
I was in class, and my technology teacher was, you know, talking about technology stuff. He said something, that made me think of a cool RP idea.


The Japaneses has finally done it. They've bombed USA. What they did, was took a bomb up in space. And blew it up. The energy waves fell to the earth, and took out all technology. We still don't know how they got up there, in space. Many things are still a mystery.

Now, the earth has no technology. All of it.

That means no cars, heating, cooling, TV, phones, computers, light (besides the sun).

Disease would infect most of the population, because we have no way to make it and travel the cures around.

Crime rate will increase due to being unable to gather enough information left in the crime scene.

We might not have a functioning community.

We wouldn't be able to predict major disaster such as tornadoes and earthquakes.

Education would be difficult to have= stupid people.

Life as well might be boring and full of work.

So what do we do know? We survive.


Tell me what you think!
Welll.... in terms of an idea for an RPG, I'd say go for it. Suspend reality and have fun.

But here is a link about Myths and facts about EMP.

Summed up, the destruction wouldn't be as total as you've described. However ... the ensuing chaos as people start to starve and have vastly limited resources (technology) to draw upon will perpetuate the destruction if life as we've enjoyed it quite nicely. End result is the same. Handful of survivors following a lot of violence.

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