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Fantasy Sword & Glory

Darth Gangsta

fresh out of h*cks


"I see you gather before me . . . hungry . . . terrified . . . Clutching your babes to your breast. Emperor Harbard has marched his legions into our lands . . . Laid siege to every fortress from here to the Red Mountains . . . Rabid and ravenous, he bites and bites away. Men of the north, you stand at the precipice! Your kings have failed, so now you turn to the gods! And yet you do not plead? You do not kneel your heads with ash? Instead, you wail, 'Why have the gods forsaken us?' We must look into the into the trials we failed long ago! In a time past, our world intertwined with another through an upheaval scholars call the Great Cataclysm . . . The gods allowed unholy to slip into our domain. The offspring of that cataclysm was the nefarious force called magic . . . Yet we did not banish it, instead studying the vile arcane four our own power and wealth! And the monsters at our doors . . . the unholy creatures of this Cataclysm? . . . the trolls . . . the corpse eaters . . . the werewolves? The north bleeds, flogged by war. The battles are the gods' whips, chastisement for our sins! Can we chart a course back into the light? Will we find the strength to banish the sorcerers from our kingdoms? Unite around the warmth of the Eternal Fire? Nigh is the time of the sword and axe! None will fight this war in our stead! Nigh is the time of madness and disdain!
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Naumon sat in the corner of a tavern as he slowly sipped at his mug full of beer. He had nothing else to do except for getting hammered. A group of four to five approached the Beast Hunter. They dressed like they were soldiers, but in reality were just thugs. They were supposed to protect their region, but they looted, killed and even raped their people. "Oi. Fuck off, this is our table."

Naumon grunted, "I'm not done with my drink." he was cranky and didn't feel like getting for a bunch of boors. They examined his armor and equipment, "What's he use the extra sword for? He probably has another prick under his trousers!" they all laughed, "Now move."

Naumon didn't reply, "And I thought we would have a day without corpses. Kill the bastard!" Naumon stood up and drew Iris, he ripped apart the first thug in his sight.

After about twenty seconds, the whole tavern was empty, a few corpses lay about. He stood up and left.

"Skard, hurry up, we're leaving."

@Psyker StrunLokSingh
@Veyd Sahvoz @Alushey (The RP has started!)
Sykis walked through the woods listening and looking for his target (Where are you?) He thought. He walked for a few more moments until *SNAP* Sykis perked up and started running towards the noise. The man that sykis was chasing realized he was found and started running just in time to dodge his pursuers blade "Please leave me alone!" said the man Looking back seeing Sykis close behind him while not noticing the root in his path tripped. Sykis stopped, towering over the fallen man "Don't kill me I..I'll do whatever you want" said the man Sykis readied his great sword. "You have nothing that I want." said Sykis as he delivered the killing blow. Sykis watched as the mans blood left his corpse and picked up his head. "Another bounty claimed" said sykis as continued walking. As he was walking he heard screaming and looked towards the noise in the distance "This should be interesting." Sykis said just above a whisper and headed off towards the noise.

@Darth Gangsta
Braxis had been sitting in the corner of the tavern watching all the rucus, he wanted to walk over and shut them all up himself but the man they were bothering suddenly jumped up and killed the first man, the second then the rest. What a great way to cause a scene, kill a guy, start a fight. He watched in amusment as the people left and so did the man. Having nothing better to do Braxis got up, putting his hand on the table for leverage while pushing himself up, and decided to introduce himself. "Quite a scene you made. Can't say they didn't deserve it though." Said the knight as he exited the tavern, brimming with people a moment ago, and approached the man.

@Darth Gangsta
Skard slowly descended to his knees to watched one of the injured thugs crawl across the floor. He drew his axe and placed the blade on the man's neck, so that he would lay still, paralyzed with fear. With a swift, singular movement he drew his seax and stabbed through the centre of the thug's spine. Standing up, he looked at the stranger in the black armour with a tilted head. 'What is it you want with Naumon, hm? You and your . . . steel dresses.' He giggled, 'You think it protects you from fate, don't you?'

