Superteen High

"You have been accepted to the high school of teen superheroes where you will learn how to control and use them for good! We offer the highest class of dorm styles. You will live on campus, youre parents are aloud to visit anytime make sure you warn your room mate. The meals in the cafeteria are all home made.

Our extra classes include:

Potion making,





Music,(includes chorus and band)

And then whatever your power is you will have a trainer for it.

You will get to choose your dorms and room mates!

Meals served at:

Breakfast: 8:30 AM

Lunch: 12:40 PM

Dinner: 6:00 PM

*You are aloud to snack in between in the student hang out center*

The student hang out center is a place where everyone gets along there is no fights allowed there if you want to duel go to the gym. There is a mini kitchen full of snacks, pop, water, and juice. It is filled with t.v.s gaming systems, and plenty of other things to entertain yourself. You are aloud to roam around the island but do not leave unless you get a pass.

Thank you and enjoy your stay!!

A voice over the intercom chimes out, "Welsome to Superteen High! Have a super wonderful day! If you have any questions just ask!! We are glad you are here and wanna make your stay as comfortable as possible. If you have a question where anything is there is a map of the school and dormitories on a wall outside the school." The lady over the intercom said. Skylar walked through the halls like it was a usual thing. He opened his locker and put his thing in closing it tight ready for another year.
Ian walked in the door and looked around, "pretty impressive" he muttered to himself. He stood about not sure where to go.
Akim is in the courtyard with a Red tool box, He was Working on Noisy boy. The machine was 12ft tall, Akim was cranking a bolt on its bottom right foot as he then sets the wrench down moving some wireing around. He wipes his cheek getting some greese on it as he continues moving some wires. He looks around at all the students then grabs a his blow torch turning it on starting to work on the knee now.
Akim backs up looking at Noisy boy as he smiles sying, "Ok noisy Left hook!" The machine took a boxing stance as it did a left hook punch. akim then says, "Right, left then straight." Noisy boy Punchs left, right then Straight. He smiles working on the leg some more.
"Hmmm." Akim thought for a moment he went to the stomach moving the plate tinkering with some stuff there also.
(For a prologue of this scene check out the writing sample at the end of James’ bio.

James was grateful when his father turned his mother to lead her away. Mom was not taking the whole boarding school idea well even though it had been her idea. He watched them walk away for a moment, then squared his jaw, dropped his head stubbornly as he turned away himself. Then he looked at his luggage, It wasn’t going to move itself.

“Questions?” he thought. “What now? Where’s my room? heck I’ll settle for which room is my room. That would be a start.” He played the announcement about where the map was back in his head. Outside the school? That had to be rough on the kids who couldn’t fly. Of course, he knew what they meant. There was no point in being a smart aleck.

He made his way to the admin building to check in and find out about his room assignment. A quick glance at a map of the campus and he was off.
(My own profile has a writing sample. I included the last paragraph here.)

After all the hugs and good and farewells were said, Jennifer found herself alone with her luggage in the Admin section. She unfolded the thick framed luggage dolly and started stacking her suitcases. By the time she was done the assembly creaked ominously. She winced as she realized her mother had warned her not to pack too heavy.

Once Jennifer had in processed and received her dorm assignment, she walked back out to her mountain of luggage and blew an exasperated breath. She grabbed the handle and pulled the mountain to her and it creaked once more, but didn’t give out. Shrugging she rolled out.

It was a bit of a haul to get to the student dorms, but she did her best not to appear to be straining. Her luggage was probably close to twice her own weight. She just hoped she would make it to the elevator without mishap. At least, that was her plan. When she got into the dorms, she discovered a flaw in her web.

No elevator.

She walked back and forth along the length of the hallways, then back to her luggage and heaved a sigh of frustration. “Well …. Guess no handicap access. Didn’t see that one coming. Silly me.” She looked again at her dorm assignment. Floor 3, Suite B, Room 1. It couldn’t have been much further in any direction from where she was. She actually laughed.

“Ooookay then.” She frowned and thought for a moment, then brightened. Now it might have been simpler to just take everything apart and make a few trips. But she was feeling a little industrious. And now that the challenge had presented itself, she just didn’t want to let it go.”I need a mop bucket,” she mumbled. She decided to check the kitchen area. If the other kids around here were half as accident prone as she was, there had to be something to clean up a mess. After a quick look around she found a cleaning supply closet … and viola … a mop bucket.

She pulled the roller part off the bucket and walked to the stairwell with it. Four extra arms sprouted from her shoulders. She flipped off her shoes and started walking right up the walls to the third floor where she began building a simple pulley system out of the rollers. Then she leapt up and shot guidelines in all directions to build a horizontal web. From this she soon fastened her pulley and ran a support line to attach to her luggage. Before testing her contraption she reinforced the bungees holding her mountain of luggage together with her webbing.

