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»Event Notification - 6/23/2014«

Dear participants of the SAO RPG: I am glad to see that everyone seems to be having such a grand time with the plot thus far, and that things have been moving along smoothly! And as promised a time or two in the past, there shall be an upcoming Time Skip in the plot to a destination where everyone will be granted the right to adjust their "HUD" to a maximum of level 27 , add a maximum additional 3,000 COL to their bank , adjust their maximum health to a maximum of 2,600 HP, with a maximum additional of 1,200 if you wish to include gear that your character has come across in their travels to this point (the gear your player has will not effect the additional COL that was noted in this post), and then adjust their EXP until next level by using the traditional method; "(50*2^(Lv.-1))". This of course depends upon what level you advance to. As well, you will be allowed to fill in a maximum of a quarter of the amount of EXP you need to advance to the next level (Ex: 1,250 / 5,000).

This event shall take place once everyone has notified me that they have reached a point in their story to where they are ready for the Time Skip. I would prefer to avoid making complications to anyone's plot they've worked so hard on to this point!

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Thank you for your time.

Game Master Gabriel

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Yo is it possible for some characters to know each other prior to the events of this game?

Also what does Meditation and Battle recovery do?

Also I'd like to complain about the crafting related skills and slot.

Two skill slots is too tiny and some of the skills are too split up, unless you're meaning it as some sort of specialization. But my point is really that it doesn't resemble any functioning player crafting/profession in any MMO I've played.
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Then make your own silly :wink:. I personally like this. But then again, I haven't played much MMOs
Well I'm gonna admit I am a craft monkey in MMOs and I like to supply guildies/friends with stuff.

And from my experience is that there's an hierarchy with crafting. Tends to be everyone can gather raw materials, processing certain mats being either locked/unlocked to a certain profession for those items and then your appropriate profession uses them to make the items.

So say I'm doing smithing, my friends/guildies would dump me the appropriate resources for the stuff they need and I'd crank it out. And then say if we wanted to make it a +60 Sword of choppiness with extra speediness; depending on the mmo either I can do it or hand it off and watch in terror as the RNG gods decide to break the sword as we burn through the rare drops to empower it :banghead:
Can a character already know another character? Like if they met before the game started?
I may not be the game master but it surely seems like you would be able to. Why ever not?

Either way, we have like 20 characters, but they all seem to not be here. anyway, posting here for notifications.
zeke said:
are we going to get more skills as we level up?
Here's from the rules.

  • No power/meta gaming - This means that anything that involves saying something happens simply to get yourself ahead of everyone else (Ex: "I won 10,000,000,000 COL from that monster and now I own all the best weapons and armor!", or "I killed sixty monsters all at once and leveled up fifty times!) is not valid and will be ignored from the role play all together. Be fair, be realistic (under the circumstances), and play nice.

So I would say yes, but keep it within reason.

Or do you mean like more combat skills and things?
AH! OK you people started ;u; oops!

Ok, can I give a heads up on what's going on atm?
Not much.

Only got a handful of people actually posting. Sunam Gabby, and InfinteLover have grouped up and some othes are independant. Me and some others are grouping up as well but more focusing on grinding in both combat and our crafting
Wait, really? We have to roleplay every single fight? That sounds- well, I'll be honest, that sounds incredibly boring. If I wanted to do grinding I'd play an actual MMO. I thought we could just timeskip past the "kill eight hundred boars" stage of the game.

I mean, if we're going to do it like this could we at least use an actual system? Like, just a rules-light or diceless so this isn't totally arbitrary.

Also @Raviael yeah we're starting out just after that bit.
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Ok wonderful! Thank you for that!

Just one more teeny tiny question before I get on with my first post~

where exactly are people at? So I can have my character close by someone so I can get to communicate .3.
If ya read through, Group 1 is out in the beginner fields. GGI (Group Two) is in the Town Square. Odd is at the Inn, and I'm just outside the city limits. Everyone else is in the town square I assume.
It all depends. It's more likely for somebody in the fields to find him, though, because that's where he is.

So your character is at a field right? well Kinesthetic's character is close by you and so was mine but now I'm just now possibly pairing up with Ixacise's character and the others in that group. So you can go on by trying to associate yourself with one of them. Possibly seeing Kinesthetics character and speaking with her or running over to my character who's still technically in the fields and is just running over to Ixacise's character
It's a hard decision. On one hand, he doesn't like approaching people, on the other, he needs friends and he does stuff without thinking, on my magical third hand, maybe I'm the complete opposite of him and I'm over-thinking it. Hmm ... Then again, being that his health is 71 HP, he'll probably be heading towards town, so somebody might catch him if he complains out loud like he always does.
yeah! Just think hard on it!

Like my character is really shy- normally she wouldn't dare associate and so easily try to group with strangers. But she had to think smart and, wanting to survive she chose to group up with strangers.
Thought you guys might find this interesting. It's a video of the guys over at Man At Arms making Kirito's Elucidator.

So how do the EXP and HP formula's work? I'm assuming EXP is the standard (50*2^(Lv.-1)) but I'm not really sure what HP growth is looking like since we aren't using the same 250HP base value as SAO.

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