Swimming Speeds


A breif flick through the BWB looking for infomation on swimming speeds left me with nothing. Of course, given the way speed infomation is organized in that book this is to be expected even if it is in there.

So, can anyone give me a page number? Is it maybe in another book?

Barring that, I'm going to have to make something the hell up. I'm tempted to use something like Dex + Survival yards per turn. Anyone want to call me a moron for thinking this?

As an aside, why are the movement rates in the BWB given in metres?
I don't believe swimming speeds have ever been given in any of the books, but personally I'd use Stamina + Athletics at a difficulty of 1 for calm waters, 3 for fast flowing river and 5 or higher for the most storm-tossed sea.  Also, don't forget those pesky armour mobility penalties.

Wait, so you're suggesting that you roll Stamina + Athletics, with modifiers for conditions, and the result is the number of yards you can move in a turn? Hmmm. Not bad.
While I think Stamina is certainly important for sustained swimming, I'd say speed would be based on Strength.

I'd say a Stamina + Athletics roll to see if you CAN swim in the water, and then maybe make swimming speed Strength + Athletics, with a negative modifier if you failed the roll?
I think the rules for stamina are for how long you can swim for, not how fast you can swim. Just like how a person can be a great sprinter without being able to go cross-country.

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