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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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Not So Super Saiyan
It is 2022, and the VRMMORPG "Sword Art Online" has been released. On November 6th, ten thousand people logged on to experience SAO. Soon, they realized they could not log out, and therefore were trapped in the game. They quickly discover from Akihiko Kayaba, the creator of SAO and NerveGear, they must reach the 100th floor of the game's castle and defeat the final boss if they wish to be free. Those who suffer in-game destruction or remove the NerveGear out-of-game will result in their real-life deaths. It is up to the few brave players to save them all.
Kojima slips on the Nerve Gear headset and lays down on the bed. He makes himself comfortable and says the words, "Link Start." He logs on with his username and password. He spawns in the starting area, with the default gear. "Woah." he exclaims in wonderment. "It is beautiful." He stands there taking it all in.
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Kita walks into her room and locks the door behind her with a sigh. She had just got out of an argument with her oldest brother. She gets undressed and puts on a more comfortable outfit. She lays down in bed, and puts on her NerveGear. "Link Start." She spawns in the middle of a field. She looks around in amazement. "This is the best thing ever." Says Kita with a smile. She runs her hand through her hair and smiles.
Sun gives his son a high five in a mixture of excitement and nervousness at his first real experience with VR. He puts on his Nerve Gear, lays on the couch and logs in. He creates a character almost exactly the opposite of what he looks like in a mad attempt to fit in for once in his human giant life. When he spawns in he begins to look for his son Qin.
Kojima, finally done staring at the beautiful game, looks ahead and walks out to the first fields. He pulls out his short sword and scouts out a weak looking creature. The creature looks similar to a warthog in the real world, but slightly more grey. He charged it by surprise and stabbed it straight in the chest, killing it. "The starter gear in this game is much more powerful then in the beta... probably for the noobs." Just as Kojima began to pursue his next enemy he is teleported back to spawn. Almost everyone is there, and they are all confused. People begin to express there confusion when the sky turns red, and someone in a huge red cloak appears.
"Hmmm?" Kita looks at the sky where she was just teleported. There is a large figure in a red cloak. She looks to her right to see a man standing next to her. "Um is this a greeting?" Asks Kita to the man.
"I suppose so, I wonder what this is about...?" Kojima replies. He puts away his sword, and listens to what he has to say. He says that there is no way to log out of the game and so on. After his speech he gives everyone a mirror to look into. "Huh?" Kojima looks into his mirror and sees his regular face. For a second he sees nothing wrong, but then realization sweeps over him. "What!? This is a... joke, right?" He exclaims looking over to the girl next to him.
"I don't know. It has to be a joke." Says Kita. She opens her menu with the swipe of her finger, and looks for the logout button. "It's really gone. We really are trapped." Says Kita growing pale. She looks in the mirror and sees her real face, which makes her grow ghostly pale, visibly frightened. "Why is this happening?" Thinks Kita.
Kojima turns to his right, to the shouting man. "What is up with him?" He says to the girl. Kojima suddenly turns back to the cloaked figure who is disappearing. "Maybe this is a cutscene... we might be able to log out now." He waved his hand across his point of view, and checked the menu. "It's still not here! This is not funny anymore! I can't handle this!" Kojima runs out into the field. "I have to beat 100 bosses, I might as well get started." He runs to the next mob he can find and fights it.
Kasai sits waiting for his girlfriend to txt him the details of the party tonight. He stares at his backpack stuffed under his bed hidden behind some old blankets. He contemplates hooking into his nerve gear, being bored out of his mind. He decides not to, worried his father would soon be home, he turned on his tv, and to his surprise a breaking news report was on broadcasting the events unfolding now, the topic centered around the game SAO. He listened in, he gasped, then paused, staring back at his backpack blank faced, he rushed over sliding his nerve gear out from u dear his bed, he took one more pause, contemplating what he was about to do......"Do it." He forced himself, plugging in, he shouted, "Link start."
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((Sorry, my posts probably wont usually be this long. I just wanted to catch up ;)


HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

COMPANION: None :: Open for Contact

LOCATION: Town of Beginnings ::

Open field

Hana had come home from work, out of breathe and her mind racing. She was met at the door by her dog, in which she gave a gentle rub on the head before racing up to her room, ignoring the voice of her godmother calling up to her from the living room. She rushed into her room, setting her bag on her bed and sitting in her chair, pulling another bag from her other arm and opening the plastic to take a peek inside.

Today a new game had come out. And she had managed to snatch it up.

