Supernatural Slice of life


Goddess of Crossroad's
Character Sign Up Sheet







Status (Single or Married):

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher):

Class (Day or Night):






Other (I.N.):
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Height:5ft 2

Weight:96 pounds



(Gay, Bi, Straight): bi

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Skinny-Teen-model-iStock_000009304902XSmall.jpeg.43e3d688f143e3477546b1f82ddf0814.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Skinny-Teen-model-iStock_000009304902XSmall.jpeg.43e3d688f143e3477546b1f82ddf0814.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: whisper is abit bi polor.well what do you expect.she can be good sweet.nice and loveing but on some days she can be a bitch.and the biggest bully you will ever meet.she is also very funny and gulabal

History: she had a good life she lived with her dad on weekends ans mum weekdays.her parenrs are split but ahe loves them both the same and she is a only child.



step dad


step mum

Power:mind reading.


.getting people to do what she wants .



She is good with kids

Has her own car




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Name - Chogan Jackson

Age - 17

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Height - 5'11

Weight - 187 lbs.

Status - Single

Occupation - Student

Gay, Bi, or Straight? - Straight

looks <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/render_anime_boy_by_nekocassiopeia-d66mw5y.png.74efdf92926a24c255ee69f79d2d3c42.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12502" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/render_anime_boy_by_nekocassiopeia-d66mw5y.png.74efdf92926a24c255ee69f79d2d3c42.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality - A very quiet and serious boy that hates being with people. He likes to read, listen to music, eating fruit, and likes to be alone, yet, he doesn't at the same time. He would say a lot about theories about God and is very wise and will usually say wise things to get away from annoying people, when he is told to, or that he is quite close to somebody. He also hates vegetables and hates talking about his past life. The reason why he hates being around with people is because he thinks that he is some type of black cat that brings bad luck to people when they walk past him.

History - Since he was little, his parents were killed from robbers at a bank heist as they tried to stop them. He had no emotions when he saw that, and ended up killing them himself with his new dark powers. He has no idea how he got them, and prefers not to use them but for emergencies only. He has been living with his Aunt and Uncle until he was sent to the school and he was taught in jujitsu and karate. When he got his black belts, he managed to beat both his sensei's and was never seen in those dojos again. He would use his moves when he has to in a fight and is not a very easy opponent as he can be able to follow his opponents next move.

Family - Aunt and Uncle

Power - Darkness

Other - Likes to walk, passes his tests and quizzes, and stay in his own mind.



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Name - Alice

Age - 16

Gender - Female

Race - Demon

Height - 5'4

Weight - 115 pounds

Status - Single

Occupation - Student

Gay, Bi, or Straight? - Straight


Personality - She is a sweet, loving girl with a big heart and some ability to speak out when she wants to. She is not exactly shy, she is just really empathetic, going against the stereotype of her race. She likes to cook and make crafts if it means she can give them to others. At the same time though, she is strong enough to fight and defend anyone she cares about, and perfectly willing. However, if its only herself that needs defending, she will allow herself to be attacked.

History - With her father in constant trouble with authorities and her mother's depression, Alice ended up living with her Grandmother on her mothers side, who took care of both of them. She was frail since child hood and still lacks some strength that others would have to stay outside in the sun, and endurance. She helped in every way she could, though. She gardened during the early mornings or night time and cooked for everyone.

Family - Grandmother Mother (She doesn't associate with her father.)

Power - Telekinesis and control of plant nature.

Other - Likes to go out when its dark, gives nicknames to people she likes and bakes. The horns in the picture are hers. The hood would have slits in it.
Name: Nyx Caterina

Age: 1.2 Cats Years/17 Human Years

Gender: Female

: Neko

Height: 5'7

Weight: 106 Pounds

Status (Single or Married)
: Single

Occupation (Student or Teacher): Student

SO (Gay, Bi, Straight): Gay/Lesbian


Personality: She's shy, quiet, and extremely paranoid. She doesn't like being in the presence of people she doesn't know. If forced to be with people, she will stay as far away as possible. She's an avid bookworm that loves horror. She loves classical, rock, punk-pop, and, occasionally, rap music. She doesn't trust people due to her history. She loves naps, darkness, silence, and other cats. She also loves walks in parks, lazers, fuzzy things, and yarn.

