Supernatural Teenage Drama

Name: Ruby Florence

Age: 16

Height: 5'9"

Appearance: Ruby has chocolate brown locks that wave down to the middle of her back, her eyes are the colour of summer green and she has a slender, fit physique. Her features are delicate and elegant, creating an air of innocence and purity about her. She will usually wear either her cheerleading outfit around school, or dresses and skirts in light and pastel colours.

Eye color: Summer green

Hair color and style: Chocolate brown waves which will either be styled in a loose plait or up in a high pony tail.

Distinguishing features: The colour of her eyes.

Race: Caucasian

Religion: Aetheist

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Ruby is extremely flexible and agile which accounts for a reason why she is a popular cheerleader. Her evident beauty can also be used as a strength for her to get what she wants, and to climb the social ladder.

Superpower: Regenerative Healing. Ruby can heal any injury up to three times faster than the average rate. It impacts her own health by one-eighth of the injury, not replicating it upon herself, but causing a headache followed by a nosebleed. This, of course, depends upon how serious the injury is. A still developing power, it has great promise for not only medical advancements, but also to be a very powerful skill.

General personality: Ruby is very protective of her social reputation and proud of it. She worked hard to become popular and well-liked across the school, forming her impression on the other students that, she's not just out of their league, but she's not a b*tchy, aggressive girl to go with that. She'll stick with her friends but she will talk to those "below her" if they are in need of help. Ruby is always quite rebellious and will not back away from a challenge, not only due to her pride but also because of her confidence. If she gets injured doing anything, it will hurt for a short time until it starts to heal again. She doesn't fear anything as much as other people do. She wants to become a doctor so that she can help people using her power.

Hobbies: Cheerleading, social activities (parties, pep rallies), healing, medical studies.

Sports (if any): Cheerleading

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Against Ungifted Humans

Pictures (real people only please):

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Name: Jordan Freidon

Age: 16

Height: 5'4


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00120f70_RpCharacter-redhairblueeyesteen.jpg.99afbee120dff43a806e95c5bd8c4cb3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8c00120f70_RpCharacter-redhairblueeyesteen.jpg.99afbee120dff43a806e95c5bd8c4cb3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye color: Blue/Grey.

Hair color and style: Strawberry Blonde hair color, and straight.

Distinguishing features: Jordan's hair is usually the most noticeable feature on her.

Race: Gifted Caucasian.

Religion: Non-strict Christian. Slightly Agnostic.

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): For normal things, she's highly intelligent and above average in class. She's a skilled writer. Also she's a very good problem-solver.

Superpower: Jordan's biggest power is the ability to read minds, and sense others feelings. Basically she has empathic accuracy. She hasn't come up with a block for feelings, but she can block others thoughts, only reading them on command. She is slowly gaining on how to read people deeper than conscious thought, and is able to read their fears, wants, and memories. The memory reading could also be known as Retrocognition, or possibly past premonition.

General personality: Jordan's ability to read others thoughts and sense their feelings makes her to be very caring person. She's one of the best secret keepers, and is usually honest, and loyal. However, having to feel so many emotions from others can make her rather moody. Most of the time, Jordan's got a good sense of humor and a fun person to hang out with. She usually doesn't judge others. Sometimes she can be a little over-sensitive to some things, and can be a little sarcastic at times. Overall, she's a caring person, and a good friend. She just can be moody at times.

Hobbies: Writing, hanging out with friends, acting, practicing her powers, and reading.

Sports (if any): No sports

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Jordan doesn't want a fight to break out. So she's against the ungifted because of their irrational fear.



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Name: Miuna Inumura

Age: 17

Height: 5' 6"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.c76e28d17948ebd6ee23b1b91161471b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25734" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.c76e28d17948ebd6ee23b1b91161471b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye color: Extremely dark brown

Hair color: Caramel

Distinguishing features: Scars on her left foot from when a cement truck ran over it. Also, her right eye stares ahead blankly when she's talking to living people; her left eye does the same when she speaks with the dead.