S.A.O. It had been all over the news. When she realized she was missing out on a new game, Hana rushed there and waited a good few hours in line to get it. SHe didn't often stand in public places for that much time, but she couldn't have gotten the game any other way. Suffering through hungry stares and a few awkward bumps into random strangers, Hana got her treasure. She took the nerve gear from her desk and pulled the game from the bag, inserting the file and setting on the headset. She closed her eyes, and with a small yet determined, "
Link start!" She had gotten herself into the game.

The first half of her time was just wasted on screwing around with the controls and killing a few monsters, her avatar being a small girl with long black hair and caramel eyes.. She could handle that avatar. Anything but her real appearance.

However, the next half of her time was forced onto her. She had been put through a forced teleport, as many other players did from what Hana could see. An announcement was made, a mirror placed into every player's inventory. The moment she got hers and the transforming of the avatars to their user's begun, Hana was terrified. She stared up at Akihiko Kiyaba, her dazzling blue eyes wide and long, silky ashy-hair folding around her arms in awkward angles.

She was to terrified to move, even soon after many other people had left the town center. When the place was nearly empty, she brought a foot forward shakily, stumbling her way to the exit of the town. Her shoulder was tapped by some guy, and she turned to stare at him with a look of absolute fear. He gave the small girl a charming smile, eyebrows raised. She watched him, mouth shut in a serious expression. He brought his hand away and moved it to his waist. "Hey there, I just couldn't help seeing your sweet face looking confused, you need some help? I could help you around, I just happened to be a beta tester." He bragged. Hana didn't answer, just looked him up and down. He brought his hand and tapped her shoulder again, this time resting his hand there. "Hey... did you hear me?" He asked, expression worried. Hana's breathing got fast and she gave a cold stare at his hand before pulling away violently and giving a loud shriek, taking her hands up to her ears. "
N-no!" And with a sharp turn she dashed away, her long hair flowing behind her in an awkward attempt to slow her down.

She ran into a field before tripping over and staying in the grass, curling her legs up to her chest in a sad attempt to defend herself. She had thought the guy followed her, but noticed he hadn't made the attempt at all. With a shaky sigh, Hana stayed laying in the grass, comprehending what had happened since she joined the game. It was all to rushed.
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Kita saw the man touch the girl and frowned. "Freaks." Mumbles Kita. He sees as the girl runs out into the field. "Hey wait! Come back." Says Kita running after her. She sees as she falls in the grass. Kita slows down and kneels down next to her. "Hey are you alright? He didn't do anything did he? You have to be careful with online freaks. Especially in a life or death situation." Says Kita trying not to sound scared herself.
Kojima noticed a beautiful girl stumbling along the field. She was running away from a much larger man, compared to her, and he had seen him touch her on the waist and shoulder. He then sees a woman approach her and sit next to her. Kojima draws his sword and makes picks up his pace as he walks near the girl.

"Hey, are you alright?" He shouts, across the field towards the girl. He approaches her closer, but not to close, not wanting to overwhelm her. "Do you need any help?" He asks glancing over at the woman beside her, and the man a little ways back.
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HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

COMPANION: Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana's breathing was still harsh, but she looked up as a new presence approached her. She stared at the girl, eyes still fairly wide, before sitting up. "W-we aren't actually stuck here, are we?" Hana had whimpered, keeping herself in a small little bundle beside the girl. "That was just a joke." She had said quietly, eyes narrowed at the grass tickling at her bare legs. She glanced back at the girl, giving a shake of her head and sighing gently. "Sorry, I'm still trying to figure out what happened." Hana mumbled, figuring she was probably just embarrassing herself and that she should simply just shut up. This was her problem, she said weird things around people because of her lack of talking to strangers. She only really held a conversation with someone she knew. Other people she just rambled on about stuff that she didn't even need to say.
"Definitely dont be sorry. I cant make anymore sense of this than you can. Im scared myself." Says Kita smiling at the girl. "My names Kita. Im a waitress, or was I guess. Im 17 and live with two brothers and a single mom. Thats just a little about me." Says Kita. "What about you if you dont mind me asking. If you dont answer that reasonable. I am a stranger after all."


HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

COMPANION: Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana gave a soft smile to the newcomer, looking at her with a soft gaze. It made her happy to know someone else was under the same circumstances as she. Hana shifted when she was asked the question, and gave a hesitant reply. "I'm Hana, six-teen. I was also a waitress, but sometimes I worked as an-" she paused awkwardly, hating to use the word "entertainer" when describing herself. "As a singer for this cute little bar." She said, giving a harsh swallow and shifting her legs closer to her again. "I um- I'm an only child, living with my godmother." She said, matching the same information Kita had given her. She gave Kita an apologetic look before examining the girl up and down, puffing her cheeks a little bit. Kita was actually rather adorable herself, her frame being perfect. Hana hated showing off her body, and so often sat trying to cover herself up.
"Well that sounds like fun! I wish I could sing. You must be really talented! I bet you were the coolest." Says Kita sounding as cheerful as possible. She could see this girl was troubled but she looked really nice and she was cute which is not a good thing with a lot of creeps walking around. Kita's outfit was a bit revealing but she didn't mind. She found it comfortable for her fighting style. The girl next to her seemed to be the opposite. "You seem really cool." Says Kita


HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

COMPANION: Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

"Well, not the coolest..." Hana said, giving an embarrassed smile. "There were a lot more people who performed there who were a lot more talented then me." She had ended up blushing a little more when Kita complimented her again. "Oh please, I'm not cool. I'm nothing but a weak girl." Not to mention she's always hit on, but Hana avoided saying that due to the fact she didn't want to sound like she was bragging. She honestly didn't enjoy it though. "What about you, you seem really brave. In all honesty, I could never wear something like what you are." Hana couldn't help but point out the flashy outfit Kita seemed to be modeling. Of course, Hana kind of liked it. She always looked up to girls she saw could do the things she herself could never achieve.
Kita blushed a little at the comment. She then looked down at her own outfit. "I-I'm not the type of person you think from this outfit!" Says Kita quickly. She hadn't really thought about her clothes. She just knew they worked for her. "Im not very brave. I just have weird fashion choice, I guess. I like your outfit though. A lot. Its really cute" Says Kita.


HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

COMPANION: Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana jumped forward a bit in defense. "Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that!" She whined, giving another apologetic smile. "I just meant, I'd never be able to walk around like that. I think your brave because you can." No matter what Hana said, she felt like she was going to get it all wrong. She then looked down at her outfit, examining it for a moment. "I-I guess." She said humbly.
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"Oh I understand now. But im really not very brave." Says Kita. She lays down next to Hana and looks at the sky. "I used to of died to be able to live in this world, but now that I have to it's different. I don't know how ill make it. I have no one here with me. But maybe we can have eachothers back. I feel like we would make a great team." Says Kita smiling.
Kojima turns and opens his, menu navigating to his friends list. "Crap, it didn't save my friends from the beta." He mutters. What if his old friends are trapped in the game with him? He closes his menu and starts to jog back to spawn.

When he finally gets there he looks through his menu a thousand times desperately trying to find them. Then he remembers his sister. She did get a Nerve Gear, but she hadn't been on it when he joined. Maybe she joined shortly after, when he was in the game. He puts his head into his hands, and tries not to cry, hoping she wasn't in the game.
When the mysterious figure came above the spawn. He knew instantly what was happening. Kayaba Akihiko said there was going to be a little twist to this game. After the whole speech Marcus was really shocked. When he opened his inv. and took out the mirror. He looked into it and noticed his actual face. "So this is what what Kayaba meant when he asked me how I thought I would react to this game. Well lets see you I much of an advantage I have." Marcus then took off the starter armor and just equipped his starter sword. Marcus then walked over to the nearest mob. Marcus waited for the the boar to charge and powered his attack and slashed the beast. When the beast glimmered out of existence. when the reward block came up it said, "1 boars hide, and 24 col.
Kojima finally gets up and walks back outside. He notices someone without any armor on, as they fight a boar. They must have been a "beater" too, if they were that confident so early on. Seeing that person, somehow gave Kojima strength. Even if his sister was here it shouldn't make him slow down, or be sad, or even angry. But it should fuel him to beat the game, for her and all his friends who might be there too. He could even create a guild, once they were available. Kojima, with his spirits lifted slightly, pulls out his sword and walks towards a boar. As he gets close, he trips over a rock and hits the ground.

The Boar sprints towards Kojima, at full speed, knocking into him in the stomach. Kojima tries to lift his sword, but it is knocked out of his hands, when the boar charges him, for a second time. He quickly gets up and scrambles for his sword. It is a few feet away and just before the boar can hit him, he jumps onto it.

Kojima pulls his sword towards the boar and stabs it in between the eyes. The boar turns red, then disappears. In return he is given 14 col. But he is still low on health.

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