History: When she was a kitten/child, she had loving owners who took good care of her. They didn't care that she was half cat, half human. In fact, they sometimes treated her as their own child. They had her go to school; telling the principal about her cat appendages. She entered about halfway into the year, always coming to school with her hood up. She was an easy target for bullies. They had ripped off her hood, exposing her ears, and, in her shock, her tail had popped out. She had stopped going to that school, and was homeschooled. One day, her owners went on a trip, and didn't come back. Nyx waited for days, until she realized they were gone. All of this led up to her not trusting every person she met.

Family: Her owners

Power: She can create force-fields around herself, heal a wound (she can heal larger wounds depending on the moon's phase), shape-shift into a small gray cat at will, and talk to cats.

Other: She can't swim, her favorite hobby is laying in the sun (she never gets tanned, though), her favorite food is fish (preferably mackerel), she can climb trees (she can climb up, but she can't get down), and her ears are her sensitive spots.
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Name: Saya Akamaru

Age: Looks of 17

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 130Ib

Status: Single

Occupation: Guardian/Night Class Student.

SO: Bi


Personality: She's a real bad ass girl. She loves making trouble and having fun. She's really fast. She's the girl who will sit at the back of class, flirting with boys. She can be nice and loyal at times.

History: She came from a harsh background. She was an only child. She got bad grades at school and she was always in trouble. The police regularly visited her parents about her. After her mother died, her father started smoking, getting drunk and hitting her. She never wanted to go home. She came home late a night to her father shouting and abusing her. She eventually ran away form home.

Family: no idea where her father is.

Power: Anything to do with the weather. She can make the sun bigger and burn hotter. She can make heavy rain storms appear, thunder, lightning and hail. She make the wind harder or just a soft breeze. Anything like that.

Other: when she bite's people, it doesn't bring them pain, it brings them pleasure as good as sex but 10x better.

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Name: Takumi Karusaki

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Wolf

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 150ib

SO: Straight

Status: Single

Occupation: Teacher of Day Class; Reading.



Personality: he's very intelligent but you can get him mad very quickly. he isn't very calm and hates it, if he has to explain one thing over a dozen times. But if you won him as a friend, he is very loyal and would defend you against everyone.

History: Takumi was always a pretty interesting person, one who had major hopes and dreams for the future. He knew there would be obstacles, but his confidence and self-esteem was something that always helped him in not only overcoming them, but also not even thinking about them. His parents were both very loving, and they ran their own little bakery. Since a young age, Takumi has been participating in drawing parts of building He saw himself as becoming a architect one day, but also loved watching the monster trucks whenever they came to his city. But, at the age of 15, he finally came to the conclusion that he wants to be a teacher. His school had gone on a field trip to a construction site, but he didn't pay attention to anything but the teacher helping the students. It was at that moment that Takumi realized how much he wanted to help other students too. So, that’s what he looking forward to becoming one day, and left his home in Miami and moved to Omaha. Then became a teacher.

Family: Passed away.


Name: Shigure Watashima

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire Prince

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 150ib

SO: Bi

Status: Single

Occupation: Night Class Student/President.



Personality: Shigure is a very carefree prince and usually will be seen with a smile on his face, even on a serious mission. He's not a jokester, but enjoys a good laugh now and then. He always tries to see things on the lighter side, and even against enemies, tries to understand their point of view, even if it's an assassination mission.