Race: Asian (Japanese)

Religion: Unaffiliated

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower):

- Strengths/skills: Various weapons training, cooking, a couple years of tae kwon do, excellent communication skills, optimism, resilience, and a natural charm that makes people want to protect her, especially guys.

- Weaknesses/fears: Easily manipulated/deceived/taken advantage of, eyesight is iffy (one eye is used to see the spiritual realm on earth), a handful of phobias (bathophobia- depth; claustrophobia- enclosed spaces; monophobia- being alone; paraphobia- sexual perversion), unstable when emotional.

Superpower: Channeling of spirits/communication with the deceased (can be offensive if she channels the spirit into an 'imaginary' skeleton to fight (it's actually pretty terrifying)). Miu practically lives in two worlds and seems to be spacing out when she's really just paying attention to the other realm. You can tell which world she's in by seeing which eye is completely blank and straight. Right = living. Left = dead.

General personality: Miuna comes off as soft spoken and cute with a knack for making people care for her. Her kindness, gentleness, and elegance make her seem like a innocent, fragile girl who needs to be protected, though she has another, more unstable side. While she's genuinely sweet, Miu has a tendency to snap when the ones she cares for are being threatened (see: yandere/yangire). In an instant, she'll go from quiet teenager to possessed demon. She's prone to crazed, unpredictable attacks and doesn't mind staining her hands red whilst sporting a grin.

Hobbies: She appears to talk to herself often, though she's more often than not conversing with her spirit friends. Miuna also tends to sit in cemeteries to ease the strain of using her power. Outside of that, she loves to hang out with her friends and eat whenever she can.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): She wants peace between the two, but is willing to fight against the ungifted if provoked. At the very least, she isn't an activist.



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Bio outline:

Name:Robert "Rob/Bobby" Compton



Appearance: about 180 lbs, generally has a small smile on his lips.

Eye color:Brown

Hair color and style: Brown/Short, Messy

Distinguishing features: None

Race: White

Religion: Agnostic

Skills, abilities, and talents: Fast and Agile, can blow bubbles made of spit off of his tongue.

Superpower:Turns completely into an indestructible armored man, (Like Colossus from X-Men.), Super Strength (Able to tone it down if he wants)

General personality:Loud and out going, loyal.

Hobbies: Plays Videogames, builds models

Sports (if any):Football(Linebacker), Track.

Alliance: Wants peace, but will side with the gifted if forced.

Pictures (real people only please):

Name: Jaqueline Armstrong (Jackie)

Age: 16

Height: 5'2"

Appearance: on the petit side, wears and likes clothes labeled as "punk rock"



Eye color: dark greyish-green

Hair color and style: orangish-red, which everyone thinks is dyed but it's actually natural; straight with layers

Distinguishing features: mostly her tattoos and hair

Race: Caucasian

Religion: Agnostic

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Extremely gifted with music. Plays most instruments well. She loves writing lyrics and is very poetic, but she can't compose music. Perfectly smart and does well in school, but she doesn't really care about her grades.

Superpower: Jackie has control over fire (surprise surprise) of any kind, whether it's a candle flame or a forest fire. She can also produce fire, so she's rather dangerous, especially when her feelings are unstable. Sometimes she makes shapes out of fire also.

General personality: Sarcastic, and more of a loner than anything. She has a few select friends. She knows everyone and everyone knows her, but she doesn't get labeled as 'popular', because she tends to spend more time by herself.

Hobbies: Listening to music, writing lyrics/poetry, playing instruments lying around the house. She also likes to play around with her powers, like lighting up random candles or making shapes just for fun.

Sports (if any): fencing (since she was little, joined the team in high school)

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Like most people, she wants peace between the two. If she had no choice but to pick a side she would choose gifted, but she hopes for a way for the two races to be allies. She would really rather not fight with them.
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Name: Charlotte Willow

Age: 16

Height: 6'0

Appearance: Charlotte's natural hair color is blonde, she usually dyes her hair and has a nose piercing.

