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Futuristic Supernatural Elite Academy for the Gifted


One Thousand Club
You know those stories of men in black appearing to UFO witnesses and threatening to hurt them or their families if the witness were to ever speak of their close encounters with possible other worldly beings? Haven't you ever wondered what organization they belong to? The answer's quite obvious really,

It's the A.U.S.M.

Advanced United Sovereign Military. It started out as a highly advanced military security force during the early to late 19th century founded by the top elite of the human race during the time. During the early 20th century, it was converted into a fully functioning independent military force tasked with the defense of earth and the reservation of the human race. But in the 1950's, the AUSM converted from a military into a fully functioning country. It was also the time when the AUSM moved from earth to Seraine. A larger planet than earth within the same solar system. It has liquid oceans and the exact same climates and vegetation as earth. During the 1970s, the Yom Kippur war had caused global oil shortages causing an economic failure which the AUSM so desperately tried to prevent. In 1974, the AUSM deemed the crisis to be unrecoverable by financial means. And therefore, the government passed the Final Solution act through Congress and the Senate under emergency power from the President-Commander.

It would give the AUSM the ability to harvest planets to gain profits and in turn give those profits to Earth. In 1982 though, when planet harvesting was still in it's early stages, the AUSM ran into a certain hostile alien race, what transpired were series of confrontations and acts of terror against the AUSM and any AUSM civilian colony established outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. In 1985, the AUSM had run out of patients from the Alien's contnuous harassment upon the human race and passes a declaration of war to eradicate their civilization from existence. This was the start of the Human/Extraterrestrial war which started in 1985 and ended in 2003 with a complete and utter human victory, followed by an un-easy ceasefire deal along with the two sides agreeing to split the universe in half. The E.F will have influence over their half while the AUSM will have influence over their half.

This war was then subsequently covered up by the AUSM to prevent the people of earth from ever knowing about the AUSM being involved in a war of universal scale. But not everyone is convinced by the AUSM continuous lies.

That's just the history of the Federation. But here are the details

The AUSM is lead by the leader of the universe's most deadliest superhuman elite strike force. He and his Elites led countless victories during the 18 year long war.

The Elites usually pick them during their pre-teenage years or during their teenage years depending on the elite who decides. They check the child's personality, if its suited for training or not. Personality is what the elites are most interested in. They want to see the kind of people others are and how they react to certain situations. But also, to see how long it will take for them to hit rock bottom.

They'll observe the child in secrecy, blending into society as they observe the person's day to day activities and encounters. All this is then taken and the top Elites will deliberate on whether or not they'll take that child in. If they decide yes, they will take the person in, the child will first be stopped by A.U.S.M Secret Universal Counter Intelligence agents (Think of them as IMF from mission impossible) at some point. They will then be closely monitored by the AUSM Secret service and AUSM Invisible Defense Force through covert working agents who will interact with them. Finally, once all the monitoring is complete, the Elites themselves will stop the kids and talk with them, day by day. Until, the elites decide that the child is ready for exposure. When the time comes, the child will be take to the AUSM Military H.Q where they will meet up with the other Elites before starting their training.

The Elite who picks them ends up having to mentor them throughout their years until the trainee is ready to be able to go out onto real missions by themselves without another senior elite to ensure their safety.

They're looking to assemble the second generation of Elites. But only the strongest in mind, body and spirit will survive the most intense training and schooling set up.

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