He tugged on the right pauldron, closely examining the skulls and intricate patterns. With a light push, just hard enough to cause a small stumble. Taking a final gulp from the ale-horn and hanging it at his hip, he followed Naumon.
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Duzz gave his ram a little nudge with his boots as he trotted up the road to the tavern. On reaching the tavern he tied his ram to the post outside the tavern, he hauled his axe off the ram and slung it over his shoulder. Duzz then proceeds to open the tavern door and just stands for a moment looking at the bloodshed. "Well..." He grumbles.
"Naumon is your name, eh? I merely wish to talk" He laughed "You scared everyone off so where do you propose I go to get a drink?" He really didn't care since he could just ride to the next town but since this Naumon had caused the ruckus he felt like having a word with him. After a moment of waiting he whistled and soon after doing so a black horse came galloping towards them, stopping right next to Braxis. "Ah there you are." He grabbed the side of the saddle and placed one foot on one of the stirrups and pulled himself up onto the saddle.
Naumon looked at the man as he mounted his horse, "Wait." he studied his armor, "Who are you? Your armor is very . . . original." He resembled a warrior from a previous war that Naumon and Skard both fought, the war against the Wild Hunt. He studied his blade, it had intricate patterns on it, most likely runes. "Why are there runes on your armor?" he said patting his stallion's snout in a playful manner.

@Psyker StrunLokSingh
Just as Braxis was about to ride off Naumon spoke, asking about his armor. "Name's Braxis. It is old runes for enchantments, why do you ask?" It seemed the man was either intrigued by the design of his attire, he wouldn't have been surprised. He had wandered the North for some time and had not seen another with the same armor, or blade. It was always better to be armed and ready these days with all of the turmoil and war. He was having a difficult time keeping his horse standing in one spot, his steed was meant to ride not stand idly by.
Sykis walked for a few minutes until he came upon a tavern and saw two men one on a horse the other was not. They look like capable fighters but can they match his years of experience. "Oi you lot was it you that caused that screaming I heard earlier? What was that all about?" He asked making sure he didn't lose his trophy along the way.

@Darth Gangsta @Veyd Sahvoz
Naumon looked at the man, "That is none of your business." he looked like an Eagle Clan soldier, but more like a sellsword. He grunted as he roughly left the tavern. "One more contract, Skard." he looked at a contract, there was a monster that killed twelve people in one Bear Clan village.

Naumon arrived at the village and spoke to the village elder.

"Oi, beast hunter, here!" he said

"How did the villagers die?"

"They was stuck in a tree," even the village elder was uneducated.

"A leshen." Naumon muttered.

"You got a deal if you throw in a few more coins." Naumon haggled.

"Of course, sir. Er, fifteen gold will suffice?"

Naumon nodded.
Duzz looked around the bloodstained bar, having been ignored by the other people here and as it was all but empty helped himself to a keg of ale. Having hacked the bottom of the legs off a stool he sat down with his feet up on the keg as he drank.
Naumon a nearby forest and he saw a series of footsteps, a human's. "It looks like the victim was running. for his life . . ."

Eventually, the trail ended and a man with his eyes wide open, his skin as pale as snow, was inside of a tree. The branches crusted his limbs and his cheeks. Naumon drew Mourner, his silver sword and a Leshen with about nine wolves stood behind him. The Leshen roared as he pointed his slender finger at Naumon and Skard, "You take the wolves."

The Leshen summoned large, thick branches below Naumon, an attempt to suck the life out of the Beast Hunter. One branch grabbed Naumon's leg, he managed to cut it off and then rolled. The Leshen roared in spite and charged at Naumon. Naumon casted Quen and charged at the Leshen and doing a flurry of attacks in a spinning manner. The Leshen was on the ground and Naumon finished it.

Naumon took out a dagger and removed the head and hung it on Kelpie (his horse).
He was on his own again then, more like them since there had been another who asked Naumon a question but brushed him off as if he weren't worth the hassle. A man as such would likely be a busy person he bet since he did say to his friend there was another contract so that gave him the inclination he was a sellsword or merc, no wonder he caused such a ruckus. Maybe he was being a bit rude but he didn't care really. "Well then, where are you off to mate?" Asked Braxis out of curiosity, not like he was worried but perhaps this one might be open for a short chat before he was off. It then occurred to him that he had completely forgotten something; his half finished mug of ale. Making his horse walk back over to the tavern he got back off, another hassle he had wanted to avoid but he couldn't just leave a drink behind. The ale at the settlement was alright but he had better and to think that when he walked in a man would be drinking a whole keg of it. If it were possible to see his facial expression under his mask he would've been sighing, rubbing his temples with his cold hand. From so long of being out in the cold hand wielding his own blade his hand were as cold as ice and chilled to the bone. He walked in casually and spoke out loud, enough for the man to hear at least "You must have a strong liver if you can handle that much ale, huh?"