Eye color: She has blue/ green eyes

Hair color and style: She has long blonde hair but usually dyes it, she has blue/ purple hair in this moment.

Distinguishing features: Her eyes and her hair

Race: White

Religion: No religion

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): She is very fast and strong, she is smart and can convince people very easily

Superpower: Charlotte has shadow abilities, she can turn into a shadow very fast and has dark energy manipulation, she can shape, create and control dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks, dark energy force fields and fly by riding dark energy

General personality: Charlotte likes being alone and she can be sarcastic. She likes nighttime and doesn't trust people, she will protect people she loves even if she has to do something crazy. she is very rebellious and stubborn

Hobbies: Reading, Sneaking out, using her powers, skateboarding

Sports (if any): Skateboarding

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): against ungifted

Pictures (real people only please)
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Name: Liam Spyre

Age: 17

Height: 6’2”

Appearance: Liam has shaggy brown hair that sometimes falls over his eyes, but he doesn’t know any other way to cut it, so he leaves it like that. He has rather fair skin and a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose. At 6’2”, Liam is rather lean and has some visible muscle, but not much. He typically wears a striped t-shirt with a simple pair of jeans and the occasional hoodie. He also has black rectangular glasses that he is practically blind without.

Eye color: Light blue

Hair color and style: A chocolaty shag cut

Distinguishing features: Because of his height, he is somewhat clumsy which causes him to constantly be scratched in various places. He also has a small scar on his right eyebrow that he got when he ran into a tree.

Race: Caucasian

Religion: While he does not identify with a religion, he considers himself a pacifist

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Liam is a very creative person and is very good at building things with his hands. He is also a very good diplomat between people and also a fantastic joke teller as well as being able to cheer others up.

Superpower: Liam has the ability to create and manipulate the weather. He's able to control it so it doesn't interfere with everyday life and he can keep his emotions separate, which he is extremely thankful for. As of now, Liam can only create smaller, isolated storms and such, so he is still learning to master his ability.

General personality: Liam can be very shy at first, but once you get to know him, he is one of the sweetest people ever. He’s very trustworthy and loyal to his friends, but that doesn’t stop him from playing the occasional prank. When he’s in an awkward situation, Liam will pull out a small bit of clay and start meddling with it in order to distract himself.

Hobbies: Archery, reading and making clay figurines

Sports (if any): He’s been doing archery since he was seven. (I know what you’re thinking, who would give a seven year old a bow and arrow. Don’t worry, he only hit two squirrels…and it was plastic.)

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): He has always wanted unity with humans, so despite their fear of people with abilities, he is an ally with ungifted humans.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-29_23-57-49.png.a27e7ae4314cc4b167459f946fe7d828.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-29_23-57-49.png.a27e7ae4314cc4b167459f946fe7d828.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Ryder Ackerman

Age: 17

Height: 6' 1"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.a5efeb811ea0c41bb7406daa66c2c43d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.a5efeb811ea0c41bb7406daa66c2c43d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.fb393a22c5200f3e68b5214934b4286c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.fb393a22c5200f3e68b5214934b4286c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.d106e760e626a066f4b30348ea113a03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.d106e760e626a066f4b30348ea113a03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye color: Teal and jade with light undertones and blood red flecks (not naturally)

Hair color: Dark brown

Distinguishing features: His eyes, really.

Race: Caucasian

Religion: Unaffiliated

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower):

- Strengths/skills: Very intelligent, quick reaction time, keen instincts, self-taught in basic self-defense and offensive maneuvers, speaks multiple languages.

- Weaknesses/fears: Tends to looks down on his younger peers, isn't great at comforting people, is a bit too fearless for his own good.

Superpower: Reactive and proactive evolution, and therefore invulnerability. Ryder can instantly adapt to any situation. If he's dunked in a lake, he'll grow gills. If he's shot at with a gun, he'll grow thick armor over his skin before it hits. On the offensive, if he's attacking someone who runs quick, he'll develop into a four-legged being to catch up.