History: he was just a child when he learned he had this ability. he used to be afraid of the dark because when he would imagine something was moving in the darkness it was him making the shadows around his room move. now he is no longer afraid of the darkness, he actually loves it because he isn't constantly feeling shadows, which can get tiring.

Family: Passed away.

Power: Is able to control darkness.

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Gender: male



Weight: 120

Status (Single or Married):single

Occupation (Student or Teacher):student

SO (Gay, Bi, Straight): not really sure

Personality: shy quiet nervous embarrass kind helpfull cares about other people and not himself lonely emotional and mostly a sad person

History: Kazuki is a lonely boy since his parents are really rich but don't really like him so they sometimes mistreat him and Kazuki has no friends and is always lonely her early speaks since he has no one to talk to so he just spends most of his time studying and looking at other people have fun. He lives in a mansion but lives at the dorms as people bullied him since they knew he can't do anything since he's just human but ever since he was born he was seriously sick and had to stay at the hospital and visit them once in a while



Other: Kazuki sometimes gets really tired of being bullied and mistreated so he sometimes hurt himself<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.640aeb30d4c1e058414d0743f9f8c8f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.640aeb30d4c1e058414d0743f9f8c8f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Juliana Smith

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Unknown

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 136ib

SO: Straight

Status: Single

Occupation: Nurse


Personality: Calm, kind, gently, hates it when people bully others

History: Unknown

Family: Unknown

Power: Healing.


Name: Nina Yomisaki

Age: 390,849 (but looks 23)

Gender: Female

Race: Pureblood Vampire

Height: 5'12"

Weight: 136ib

SO: Straight

Status: Single

Occupation: Headmaster


Personality: Calm, fearless, wise, love's all her student's, and likes to help people in any way she can.

History: Unknown

Family: Unknown

Power: Can control Air and Light.

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Name: Nova Dragonfly

Age: 13,500 (15)

Gender: Male

Race: Dog demon

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 135 (Muscular)

Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Class: Night

SO (Gay, Bi, Straight): Straight


(He woke up late lol)

Personality: Nice, loyal, independent, protects anyone that becomes his friend.

History: Is the crowned prince of Hell since his eldest sister gave up the right to the throne. Nova doesn’t really know his father and could careless, he knows that the reason his mother and father ever got together was to have a child and as soon as his mother found out that she was pregnant his father left. He has met him a few times at war meeting but not much else. Nova was made to go to the school to help him interact with humans; his mother wants him to figure out what they are like and how they act.


Mother: Demonia Dragonfly

Father: A noble dog demon of Hell

Eldest Sister: Duanna Dragonfly

Second Sister: Lilith Draco

Power: Darkness and shadows, he can also turn into a giant white dog.

Other: Hates that his mother sent him to the school but knows that she means well so he’ll try his best he can also make his dog ears vanish for when he is around humans.

Name: Lilith Draco

Age: 16,250 (17)

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Demon

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 115

Status: Single

Occupation: Student/Guardian

Class: Day Class

SO (Gay, Bi, Straight): Straight



Personality: Can be as cold as a demon and as ruthless as a killer.

History: She was raised by her father and his wife and had two loving half siblings. She never knew that she was a princess of Hell until her mother had shown up and demanded that Lilith be returned to her. She was pretty much an adult, already eighteen so she grabbed her weapons and pointed an arrow at Demonia and told her to leave. Lilith had become very confused when she saw tears in Demonia's eye, she didn't know how to respond and as Lilith’s father went to push her back into the house Demonia had struck him down in anger. Lilith tried to attack Demonia but her speed was to quick and she was knocked out. When she woke up she saw her home had been burnt down and her family was killed, she saw that there was a note left for her and as she read it she found out who she really was but it didn't subside her anger that she felt towards her mother and since that day has sworn revenge against all demons. She has many scars from the battles that she has been in and she isn't afraid to let them show (couldn't find a photo with scars)


Mother: Demonia Dragonfly

Father (human): (last name only) Draco (Deceased)

Sister: Duanna Dragonfly

Brother: Nova Dragonfly

Power: Can change her age appearance, controls wind and fire

Other: She works with a church that made her go to the school, she was allowed so many years to hunt demons but in return she had to eventually go to a school if she wanted too or not.

