
Morgana Pendragon

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Why were you flying to America?:
(Like in Lost the plane crashed on it's way to America, lets say from Australia also like the show. Make it easy on everyone so we don't all have to decide on two locations and our stories match up, and we are all on the same plane.)


Appearance: (Either a photo or description is fine with me :) )

Other: (Anything you want to add that I forgot)

Name: Siryna Whitney

Nickname: N/A

Age: 20

Height: 5'1''

Weight: 110

Personality: Siryna is reckless and impulsive, she holds little respect for authority figures and is somewhat violent towards those who antagonize her. But Siryna is not all talk, not only can she shoot out hilarious and seething comebacks, but she can pack a punch too. Once the plane crash happens she becomes much more grounded and responsible. She thinks through her actions more, in contrast to her old reckless self. She has very powerful protective instincts, and she cannot sit back and see people get hurt. She can also be very sarcastic and sharp-tongued at times. She always has a smartalic comment ready and bites back her witty insults. Like most women she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind and can be extremely stubborn in her opinions.

Although she is not necessarily conceited, she is aware of the fact that she is beautiful. She is rather proud of her hair. Since landing on the island she has become more practical, but she can still be somewhat vain at times about her appearance. Despite the many changes in her personality Syrina remains a social creature. She can be friendly, warm not shying away from meeting new people, and has considerable skill in social interactions.

History: Siryna grew up with two brothers and a sister. She was the oldest in the group and became a mother figure to them. With her mom out of the picture since she was little, it was up to her and her grandparents to raise her siblings. As she was growing up she got in trouble with the cops a time or two but it was mostly for going to underage parties. She grew out of that phase and started focusing on school. When she turned 19 she studied abroad for a year.

Why were you flying to America? She was coming home after studying abroad. She studied in Japan caught a plane to Australia it was supposed to land in Los Angeles.

Crush/Kids/Married? Open/None/No


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