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Realistic or Modern แฏ“โ˜… ๐‘บ๐‘พ๐‘จ๐‘ต๐‘ฉ๐‘น๐‘ถ๐‘ถ๐‘ฒ๐‘ฌ โค ๐–ฒ๐–ฎ๐–ซ ๐–ฑ๐–ฏ


asa mitaka's legal attorney
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

sweet like bubble gum !



A slice-of-life roleplay loosely based on the games Stardew Valley and Coral Island, set in a quaint coastal town called Swanbrooke where everyone seems to know each other. Are you content with your life here, or do you crave something bigger?


plot overview


Swanbrooke, officially established in 1867, is a charming little coastal town situated in Florida. Dependent on its exports in fish and farming goods, and historical landmarks dating from the civil war that bring in tourists; Swanbrooke doesn't lack the funds to make it a town worth living in. A rich nightlife, with restaurants and bars dotted around, a small community college in the very centre of the town, and seasonal celebrations to bring together all the residents. Everything is local owned, from the produce to the amenities. There's not much else you could want from living in Swanbrooke, the quietness and the tight-knit community brings forth a fulfilling life. Of course, some seek bigger things. The younger residents often move away to attend more known colleges, but many stay here, close to family and friends. Many only return here during the summer, living in larger cities around the country to work better-paying jobs. But there will always be a familiar face around in Swanbrooke.

However, in recent times, a corporate company has decided that the town would be the perfect location for several beachside resorts. A few representatives have moved into town, trying to goad the more susceptible residents into selling their properties to them, hoping that the rest will follow through. Public announcements from the mayor have vehemently discouraged any residents from listening to these representatives, to turn them away if they show up on their property. But these businessmen know how to sweeten any deal, charismatic and relentless as they are. One can only hope that they won't manage to sink their claws into the town any further, disrupting its beloved peace...


Hello and welcome to my silly little SOL roleplay, I hope that if you've read this far I've caught your interest! I've been craving something Stardew Valley/Coral Island-esque recently and would love to take on a few others on this adventure with me. Swanbrooke is sat somewhere vaguely on the east coast of Florida, I haven't thought of exactly where but just. Imagine. It's not the biggest town ever, but it's also not tiny, with farmlands on the outskirts, a nice little fishing port alongside some beaches, a local elementary school, middle school, high school, and community college, as well as a few daycares. Shops of all kinds and restaurants and coffee shops, artisan and produce stalls. Inns and local bars, a large library that also displays historical and archaeological artifacts that have been found in the area, and so much more! Let your imagination run wild when creating characters and giving them occupations. The corporate stuff for now is a looming side plot that everyone is worried about, although eventually, it will become much much bigger. The roleplay will start during the beginning of summer when many old residents return to visit family for the next three months. As always, if you have any other questions, please feel free to shoot me a PM! :3




The vast majority of the characters in the roleplay do not have any specific requirements. Although I ask that they are all 17+, use realistic faceclaims, and have realistic jobs in relation to the setting. Aside from this, I encourage you to go ham! Make as many characters as you can handle, but also I beg you to not make like 50 characters. These characters are not application-based, but I do reserve the right to reject any character that would be considered inappropriate for the setting of the roleplay. I will be making a doc to note down all the characters and their occupations, so make sure to check it often to ensure that some more specific occupations don't clash!


There will be some more specific and bigger roles that will be posted in the doc that will be application-based, and more than one person will be able to apply for these roles. When I decide which application feels like a better fit for the role, you will receive a PM to say your character has been accepted, and the character will be added to the doc! The main application-based roles will be the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the Sherriff, the Deputy Sherriff, the Corporate Reps (of which there will be three), the Hospital Director, the Fire Chief, the Head Librarian, the Head Curator, and the principals of the four local schools. Aside from these, you're more than welcome to let your imagination run wild and give your characters any occupation you want (within reason). There will be more application-based roles posted on the doc, and these roles will be underlined and in bold, though some may be a bit more minor compared to the main ones I've listed here, and will more than likely be owners of some shops and restaurants I've come up with to start us off. Of course, these will not be the only businesses available, and I encourage you to create your own! These will just be to start :3




This is a semi-lit roleplay! I'm not expecting novels to be written, especially with the lax character limit. However, I would expect around 300+ words to be written per character. Activity-wise, I'm not too fussed, however, it would be great if you could post once a week at the very least. If you plan to be gone for an extended period of time, please let me know! And if you feel that you no longer want to be part of the roleplay, also please let me know, there are absolutely no hard feelings! Life happens, and that's completely okay


Discord will be mandatory for OOC chatter and for messing around, it will also be a place where the characters can message each other and even have group chats in specially reserved channels if you so wish! The most important thing is to be kind and respectful to one another. I do not tolerate leaving people out blatantly, and I will be keeping a keen eye out for this. Everyone must be LGBTQ+ friendly, and harassment of any kind will result in an immediate ban from the roleplay. If you have any concerns, please do not be afraid to PM me directly!


Character-wise, like I said before, please only use realistic faceclaims! All characters are to be 17+, if you have any characters under the age of 18 please for the love of god do not write anything explicit for them. Use your common sense pretty please. Aside from this, there are minimal requirements when it comes to characters, just be sensible and realistic! I also encourage you to reach out to other users to form more established relationships, such as marriage and siblings and whatnot, just state in your character sheet what sort of relationships your character is open to. Please also be diverse with your characters! I enjoy the idea of Swanbrooke having a large population of immigrant residents, so make characters of all sorts of races and cultures! Any questions just hit me up :3

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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I adore both games so count me in!
My interest is piqued! ๐Ÿ‘€
thank you so much for everyone's interest! here's the discord for those who would like to join, the doc for roles has been posted there!​
the cs page will be posted a little later on today :3​

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