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Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

Character Sheet:

(Use as much BBcode as you want make your post look purty!)


Appearance(Anime preferred):






Crush: Bf/Gf:




Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer):



Note: The station Chef has been taken plz don't make one. Also I have a loaded amount of Waiters/Waitress so please no more of them.

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Henrrieta Smite Belladona
"Just 'cause you listen to me sing doesn't mean you know shit about me, okay?"

Henrrieta, or Henry for short, is one of the entertainers at the cafe. She stands at about 5'9, and while she could get away with wearing flats while preforming, she loves wearing heals. Her skin is very pale despite being in flashing spotlights all day, so she often has to wear a lot of makeup so she isn't completely washed out while on stage. While she loves the over the top outfits she gets to wear when preforming, she wears casual clothes whenever she gets the chance.

  • Henrrieta is quite the looker. While she doesn't exactly love the attention, it's how she makes a living so she deals with it. She gets angry easily, especially at the fans who pretend to know her. There are a select few that she tolerates being around, though. She loves the perks of being a performer at the cafe - especially the discounted food. While she tries to make friends, it usually doesn't last very long as they tend to only want to get close to her for her fame. If she can help it, she tries not to tell people that she's a performer for the cafe.

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Maggie Anne Bomb


Maggie's hair turns a glimmering white with her red eyes


Gender: Female

Age: Looks: 15 (200,782)

Nationality: British

Species: Pureblood Vampire

Crush: Bf/Gf:

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Maggie has always been known to have a adorable smile on her face to costumers and newbies. Though thats not the real her she is actually quite loud and pushy once you really get to know her. She is quite the business woman and hardworker

Station: Manager and Owner of Magic& Treats

Background: Private

Other:sometimes appears as a bat.

She is usually in her office or talking to costumers.
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Benjamin "Ben" Maximus Everett


5'11" - 6' even






Australian (Slips into accent when flustered)


Rifter - Can create and cross rifts in time or space. The rifts he makes aren't very big nor strong, though he has himself a dimensional "pocket" where he resides. Can teleport short distances but nothing more than that; there are even times when he floats for the hell of it!


He's got one. (Really, he's better at admiring from a distance)


Yeah, no. He's too shy to do anything.



(Often confused for straight, the poor guy)


Ben is an extremely nice guy, charismatic to the point where people just feel a natural attraction towards him. He likes to make people smile - even though he himself is rarely seen without some kind of smile - and is a natural with children. He's your friendly neighborhood Rifter, that is selfless and goofy. Ben is also, strangely enough, a strong-willed person, able to take control of a situation and resolve it with reason.

Naturally, you don't want to upset him. (Be warned)

Underneath the warm, fuzzy exterior, he's actually not so...fuzzy, but Ben never wants to impose on someone else so he often keeps to himself instead.




He likes to float around sometimes, all cuddled into his scarf.

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So we have 2 specials on the menu. My smile and Wink. ~Tris Penelope~

Tris Rose Penelope



Height: 5'7"

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Nationality: French

Species: Siren Demon


Bf/Gf: Are you Serious?

Sexuality: Bsexual Panromantic


•Even though boys and girls get wrapped around her finger in an instant she doesn't really

enjoy it just happening.

•Seems flirtatious though when she's angered she snaps into demon form

•Can seem freakish and crazy in demon form

•She is smart ,clever, and brave always

•Always remebers her costumers and their favs

Station: Waitress

Background: That is Private thank you very much

Other: Usually has her hair up and wearing makeup. Is smiling 24/7 and winking.

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"I knew he was sad when he stopped wishing on shooting stars."

"I'm not afraid!"


Nyght Hana Ketsume














Currently Available




Nyght is a rather energetic, happy child. He's the type of kid most would expect to throw parties a lot and know all the gossip on all the stuff.

Not that he isn't all of those things.

He's always cheerful, not allowing any of his emotional issues get in the way of his day. He locks them away until alone somewhere in which he feels comfortable crying. It's hard to get him to express his true emotions, and near-to-impossible to get him to admit his story.

Nyght's scared of everything, birds, bugs, heights, the dark, mirrors, you name it. His mother gave him a bathroom without a mirror just so he wouldn't freak out when going in there. Like, he wont enter a bathroom with a mirror at all. He also has a few deeper fears in which he never admits to like rejection, he has the fear of insanity or becoming insane, ect. When he is scared, he clings to the nearest object he can count as safe and covers his ears, closing his eyes. Not the best self-defense mechanism, but it's good enough for him.

