Survive or Die (Lillithdemonqueen & I)


Dance Princess
We have Traveled all over and not realizing what state your in because everything looks the same ever sense the zombie apocalypse. Many have died and only a couple have survived! You have to take a risk everyday to get food or find others, sometimes you find nothing but zombies. Every night you have to stay alert and get barely any sleep. Some people have just gave up on any hope and let the zombies have them. The hardest part is having to kill loves one that you have loved so much. This lifestyle has been going on for 30 years now, will it ever end?


Name: Calli parker

Gender: Female

Age: 6



Weapon(s): Ninja stars

Backstory: Calli grew up during the zombie apocalypse and had to deal with it her whole life. When she was 3 years old her parents went out to find food but the thing is they never came back. So her brother took control over her. He help her learn how to find food and how not to get killed. Calli never liked the idea of using a sword as a weapon like him so instead she used ninja stars. She is now6 and has a cold heart just like her brother.

Personality: Stubborn, pessimistic,adventurous, and curious

Extras: She is always dragging a bag full of color pencils,markers, regular pencils, and paper.

Name: Gabriel (Star) Parker

Gender: Male

Age: 16



Weapon(s): sword

Backstory: Gabriel never liked is name so he liked to be call Star. Gabriel was only 9 when he had to learn how to survive on his own while also taking care of his little sister. Gabriel fell in love with sword because it was once his father and it was only thing he had left of him. He has never seen other survivors but he had once murder a love one. He had to murder his aunt when he was 11. That was the Gabriel was trying to find help, after that incident he knew he was better of alone.

Personality: Persuasive, devoted, persistent, and Impatient

Extras: On one of his trips to find food he saw a guitar that was never touch it was black and green guitar, he took thinking it would be no harm.
Name: Dimitrius Bloodwell

Gender: Male

Age: 7


Weapon(s): ANy gun

Backstory: Pretty much the same as Valentines

Personality: Fun, Sarcastic, serious, curious, adventurous

Extras: He silences his guns so they dont make bangs

Name: Valentine Bloodwell

Gender: Female



Weapon(s): Bow and arrow/ dagger

Backstory: Valentine had a perfect life until the apocolypse one night she woke up to a zombie eating her parents she killed the zombies and took her brother leaving there perfect world behind.

Personality: Serious, athletic, smart, cat like agility, coordinated

Extras: Protects Dimitrius with her life.
((I will))

"Dimitrius hurry up!!" VAlentine rushed holding her bow at ready. Dimitrius was looking through a dumpster for supplies. "Hold on Valentine it's not exactly pleasant to have to rumage through this you know." Dimitrius popped his head up and shook his head "there is nothing in here!!" Valentine helped him out and they creeped along the shadows to get mack to their base.
Calli was watching her brother break down a door to an old grocery store. Once he had the door down she walked in to look for things she would want to put in her bag. She had put one thing from every store they have ever broke in sense they had started to survive on their own. Hmm she asked herself when she found a keychain with her name on it! "Perfect," She exclaimed throwing it in her bag and going to find her brother.

Gabriel was breaking down the door when he looked for to see his sister staring at him. He flash her a smile and got back to breaking down the door he only had so much time until he had to go back to their safety hut. Once Gabriel got the door down he ran around store looking for some food and if could some medicine. The only thing he could find was some 5 can foods, 2 things of juice, and an aspirin bottle. Gabriel thought to himself, "This is probably the most I found in one store." He threw it into his torn backpack and ran over to his sister. "We better getting going it's already getting dark.
VAlentine and Dimitrius where running along and saw that the grocery store had been busted into. She stopped and here and Dimitrius watched the entrance carefully moving forward.
Calli went to her room that you probably couldn't called it a room anymore its more like a little room in a jail that they took over. She put the key chain right next to the little stuff animal that she found yesterday at a gas station. She just got done and was about to setttle down when her brother told her they were going to leave again, to kill some time.

Gabriel threw the stuff he found in one of the rooms in the buildings and ran to go his sister, he wanted to go a little walk to help him think. "Come on Calli, lets go on a walk," he demanded. He watch Calli throw on her backpack and get ready to go. Gabriel walked around the river and the bridge. He then sat down to think while Calli was busy with coloring.
Valentine and Dimitrius watched them from in a tree wondering if it was a good idea to approach them. Dimitrius grinned knowing he wasnt the only young kid out there. VAlentine shifted her weight and ended up snapping a twig off it fell to the ground below the tree and her eyes darted to the two strangers to see if they had heard.
Calli turn her head because she thought she heard something. "Hey Star," she asked him using the nickname she always use, "Did you hear that?" It made her nervous because it could be more zombies and she hated to kill people.