General personality: While he's not too bad of a guy, Ryder likes to pick at people in a sarcastic, cutting manner. His trenchant remarks and quips can either irritate you or make you snicker, though the latter is most common. Despite this, Ryder is extremely dependable and valuable during combat.

Hobbies: Reading, singing, eating, and practicing his magic.

Sports (if any): Skateboarding, snowboarding, beach volleyball, and rugby.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Against ungifted humans, though he doesn't care very much.



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Name: Alec Dryden

Age: 16

Height: 5'10"


Eye color: green

Hair color and style: light brown, short on the sides, longer on top

Distinguishing features: tattoo of a paw print on the webbing between his index finger and thumb on his right hand, small silvery scar on his jaw, faint Irish accent

Religion: atheist

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower):

Skilled with computers, lying, charming people, his mind is typically shielded from telepathy but stronger users can still get into his head

Superpower: Shape-shifting into animals

General personality: comes off as arrogant at times, rash, a show off. But he's extremely loyal and his determination can't be shaken.


He enjoys hiking, particularly in his various animal forms

Sports (if any): archery, marksmanship

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): undecided. Unlike many kids, he doesn't have a family to guide his opinion one way or another
Bio outline:

Name: Teresa "Terra" Zhao

Age: 16

Height: 5"7

Appearance: Teresa is a rather slim girl and is not very strong. She has dark chocolate locks that go down to her mid-back, and black eyes. Her lips are full, and her skin is smooth and light, if not slightly pale. Her legs and arms are longer than usual, giving her easy access to things out of an average human's reach. She wears light, pastel colors, skinny jeans, hooped earrings, and a small necklace

Eye color: Black

Hair color and style: Dark chocolate colored, down to her mid-back

Distinguishing features: She has a bird shaped birthmark on the top of her left arm.

Race: Asain/Taiwanese

Religion: Christianity

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): She is agile and nimble, as she spends most of her time running in and out of the small corners of her family's library. Terra is skilled at baking and cooking - she is usually helping her mother in the kitchen and baking for her little brother. She sings well, although never in front of an audience, and loves reading.

Superpower: Illusions and glamour

General personality: Terra is a quiet person who likes to keep to her books and light colored clothing, and can usually be found leaning against a wall with her nose in a fantasy book or drawing in her sketchpad. She is highly opinionated, but tends to keep her thoughts to herself. The slim girl is shy and is awkward with conversations, so she does not engage herself in them very often. When she is comfortable around someone, if ever, Terra is happy to lend a listening ear, a helping hand, or some book recommendations. She loves taking pictures of scenic landscapes and writing.

Hobbies: Drawing, Photography, Reading, Baking

Sports (if any): None

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Undecided

Pictures (real people only please):

Name: Ryan Anderson

Age: 17

Height: 6' 1"


Eye color: Light Brown

Hair color and style: Brown short hair…basically the way it is in these ^ gifs

Distinguishing features: His Eyes

Race: Caucasian

Religion: Catholic

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Ryan is one of those genius students who never studies yet still gets high scores. As a result, he is one of the top students in terms of “normal” academics. Ryan’s enhanced muscle memory allowed him to master a number of various martial arts. He can play the guitar, piano, and drums.

Superpower: Enhanced Physical Abilities (Superhuman strength, combat, senses, muscle memory, and speed)

General personality: Ryan is funny, intelligent, athletic, brave, fun-loving, adventurous, selfless, good-hearted, determined, and protective. He is also pretty outgoing and usually only gets mad when someone harms his family and/or friends.

Hobbies: Playing the guitar, piano, and drums. Playing the drums helps him practice controlling his strength. He enjoys skateboarding, snowboarding, surfboarding, doing extreme sports, and practicing martial arts as well.

