
kira blackthorn

Four Thousand Club
Cs sheet





Creature/race/whatever the hell you are:







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Name: Kurok

Age: 243

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straighter than your mom!!! WOOOOOAAHHHHHH!

Creature/race/whatever the hell you are: Undead Werewolf/vampire hybrid

Personality: Cold badass. Yes, that simple. Although he can be nice for first impressions.

Likes: Apples, women, and cigarettes.

Dislikes: Demons, bad people, people that are cooler than him or are trying to be. Holy things and silver. Both very deadly thing to him. Very deadly.

Special Abilities: Immense strength. Immense durability. Quick reflexes and sharp instinct and regenerative capabilities. He can turn into his full form at will without the need for a full moon although he is more powerful with the help of a full moon. The abilities of a necromancer, although he prefers not to use his magical abilities because they take a great toll on him.

Bio: Kurok was the son of a vampire (mother) and werewolf (father). He was a very strong child and wouldn't get hurt much until his first transformation. It was a full moon an he hadn't completely had full control of his powers so he transformed into his werepyre form and slaughtered many people. His parents had to calm him down an they imprisoned him in their basement for a few months. When he got out he was determined to become a master of his powers. He started to train with his father since the transforming was a lycan gene. After a gear he had mastered the transformation. HE could finally transform at will but he never did because he never saw himself in that much of danger. His father had startedto train him to be their weapon but he just thought his father wanted Kurok to know how to fight. His father gave him his weapons and trained him as their weapon. When he was 19 his father took him to a cult of witches and they said they would give him one gift of his choosing. He asked for a weapon that would never leave his side and he got his chakrams. He starte to serve the witches, doing their dirty work, although Kurok never saw it as dirty work, he saw it as a career. One day they asked him to get the heart of a demon, a very powerful demon. Kurok was still only 24 at that time and was no match for the demon. He returned to the witches with mortal wounds and try tried to treat him but they were too late. They decided that they still needed him so they brought their necromancer specialists and safely revived him. Although something went wrong and he became a cold and heartless person that hated anything evil. He slaughtered all of the witches and lived in their secret villge and learned the ways of necromancy. He started to go after demons and other evil supernatural beings and some really bad humans. He burned down the village he lived in so no human would ever find it and e decided to live amongst the humans doing good but being an 'a' hole. Many years have passed side then and he refuses to tell people his life.


A sword of pure darkness, named Betrayal. It can emit dark energy from its blade, ex. he can slash and send a wave of pure dark energy.

And dual chakrams that always come back to him.


Normal form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.607f1a9b06147ca3d97ccf48590003de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.607f1a9b06147ca3d97ccf48590003de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Necro werepyre form:

Other: He is very badly affected by silver and anything 'holy'. It burns through his skin. If he is shot by a silver bullet he is human for a long period of time but due to him being dead he returns back to normal after a while. When he is in his human form he also is strong and fast with ok reflexes but has the extra weaknesses.

He isn't going to be as OP as he sounds in the Rp ok?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-25_21-57-58.jpeg.4b4e6aeeed5c7b8a71e854abe43d935d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-25_21-57-58.jpeg.4b4e6aeeed5c7b8a71e854abe43d935d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cs sheet

Name: Kazuka

Age: He stopped counting after the first 100 years.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: homosexual.

Creature/race/whatever the hell you are: zombie/dragon.

Personality: Mischievous, Cheerful, kind, determined, Stubborn, sadistic, Curious, insane, loyal, brave,dare devil, rebellious, and dead.

Likes: Exploring, fighting, sweets, blood, creating weird stuff, being insane, glass, sharp things, shiny things, and being outside.

Dislikes: Being told what to do and how to act, demons, and bullies.

Bio: He was created by his father Dr.Stein who had a strange fascination with experimenting with dead things. This is totally ignoring the fact that he was a zombie himself. His father died moments after killed by demons. He has hated them ever since. Since then he has traveled using a journal left by his father to help discover his powers and this world. His goal was simple. Find a goal to explain the reason behind his actions. Seriously he hasn't got a clue. Recently he has taken up his fathers habit of making weird creatures those his are small and die after about a week.

Weopons: Skythe


Its red.

Powers: He can breath fire, and fly in his dragon form. He can heal fast and is mostly immune to the cold and heat in both forms. In his regular form he can see spirits, and use spirits as weapons. He can also remove and control any of his limbs.

