AND DAMN. Emm and Karin didn't part right AT ALL.

Alsooo, I'm wondering if I should mentally place Karin's arrival a bit later just so Kat has the chance to meet Elijah and Yuna before she arrives oooor, finally interact with Alexei.

GAAAAH, the dilemmas I'm faced with TT-TT

Alsooo, wasn't Gregory also on that car? And Mick was waiting for one too. :D
All the other people currently offline when they go back online tomorrow and see all the m e m e s and quality OOC posts spanning through 12 pages.

It's like we're trying to sail a ship but both of the people in charge are either poking holes in the bottom or steering towards the iceberg
But Yuyu said no kissin :(

Well actually, she never said that, she just said "um, no" the word kissing isn't even in there


Yuneli fans at this very moment:


Yuna will eventually regret saying that, eventually this will be her:


Upon this will happen shortly thereafter:


And at one point Elijah will be like:


And when later in life asked, sarcastically, if any woman would be crazy enough to turn down a perfect romantic gentleman he'll reply:

The literal occult box after granting a wish:


If that actually ended up happening he'd just lean over and go. "Well you know they say French is a language of love." Or something equally as cheesy and dumb unless he was already pissed off to which... Well... Eeeeeeeh.....

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