Sports (if any): Boarding sports, extreme sports, martial arts, basketball, and football. He tends to stay away from football though because he might accidentally ram someone a bit too hard.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.
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Name: Aaron Smith

Age: 17

Height: 5,5




Eye color: Blue

Hair color and style: Blue/Black Scene cut

Distinguishing features: Her eyes & Hair along with a Tattoo of butterflies acrossed her chest and shoulder.

Race: Caucasian

Religion: Christian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Drawing is one of her biggest abilities.

Superpower: Can make people feel/see anything she wants them too

General personality: Funny, Weird, Random, Outgoing, Hyper, Bubbly, Gullible, Sweet, Etc.

Hobbies: Drawing is probably the biggest one.

Sports (if any): Nope

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Is with ungifted humans thinks everyone should be equal.

Pictures (real people only please):

Pictures up there^^^^^ :)

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Dexter Allen Scott


6 ft. 2 inch.

Appearance: Considerably tall with an above average athletic build. He is skinnier to the eye, but he sports broad shoulders and a lean physique; he has very powerful muscles in his legs and arms. He grows hair rather quickly and he constantly shaves to keep it from growing out too much.


Eye color: Hazel

Hair color/ style: Dark Brown; keeps his hair cut down low on the sides, lets his hair grow out and get spikier in the middle. He combs and gels it so that it swoops to the side.

Distinguishing features: Square jaw with subtle cheekbones, thin grimacing lips, and a slightly upturned nose; hairy and tan skin due to sun exposure.

Race: Caucasian

Religion: None

Skills/Abilities: Unmatched observational skills. He runs in his spare time and has basic combat training.

Superpower: Lie Detection & Concilium (Coercion/ Mind Control)

-Dexter has the unique ability to detect if someone is lying or hiding a secret by various means. To do this, he has to read the emotions of said person in order to see if they're telling the truth. When he is focused on a person, his senses are enhanced and his body physically reacts to what that person says or does. His eyes have acute perception of body language, his nose can pick up on pheromones in that person, and he can read the vibrations of someone's heart as well as read the person's tone of voice in order to pick up on fluctuations in that person's vocal chords. This power also augments his concilium powers in the form of coercion, for the purpose of forcing the person to admit the truth, but he only does so if he is desperate or obligated to. Due to his affinity to read emotions through concilium, he also has the ability to implant or take away specific emotions when the situation calls for it. This ability is more advanced than what other students with similar abilities can handle, so he hasn't completely mastered it yet, only skilled enough to diffuse dire situations and to use said power on himself for protection.

Power Drawbacks: When his powers are not at full focus he is vulnerable to reading too many people's emotions at once and he isn't able to function until he is isolated from a safe distance from everyone else. In many cases, the emotions of others can transfer onto him, causing him act to uncharacteristically if that emotion is too overpowering. Again, this only occurs when he uses his powers for too long and he has a habit of keeping track of how long it takes for him to gain info. His powers also don't work on:

-someone with more than one personality

-when around someone he trusts, but he can force himself to read that person if he is suspicious of that person.

-a person with a strong apathetic personality type

-someone skilled enough to control or block out how they feel.

Personality: Dexter is a very complex character and people often misunderstand or ignore him instead of trying to get to knowing him better, much to his dismay. He normally maintains an air of self-confidence with a witty but proper pattern of speech, with expensive fashionable clothes. He uses fashion clothing as an extension of his personality and also as a constant shield to keep people at bay and to inspire importance and respect in order to avoid being victimized. This is used as a mask to shroud his insecurity, sadness, and hidden fear of being inflicted with any type of pain, whether it be emotional, mental, or physical. Because of this, on the dark side, he can come off as sarcastic, passive-aggressive, and condescending towards those who are dishonest, inflicting pain on others and himself, or refusing to be held accountable when things go sideways. He also has difficulty trusting others completely, never knowing if it's out of desire to connect or for a selfish motivation. He is deeply pessimistic because of mistreatment in his past and he inflicts that negativity onto those unfortunate enough to cross him. He tries desperately to break free of his demons and tries to feign optimism in order to challenge himself to overcome his fears. Overall he gets along well with anyone who gives him the time of day. He can read the emotional state of others so he knows when to leave someone alone or how to cheer them up. When around friends he tones down his dark side a bit unless he disagrees on how things are being handled or until he is cornered into doing so. He has a very rebellious, nonconforming view of society's rules and he is prone to doing things his way when faced with corrupt authority. He can be extremely feisty once you agitate him to a certain point or unknowingly press any of his "hot buttons". He doesn't hesitate to confront and call someone else out on their BS using semi-intelligent comebacks and colorful language and gestures. He isn't feisty all of the time, but he also has a passive-aggressive and shady way of getting his point across. He likes guys and girls equally and he isn't afraid to express it in whatever colorful way possible.