Name: Aphrodite Rose

Age: doesn’t remember (13)

Gender: Female

Race: Immortal

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 110

Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Class: Day

SO: Straight



Personality: shy, quiet, timid, loves to help others.

History: She comes from a noble family of immortals. At the age of 10 she was sent to school to help farther her knowledge of the world. She loves her mother who raised her with kindness but her father always said mean things to her and from time to time would beat her, the abuse made her skittish and timid. Her mother tries to stop the abuse but she always ends up getting hit too. Cheza is very happy to be away from home but worries about her mother on a daily basis.

Family: Mother and father

Power: Healing

Other: She gets picked on from time to time since she is a straight A student, she loves to read books and can’t get enough, in the future she wants to return to the school as either a nurse or a teacher.


Cylia Numai






Demon Draco - Higher Class

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 115lbs

Status (Single or Married): Single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Student


Personality:Cylia is kind of the quiet, feisty one. She keeps to herself, but when she wants to know something, she will eavesdrop, spy, and blend in almost like a wanted criminal or an assassin. Due to her being raised in such a strict environment, she tends to be well disciplined when caught or needed to be. But don't be so selfish and trembled by her fierce gaze and strong attitude: Cylia is fun when she wants to be. She will play board games, do some sports, or anything else in mind, like just hang out with friends and such.

History: Cylia has had a rough past. She was born and raised on the outskirts of Oakii. A small village near an open trench that seems to lead to hell, known as Moriki. She played with the residents there, but was also told to stay in the house often. Sometimes there were stray demons, in which they would attack vigorously amongst Oakii.

After those terrible days, she finally succeeded in mastering her abilities and temper and moved on, enrolled at this strange academy meant for Demons, Vampires, and so many more of those much hated beasts.

Family:Two brothers, a Father, and a Mother. All living back at Oakii.

Power: The ability to somewhat loose her temper, and let herself be engulfed in the royal Demon Draco's wrath. Using a black fire, unreal razor talons, and fast movement, this large demon will make your day terrible. Most say her possession is the flames.

Other (I.N.): Longer Forearms.

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Name: Cervantes Valentine (Mr. Valentine)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 175 lb.

Status (Single or Married): Single (Widowed)

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Teacher (Librarian)



Personality: Cervantes has a calm exterior and can often seem lazy. He is quite relaxed when he finds himself fixated in a good book but has quite a vicious temper when students or teachers become too loud and interrupt his reading. Other wise he likes to work with the students on homework and is more than happy to find a book for them or suggest one.

History: When Cervantes was young he was always at the library studying and just reading his days away. His mother and father were the owners of a small farm but they still made a good amount money despite everything. This was until a bunch of brutes came and started destroying their crops and demanding money. This is when Cervantes started picking up magic and when he met his wife, Rose. They both had interest in the art and eventually Cervantes became good enough that he chased the brutes away. Later on he began his job as the librarian of the school and married Rose. However, sometime during his job at the school while he was away from home. The same brutes that plagued his parents came and murdered Rose. Once Cervantes found out this he found the murders and no one has seen them since.

Family: Mother and Father (Alive)

Sister (Deceased)

Rose (Deceased)

Power: Celestial Constellation Magic (His magic or form changes depending on the constellation he takes on.)

Other (I.N.): Cervantes has constellations covering his entire back, chest and stomach and make a note not to get to loud in his library.

Name: Kadence Song

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 110

Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Class (Day or Night): Day



Doesn’t let anything get her down, life of the party, lives life to the fullest.

Kadence came to the school when she was 10 from an orphanage that burnt down, from what she knows she hasn’t seen anyone come in that is as young as her. From time to time she helps out the teachers as a student aid.


