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Futuristic Falling in the Black

Sensei Fox

Eater of Goldfish Crackers
A lone hill stands over the landscape, the entire slope deforested to the the bottom which held amber leaved trees. Small holes and lines in the slope had protrusions as well as levels of loose rocks pushed into ditches. These were weapons meant to defend this small scrap of land. Small arms and cannons handled by the defenders that had dug into the landscape. This was the last length ground they had to dig in to. Every other inch of dirt had been purged of sentient life. Part of the planet was destroyed by the warring faction of another planet but those forces pulled out and ran when a much more destructive enemy came into play.

Planets had waged war against each other before under certain rules, even the most barbaric of conflicts. This enemy, a force that arrived in a dark pulsing cloud flowing through space known only as The Black followed no rules or courtesy. Once the storm composed of the dark clouds neared an inhabited planet, it's fighters were fired from the shroud of the storm to the surface. Once they touched down, they had only one purpose, to destroy everything without hesitation.


These things were machines, but not. Unlike machines they weren't operated by wires or pistons, things that conventional weapons and a good shot could take out. They were made of metal and they didn't clunk around clumsily. These things were precise machines held together by some unknown force inside an impenetrable shell. The shell itself was smooth and shined perfectly. It was a gray-white color and not even dinged by weapons. There was no weak spot to these things. Not even attacking the supposed eye phased it. They simply continue walking and projecting beams of energy into anything moving. In the year since the storm The Black spawned from, not one of their mechanical terrors has been destroyed.


That is the terror those entrenched faced. There was nowhere to run. Those that could be evacuated from the planet were. All those left were determined to fight until the last. The trees moving in great waves showed The Black moving forward to their position. As soon as they reached the end of the tree line, the first shots were fired. The serene green hill erupted into projectile and blasts of energy. One large shot ignited the trees below into an immediate inferno. Still, The Black advanced. Fougasses dug into the hillside showered gravel and shrapnel on the hillside and created massive craters. The Black were not slowed in the slightest and hadn't even fired a shot. The defenders fired all the munitions left on the planet within minutes. Having run out of options, the armed themselves with ancestral blades, empty rifles, and other makeshift bludgeons. Their last stand against The Black was not with their back turned trying to escape. They charged down their hill into their glorious doom.

The once glorious planet kingdom of Popra had fallen. The royals fled with what wealth they could carry while the last of their defenders aided by sympathetic mercenaries fell on the planet surface. What was once a planet of unrivaled architecture and beauty is now a burning rock consumed inside the storm.

The storm continues to reach into the system.


This is a remake of a very old role play that lasted several months with my direction and a few more months without my presence on the thread. I lost the original writing on a long forgotten website and just half-assed it here. I'll be fine tuning it as people gain interest.

This is a futuristic sort of space adventure. There will be several planets with unique cultures and races. In the original incarnation of this thread, there was plenty of drama, action, even a little love. It's going to be a roller coaster. Above it says that The Black have never been destroyed. In the original thread, we only ever "destroyed" one unit and it took a lot. Needless to say, the combat will be hardcore in a sense of NPC combat. You can however fight other people if it comes to that.

With all that in mind, I'll be working on this and fine tuning it which could take a little time to get all the content. If you're interested, let me know. Questions are encouraged and suggestions are appreciated.

The Thread: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/falling-in-the-black.92422/
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This seems so cool I would love to join in with you guys if I still can. Just an idea not sure if it goes along with what you were planning, but maybe it can take place at like a military school trying to figure out how to destroy the black?
This idea seems very interesting and I'd hope to join you in this "remake" if you shall allow it.
I'll definately put some serious push behind cranking this out then. The original started with around 4 plus myself anyway.