Hobbies: Designing clothes/ sketching, reading, jogging

No Sports

Sees the dark side of both alliances and doesn't really care for the conflict unless he has something to say about how they view and handle things.
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Name: Jason Sudbrock

Age: 19

Height: 6'5

Eye color: Deep, cold, bright blue eyes.

Hair color and style: Black, curvy hair.

Distinguishing features: His un-natural eye color, and how when you get near him, you get a breeze of air, depending on his mood, a soothing, warm air, or a cold, freezing air.

Race: German

Religion: Christian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower):

Will never lose in hand-to-hand : His fists were make almost steel hard, so much years of Muay Thai and box training have made his fists almost indestructible.

Extreme parkour knowledge- He can get around ANYWHERE, as smooth as the wind if he pleases so.

Superpower: Hates using it against his friends, but he has it.

Air manipulation -

Enhanced senses.

Air solidification

Immunity to electricity

Create/generate, shape and manipulate air and all forms of wind from tornadoes,vertical drafts, micro-bursts and other devastating forms of wind. Naturally can also create any less extreme air/wind movement.

Manipulate the various gaseous molecules within the atmosphere for various effects

Combustion forcing volatile elements to ignite via friction.

Deoxygination by removing the oxygen in the atmosphere.

Generate explosive and propulsive energy via nitrogen.

Purification of the air by removing hazardous molecules.

Rot/rust by oxidizing the target's area.

Vacuum creation by removing all air molecules out of the area.

General personality: Very sweet and almost shy person, extremely charismatic and nice. He will always be there for you, will never let you go if you're in a relation with him, his loyalty is so much he is the one that fears his relationship will crumble.

Hobbies: Guitar, making music.

Sports : Muay Thai, swimming and gym

Alliance : With the ungifted humans

Name: Richard Crawford

Age: 17

Height: 6'3

Appearance: Richard has brown hair and blue eyes.

Eye color: Blue

Hair color and style: Brown, he changes his hair style a lot

Distinguishing features: His eyes and his scar on his left arm

Race: White

Religion: No religion

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Great at open combat and in basketball

Superpower: Illusion Powers:

- Richard can make other people see illusions


General personality: Richard is a sweet, intelligent guy that doesn't like to break rules. He has a great sense of humor and makes a lot of jokes. He is very charismatic and makes friends very quickly.

Hobbies: Playing basketball, reading

Sports (if any): Basketball

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With un gifted humans

Pictures (real people only please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.fa9069949699c78792aff572202eb21d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.fa9069949699c78792aff572202eb21d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Bianca Marceline Royce

Appears 18

6 ft

Eye color: brownish red

Hair Color/Style: Dark brown with red hair extensions

Features: Full lips, curvy but thin figure, narrowed eyebrows and large eyes

Race: White

No Religion

Skills, Abilities, Talents: Tumbling, Acrobatics, Skilled in hand to hand combat

Powers: Ability to cross between the realm of the dead and into the human world; Ability to take away physical, mental, and emotional pain; Can identify and manipulate the fears of others; has the ability to control her existence in the human world/ can make others forget about who she is.

