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Realistic or Modern Superpower school

"I....sorry Kri-" Aidan's eyes fogged and glazed over. He stopped cold and looked completely zonked.

He saw what could only be some sort of alien. The need to get in her pants. A baby.

Did that baby just....

"Kriss....too many memories..." Too many feelings and emotions.
When Cobalt saw the way Aidan was getting picked on by the dude with the portals started making him mad. Even though he was showing no emotion, the earth around him was reacting to his anger by the walls around him starting to crack and the ground shaking a bit. He was about to walk forward until he saw Starling push the guy in his own portal and how Kriss was helping Aidan. They don't need me... Ill probably make things worse he took a breather to keep his powers in check as the quaking ended.

"Ill go get the ring then, catch up when your done here." he said to Starling. He turned around and began walking to go back to Salvots class to see if the man was still there.
((Poor colbat....he needs a hug))

Mr. Savolt was in the class in the same position looking like he was fast asleep.

As if that's all the man ever did. His arms were folded but you could see he was wearing the ring on his finger. It looked like the class was empty and this was the mans free period...or the students left to do whatever.
Gail noticed as the random stranger had taken a step back and her eyes were directly eyeing at his toothy smile. His smile soon closed itself as she was obviously frightened of his shark teeth. He was concerned over her well being as she was normally covered in blood more than once in her life. Gail was about to speak again, until her bloodied up clothes were somehow cleaner, he didn't even the time to blink for this to happen. "Uh... Wait... I mean, yeah, that is better, but what?" Gail was severely confused and his hunger over eating anything in sight had made his higher level thinking skills completely useless.

Gail soon just shook his head and didn't want to think about her changing clothes faster than he could blink. "Yes, I was wondering where the classes are for civilians? My parents enrolled me into this school, so I don't really know what to expect," Gail was trying to act his best in front of her as first impressions are everything and showing his teeth was a very bad idea in first impressions. However, his stomach roared in hunger once again, but the orange haired boy ignored the pain, and kept his same closed smile plastered on his face
Cobalt finally found Savolts room and wasn't suprised at all when he saw the man still sleeping. He was thinking on how he should approach this and first thought of waking the man but remembered how he'd continued sleeping even when both a beanbag and bounce house exploded.

Time for plan B which involved just taking the ring and returning it when done. But if Salvo was to wake up then Cobalt could just apologize for stealing and ask for it politely. So he grabbed the man's arm and started to remove Salvos ring from his hand slowly.
There was a fast reflex as Savolt's hand grabbed and squeezed the wrist.

He still appeared to be sleeping. "If this is for Mr. Elastics scavenger hunt I already talked to one of you. What is the polite thing to do in this situation?" He asked


Citizens class. Lexi perked with a smile. Most people here seemed incredibly willing to be heroes so it was rare....good but rare.

"You get mixed in with the heroes for the most part. Specially for beginning classes. I'd go to the principal. He's down the hall to the left. Can't miss the giant doors and there will be a secretary. She's nice. You'll get your schedule there."
Cobalt wasn't suprised when his heist was grabbed. Savolt was a teacher for a reason and he didnt want to find out why but thankfully he didn't have to steal the ring.

"Your right and I apologize for trying to steal your ring, so may I please borrow it and return it to you after the assignment is done?" being a freshman and all Cobalt didn't think he would stand a chance in a fight against Savolt. But now that he thinks about it, this is the first time he's heard the man talking. "By the way if you don't mind me asking, do you teach anything to your students or do you just sleep all day?
This was a massive improvement from the last student who plungeoned him in class and threw explosions at him only to call the man stupid for not handing it over.

He took the ring out and extended it out his head still drooped as if he was sleeping. In fact the man rarely ever slept but that was a different story. "Thank you. That's all I wanted."

Henry actually looked up at him. His ice blue eyes seemed to sparkle with a little bit of mischief in them as the smile just spread. He tapped the student on the nose with his index finger "focus" was all he said. And for a split second, just a split one it seemed as if colbat mind had been completely emptied of thought of memory of anything and all there was....was a calm meditative center.

Only for a split second. Gone when he folded his arms back in drooped his head and looked as if he was sleeping again.
Gail was slightly surprised to see that the random lady was suddenly giving off a much happier aura than a few seconds ago. His smile was becoming more real as he knew that he didn't completely screw up the first meeting between the two. "Oh! Ok, thanks for the help. Also, my name is Gail, yours?" He extended his hand towards Lexi and awaited for her response.