Other: He can only transform into his full dragon form three times a month. He has to eat a lot of fire in order to breath a lot. In his zombie form his healing only works on his organs his skin needs to be stitched and tends to not heal back together.





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Ok. THAT is a bit too OP. ya my guy is strong as hayl but 1. He has 2 major weaknesses. And 2. He is a race that is actually a thing. You can have 2 races of anything. That's the new rule. :D and please use third person. Also the powers is too many. You could be a shapeshifter that has the ability of what he transformed into but only one at a time. It something like that. Also have a longer bio pleaseeeee. :D
Your bios are freakishly huge...

I mean, I usually write around half of that, and maybe occasionally, I might actually reach it.

But yeah, the 1-2 sentence bio is small.

I just wanted to say that, as it's related to characters.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this comment in any way, any how, any turtle.

(If only I could do something to this ^^^ to make it appear every time I make a post xD )
Lol what are trying to say? If you can't write as much as mine that's fine. Mine is freakishly huge haha.

Actually write a little more for the bio then accepted.

How about minimum of 6 sentences. :D

Also @kira blackthorn could you make it so he can breath fire and fly and other dragon stuff only in his dragon form and same thing for zombie form?
Name: Kody/Ichiro Hayens

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Creature/race/whatever the hell you are: An ancient spirit and a human.

Personality: Funny, Hyper, Daredevil (Ichiro) / Friendly, Intelligent, Kind (Kody)


+ Randomness

+ Compliments

+ Knowing what's happening


- Being teased

- Fights

Bio: Kody lived an average and not worthy of mention, until he realized that he had no point in life. He then prayed, asking for something to use him as he has no use. An ancient spirit named Ichiro replied by wiggling into his body and possessing it. Now, Kody and Ichiro live in the same body and occasionally switch, depending on their moods and physical health. When they switch, if one, for example Kody, is near death, the Ichiro will look perfectly normal when he switches. But, it takes them a few minutes to completely switch. If in the middle of switching, they will use one weapon of each of their arsenals. They both have almost the same likes and dislikes and mostly agree with each other. If they are both injured, the one with the most strength must run away, allowing them both to live another day.

Weapons: Small daggers that hit hard, a crossbow (Kody), a longsword that can penetrate through wooden barriers as if they were jell-o, along with two guns that he's trained in dual-wielding. (Ichiro)

Powers: Telekinesis (Ichiro) and speed (Kody).

Appearance: (If I may use a description...) Kody usually dresses in striped clothing along with blue jeans, while Ichiro prefers to wear a black suit with a red tie. They both appear in their respective clothes when they switch.
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Name: Starfire

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: straight

Creature/race/whatever the hell you are: unknown

Personality: She is independent, stubborn, can be a lethal cook, not too bright and coarsely speaks her mind. she can still be upbeat and positive.

Likes: loves training

Dislikes: lighting,

Bio: She was left at the door step of a nobles home when she was a baby. Owners gave the baby to one of the servants. When she got older she began to work for the family. Every since she was a baby she had this scare on her right eye. She has know idea where came from or why it was there. She now wants to leave and find out who her parents really were and where the scare came from and why she can control black flames.

Weopons: two swords

Powers: fire


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.3db78422b1211a31a33a6cbf6accc9e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.3db78422b1211a31a33a6cbf6accc9e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I honestly think I would be a little disappointed if someone made a reguler every day human for this rp. There are so many things they can choose from.
Name: Reap

Age: forgot after the first 1000 years

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Creature/race/whatever the hell you are: Soul stealer.

Personality: He is normally quiet unless it comes down to hunting when he becomes sadistic normally dragging out the hunt as long as possible whether its a human or something tastier like a demon.

Likes: Souls, books, eating, hunting,taking things at his own pace.

Dislikes: Rushing, his weapons shape, idiots, arrogant people, ignorant people.

Bio: (Time to beat you all in bio size :D ) He was born well less born and more people messing with the natural order caused him, a Soul stealer. Years ago a group of 12 people were experimenting on the human body with things they had no knowledge off artifacts from a strange city they found they did there research but yet nothing came up not one thing about this city its like it never existed but was just there but as humans do they investigated it anyway and what they found interested them, A book. Upon opening the book something happened something spectacular they could do things they never thought possible make new life with as flicked of there fingers they had in a sense become gods. Wanting to test out this ability to its full potential they went to the closest town a poor town mostly full of beggars and there a women was pregnant at the time. They slaughtered the town in mere-seconds all but that one women instead they took her to the city they found and began experimenting with the fetus inside of the women. The women died very quickly but the group of people somehow made the baby survive even after the women's death. They cut it out of her but not before they put some of each of their power into him. What they didn't know was what a grave mistake they made. Upon being born reap was already a full grown man clothed and everything the group of people where confused their powers had increased his ageing by 20 years and manipulated him in many ways but what scared them most was the glowing red eyes he had when he emerged and the weapon on his back.

