Survival Test (Sign-ups.)


New Member
Setting: Modern time. Roleplayers will be trapped in an abnormally giant abondoned locked-up factory.

A group of twenty of characters will be kidnapped at midnight while they're sleeping. (If they are awake at the time, they will get drugged. The drug's side effects, drowsiness, will last for twenty four hours.)

When the roleplayers wake up, they will find themselves on a chair with another person on a different color of chair behind them. They will be bound to each other. (Back to back.) The room is small and eye blindingly white. The room has nineteen other people. There is a metal door and two bags in the middle of the room. There is four speakers on the ceiling, surrounding the lights.

There will be a speaker that will automatically turn on once everyone wakes up. The previously recorded voice from the speaker box tells them that they have been hand-picked for a test.

The test is to see if they can all survive or not for one month. They are told to help each other.

The prize is to have a million dollars and something 'special'.

There will be two stuffed bags in the middle of the room. If the survivors can manage to get themselves out of the ropes then they will be able to get their hands on it.

There is only five weapons in the first bag.

Three guns that are full with bullets, a dagger, and a multi-purpose utility knife.

There is only ten 'survival' objects in the second bag.

Two boxes of matches, three water bottles, two packets of beef jerky, a sewing kit, a fen foot long rope, and a small bottle of poison.

The speaker box informs them that there will be scraps of food and half-full water bottles hidden in each corner of the factory. It is very limited so to consume food and water wisely. (Roleplayers may even have to resort to cannibalism.)

"Group together in groups of five."

Once all the roleplayers have made four groups the metal door suddenly opens.

"To win this test, you must kill the other teams. The more people you kill the bigger chance you will survive. If there is no remaining teams to kill, you must kill your allies. The last remaining person shall win."

- - -





Sexual orientation: Not needed.

Romantic orientation: Not needed.




Special notes:
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