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Fandom SW Bad Batch OCxCanon search~


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Roleplay Availability
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So, I currently have a craving to write a SW Bad Batch RP involving Crosshair and my OC! I am of course willing to try it with either of the other Batch members, but I think my gal is more suited from Crosshair! More details below.

- I'm Snow/Noeul, 26, MST, multi-para to novella. 15+ years of experience.
- Long-term, but I'm fine with short-burst warm up rps or stuff on the side as well!
- Activity fluctuates, I work late night security Mon-Fri, so please don't pester me for replies.
- SFW only! I love darker, more mature themes, just no smut please
- I'm NOT looking for super political or heavy-lore plots! I've watched the movies and most of the series but I'm not at all interested in accurate lore and sticking strictly to canon. Things like that turn me off real fast cuz it's really not my forte
- Would love Clone Wars era or Bad Batch/Mandalorian eras!

For more info on my OC:
Her name is San, she's 27, nonbinary (she/they) and is someone very unaware of her own background, and is such on a long search finding herself and uncovering more of her past. She has a complex background I've been working on for a very long time; she is an old character of mine that gets revamped for certain stories and scenarios, so I'm still in the process of figuring out her general personality for this particular setting and whatnot.

As a note too: I'm playing around with the idea she's from another time/universe, which is why I'd rather this not be super connected to canon and canon events. I'm really invested in Crosshair and I'd think it'd be super neat to build a connection between the two and slowly work on their relationship over time. Again, I'm okay with any of the other Batchers, but Crosshair is my main craving.

I have a few general ideas for starting points, so feel free to ask about them! I'm also super anxious about very intense plotting and setting up plot points and whatnot... I'm more of a go with the flow kind of person, but of course, any ideas we may get I'm all down for. I just don't wanna spend days and days plotting before the actual RP cuz that's where I get bored and too anxious. I've also just had intense plotting just to get ghosted, so yanno.

Feel free to PM me!

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