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Fandom Sweet Home roleplay anyone?


New Member
Hey there!

I recently finished the K-Drama/horror Sweet home and I'm reading the webcomic. I would love to get a plot going for the verse if anyone is interested. I am mostly interested in the world and the monsters but I am also interested in adding a bit of romance. I prefer OcxCanon but I am also down for CanonxCanon and doubles friendly.

Heavily seeking someone to write as Lee Eun Hyuk for me. I am glad to write as any other character in return. I love dark themes, horror/survival so I would like a partner who is also open to a bit of dread within the plot! I have a few Ideas already but I absolutely love to brainstorm with my partners.

18+ please, I am over 21 and prefer not to write with minors, especially when it comes to things like horror or other mature themes such as those depicted in Sweet home.

Ooc friendly, patient with replies and prefer quality to quantity. Para and up please! Anything less tends to kill my interest unfortunately.

Ghost friendly(ish)- I prefer a warning, but life happens, I totally get that!

With Romance I much prefer slow-burn and building chemistry through story rather than following tropes like love at first sight, instant fixation, or soulmates. Note I have nothing against any of these and I love fluff! I am glad to write it for partners in doubles if they prefer. It is just not my personal preference for my Ocs or the characters I tend to pair them with, especially in a verse like this. And while I have a tendency to default to MxF pairings on my end I am open for MxM/FxF/ or any variant you want to throw at me for your side of things.

I am open to write on-site or on discord. If interested feel free to PM me!
Jae-Hwa's arms curled around her legs, her chin resting against her knees as her eyes fixed to the bottom of her door, staring at the small, steady stream of light that filtered in beneath it. It had been at least ten hours since she had seen anything black it out... but did that really mean it was actually safe to leave?

It had been three days since she had even attempted to leave her room, but it was becoming a more and more desperate that she at least try. She had a bit of food left, sure... but she had been rationing what she had very strictly.. and if she continued for more than another two days then she would be too weak to run if she needed to.. not that running would do her much good, if what she had been reading held any truth, never mind what she had seen herself.

At first it was just weird online rumors.. the kind that you see all the time: creepy stories of families being found mutilated, with one member missing, and neighbors hearing monstrous sounds the night before... or some person going crazy and hearing voices... and getting sick and then days later they transformed into some wild, less-than-human thing. It was all so far fetched and she felt completely detached from it all.. just stories...not worth her time.. just a little thrill to read over and then forget... but forgetting got hard when they just kept popping up.

And then suddenly... one night... it went from a trickle to a flood. People she talked to, bloggers she read or watched, even her own aunt calling to tell her herself... they had seen these things, heard things.. were BECOMING these things.. The latest information was that it was random, and started with nosebleeds, fainting spells and hearing or seeing things.. and soon after your body transforms into something grotesque and violent.

She had tried to leave the next morning, tried to go home to her family, but she had barely made it down the hall when she heard a low chattering growl, and saw... well... honestly... she had no clue what it was. It was hunched down in the shadow, faced away from her... but the squelching noise that she heard as it's head bowed down to something beneath it.. and then the crunching.. like sticks snapping in the jaw of a dog... it was enough to send her right back to her room where she had since remained, with the internet going in and out, and her phone doing the same.

A few thoughts had made way to her head.. she could jump out her window... she was 11 floors up, there was no way she would live... at least then she would die with a known fear, rather then at the sound of squished flesh and snapping bones. Too bad suicide had never been a real contemplation for the young teaching aid. Unfortunately, neither were contemplations of heroism.

The world had become dark.. bleak.. broken... And she was too much of a coward to leave it.. or to face it. Truth was she knew her only real option. Even if she left her room, where would she go? Her family home was two hours away, and she wouldn't even make it two blocks. She wasn't close with any of her neighbors, and how could she know they weren't monsters even if she was?... No.. leaving wasn't really an option, not for someone as alone as she was... And neither was suicide. She would simply fade into the black of death when starvation finally took hold.. too scared to run, and too scared to spare herself the wait.. Everything was dark, but the light under that door.

Her dismal contemplation was interrupted then, by and unexpected voice that poured out from the speakers in her room. “The first floor is secure, any survivors should come down. Please come down.” At first she wondered if maybe it was just her mind playing tricks.. the first of many auditory hallucinations... if she too was soon to be a monster... but then it spoke again, and just like that.. the dark and fading world seem at least a little brighter.

She trembled as she made her way to her feet. Her legs were shaky from lack of use for the past few days and likely from nerves as she thought to gather a few things... the little bit of food she had left, a change of clothes, and a small book of pictures that really, she knew there was no point in keeping (yet couldn't bring herself to leave behind), and the biggest knife she had. She couldn't make it home... couldn't even make it down the block... but the first floor?.. that at least she could handle.. she hoped...
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