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Fandom Supernatural: New Allies


Shipper Trash

Sorry... I hate that there's more. ^_^ ;


I cannot stress this enough. This roleplay is heavily reliant on previous canon elements. Please don't disregard plots that have happened in earlier seasons- I'm sure characters will reference them. Supernatural isn't a show that throws plot away.

2. Feel free to ship characters together that you want, but respect boundaries.

If you ship, say, Sabriel, and you're playing Sam, but the person playing Gabriel doesn't see things that way, respect their opinion. Better yet, if you're interested in playing two characters as a couple, check with the other person beforehand in the OOC chat or via private message.

3. Fill out every section of your profile.

Please don't skip because you don't feel like doing a section. Enough said.

4. Play characters as any sexuality you want.

The wonderful thing about Supernatural is none of the characters blatantly talk about their sexuality, so it's always open for interpretation. (However, I think most of us can agree Dean is most likely bi and most definitely digs dudes just as much as chicks.)

5. I will be determining whether you will play your character depending on how well you fill out your character sheet.

Note that I will almost always accept a character sheet, but if it is totally awful, with bad grammar and terribly thought out background, I might say no. Also, I will be a bit more strict with canon characters than OCs.

Needed Characters

Dean Winchester- TAKEN

Sam Winchester

Castiel- TAKEN





Character Sheet




Race (human, angel, demon, etc.):



Appearance (description):

Notable scars/birthmarks/tattoos:

Weapon of choice:







(Note: Feel free to format the colors, sizing, etc. on this to your leisure.)

(Another note: PUT SOME THOUGHT INTO THE BACKSTORY SECTION, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE APPLYING FOR A CANON CHARACTER. This is how I judge if you know your character well enough to play them.)
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Age: Around 3,000 years old

Race (human, angel, demon, etc.): Angel

Gender: Genderfluid, leaning more towards male

Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual

Appearance (description): 5'11", with a permanent five o'clock shadow and dark hair. Always wears his tan trenchcoat and suit.

Notable scars/birthmarks/tattoos: An Enochian tattoo on his left hip

Weapon of choice: Angel blade

Personality: Socially awkward, yet unfailingly loyal. He defends the Winchesters to a fault and will give up his life for them. He has an extensive knowledge of pop culture due to Metatron installing knowledge of such in his head. Castiel is a strong believer in free will- much more than most angels- and though he is a good leader, he is also a reluctant one.

Strengths: Leader, loyal, kind

Flaws: Socially awkward, overly loyal, easily manipulated when the Winchesters (especially Dean) are threatened

Likes: Bees, Dean, Sam, hamburgers, children, humanity

Dislikes: Crowley, anyone who hurts the Winchesters

Backstory: Castiel was sent to Earth originally to raise Dean from Hell. He was originally very emotionless and didn't care much about anything not involving his duties as an angel and a soldier, but Dean taught him to care. Eventually, after stopping the Apocalypse with the Winchesters, he learned to appreciate humanity and even came to love it. He has died several times over for the Winchesters and would do so again if need be.



Age: 34 years old

Race (human, angel, demon, etc.): Human, Demon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance (description): 6'0", with a five o'clock shadow and chocolate brown hair which tends to bleach blonde if he spends too much time in the sun. Usually dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and his favorite pair of boots topped off by various solid colored button ups. If it's cold, Dean has a black Alpha Industries field jacket he favors.

Notable scars/birthmarks/tattoos: He has an anti-possession tattoo over his heart and a branded handprint where Castiel gripped his arm to raise him from perdition.

Weapon of choice: Any kind of gun for distance, knives for hand-to-hand.

Personality: Confident and loyal to a fault. Dean would go through hell and back for his precious people and has. He tends to see himself as unworthy of love and affection but accepts that there are those who care for him. Dean takes everything in stride but tends to avoid “chick-flick” moments as he likes to call them to maintain his manly demeanor.

Strengths: Born leader, easy-going, tends to display his thoughts on his face – making him easy to read and get along with.

Flaws: Stubborn, highly sexual – lust driven, egotistical

Likes: Sam, Castiel, Baby (His 1967 Chevy Impala), hamburgers, beer, pie, scoring, freedom

Dislikes: Those who threaten him or the people he cares for, God, being helpless.