Some would say hypnosis because when she sings and dances people can’t look away from her, some say that she can even summon fae folk to dance with her and from time to time they help her dance on air and water.Other

(I.N.): She wants to keep her distance from other since bad luck seems to follow her everywhere she goes but she is too much of a social butterfly but she does keep her eyes open for any new dangers.

Eric Lycan (not his real name)






Prefers to keep it unknown (single)





Mean (PE teacher) rough on the boys and ignores the girls unless they can prove that they can handle his type of PE room

Wondered from town to town until he came to be a teacher at the school.


Power: Strength and can turn into a wolf at will and not be forced by the moon.

Other (I.N.):

Name: Envy Vine

Secret looks 25

Gender: Female

Race: Hell born

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 130

Status: Single

Occupation: Teacher (history)

Class: Day and Night



Personality: Calculating and cunning

History: Secret at this time

Will be revealed

Power: Shadows, darkness, raising the dead, fire, spells and summoning ravens.

Other (I.N.)
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Name: Yui Nonako

Age: 50,987 (looks 25)

Gender: Female

Race: Shape Shifter

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 137

Status (Single or Married): Single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Math Teacher/Swim Coach

Class (Day or Night): Day and Night


Personality: Stricked when it comes to the swim team, kind and caring a times.

History: Doesn't speak about her past

Family: Mother passed away, father is alive

Power: Is able to control Water


Name: Ruby Ayama

Age: 12,207 (looks 16)

Gender: Female

Race: Fox

Height: 5"1'

Weight: 115

Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Class: Night Classes


Personality: Quiet, good listener, doesn't really follow rule's, and clever with causing trouble cause she has never been caught.

History: Has been kicked out of other school's and was force to join this one by her parent's.

Family: Mother, Father, and little Sister

Power: Nature


Name: Blake Kagumi/Dark Rage

Stage Name: Blue

Age: 28,398 (looks 19)

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Wolf

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 151

Status: Says he is in a relationship but is really single

Occupation: Student/Singer in a band

Class: Day Classes


Personality: He has a split personality. Blake is hyper, funny, loud, and exciting but his other half Dark is the complete opposite.

History: Unknown

Family: Parent's Passed

Power: Can control Sound Wave's

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Name: Gerald T. Hayes

Age: 16

Gender: Male.

Race: He's pretty sure he's human. (Cough cough, not.)

Height: 6 feet 2

Weight: 182 lbs

SO: Pansexual.

Status (Single or Married): Single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Guardian/Student.

Class (Day or Night): Day.



Personality: He looks unfriendly at first sight. If you don't take in account his icy stare and his cold demeanour, he can be pretty warm, helping you get away of the blood sucking demons. Around people he loves, he is rather excruciatingly clumsy, to the point its painful to see his blunders. Cool and composed, he never runs away from danger, unless there's a 100% chance that he'll die if he stays there. He also gets lonely easily, which is the side effect of his History. He really hates when people are messy and will try to not comment on it, until you reach his boiling point.

History: When he was young, his parents were almost never home. They left him alone most of the time, with their servant. His other siblings were either grown ups, or out with their friends. That was the time, however, when he felt pleasant. It allowed him a range of thoughts that he couldn't achieve when he was around people. The servant, wasn't a human. He recognized that once she had drunk that strange red package that smelt of blood. Strangely, it didn't bother him. A few months later, he got attacked. No, not by the servant, but by a demon, roaming around the house. The demon waited until the parents weren't there and attack the little boy, who seemed like an easy target. He wasn't. Gerald accidentally killed the demon. How? He doesn't know. His servant wasn't surprised when she found the bloodbath and cleaned it up, as easily as she could have polished glass. Because of that incident, even if his parents weren't there to witness it, became protective of him, even if he is in this academy.

Family: Father, Mother, brother, 2 sisters, uncle....etc.

Power: He can resist demon control.

