Survive the Story (RP)

Ember Bare

The Bear
Everyone woke up in a white round room with nothing in it but a chair they all woke up in,they all sat in a circle facing each other. Each of them had a book in there lap each a different story,some knew the story they had others never heard of it.

Blu was already awake sitting in his chair with his book,The Story Teller,in his lap.He sat with his legs crossed waiting for the rest to wake with a smile on his face,now ready for another game to start. This bunch seemed capable,but he new all to well to never judge a book by it's cover. Then he noticed one had started waking up,"this one's name was Warren right?"He thought to himself as he looked at the boy.

Warren looked around,looking completely confused as he noticed where he was."Huh?..."He saw these people around passed out in chairs and wondered what had happened,and how did he get here? He moved a bit in his chair as he looked behind him and noticed a book in his lap,The Grimm's Tales, was it's title and he knew this book all to well,one of his favorites actually.He picked up the book and looked at it,then finally noticed Blu with was the only one awake right now. Warren really didn't know what to say so he just looked at him and then back down to him book.
Clyde awoke, calmly and drowsy, only to find himself in this strange room. He sat uo, noticing several people around him, most whom were unconscious. He glanced over at two beings who were awake, and he was struck with confusion. Clyde stood up suddenly, whacking his chair a few feet behind him, with a burning glare in his eyes," Wha- what the hell?! Where am I?!" He spit out. Clyde certainly had a sharp tongue and an unclean mouth, esprcially when he was caught off guard like this. The former Sigfried looked at everyone with a narrow eye, which the other was covered by a series of white bandages and a mass if unkept deep purple hair. He grunted, yanking his chair back furiously, and looked at Blu. That man seemed to know what was going on, and Clyde would sure like to know too.
Blu stared at Clyde with a slight irritated look in his eyes,the book that was in Clyde's lap had fallen to the ground with a loud thump. This one seemed to quick without thinking, that would definitely be a down fall for him if he doesn't watch it. Blu just sighed and closed his eyes not thinking about it anymore or he wouldn't be able to hold back,which would not turn out good.

Warren looked at Clyde confused,who was he?What was he?Warren was really confused now and it didn't seem to be getting any better,he hoped everything would be answered soon. He looked around once more just to see if he missed anything then looked back to the ones awake,what an odd bunch so far he thought.
Aria awoke abruptly. Her chair was very uncomfortable beneath her. The first thing she was look around at everyone else. Some were quietly chatting while others glanced around as she was. Then, she noticed something that was similar for all of them, the books. Each person had their own. Without looking down he knew she had one too. As she looked down to read the title, a man burst from his chair, making it stumble behind him. This made Aria flinch. She hadn't been expecting it. Again she glanced down at her book to read the title, "101 Dalmations". 'What's going on?' Aria thought to herself, 'Why are we here? How come I don't know anybody?''

Velvet was slower to wake, her head rolling to the side as she slept, causin her body to shift weight until she perched precariously over the edge of her chair. Being older, she was sore from sleeping sitting up. The commotion of a chair being knocked over was what made her start. Velvet managed to catch herself before she fell, a heavy object rolling off her lap as she did so. Quickly she picked it up, glancing around at everyone else. 'Peter Pan' the cover of her book read.
Clyde had noticed he made a bit of commotion. He didn't mean to be loud, but sometimes he just screws things up. Normally, Clyde wouldn't dare be this disruptive, preferring to stay in the corner. Noticing a book had smashed into the ground, he picked it up and dusted the cover, in case anything had befallen it. Clyde set the book in his lap. He wasn't the most interested in books, but he read them sometimes, usually to get his mind off of something rather than miserably sitting in his room. Clyde now sat quietly, staring at the strange book and the people around him.

(btw, what should his book be? I need helllp D:)
(Something that shows his personality I guess xD )

Blu now smiled, but still stayed quiet. He wasn't going to be the one to reply to the girl, and didn't feel like speaking at the moment. Though he figured he'd have to soon so he wouldn't be too suspicious, but it wasn't his time yet. He shifted in his seat a bit as he watched the others,closing his eyes as he just listened. Warren looked over at Blu as he did wondering what was going on.

Warren didn't know how to answer the lady so he wasn't sure if he should say something,but he didn't like the awkward silence ether."Umm..."He began to say in a nervous tone,"Looks like were just in a room? And why would anyone know each other? It's not like we came here on our own...Right?"He was sure he didn't but maybe it wasn't the same for the others here
(sooo, everyone's gonna be in the same book or they're in their own? And if they're all in the same do they go in order? Im a bit confuzzled mai bad -w-)
Blake awoke slowly as he returned from his dreamless sleep. As he slowly opened his ice blue eyes, the white, medium length haired teen groaned and blinked a few times to clear his vision before taking in the surroundings of the empty room. Noticing the others, Blake gave them a confused stare before looking down at his lap and noticing a book, /Eragon/, sitting on his lap. Lifting it up slightly, the teen spoke to the others. "What is this? Secret book club or something?" he asked in a sarcastic tone before placing the book on his lap once more and examined the others who were awake.
(ohhh I got it nao thank yas~)

Clyde snorted, casting a slight glare towards Blake," Yeah. It's a book club where half the members are unconscious and don't know what the heck is going on," he said a bit fiercely. All the confusion made Clyde moody, and when he was moody, he would get ticked off easily. Lile earlier said, he didn't mean it, but it always slipped out. Clyde rested his chin on his arms, leaning lazily onto the table that lay before him. He didn't really mind being here at all. It wasn't lile he had anything to do anyway. Yet Clyde still gritted his teeth, silently huffing out a breath. He tapped his finger on the cold table, transversing between that and his foot. Clyde couldn't take the silence. It was too... silent.