Gabriel was thinking about what their next move should be and what supplies they were short on. When all of sudden Calli got him out of his dream world when she asked him if he heard the noise. He shook is head no and asked her where she heard it from. "Calli pointed at the tree that was behind him. Gabriel was shocked that he didn't here sense he was usually always on alert.
Valentine and Dimitrius argued about what they should do pushing at each other. Valentine then slipped and fell out of the trip grabbing Dimitrius for help and they both fell to the ground and Dimitrius landed on top of her knocking the wind out off her. They both scrambled up and Valentine had her hand on where her dagger was held just in case, it was the zombie apocalypse you cant trust anyone
Calli looked over to see people fall, she didn't know if it were zombies or not. she jumped into her brothers arms and snuggled her face into his shirt. "Come on," Gabriel started, "learned fight, I didn't teach you for nothing!" He put Calli down and watch her pull out her ninja stars and get into perfect fighting stance. Gabriel then realize he also probably get ready with his little sister. "Ready?" Gabriel asked. "Ready!" Calli replied. he then pulled out his sword joining his sister.
Dimitrius saw it alarmed he pulled out his gun and pointed it at them, Valentine readied her bow and started walking forward slowly ready to shoot if they were a threat.
Gabriel looked over at Calli and looked how nervous she was. He then watch as they pulled out there weapons making Calli's face turn like a ghost. Calli didn't care anymore if she was suppose to be strong she ran over to her brother. Gabriel let in and picked her up while still ready to fight. He would protect to her as much as he can. Gabriel didn't want to lose another family member. Even thinking about that memory made him a little teary eye but he didn't show it, for Calli's sake. Gabriel moved a little more forward ready for anything that would happen.
VAlentine notices the little girl "Dimitrius put your gun away I dont care I cant kill her or him cause he has t obe there for her. Lets just if they try anything we will sprint out of here" VAlentine comanded Dimitrius nodded and put his gun into his holder and she put her arrow back in her carrier and bow over her should walking calmly over to them. "This is dimitrius and Im Valentine sorry for the weapons we didnt know if we could trust you guys cause yea...' VAlentine said ready to get out of there if needed.
Calli still kept her face buried in her brothers shoulder. Gabriel put his weapon away too, just so they knew he didn't want to fight. "This Calli and I'm Gabriel," he replied, "But please call me Star." Gabriel were they were sitting and grabbed Calli's bag. "Here Calli," He said while she grab her bag and put her face back in his shoulder. He then walked back over to where they were standing. He realize that Valentine also had a little kid with her, only probably a couple years older.
Dimitrius was looking around scouting the area he walked over to the tree and climbed up it grabbing his messanger bag that he had hanging from a branch that held his bullets. Valentine smiled at CAlli "she is adorable...". Dimitrius walked around nervously cause it was getting really dark he then walked over to us. "Valentine we need to get back to the base before the zombies go into their special mode" Dmitrius said grabbing her arm. At night the zombies eyes glowed red and they became faster and stronger and harder to kill. Valentine nodded, "Do you guys wanna come with us we can stop at your base if you need to grab anything"
Gabriel smiled and rubbed Calli's back, she seemed to have fallen asleep. Gabriel wasn't so sure about this and didn't know what to do. He had to follow his heart and go with her maybe she would know where there is more people or something. He nodded, "We need to stop at my base first though!"
Valentine smiled "Lead the way!" VAlentine said Dimitrius tensed "What if we dont..." Valentine shushed him "Dont worry!" Dimitrius hesitated but then nodded. He looked at Calli and kinda smiled then he fixed his bag to a more comfortable position.
Gabriel walked super fast to the jail that was now their base. he opened the gate, "You can stay inside the gate just in case ya now." he watch while they moved in and closed the gate, "I'll be right back!" Gabriel ran inside and laid Calli down. He grabbed an duffle bag and through in couple pairs of clothes, blankets, Calli's special thing, Calli's bunny that was falling apart, and some food. He picked up Calli and her bag while running back outside, "Ready to go!"
Dimitrius had his gun at ready if her needed it and was speed walking back to our base. Valentine walked in the back with Star. "So why do you call yourself Star??" VAlentine looked at him questionably
He smiled, he always had a birthmark by his that looked like a star and that was the first thing Calli started to call him by. "It's just name that someone called me that stuck," he laughed thinking about the memory. He watch at how Dimitrius was rushing and knew he was worried about the zombies. Star was amazed at how Calli was sleeping and she was going to have to woken up early in the morning so she can have her morning sugar! "So do guys have anymore people at your base," he asked curiously!
"Sadly, no but Ive been looking for people" Valentine said watching her brother walking fast pointing his gun inbetween his feet looking around alarmed. "Sorry abouit him... He just yea...."VAlentine said not wanting to talk about hteir paren ts
Star knew how Dimitrius was like because he was once like that himself. His dad always told him to tough and become a man. "How much longer," he asked her. It was getting a little bit too late and they needed to get to a building soon!

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