@Alushey @Varvarus
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Duzz raised a bushy eyebrow as he drained another mug of ale. "Aye most dwarves ken handle their drinks. Or did Ye think I was a particularly short and hairy human?" Duzz then proceeded to plung his mug back into the keg and start on another pint, draining it quickly as he eyed up the stranger. @Veyd Sahvoz
Actually that was exactly what he thought but he didn't say that, wouldn't want to offend him. Actually he was impressed such a small person half of his height could drink a whole keg. "Not at all, I am actually impressed. I have one question though; do you plan on sharing that keg?" That sentence alone was enough to make him laugh, it wasn't like a dwarf to hand over his drink but he preferred all of the ale to not be gone from one person while he was still there.

@Varvarus @Alushey
"There's more kegs about ye nay. But if ye ken nae find one I do nae mind sharing this un." Duzz nods at the man, eyeing him up and down. He gestures with his axe to the bar where a few smaller kegs were situated. After that he once again dips his mug into the keg and quickly quaffs the ale.

@Veyd Sahvoz
A small distance away, perhaps only 100 feet away from the tavern that was currently holding so much attention, a commotion broke out distantly, and loud voices and yelling could be heard distantly through the trees.

"What are you gonna do about it you cannibalizing little-"


Katarina slapped the tall woman across the face, whipping the woman's head to the right and silencing her. "
The bear is MINE. I saw it, I killed it."

Katarina said cooly. The woman looked appalled, running the red mark forming on her cheek. "Elk Clan won't stand for this!! Wait until I tell them you attacked me, everybody's already debating on kicking you out anyway!! Nobody's going to miss you!!!" The middle-aged woman nearly screamed.

Katarina's eyes flared up in anger, and her face contorted in anger
"Me?! Your the one screaming all time like somebody crawled up your ass! Your the most annoying woman in the clan!"

The two young women continued lashing out at each other loudly, unaware anybody was around.
Sykis walked into the tavern fallowing the man in the strange armor. "I'm actually off to the nearest town to claim a bounty. But I got side tracked because of the ruckus probably from that bastard that just left." Well at least I don't have to wait for my drink ." He said as he grabbed a abandoned mug. "What about you? were you headed?" He asked.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Halla sat on her throne with an ale-horn with her hand as she sipped at her mead. Two Bear Clan soldiers brought a man that looked like he was apart of the Eagle Clan. "Earl, this man is preaching the Eternal Fire." Halla studied the man.

"What is your name?"

"Londor." the priest said in a firm, rude tone.

"Why did you come here?"

"To tell all of you your gods are false! Unite around the warmth of the Eternal Fire!" the crowd roared in anger.

"Silence!" Halla roared, the crowd quieted down. "If you hold this," a man came out with a rod and a furnace next to him, "and don't feel pain we won't kill you, if you can't we will tie down to four horses and watch as your limbs are torn off.

"The Eternal Fire will protect me." he muttered.

The Bear Clan citizens, the earl and the Eagle Clan priest went outside.

"Begin." Halla said. The man gave the priest the blazing rod and he took it.

"Er." he let out a little squeak. "AH!!!" he wailed in pain then dropped the rod, his hands were scorched.

"Kill him." Halla said in a bitter voice.
The marketplace was busy, it always was, it was a bright mix of races and clans, but Psysha kept hiden, her hood covering her hair. She had nestled herself between two stalls, a small coinbag sat in front of her, Psysha never got given much as a begger, mainly because she was frowned upon for being a high elf in such circumstances, she must have been broken, or gone crazy. Her race were always so proud of who they were, her parents would always remind her to do be proud of who she was and who she was with, the Eagle clan... Psysha snapped back into reality, a sudden reminder of who she once was making her collect up the coinbag.

Psysha constantly fought against herself, half the time she wanted to burn these petty villages to the ground, but that would only end up with her death, the guards would get her, no sweat. Speaking of which, Psysha noticed a parting in the crowd of people, the patrol were doing the rounds again, this time she shouldn't still be here, they had warned her.