Then, she started to pull. She ended up having to throw all her weight into it and walk up with her luggage. But persistence won out. At the top she had to kick her luggage out over the railing and lower it with care. It landed with a heavy thump. She grinned to herself. Then she wheeled her stuff to her room. Task done, she walked back out to clean up the mess she made before someone started complaining.
Iris got out of the vehicle and gave his big brother hug. "Thanks for everything," he whispered while walking through the gates. He knew his brother had no choice to send him here but he didn't want to go to this school because it made him feel like a freak. Wow this school was a lot bigger than what he thought. Iris walked over to the check in desk and got all signed he. Apparently he was rooming in Room 3 with some other dude. The check out lady pointed him to the boys dorm and he headed in that direction. "1,2 and 3 my room!" Iris said. He walked into the dorm to see a bed, a desk, and a dresser but times it by 2. Iris started to unpack.

Shadow was laughing and giggling the whole plane ride there. I mean nothing could shut this girl up. Once she got to the school, she headed over to the check area where she was staying in room 5. The lady didn't tell her where the dorms were so she was busy looking for them. Shadow finally decided to take out the map. She walked over to where the map told her but it wasn't exactly there. It was just a garden but then she realize she had the map upside down. "Dang it," she laughed at herself while flipping it around. "No wonder why I couldn't find it!" Shadow walked over the dorms and took a big breathe before she walked in.
Ian managed to locate his room between the map and the woman at the desk. he walked up to the room, there was already a guy there. "Hi" he said in a cheery voice to the stranger (Iris)
Iris looked behind him to see his new roommate. "Hey, I'm Iris," He said walking over to him. He studied his roommate, and was trying to figure out what he would be like.
Kylie was in room 5 unpacking hoping her roommate was not too loud. Kylie placed a picture of her dad by her bed and plopped down she didn't have a lot of stuff. She sat up fixed her beanie and Started nailing in a skateboard holder into the wall above her bed. She pinned up her picture of autographed Tony Hawk then put her skate boards on leaving her favorite one hid safely under the bed.

Skylar was stoked he had his own room though he knew it might changed. He had been unpacked for a couple years cause he had been there since 10 but didnt attend the school the whole time. Skylar sighed and laid on his bed for a few minutes then got up to go walk around the campus
"Were both I's!" Iris laughed at his own joking knowing it was wasn't even that funny! He sat on his bed and was thinking about taking nap. Iris never really understood all of this and he didn't care. All this school is trying to do his point out everyone's flaws.

Shadow walked into her room to see her new roommate put up some picture. Without saying anything and started to unpack. Shadow realize starting today she is no longer an orphan. She hopped on to her bed and started to draw.
Ghost looked at the girl and shifted she knew she would have to talk to her sooner or later so taking a big gulp she turned to her 'I am Ghost' She said scratching her head
Akim nodded since noisy boy was now fixed up. He started walking to his dorm room as the 12 ft tall maching followed him. Akim checked his tools as he nodded knowing there all there. Akims room was on the bottom floor due to having his robots he walked through the entrance looking at noisy boy as he then decides to leave him at the entrance. He is only dropping the tool box off. Stopping at his room dropping it on the bed. He goes back outside with noisy boy and starts to walk around the school just to take a stroll with his robot.
Ian smirked and dropped down onto his own bed "yeah i guess so". He started unpacking stuff from his bag, then he took out his bass and leaned it against the wall, while he finished.
Akim stopped in the court yard as he took a boxing stance. The robot did the same stance, Akim threw some punchs, as the robot did the same exact thing the exact way he did it. Thats all he did for the time being untill it was lunch time.
Shadow gave Ghost a little wave, "I-im S-shadow." She didn't like to talk to people and was hoping that her roommate would keep to herself while she did her thing. Shadow continued to draw in her sketchbook and didn't look up at Ghost.

"You have a guitar too," Iris exclaim while taking out his black and blue one. He strummed a couple of strings and wasn't sure what song to play. He thought it was so cool that him and Ian play it. Ian was already really cool and he hoped they would become friends!
Ghost grabbed her skateboard and was kinda happy her roommate was quiet. She opened the door throwing her skateboard down and let the door close behind her.
James had thought in processing and getting to his room was going to take forever. His mother had managed to dress him up in clothing that included a button up shirt – something he NEVER wore. They were impractical. The first flight he made at any speed would rip it apart. And besides it always felt as though he was trapped and choking to death in one. So as soon as he could when he got back to his room he wanted to unpack, shower to get the goop out of his hair, and change into anything else.

Once he was done with his shower and changed into work clothes he opened up every drawer in the room and shrank down to a mere 5 inches in height and got to work. It wasn’t so much that it was any faster. In fact, it probably wasn’t. But it was a heck of a lot more fun. And it gave him a chance to explore every nook and cranny of his personal area. He was a little dismayed at the lack of a closet space or someplace to stow his suitcases.

When it came down to time to unpacking his toys he sighed. He had settled for a helicopter, motorcycle, and dune buggy – the Bell Jet Ranger, his Stuart Little custom built special, and the dune buggy from Gremlins. It was maddening to look at them. But he hadn’t set up any sort of formal study schedule. He wanted to take a look at his school books and start organizing his study. He was always like this once he had made plans. And his promise to try for straight A’s had been the announcement of a plan. This was High School. He placed the toys carefully in the bottom drawer of the chest.