They decided to kill the 'monster' they had created but it was already to late and by the time even one of the members of the group could move the whole group was dead well nearly all but one, Reap latched his teeth on the last member and his body turned to dust while Reap felt like he had just been fed for the first time. He did the same to the corpses and the same happened but Reap felt an unfilled hunger but a feeling that he was gaining strength. So he headed out in a radon direction he found a town but what he saw annoyed him nothing living only dead but Reap fed on them anyway. It took a while but he finished the last one sadly his hunger was not clenched and that's when he heard it. "What happened here." A voice Reap smiled and before the guy even noticed Reap already was feeding on his soul but half way through he was interrupted stabbed in the back that's when he saw they were seven of them. He slowly turned around to face the one that stabbed him and he pulled out the sword dropping it one the ground. It was almost like intuition as he pulled out his weapon the moment he did it was like he knew how to use it slaughtering the group but taking his time making them think they had a chance. He left none alive and finally the hunger he had had been clenched and he felt stronger with each soul he took.

He went out and hunted for the next 300 years and became what seemed like addicted to souls, he strength pecked continuing to grew with each soul he took and before he noticed he was back where he started that city. He walked in and he could sense an evil presence. He was correct a demon it spoke to him trying to persuade him to join the demon but Reap only had one thing on his mind what that demons soul taste like. They fought and Reap ended up capturing the demon with ease. He sunk his teeth into it and sucked out its soul the taste was so much better than that of a human and it excited him that beings like that existed but Reap decided to train himself in the place he would call soul city. He spent the next 700 years training inside that city but anyone unlucky enough to enter that city fell pray to his hunger.

Weopons: Connected Kusarigama


Powers: Soul Absorption, Kusarigama control which allows him to control his weapon with his mind as long as his hands are attached somewhere on the weapon and high speed.


Actually I'll be in and office a but so if someone wants to start it then be my guest! :D or you could just wait god me. :D
Name: Michael hallows (halloween)



Sexuality: straight

Creature/race/whatever the hell you are: human, but he has some naga heritage,

Personality: tends to be quiet serious, but can be quiet funny. he has a dry sense of humor

Likes: peace and quiet, books, movies, sweets

Dislikes: loud noise, kids

Bio: his farther was a jobless drunk, who spent what little money they had on booze, his mother was fairly oblivious to the situation they were in, and tried to pep talk the family often. one day when his farther was exceptionally drunk, he attacked Micheal's mother during one of her pep talks. in the middle of this Micheal grabbed a knife and stabbed his farther in the back until he stopped moving. both parents dead, he was treated as an outcast and banished from his small village. For the next 6 years he lived in a cave, until one day he found a werid black pool, he took a gulp, and heard a voice saying "im hungry lets go eat" come from right underneath him. in shock he realized it was his shadow talking. his shadow rose up and whispered to him, told him all the secrets of the dark. and before he knew it he was hunting demons.

Weapons: he generally doesn't carry weapons, when he needs one he forms one out of shadows he keeps in a pouch

Powers: primary power "shadow man" he has power over shadows, he can physically touch them, and control them if removed from their hosts (objects or people without shadows burn under strong light. he can remove shadows with blades) . his shadow is like a second body, its immune to damage (you cant destroy shadows) but it vanishes in strong light if its not attached to him. he can change places with his shadow at will, and when asleep he can use his shadow as if he was awake. secondary power "hungry". his shadow has a mouth, it can open to almost any size. things that are eaten can be fused together and un-fused, e.g. water and a sword to make a sword which can be used fluidly.. 3rd not much of a power but he has poison fangs that kill in 6 hours.

Appearance: blond hair, 3d glasses that he refuses to take off. he wears a short coat covered in feathers. people often mistake him for a vampire due to his fangs (naga heritage, they are poisoness). he dresses completely in black. underneath his skin he has a few scaly patches
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Well his powers are a little confusing and how does shadow manipulation have anything to do with nagas? If you fix that up and some grammar issues you're accepted! :D
he doesnt get shadow manipulation from his heritage, its explained in the bio. sort of.

as for the grammar, my keyboard is broken.


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