(hey Amorik, didja sign up yet? I didn't see ur post if ya did .3.)
Annasette woke up in an empty room. "What in the-" she started, "Who- Where-" she had to many questions that were overlapping each other to ask any. She looked in her lap. "To Kill a Mockingbird..." she said quietly at the book in her lap. She hadn't read the book in a few years but it was still a good book. Why it was in her lap made no sense. She turned to Blu, he seemed to have a sense of leadership out of all the people in the room, "Ware am I?" she asked. It seemed like the highest priority of all of the questions she had to ask. Why she didn't wake up in her bad back at home kinda pushed the line compared to who the people in the room were or how she got here.
Aria watched as the others awoke too. They all seemed to have the same question whether they asked or showed it through facial expression: "Where am I?" Aria honestly didn't know what to say. There was no where to go it seemed and everyone was either scared or angry. Someone has better do something before everything got out of hand. She yawned, still a but tired. As she looked around, waiting anxiously for something to happen, someone to say something, she tried to tell their personalities through what they looked like and acted. When she came upon Blu, contentedly sitting in his seat, she stared at his curiously and asked "What's going on?" not exactly expecting him to hear her but all the same hoping he did.

Velvet rubbed at her eyes underneath her glasses. She too was still a little hungover from just waking up. Instead of people watching, she stood up quietly, setting her book down in her chair so she could get up and stretch her aching bones. Her age may add a sense of frailty to her but she had read every book in everyone's lap. What ever they were all gathered there for, she was ready. " Stop bickering and get reading, haven't you read a book before?" Velvet said to the girl who seemed so lost (Annasette).
Blu sighed,now he was being asked questions he couldn't answer,of course he still didn't say anything like before. He simply shrugged his shoulders to each question and watched,which was all he seemed to do. It was getting close to the time and he couldn't help but smile as he waited,of course the helpers will be underway any moment now which will sprout new questions. But he had no intention of answering them,not yet anyway.

Warren also hadn't said anything,because one he didn't know what to say and two he was worried he'd start something. It wasn't normal for him to talk to anyone anyway so maybe he'll be fine just sitting here and watching as this played out. Everyone seemed un-eased now that this had happened but Warren didn't seemed too bothered by it,it was weird and he was a bit scared of what was to come but he didn't let it get to him.
"But-" Annasette started in response to a girls statement but cut herself off. She had already read the book in her lap, what was it for? It didn't make any sense to her. She was upset the man didn't answer her question but she assumed it was for the best. She probably would have had a stress induced heart-attack if she found out what this place was. She slouched back in her chair and waited for instructions. She wouldn't be called out here if there were going to be no instructions on what she should be doing.
Blake rolled his eyes at Clyde as he responded to his sarcastic book club comment and coffed himself before leaning back in the chair, clearly bored and annoyed at the lack of questions being answered by the one boy who seemed to know it all, sitting in the middle, but not giving out any answers. Flipping through his book pages to try and occupy himself, Blake began to read a few pages of the book he knew os so well, having read it at least five times before this incident arrived. (eh... not my longest post.)
Clyde muttered sonething under his breath, picking out the medium-sized book that had been laying in his lap. He hadn't gotten to check the title yet, so might as well read until everyone wakes up. Clyde dusted against the book again, swiping off any excess debris that had gotten on it earlier during his short outrage. A pure black book with etched-in letters sat before him.


Clyde blinked, a bit confused. He had recently read this book, and it was really interesting, but never knew he would find it here. Clyde had borrowed it from someone, not remembering if he had returned it or not, and enjoyed it greatly. It was about a group of school students being trapped in an old abandoned school, each in pairs and in their own 'space nexes.' There is no food or water, and the souls of students that have already died are scattered all over. The school was created by four grieving child spirits, each brutally murdered by an unnamed man. Most of the characters lose their sanity and kill themselves, or end up eating or attacking eachother. One of the girls gets possesed by one of the spirits and hangs herself. In the end, only one student survives the school. Clyde admitted it was a pretty dark story, but isn't that what makes stpries so interesting?

(Corpse party is actually a 32-bit rpg game, but was made into a manga. Is it okay that I just randomly made up a 'book novel' version? -w-)
Aria didn't know what to do, didn't know how long they were going to be stuck in this room. So, she stood up and announced to everyone, "Hey, I have no idea how long we're gonna be here... But I'm Aria." she said a little shyly but felt everybody heard her. Then, she dropped back into her seat.

Velvet listened as this girl (Aria) stood and intorduced herself. Seeing that it couldn't hurt to know who everyone was. Velvet stood up and waved at everyone so they would see her. "I'm Velvet." she said before sitting down again.

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