Personality: Mischievous, Deceptive, Nonchalant, Fearless, Confident,

Hobbies: Dancing, Shopping,

Sports: None

Alliance: Unknown


Name: Lisa Minnelli

Age: 16

Height: 5'7


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c013414d6_MeanGirl.jpg.a1a8293891c69db234c7215542c3dbdc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c013414d6_MeanGirl.jpg.a1a8293891c69db234c7215542c3dbdc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Superpower: Can manipulate others behaviors, and force them to do stuff. However if they know it's her, they can resist if they have the will.

General personality: Lisa is basically one of your average mean-girls. Popular, and a big gossiper. Many are intimidated by her, but the few that aren't, she is intimidated of. She does have a nice side once in awhile, but it's hard to show

Hobbies: Spreading rumors. (Figures xD )

Sports (if any): Cheerleading, and dance

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Against



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These are side profiles for my secondary characters!

Name: Seth Affleck

Age: 17

Height: 5' 10"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-16-59.png.3156624762d90b3d3d0a8ab57f19e5ca.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26504" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-16-59.png.3156624762d90b3d3d0a8ab57f19e5ca.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Eye color: Blue

Hair color and style: In pic^

Race: Caucasian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Inventing stuff, fixing electrical appliances, DJing, hacking, good at all sciences

Superpower: Technology Manipulation (User can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data), Cyber Mind (Mind basically acts like a computer), and Electricity Manipulation

General personality: Seth is intelligent, sly, and outgoing.

Hobbies: Basically whatever is in skill, abilities, talents category ^

Sports (if any): No sports.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.

Name: Eric Wilson

Age: 17

Height: 6' 0"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-17-28.png.7b7033b9e9bbb7f854d4bba877d63b35.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-17-28.png.7b7033b9e9bbb7f854d4bba877d63b35.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Except he’s clean shaven!​

Eye color: Blue

Hair color and style: In pic^

Race: Caucasian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Engineering…building stuff, good at math

Superpower: Ice Manipulation and Weather Manipulation

General personality: Eric is nice and smart. He is not aggressive unless something concerns his GPA.

Hobbies: Constructing stuff, math, creating blue prints.

Sports (if any): Any sport that has to do with ice.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.

Name: Maxwell Garbe (Teacher)

Age: 50

Height: 5' 11"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-18-35.png.73d36e680fc3db616b5f0801f778241e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-18-35.png.73d36e680fc3db616b5f0801f778241e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Eye color: Blue

Hair color and style: In pic^

Race: Caucasian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): He’s good at Math, good at theater, good at acting

Superpower: Emotion Manipulation, Numerical Precision, Boundary Perception, and Morphing Objects (Turning objects into different sizes, different objects)

General personality: “Mr. G” is a helpful guy. He just wants to get things done. Mr. G lives for discipline and stresses the concept by using his emotion manipulation.

Hobbies: Manipulating others’ emotions, acting, reading books, telling stories, teaching theater class, teaching calculus class, watching movies/shows, directing, math problems.

Sports (if any): No sports.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.

Name: Martin Lipnicki (Teacher)

Age: 45

Height: 5' 10"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-18-56.png.f5c98dc2ba914373805a5c900db53235.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-18-56.png.f5c98dc2ba914373805a5c900db53235.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Eye color: Blue

Hair color and style: In pic^

Race: Caucasian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Spying, gossiping, watching stuff happen, collecting data

Superpower: Teleportation and Replication(only himself though)

General personality: Mr. Lipnicki aka Martin, is a gossip. This guy is a prankster. He is also very loyal, sly, and friendly. He actually doesn’t care when or where he pops up before someone’s eyes. This teacher likes to use other people’s stuff as long as it does not run the risk of getting him sick (ex. No water bottle sharing or whatever, but yes to hats and popcorn)…especially Edward’s.

Hobbies: Traveling the world, teleporting, telling stories, getting into other people’s businesses, and teaching world history.

Sports (if any): No sports.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.