Trish continued walking randomly down the hall, plucking at her strings while staring into emptiness with her emotionless eyes. She was wondering if she was supposed to be doing something, but ignored that thought in her mind and continued to walk down the halls, completely ignoring the task at hand.
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It was nice to meet someone else that thought their powers were better tapered off instead of used for power or to get rewarded (not that Lexi refused to admit she did want to be a hero just had zero to little faith in her abilities to be one)

The boy extended out his hand. She knew she needed to find tara. Tara would be the one that could help her the most in this Min predicament. But she took it and shook it. "Lexi. I'm not trying to come off as rude. Honest. But is your mouth sewn to protect people?"

Damn....Kurt. The stranger, albeit cute stranger, she had met earlier. The one with his own abilities Lexi stupidly promised shed help him control when she had no damn clue how. She dug out her phone. The folded papers on mins information fell out as she looked to see if he called saying he was in trouble or needed help.

What she needed to do was find a hero who knew what they were doing so she didn't screw these peoples lives over.

((Dropping sheets...not a plot device at all....what))
Gail's smile was even brighter once Lexi had shook his hand as most people would try to avoid him due to the fact that he looked creepy and strange because of his sharp teeth combined with his stitched up mouth. However, once Lexi had mentioned about the reason why his those stitches even existed brought up bad memories, which caused his smile to slowly turn into a small frown and remained silent. Really, the silence said it all as the air was filled with dread about his past, he almost killed his parents through blind hunger and if he continued to rampage, he would have destroyed his entire neighborhood. The power he contained was a curse to him, he knew if he partook inside any indulgence, he might start eating everything around him.

A brief moment of awkwardness fell upon the two, until Lexi had rudely got onto her phone during the conversation and something slipped out of her pocket. Gail, trying to forget about the dreaded moment that changed his life, quickly bent down to pick up the piece of paper and looked at it briefly, but something was strange about the paper. Gail's eyes were like hawks, as it had been improved to find any disturbances inside the area, but this time he caught the names of some stranger with a half covered address. When he stood up straight and handed the paper back to her, he had a question for her. "Here you go Lexi," Gail waited a brief moment to suddenly ask his question, "Uh... May I ask what that paper is for? It didn't seem like it was yours, but you don't have to answer,"
Well Noe she felt like a jerk. She saw no messages on her phone and saw the saddened look on his face.

Big jerk Lexi, way to go. She exhaled a breath putting the phone back in. "Sorry....I just...Im in the same boat with my...fuck"

She saw him bending down with the paper. Her hand reflexively snatched it the second he moved it to her. Folding it she placed it back in her pocket.

"Long story." It involves me being a fucking thief that's what it involves. "I just umm....I need to look into something. There's...well...something might be going on," she scratched the back of head trying to figure out how to explain it and not explain it. "Let's just say I'm biting off more than I can chew....fuck...that was...I'm sorry Gail. I have a bad feeling that someone is up to something so I'm doing research. Leave it at that?"
Nialla smiled at Darke's offer. It was incredibly sweet of him to make an offer, especially after all he'd already done for her. With the danger averted, it was her responsibility to get back to school immediately, but a teacher was making the offer.

"Sure!" Nialla said, trying to sound as positive as possible. He didn't need to know that she had reservations about it, that would only make him feel bad about offering. She did, of course, want to get back to school, but all that really mattered after lunch was Turner's "class," and calling that a class was a stretch at best. It was a good thing, filling her stomach with something after the day she had.

Of course, choosing a restaurant to go to wasn't her forte, and when offered virtually anywhere in the world the choice increase exponentially in difficulty. "You've traveled the world, I'm sure, so how about you pick where to eat?" Nialla told him, not wanting to waste his time deciding.
Ren got up and looked at the kid he had pretty much fell though. "Hey man, don't take it to heart or anything, but the last thing I want is to be on top of a guy" He phases up out of the floor and lands on his feet. He shudders at the feeling of going through a guy "uggh, I need a shower after this." He looks around at who pushed him and noticed starling's disgruntled face. He leans over and whispers to Aidan, "see that girl over there is writhing with jealously at me ignoring her." He looks over at Kriss and smiles "you know kid you could have any girl your heart desires. If you follow my lead."

( can someone tag me when they want my character to respond =.= tots missed this)
Gail noticed as Lexi was falling over her own words and felt sort of bad for the stammering girl, so he did what he did best. Self-control. He started to suck away his sadness deep into his body and he started to feel normal once more, but that was just more repressed emotions he would later have to expel. Gail looked partially confused at Lexi's explanation of her having the address of strangers, the biting more than she can chew thing made him feel a tinge of guilt, but managed to not show it to her. "Oh... Bad stuff? I don't like that kind of stuff... Do you need any help with the bad stuff? I'm always up for helping others, just if it morally correct and not doing anything that could harm the innocent." Gail, if you haven't noticed, is quite a goody-two shoes, I hope no one takes advantage of that trait.
Starling put on the hat defiantly, "it's called repulsion not jealously, I only thought you were standing too close."She sounded stuck up and stupid... and she knew it. But she couldn't be jealous... Could she?... No, she only wanted to protect Aidan. Ren was a jerk and a Playboy. She glared at him, "Don't listen to him Aidan! He only wants to trick you."