@myk9ma, I don't quite think that's the direction I'll take for this. Crosses too close into Ender's Game territory for me. However, I don't have any aversions to your character coming from one such school. There's an entire galaxy of possibilities that I'm going to try and put into this so I don't want to be so tied into a school setting. I think the semi-sandbox galaxy makes for more creative characters anyway.
Would it be possible to have mechs of our own, or is that getting to Macross?
@JW Suzusihi, You can absolutely use a mech provided that there's a buildup to it. For instance, your character can come into possession of a mech through engineering it, stealing it, buying it, finding it, etc. and then use it. Still it would be greatly underpowered against The Black, at least for a first incarnation of it. You could improve upon previous mechs as a kind of personal quest for your character.

Really what's going to make this thread thrive is the sub-plots people will introduce. Like in an RPG game, the main story is nice but sometimes you want to go off on the story of a character you've met along the way and experience their deviation from the main story. With that said, I don't mind mechs at all as long as it's done creatively.
So what is the "starting point" for us. Have you already made up the plot and decided a mutual starting point for all of us. For example. are we all from the same planet? Survivors from a war? What?

I don't know if you understood what I meant lol.
Two questions, and one has been partially answered. What is the overall tech like, aside from space travel, and how liberal can I get with making a whole new race?
Very interested. Just a question though, how did you destroy the unit in the previous RP? Also, metal has limited strength, I'd assume that a hit hard enough would affect it. Are they affected by magnets? What source of power do they use to fuel the beams and themselves?
@Oddess, We'll be starting off on a planet that will come under attack by The Black and our characters will meet under the mutual evacuation into some ship or another. I'm in the process of creating the planets and cultures on them at the moment. I have 4 of the planets written down and I'll post them here once I have them actually finished. As for your character's background, that's up to you. You can go tourist, doctor, mercenary, scientist or whatever else you want to do. It's an adventure. We're going to have all kinds of people.

@Beowulf, The tech is going to be still somewhat crude and grounded. Most weapons will be based on some kind of energy so similar Star Wars in weaponry with blasters and whatnot. Projectile weapons are still a thing. Technology has been developed as different species have developed so depending on how far you deviate from a humoid, your technology can deviate a bit as well in purpose and make. As for everything else, massive super weapons aren't quite possible yet and heavy weapons are still very heavy. Fitting a nuke up your sleeve is still a long time off. Just go with whatever you think fits along these lines and I'll slow you down if needed. I'll be posting examples of technology on the actual thread.

@Samantha Robin, We "destroyed" one by catching it on a ship and changing the gravity around it to ridiculous levels and basically wrap the entire ship around it like a tin foil ball. They aren't made of metal so metal has no real point in being factored in. As for what they're going to affected by or what's behind the armor, that's going to be left to be discovered through the RP. I suppose I did encourage questions.
Another question. Would It be possible to take control of one of the enemy units eventually?
@JW Suzusihi, You can certainly try. That would be a later development but it would be a fun little adventure to go on.

Here's the planet I've worked out so far. As we visit different planets, I'll expand the information and lore a bit. For now it will just be a simple explanation an a picture to fit the name.




Karia is the central hub of the galaxy. It has a dense population due to the entire planet being a city of towers. Most places on Karia are set atop platforms denoting different levels of the actual planet city. The deeper the into the cities levels you venture, the more seedy the residents become. At the very surface of the planet the mechanical workings of the city are stored and barely maintained. Every species and type of lifestyle can be found on this busy planet including meeting places for government officials from all worlds while Karia itself is run by an elected senate.



The jeweled planet known for its boundless mines for minerals and gems as well as the monarchical system of government run exclusively by the female population. The inhabitants are human with other minor races mixed in the cities. The world itself is well maintained inside and outside of the populated areas. Green forests that are well spaced and easy to traverse frame the pristine white cities built as if they were castles or works of fine art with spires and walls dominating the architecture. Athinda is a mainly a peaceful planet but holds a powerful naval force and holds their own in other military matters.



The sister planet to Athinda. This planet serves as the center of trade for the system with countless ports and stations surrounding the planet as well as dotting the landscape. Markets and great forums are the main locations of interest here. Items of all kind or bought and sold through these systems. Smuggling and other shady businesses also naturally thrive. The royal family of the planet are among the richest in the system and well known for their benevolence toward those demonstrating great skills. Humans dominate this planet and most businesses while other species sell exotic items from their home worlds. Along with the market port cities there are mountain ranges and vast oceans.