Other (I.N.): Owns an arsenal of weapons and likes cats.
May I join 
Name:Misty Dainels






Status (Single or Married):single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher):Guardian/Student

Class (Day or Night):

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.bdfdc07fa3f1b507169849063f763b50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.bdfdc07fa3f1b507169849063f763b50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Misty is happy funny really smart and defensive

History: misty has had a happy history her family always treated her well and she always treated them well and she became defensive after someone almost hurt her little sis.

Family:Mom, Dad, twin bother, and little sister

Power:Healing, Flying,she has a mental a physical shield that can be summoned except around family members and Powerful friends seeing the past and future, and she can snap into her Twin bother and little sisters minds.

Other (I.N.):



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Name: Teagen Heartright

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 165 lbs

Status (Single or Married): Single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Student

Class (Day or Night): Day

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Teagen.jpg.32bb9ee2c6f52d3e7ae9b509144192f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Teagen.jpg.32bb9ee2c6f52d3e7ae9b509144192f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Always looking to have fun, but over protective of his sister Mandy

History: Has had to switch from school to school with his sister, also because of her mosterishness

Family: Dad is dead (Then who was fone?) and their mom raises them on her own, though it's tough since Mandy is a monster

Power: Looking angry and scaring people when he's just normal


: Mandy Heartright


Gender: Female

Race: Demon

Height: 5'7"

Weight: Rude!

Status (Single or Married): Single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Student

Class (Day or Night): Night

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Mandy.png.ed9a02e6855dbb85ab808b78440f6cfb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Mandy.png.ed9a02e6855dbb85ab808b78440f6cfb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Is very popular and easily makes friends. She is easily embarrassed by her brother.

History: Has had to switch from school to school with her brother, also because of her mosterishness

Family:Dad is dead (Then who was fone?) and their mom raises them on her own, though it's tough since Mandy is a monster

Power:When she gets upset or angry things tend to burst into flame.



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Name: Juniella Knight (Called Juniel, Junie, June)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5 feet 1

Weight: 89 pounds

SO: Straight

Status (Single or Married): Single

Occupation (Student, Guardian/Student, or Teacher): Student

Class (Day or Night): Day


Personality: At first glance, Juniel might seem like a really ordinary girl. But she is the happiest person you'll ever meet. She's looks at life from the good side of things, an optimist, though she doesn't force her ideas of life on others. She's easygoing and quite carefree- makes friends easily, being the people person she is. She loves a good laugh, and loves to joke around. She's just a bright person. And most of the time, the light she radiates affects others around her, making them happy too (though not always- there are just some impossible people out there). And she likes it- making people happy and making them smile. She doesn't judge others- she understands fully that people are like what they're like for a reason. Though she's got a stubborn and hardheaded streak. She's actually very naive, with surprisingly zero experience in romantic love. And she's also too trusting.

History: Juniel was raised by her grandparents. Her father and mother never actually married. When her mother was 5 months pregnant with her, her father suddenly left. Her mother had a difficult birth, and she passed away hours after. Not before naming her Juniella, though, because she was born on the 22nd of June, and not before kissing her baby girl's forehead. Juniel grew up happily, despite her circumstances. Well, she was a naturally happy and positive person. She wonders about her parents sometimes, but she believes that her mother is always watching over her, and that her father would someday return. Before going to Konoshimi, Juniel went to a normal public school. But when she turned 16, she got a letter from Konoshimi Academy, saying that she received a scholarship to study there until she graduates. They all found it slightly odd, since she didn't apply for a scholarship there, but they didn't think about it much, since Juniel performed really well academically. So her grandparents sent her away to the prestigious boarding school.

Family: Father- Jack Evergreen (demon) || Mother- Ella Knight (human) || Grandparents- Elisa and Daniel Knight (human)

Power: Other demons' powers don't affect her.

Other (I.N.): Likes singing and is good at it :)

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