Kriss was behind Aidan She pulled him up and twisted him around, she used his shirt, checking him and double checking him. She growled at Ren, "He is my toy not yours!"


"Awww that's no fun, It's much more interesting when someone else picks...." Darke mused for a moment, "Oh! I know a nice pizzeria. Yeah... It's right in the middle of Anacapri... That's on Capri an Island off of Italy. One of the most beautiful and luxurious places.... I've been meaning to go back. but there is also a great place to get hot chocolate in the Alps.... Or maybe you want to go to a family restaurant in Dublin... hmmm... decisions..."
((Go with Dublin!))

Kriss had twisted his uniformed blazer spinning him around and there was just too much going on. The stranger boy leaned in and whispered something earlier. Something about jealousy. His cheeks went a brazen red. "I don't....if you are....I'm sure you're lovely but I don't like boys."

And then he was saying something to Kriss that made him all sorts of confused and his stomach in knots.

If she wanted to go for a guy like that she had every right to-

Aidan smiled awkwardly when she said his toy his face a bright apple color.


Lexi ran her fingers through her red locks and just stared at Gail undesively. There was a right to friend privacy.

The last thing min or anyone really wanted was for Lexi to run around crying wolf.... Shit super insensitive....about min going evil without all the facts. And if there was a way to repair it the less people knew the easier it made for rational conversation.

Mass hysteria just made people do the darnest things. "I appreciate it Gail. I do. But for now....I might need to figure out some things first. I would just...I'd be wary of people lending their hands in friendship with pure eagerness. I gotta go. Principals office is right down there hope it goes well. Always nice to see another citizens class."

She patted his shoulder and continued down the hall. She really needed to find Tara.

((Totally not setting Lexi up to make it look like she's doing bad things to give min the advantage....no....never....what?))
Nialla really didn't want to pick, but it looked like Darke wasn't giving her much of a choice. Hot chocolate wasn't much of a lunch, so she immediately crossed that off her list. Of course that left the two difficult choices, the fancy restaurant in Capri or the family restaurant in Dublin? It wasn't a simple choice. Finally, Nialla chose the family restaurant, mentally flipping a coin to decide. "Okay, so I think the Dublin place would be nice to go to." She said to Darke quickly, not wanting to second-guess her own decision mid-response.
Ren looked at starling and then at the boy and gave out a hardy laughed "Oh man you guys are a hoot! I should join this school!" He looked at Aidan and Patted the kids head. A wave of laughter and joyful fun flowed out of hand and into aidan's head. The laughter, younger min smiling, a gigantic ice cream monster and screaming. Ren winked at the kid and skipped over to Starling, "now, now baby hate and love are on a thin line. And I would NEVER trick anyone. But I cant deny that I am quite persuasive when I want." He winks at the girl and plays with some of her hair.
Cobalt couldn't describe the feeling he was having when he was put in that meditative state even though it was only for that split second. It felt completely different than when he was mind controlled. He wasn't even aware that he was smiling and looks back at the teacher to see him in the same position he took earlier. Now he had to get back to his team with the ring that was now in his hands and wouldn't dare let it go until he has to return it. He calmly walked out of the classroom and headed back to Starling and the others to still see them in the same state as when he left them. He walks over to a wall to lean on and started watching them as they continue to argue.
( @Sukiyaki )

Kriss hissed but still he got close to Aidan... freaking portal boy... She would so get him for this later... He then changed direction and headed over to Starling.

Ren had gotten really close... He even started claiming something about love and hate when he winked starling she just rolled her eyes. Then he reached out and touched her hair. Her golden hair slipped through his fingers and she felt heat rising to her face. She pulled the hat down over her eyes and jumped back. "S-sure Ren I'm sure you can be very persuasive." Aside from the beginning the words came out laced with sarcasm. But starling still refused to raise the hat's brim.


Darke clapped his hands. "Wonderful!" Then quickly put them back on the wheel before they crashed. He successfully made it back to the field without hitting anything getting out of the car he waited for Nialla then kicked the rock and sent the car back down into the ground. "Alright here we go." He put his hand on her shoulder and one second they were in a field then all you had to do was blink and they were standing on a peaceful green hill surrounded by sheep.