His pride and joy had been packed in a mirror box reinforced with sheets of Plexiglas. It was a framed quotation by Theodore Roosevelt from his 1913 autobiography. It had been a gift from William Bell, both the book and the framed quote. It read:

“No man can lead a public career really worth leading, no man can act with rugged independence in serious crises, nor strike at great abuses, nor afford to make powerful and unscrupulous foes, if he is himself vulnerable in his private character."
An Autobiography, 1913

Bell had given the book to James not long after he had told Bell his secret. To James, Bell even looked a little like Roosevelt, though a lot older. It was probably the mustache. The framed quote had been a gift much later. The letters were hand carved in a fancy but easily read script from fine matting, the sort used to frame pictures. The letters were beveled, shaded and gold leafed to highlight. Then the ‘picture’ was framed by mats and finally placed in a finely finished Cherry wood frame with an expensive anti glare glass. Behind the quote Bell had placed small packets of activated charcoal to prevent acids from browning the mats over time. It was a technique he had shown James for preserving old books. James knew very well the whole thing was vapor sealed front and back. He would have been shocked if he had any idea the actual cost of the gift. He could have guessed. It would have been well over $1000. But its real value was the message.

It was probably stupid to bring the quote to a high school. But it would serve as a constant reminder of his reason for being here. And mounting it on the outside of his door would be just as stupid. He had already decided to wait and get some help mounting it properly so it wouldn’t fall off if the door got slammed. He half expected to be asked to just place it in his room. And he’d understand. But there was no harm in asking.

He’d hung a small silver crucifix on a decorative nail near the door while he showered. This he grabbed on his way out. He made note of the spaces under doors. Usually there was enough space for him to slip under when shrunk. He also made note of the construction of the walls. He knew very well just how much open space there was in a typical wall and how to gain access to those areas – through mouse holes, water rotted holes in need of repair, electrical outlets without casings, phone jacks, fluorescent lighting, convection venting of attics, drop ceilings, and more. He would have bet that he could break in and out of any typical jail, hospital, school, house, bank, store … anything short of a biosealed area. He was a little curious just how well this place had been built with his powers in mind. He grinned to himself – probably better than he could imagine. He made a mental note NOT to try to get into Admin areas or anything that even remotely suggested security. For today, he wasn’t planning on real exploring, just getting the lay of the land.

A short flight around to see where everything was located was first on his agenda. So he brought his goggles into position, and took off. It was a quick five minute flight that ended at the cafeteria where he had told the other students he had met on the way in he’d be after he had in processed and unpacked. He was already starving when he arrived. He landed just outside. The goggles came off to get stuck in a pocket. Then he walked on in to try to find something to eat.
She looked at her mountain of luggage. It had weighed a good 200 to 250 pounds at least, she figured. Most of what was in her bags she really didn’t care about. It was clothing she had bought with her Dad’s guilt money for the past couple years, mostly designer labels, unworn with tags still on them. She had planned to either give them away, or donate them. She just hadn’t wanted to do that around either of her parents.

“Here we are,” she spotted a door about 20 feet away. “Suite B, Room 1.”

Jennifer had taken one look in her room when she got there and knew she was going to have to do a little rearranging. It was practically a hovel compared to what she was used to. Her bags were going to fill up half the room. They wouldn’t even fit under the bed. Besides, she no longer slept in a bed. She couldn’t stand a mattress any more. She frowned as she looked in and gave it a little thought. Then she brightened and looked up. This could work. She was, after all, in a parent-free zone.

With her two new friends there, she hesitated at the idea of returning once again to her kali form. She wasn’t used to changing in front of people, but for the first time in two years Jennifer could recall actually feeling a little normal. Her head snapped around suddenly and smiled ever so faintly nervous. Nothing there. Then she turned back to the work at hand - or hands - lots of hands.

“This won’t take longs” she said.

Four extra arms grew once more from her sides and she moved forward. She flipped the mattress up against the wall; then the box spring. She sprayed a restraining line. Then she disassembled the bed’s frame and slid it in behind them against the wall and restrained those. Finally she rearranged things so the mattress was on the outside. Next she built a “loft” shelf out of her webs. Grinning she snagged a suitcase with a dragline and pulled it up and stowed it up and out of the way.

“Attic space. Gotta love it.”

The last thing she did was stand where her bead had been and shot draglines out in six directions and brought them together and attached them. This she repeated twice more. Finally she shot out temporary lines to hold her hammock frame out while she weaved the supporting lines and sleeping area. When she was done she smiled and sprawled out to test it.

“Now then, what is there to do around this place?”
Akim was panting to making his robot use fighting moves but it had to be tested. He then thought

I need some food heh

Akim started to make his way to the cafetria Noisy boy following behind him. He soon got the cafetria door walking inside he looks back at noisy boy as his robot ducks coming through the double doors, standing back up his head almost hitting the ceiling. The robot walked to a empty table as Akim went and got some bread and water sitting at the end of the table next to his bot.

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