Backstory: Dean was given the task at a young age of caring for his younger brother Sammy while his dad hunted the demon that killed their mother. He grew up much too fast and tends to shoulder all the burden so that Sam doesn’t have to. When Sam was killed Dean sold his soul to bring him back unable to face the loss of the one person he’d been tasked with protecting. He serves a sentence in Hell before Castiel frees him and gives his life new meaning. He has since worked even harder to ensure the safety of the people around him and helping those who cannot help themselves.
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age/ 30, born May 2nd, 1983.

race (human, angel, demon, etc.)/ Human

gender/ Male

sexuality/ Straight, as he has not had any relationships initiated which could counter it, although could be pansexual if the right person comes along.

appearance (description)/ Sam stands at a tall 6"5, with a broad frame and deep brown hair that dangles just before his shoulders. He often wears a heavy canvas jacket and a button-up shirt beneath, ranging from pure colours to plaid, with jeans and heavy, worn boots, though his clothing does not vary considerably according to the weather. He occasionally has a loose dusting of stubble along his jaw and upper lip.

notable scars/birthmarks/tattoos/ He once had an anti-possession tattoo just over his heart, although it was removed in order to allow Crowley to occupy him as a vessel.

weapon of choice/ Whichever weapon suits the occasion, most often a handgun or the demon knife.

personality/ Sam is extremely headstrong, with a strong mental capability and a stubborn approach to things he may argue against. However, he is selfless and has sacrificed himself countless times for the greater good, though remains humble and sometimes blames himself for the misfortunes that have come upon the family. He is intelligent, which usually leaves him to do the research while on hunts, and easily retains information about the monsters which he and Dean have hunted - his mental strength was shown when overpowering Lucifer for long enough to end the apocalypse. He takes up the voice of reason in his duo with his brother, especially when it comes to killing humans, as he has an aversion to it and will argue his point continually, or until it proves to be exasperated. Sam will always attempt to make up for his remorseful actions, even if it is not possible, and goes to great lengths to be the 'do-gooder'.

strengths/ With a knack for finding information and general knowledge about mythology and lore, as well as experienced handling of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry, Sam is both brains and brawn. He is strong, with clearly defined muscles (which he relentlessly keeps working to remain at his utmost best) and is strong-willed and determined with tasks he chooses to take up. Along with Dean, he is practised in forging official documents, like badges and licenses, but is opposite in the manner that he is patient and sympathetic.

flaws/ Stubborn, with a slightly naive approach to many situations. He is one to 'ask first, shoot later' and roots for the possible positive outcome before looking for the bad, which makes him rather easy to persuade or trick due to his trusting nature. While he adores his brother, Sam holds a very slight grudge against Dean for being thought of as the youngest and least capable of the pair, and it often has him putting himself in dangerous situations to prove otherwise. Sam is also quick to go back to finding a 'normal life' if given the chance, especially after a family member's death or disregard, although, deaths cause him to bottle up his feelings and become single-mindedly focused on revenge and often lashes out.

likes/ Family and friends, Dean, Castiel (though his bond is not as pronounced as his brother's), research/information, reading, healthy eating

dislikes/ Clowns, being treated as or considered incapable, being called 'Sammy' by anyone but Dean, his relationship with his father, blindly following orders, some holidays, such as: Christmas and Halloween

backstory/ Sam Winchester was born to John and Mary Winchester, although was raised by Dean after his mother's tragic death six months after he was born. This fueled his father to become a hunter and consequently bring both brothers into the lifestyle; Sam being treated as the baby of the family while his brother was made to grow up a lot quicker than a child should. This has impacted his relationship with Dean in how he is often viewed as the baby brother who should be protected at any cost and left out of dangerous situations, which frustrated him to the point of no end. His childhood and teen years consisted of motel rooms and jumping from school to school, all while John attempted to bring him into the lifestyle as he had done with Dean, but his want for a normal life and stubbornness drove him to leave the family and seek his 'apple-pie' life in learning law. He was sucked into the lifestyle by Dean, who was worried over his father, and the following death of his girlfriend, Jessica, although his participation in reuniting was driven by his lust for revenge over his girlfriend's death, rather than their mother's death. He had always viewed his father's upbringing of the two as negative, and held many grudges against him until the sacrifice John gave in order to allow Dean to live.

After Dean's multiple deaths (one of which the consequence of his own), Sam has repeatedly attempted to leave the hunting lifestyle, which only resulted in failure after Dean's returns, where he would give up his lifestyle in order to be with his brother.
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