"Now I know I said it was in Dublin, but it's actually outside of the city... by a couple of miles... okay it's in a completely different town in Ireland but it is a really nice place." he pointed and you could see the ocean down the hill. There was a beautiful rocky outcropping and a few small islands, that were pretty much really big rocks, just off the shore. If you looked a little to the left there was a small town a mile from the cliff edge. In the closest building there was a woman waving from the window at the pair. "Oh. looks like we have been spotted. Come on!"
((I've been gone because stuff. I honestly don't even know. But, no one was speaking with Kurt, so it was cool. And Lexi, I saw that plot device you dropped earlier. Not so sneaky. xD ))

Kurt woke up, looking around the nurses's office, as the nurse looked over from her newspaper. "Wake up, sleeping beauty," The Nurse sarcastically muttered, as she came over to him. "I healed your wrist," she stated simply, before heading back to her desk, and picking up the papers again. Kurt shook his head, shaking away the dizziness, as he saw the note. He opened it up, reading it, and seeing the number. For some reason, a grin began to cross his face. For the first time in his life, a pretty girl has given him her number. He inwardly chuckled.
Katerang said:
( @Sukiyaki )
Kriss hissed but still he got close to Aidan... freaking portal boy... She would so get him for this later... He then changed direction and headed over to Starling.

Ren had gotten really close... He even started claiming something about love and hate when he winked starling she just rolled her eyes. Then he reached out and touched her hair. Her golden hair slipped through his fingers and she felt heat rising to her face. She pulled the hat down over her eyes and jumped back. "S-sure Ren I'm sure you can be very persuasive." Aside from the beginning the words came out laced with sarcasm. But starling still refused to raise the hat's brim.
Ren noticed that Starling was embarrassed, he was curious to why and how much he could play with her. Ren smiled and looked at the girl, he leans in closer to her and begins to whisper into her ear "So Star. I can call you that right? You free right now? I'm in the mood for a parfait at this quaint ice cream parlor next to Pluto." He leaned in closer and pokes her face. "You've heard of it right? You know being a space hero and all." He leaned back and looked at the girl smiling warmly. He genuinely wanted some sweets and to play with her a little more.

(I doubt it was to be sneaky but to wake me up to move Min xD )
Sukiyaki said:
Ren noticed that Starling was embarrassed, he was curious to why and how much he could play with her. Ren smiled and looked at the girl, he leans in closer to her and begins to whisper into her ear "So Star. I can call you that right? You free right now? I'm in the mood for a parfait at this quaint ice cream parlor next to Pluto." He leaned in closer and pokes her face. "You've heard of it right? You know being a space hero and all." He leaned back and looked at the girl smiling warmly. He genuinely wanted some sweets and to play with her a little more.
(I doubt it was to be sneaky but to wake me up to move Min xD )
((Yeah, it'd be wise to continue your evilness. 
Kurt wandered out of the office, looking around the hallway, before continuing down it, wondering where he should even be right now. It seemed as if the classes had been...... postponed by Ren and Elastic's fight. He idily wondered what Ren was doing now. And if the guy was even a student here. He shrugged, as he continued walking down the hallway. He remembered earlier, when Lexi had been trying to help him, and then he had almost killed her. He sighed, and whispered to himself, "Would she ever forgive me for that?"
((Whaaaaaat?....i don't even....whaaaaaaaaat?))

His complexion went completely pale. Images of a small girl with white hair and pigtails laughing with such delight as a snow monster...or icecream monster was terrorizing and practically maiming children. Aidan felt his arm shake as he struggled to find the broken sea glass he kept in his pocket. He grasped it trying to get the memory of the father son bonding but it fell from his hand.

Going down on his knees he tried to feel around for it but felt sand and wet water probably from the snow. Min was laughing and carefree. The brother was not distraught in the memory, which means this wasn't a broken Min. This was the Min that they were trying to bring back. Which means he just....when he tried to return...

Aidan opened his mouth as a squeak came out connecting the dots in his head. As he did so he found the seaglass and gripped it, his knuckles turning white. Scrambling to his feet, it was unlike him to avoid saying goodbye but he took a turn and tried going down the hallway.

The person that was happy tearing a part a teacher. THAT WAS THE ONE THEY WANTED TO BRING BACK. And he returned it to her. What was he going to do? What teacher did he need to tell? Could he even tell? He just wanted to get out of there and fast.


Lexi walked down the hall. It was close to lunch. She hoped she could find Tara so she could just talk to Min's parents already. There was a lot on her mind and not enough time in the day to get it done. As she walked she noticed rock debris, sand, water puddles and Ren flirting with Starling. Kriss and Aidan was taking off like he had seen a ghost. There was a kid leaning against the lockers.

But no Tara. She opened her mouth about to get involved. Nope. Nope. She already had too much on her plate. Fuck Ren. The bastard would probably make fun of her the minute she said anything and she didn't have time. She just walked by them towards the cafeteria.

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