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Fantasy T.O.M.E: The Terrain of Magical Expertise


A miserable little pile of secrets
It's the year 2019, you have been chosen from thousands of applicants to be a beta tester for the new virtual reality gaming experiance TOME, or the Terrain of Magical Expertise. TOME is split into three areas, Sanctuary, for interacting with friends, Lavendera, for player versus player combat and Mech City, the main hub of the Terrain, which incorporates both socializing and combat. Whatever your play style we look forward to meeting you soon in the Terrain of Magical Expertise! Test well, and, most importantly, have fun!
Enigmaniac logs into TOME and is transported to Lavendera, the the starting place for new players, but also the place where you can fight without a battle grid, which means you can be attacked at any time. He looks around. "Huh. This place is actually pretty well designed. Looks like a lot of thought went into it. Maybe this thing'll be fun."
Cyashot was online, sitting in Mech City. He knew it would come eventually. people harassing him about his age. He was just waiting for it to happen.
Jojo logged in to check up on the games changes since the new update patch He hadn't been on in months, and with good reason. He yawned and walked around the hub-world, looking at the merchants and NPC's preforming their scripted banter. "Interesting..." He said, with a smile that was more awkward than happy.
9 walked up to a weapon merchant and began inspecting the weapons they had to offer. after a few moments she moved on deeming the weapons useless compared to hers.
"Eh... I guess the beta is pretty empty..." with that he begins to trudge towards Mech City. "Why didn't I create a faster character? This is so boring!"
.....And there it came. a small group of players walking up to him, obviously looking to cause trouble. Cyashot sighed and waited for them to make fun of him. And that's exactly what happened. Cyashot didn't know any of their names, he just knew that they were -in his words- 'Total dicks'.
9 walked down the Main Street in mech city watching all the players interact with each other. After walking for a while she came across a group of people mocking another player. She stood and watched the scene.

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Grimm sighed as he logged in, wandering around Mech City, mostly ignoring any pvp challenges he got. There isn't even a tournament going on right now... He thought to himself, sighing again. Why bother with PvP... it only causes friction between players...
ThuderbirdChief, having just looged in at the Sanctuary, sets his eyes to the skies of TOME and just breather the air "Haha...It feels so real...so that's what tecnology has evolved into, eh?"
Tellmeastory said:
ThuderbirdChief, having just looged in at the Sanctuary, sets his eyes to the skies of TOME and just breather the air "Haha...It feels so real...so that's what tecnology has evolved into, eh?"
(You weren't accepted yet. I'm still reading your stuff)
Nexus logged onto TOME, and arrived in Mech City. The familiar feeling of a metropolis eased his mind as he wandered about, not really looking for anything. It might be a good idea to check out a shop to replenish some items, he thought to himself as he decided to do just that. Nexus looked around for a nice looking shop, but being unable to find one, he just decided to head near the center. When he got near, he saw from across the road a small group of players heading towards someone else, a young kid it looked like, barely even a teen. Nexus decided it would be better to lay low for now, but wait around in case something happened.
Grimm sighed again, shaking his head. He took a quick look at his inventory before moving to head to ay shop that was near, glancing over noticing a group of players bothering another player. Shame... He thought to himself, again shaking his head. I'd get involved, but I'm out of potions...
"Look, guys... I get it.... I'm young.... but can you at least have the decency to keep the insults to a low?" Cyashot asked them. "Are you kidding me?" One of them said, grabbing Cyashot's gasmask. He then proceeded to try and take it off, but to no avail. "It's attached to me, dumbass." Cyashot said. "What did you just say to me?" The other player asked. "It's attached to me." Cyashot replied. "No no no.... you said something after that. What. did. you. SAY?!" He asked.
Chief arrives at Mech city, wanting to experience the so called PvP that he heard so much about "That's the place, eh? What a weird feeling it gives! It's just like the big city!". He lets out a big laugh a walks around obliovous of what has been happening around him. He passes near a kid surrounded by some hooligans, accidentally bumping into one of them."Oof! Sorry there, eh."
Grimm sighed as he continued watching the group as someone bumped into one of the people teasing the kid. Sighing, he turned and started heading away towards some shops that he knew would probably have what he was looking for.
Enigmaniac stops upon entrance to Mech City when he notices a group of hooligans accosting a younger player. "Heh... time to beat some noobs up. For justice! Hey! Assholes! Two...Three...Four... like five or so onto one isn't fair!"
Cyashot looked over at the player who tried to help him. He knew this what his chance to do something. he quietly balled a fist and it started glowing bright green.
Chief looks at the angered Hooligan, now glaring at him, he's never seen such bad manners, he sees the kid preparing an attack and he Put both his tomahawks in position

"Back off, eh" He said to the hooligan now giving his full attention at Chief.
After about 30 seconds, he opened his palm facing the player that was harassing him, and a ball of transparent liquid flew out of it, hitting the player right in the head. The 'Lose!' sign instantly came up above the player's death, followed by a puff of smoke.
"Ok then... guess this kid doesn't need my help. Huh. I'm gonna beat some thugs up anyway." With that a fireball appears in his hand and he chucks it at another of the harassing players. Upon contact it balloons out so that it covers the whole player model before the lose sign pops up.
"Hey, over here you noobs! Hit me with your best shot!" He then creates a black circle in the air in front of him which absorbs the oncoming projectile thrown by another harasser and throws it back at him. "Thank you." He grins at the remaining harassers.

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