She sulked away, keeping her head low as to not draw attention to herself, she had managed to make some coin, enough for some bread, or even a drink at the tavern, she chewed her lip as she hurried off, she could use a glass of ale right now.
Helhena currently stood with her arms folded across her chest and a dark hood drawn over her head. She stared angrily at the muddy ground as if accusing it for making such a mess of her boots before sighing heavily and tsking her tongue. Her gaze cast to the side as she took in the scenery before her, a sickening feeling swimming over her that was quickly swallowed. There was no time for dwelling on silly feelings, especially when they were related to being back here. It had been a long while since the wood elf had stepped anywhere near home never mind into the town that fringed upon the tree in which she was born. She was usually a very laid back person and very easy going but something about this place and what it held put her back up and seeped bitterness from her. With a sharp shake of her head she shoved off the building her shoulder had been laying against and stood up right. This wasn't a particularly pretty street she decided, it was all mud roads, wooden buildings and so much brown the whole darn place looked like dreary sludge piled atop each other. "Right!" the elf scolded herself and began to walk. She was not here to wallow she was here to work. That thought was enough to put a smile on her pale features.

It was only afew moments later when Helhena happened upon a commotion in front of her...she stood in the middle of the street her head tilted to the side and hood still pulled up. She watched in amusement at the two woman and as they argued right in the middle of the street. Perhaps this place was not as dreary as she thought, A snicker escaped her throat and the woman began to walk once more "Careful ladies one of you may ruin your clothing" The remark was meant to be as snide as it sounded when she passed them. The foolishness of it to scream and shout at each other in the street...the least they could do was throw a punch instead of slapping at each other. Helhena was still shaking her head when she finally reached the Tavern and pushed the door walking inside only to here her boots squelch on the floor. She looked down immediately processing the red, her first instinct was to grab a weapon and defend but that was done with quickly whatever happened here was over. So her second thought to asses the threat level. A look around quickly confirmed zero...there was a dwarf and another men drinking but thy seemed to be having a rather good time and not interested in fighting. She also noted their clothes clean of blood..not the perpetrators then...whoever had been created a massacre. The elf smirked...she was impressed. "Well i hope you haven't drank the place dry...that would be eternally shit" she announced and decided to walk on in and claim herself a clean mug to fill with some sweet wine.

@Varvarus @Alushey @Veyd Sahvoz
Duzz looked the newcomer up and down. "I intend too." He quaffed another pint, the barrel was getting drained pretty fast. Duzz ripped his axe from the keg and set it down next to him, giving the blade a once over. He began scrutinizing his drinking companions. Duzz glowered at Helhena, something in his bones rattled with discontent at seeing her. He couldn't put his finger on it, he put it down to bad ale and lent back in his chair producing his pipe and began to fill it. "If ye de nae mind me askin' but what're ye lot in this shit 'ole fer?"

@Lola Shimmer @Veyd Sahvoz
Oh look...More people. He'd thought that everyone would be busy around this time but apparently there were some who preferred to drink some ale and relax even though the man Naumon had scared everyone off. That only meant more drink for them. The other man he had spoken to must have caught him off guard because he hadn't seen him come inside in the first place and was a bit surprised to see him just appear behind him and start speaking to him. "Is there a reason I should be headed anywhere?" Asked the hulking knight, his cold brow raised a bit in question. "If you must know, I'm headed wherever. For now I go wherever and wander the land without a set path, my path has yet to be set." Braxis explained to the man, not caring for his name at the momet.

Squinting his eyes at the Dwarf, he walked over to the bar and rummaged around for one of the smaller kegs, hauling it onto his shoulder and slamming it down on the counter. He then snatched up his mug and refilled it, taking another pint. "Don't worry lass, there's more around the counter if ya think you can handle it." He dared, chuckling as he waited to see her reaction.

@Alushey @Lola Shimmer @Varvarus
Psysha stepped into the tavern, she stayed in the shadows, avoid eye contact with anyone til she got to the counter. The lady behind it turned and gave her a rather impatient look, as if she was sick of dealing with beggars. She took the coins from its bag, placing the small stack on the counter she gave the human a slight smile, hoping it would be enough for a meal. "We don't serve your kind here.." the woman gave her a glare, she obviously was referring to her as a beggar. Psysha's fists tightened, a small spark going off in anger at her sides, "I have money, isn't that what you serve?" She gritted her teeth at the woman. The barkeep looked down at the coin, debating the options, she let out a sigh as she gave in and fetched her a drink.

Psysha lightened up, relaxing her hands, the small flame simmering to nothing. She took the drink and found herself a spot by the fire.

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