The ghost planet. A dark world that was once similar to Pratis but now is devoid of life and what most would consider sunlight. Satellite scans have found that the planet was once heavily inhabited and even sophisticated at one point. Different teams have ventured to explore the planet but none have returned. Upon entering the atmosphere of the planet all communication out seems to be blocked. The planet is still a mystery.



A planet covered entirely by blizzards and permanently frozen landscapes. Sentient beings are only on this planet in small colonies or in hiding from any number of things. Other creatures on this planet are husky and usually hostile.



Homeworld of a goblin like species called Ando that operate under a herd mentality in barbaric states. They are hostile to most outsiders although somewhat dim witted for the most part. The terrain varies from humid grasslands to swamps that are populated in tribes. constant squabbles between tribes make the planet a war zone.



An aquatic world home to the Aquaris entirely covered in water. The only real land are floating cities serving as resorts or just as personal island cities for wealthy companies or individuals. The inhabitants of the world live below the surface of the water in temples dug out by their ancestors into the under sea mountain ranges. There are guerrilla groups of Aquaris that attack resorts trying to drive off the people capitalizing and sometimes polluting their home. Various other sea beasts and violent storms also pose a threat to those living above the water.



A deep forest planet split between two different species that act as polar opposites. The Antari and the Denari. The Antari are tall with pointed ears as well as a sophisticated society built around grace. Denari are a much shorter people known for subterranean burros and agrarian prowess. The two residents societies of the planet have tense histories of land wars and trying to subjugate each other but otherwise have a peaceful resolve toward each other in the present time.
I was thinking about my character and was wondering what you thought of this. Kali belonged to a human like advanced civilization that were experts in war. Upon being born babies were sent to a specialized military academy, this planet sold it's services out to anyone who could pay for it, and even their name sent terror down peoples spine. When they were attacked by the black, they fought long and hard, lasting the longest of all planets attacked but eventually fell. Kali is the only survivor of this civilization.

Maybe she can have a broken mecca or ship they can try to escape on.
@myk9ma, I will be creating a war based culture and planet. I can create a similar planet with more sophisticated means. However, The Black is still in the outer rim of the system while most of our adventures will be closer inside the system. As far as sole survivor, I don't quite think that one will fit. There won't be a clear superior super people in military might because that would defeat the purpose of the rest of the galaxy existing in their own unique rights. I'm going to say as far as the mecha goes, you won't be starting with one or getting one early on in the adventures. Give me a few minutes and I'll detail the two war centered planets for you.

Here you are, two competing warrior cultures. Somewhat along the lines of Athens and Sparta.




A small planet with several surrounding moons and a nearby asteroid belt. The terrain is mainly arid and mountainous. The planet itself is a collective of warrior clans without a central government. The warrior culture binds all species rallying under flag of Sliator. It's people are usually armor-clad and heavily armed. While many clans call this planet home, they are a nomad culture and are spread across the system as mercenaries, bounty hunters, and even the elites of some militaries. They are hardened to the core veterans of combat and various other trades that win through their sheer endurance and strength of each individual.



A larger near clone of Sliator with a more green landscape. The government is more centralized to a neutral military general and the chain of command. This planet is home to the greatest academies dedicated to the art of war. Tacticians and commanders as well as elite groups train here in live fire exercises and top of the line classes. Technical skills and brain over brawn are preached here. Several quality military technologies are also researched and produced here.
I think I will probably be a student a Zapra then. Do they lend their help to others? Like would it make sense if I met the others while helping to evacuate a planet?
@myk9ma, Yes. You can lend and sell your services as you want. You can claim allegiance to a faction, act on your own, or be hired specialist of sorts. Whatever you like.

I've set up the thread with the basic planets and species to go along with them if anyone wants to go check them out. I'll be making my character as an example after a quick break. If you want to set up a character shell to edit as I add more, you can. If you have any questions message me.

Here's the thread. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/falling-in-the-black.92422/
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