Name: Bella Hoult

Age: 17

Height: 5' 5"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-19-11.png.5ae0457666da7aac51affdb0aed0ba2c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-19-11.png.5ae0457666da7aac51affdb0aed0ba2c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Eye color: Brown

Hair color and style: In pic^

Race: Caucasian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Art stuff, fighting, shooting

Superpower: Natural Weaponry (Blade retraction, claw retraction, gun protrusion…basically her body parts can morph into weapons…and any weapon can form in her hands if she doesn’t want a body part to turn into a weapon), and Sonic Scream

General personality: Bella is friendly, impulsive, caring, and daring.

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, art stuff (from painting to sculpting), fighting, and shooting.

Sports (if any): Soccer and Volleyball.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.

Name: Edward Stewart (Teacher)

Age: 41

Height: 6' 4"

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-19-30.png.ee8d3e819be6cf9e4a9b0aa09ee8e34e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-5_20-19-30.png.ee8d3e819be6cf9e4a9b0aa09ee8e34e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color and style: In pic^

Race: Caucasian

Skills, abilities, and talents (other than superpower): Playing various musical instruments, shooting

Superpower: Telekinesis, Force-Field Generation, Sonic Boom Generation (The user can break the sound barrier, creating sonic booms that can cause severe damage on objects and beings), and Soundwave Generation (The user can generate and project soundwaves for sonic blasts, sound projection, and sound generation/emission).

General personality: Mr. Stewart aka Edward, is a trickster. He has his serious side, but a surprisingly almost equal humorous side as well. He is stern compared to Martin, but definitely doesn’t mind listening in on drama every now and then. Edward is nice and understanding.

Hobbies: Using telekinesis to make his life easier, reading books, joking around with people by using his telekinesis, teaching a music class, teaching a sound specified power class, and listening to music.

Sports (if any): No sports.

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): With ungifted humans but this can change.



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Name: Edith Tyriden (Counselor)

Age: 39

Height: 5'8


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0145c801_DrewBarrymore.jpg.e50865e6b1989dbdba8a6d4c4dde0b4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c0145c801_DrewBarrymore.jpg.e50865e6b1989dbdba8a6d4c4dde0b4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Edith is very good at talking to others, and understanding what they are saying. Which is why she makes a very good counselor.

Superpower: She has knowledge on just about any power in the world, however she can't initiate them herself. This makes it good for one students come to her for questions about their powers. Also she can force a calming affect on others if a situation is dire.

General personality: She's very kind, understanding, and a good listener. She likes to help students, and is confident in her ability to help them.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, counseling, and listening to music

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): Against, but she doesn't want a war to break out.



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@goldcat16471[/URL] a character cannot have every superpower.
Noooo!!! She's does not have every superpower!!! xD Lol! She just has knowledge on them! She can't pursue the power herself, but she's knows about the power! 
I reworded that. O.o Sorry for the misunderstanding! Aha! I didn't even realize it sounded like that before you brought that up! My bad!
Can I still join or should I not? :D  
Ill just post my character anyways. :D

Name: Dante Whitestone

Age: 17

Height: 6'2

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.dd4f25d3f822e587e39f8d9d2cfe2e40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.dd4f25d3f822e587e39f8d9d2cfe2e40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye color: Hazel.

Hair color and style: Brown, short casual

Distinguishing features: His adorable-ness

Race: Caucasian

Religion: Non-strict Christian

Skills, abilities, and talents : Very strong and fast. He is very talented with music and he is a gymnast, he is flexible and lightweight. Very intelligent as well.

Superpower: He is able to control the elements. Including metal and lightning and light and dark.

General personality: Really laidback and likes to have fun. He is very nice to everyone and Is very caring. He will usually put a smile on people's face if they're having a bad day. Uses his powers for good and to help people out. Very humorous.

Hobbies: Casual backflips. Playing with his powers. Listening to music.

Sports (if any): Gymnastics

Alliance (with ungifted humans or against): against the ungifted humans.



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