Now, now, just because he seems like the go-lucky, friend zoning, "cool kid" doesn't mean he isn't rather bothersome. Oh, he is very bothersome in fact. He's quite the dare-devil, despite his long list of fears, and has gotten many injuries over his past. He'll do anything as long as it doesn't go against the law, unless if it's small things like shop-lifting, bothering traffic, running red lights, ect. He's also pretty bold, admitting to being gay to his parents the moment he realized he was. Of course, the people tried to get him out of it, saying he was to young to make those sorts of decisions, but he was set in stone on his choice.

It seems here we have quite the happy character. Nyght angers fairly easily, and when he does he isn't afraid to give snappy remarks. He despises being judged or having people talk about him in a nasty manner, and isn't afraid to show it. Kid doesn't have much strength, however, and so he is usually beaten on. It actually made him quite the masochist.

Oh, that's right. Nyght is a

Masochists are people who gain pleasure from pain, might it be sexual or emotional pleasure. It doesn't matter, if Nyght is hurt physically or mentally he gains pleasure from it and usually goes crawling back for more. That's probably why he' interested in guys. Guys are more likely to hurt someone or be a sadist then girls are, of course, there are those few girls out there who are sadistic bitches, and that's why Nyght is







Character Sheet:

Name: Jenkins William Smith






Nationality: Welsh

Species: Human,magic user can control fire

Crush: Bf/Gf:None


Personality: Jenkins can be very egotistical over his food and he can be very grumpy especially towards waiter/waitress. Outside work he is friendly and polite towards other people but because of the years working unsociable hours. He lacks some social skills he usually says stuff which could be seen has very offensive without knowing about it


Background(Optional): His parents owned a magic shop. He drop out of school at 14 and left his home because he was "normal" and didn't have anything special about him.

He run away to London, he spent the next 5 years working up the kitchen leader in the London resturant scene . Everything was going fine when he became a chef de partie in a 5 star hotel at the age of 19.

2 year later, one day at work, he discovered that he can control fire and he went slightly mad with his new found power and burnt the hotel down by accident.

He felt guilty and run away from the authorities, he never wanted to use his magic again. After 2 years traveling he decided to go back to his home town.

When got to his home town he saw the opening for a chef job and see it has a new chance of getting back into the culinary world after the terrible accident which still plays on his conscience to this day.

Other: His accent is mash up of Welsh and cockney. Tends to swear in his native tongue
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Name: Aiden Christopher Walker


he wears this to cover his bad eye

Height: 5'9"

Gender: Male

Age: unknown, appears 18

Nationality: British, slight accent

Species: Voodoo Man

Crush: Bf/Gf: Open

Sexuality: straight

Personality: Aiden is very kind and thoughtful. he doesn't deliberately try to hurt people, but can be abit harsh when angered. he is very loyal to his friends, and tries his best to help others when needed

Station: Musician, entertainer

Other: Aiden uses a very special violin in his work, and even has it when not working. why he is so protective of it has yet to be stated.

Gaaaaah! im so sorry its not as nice as the others!i cant work bbcode for nothin >.<
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Name:Hope Genesis Woods

Appearance(Anime preferred):

Height: 4'3

Gender: Female


Nationality: Austrailan with an Accent

Species: Human/Fairy

Crush: Bf/Gf: No one

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: She is kind, sweet and charming. She can get over exited at times.

Station: Entertainer

Background(Optional): I'm not telling!

Other: She loves to prank, and play her giutar
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Name: Massun Yeri



Age: Apears to be 20

Nationality: Unknown

Species: Forest Siren, Ipotane

Crush: Bf/Gf: Currently None

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Nice, yet rude

Station: DJ

Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer): Appeared to be a nice, calm place

Background(Optional): Worked for the GreyCoats (Secret army society)

Highly skilled with any weapon

Her front is littered in scars, except for her face


Walked around with a long, black case strapped to her back, the contents unknown

Brave, Determined

Ipotane form is Incredibly strong, and is extremely hard, almost impossible, to defeat it.

(She never ran from a fight, therefore her back doesn't have a single scar on it)

Usually seen as demonstrated below:


Sorry it's not nearly as pretty as the others, I just got here xD​

Marianna Buvola Darling


Height: 4'10"

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Nationality: British

Species: Neko

Crush: Hehe

Bf/Gf: Meow

Sexuality: Heterosexual


•Expects the best due to the fact that she is the Mayor's Daughter

•Seems to be snobbish sometimes, but really isn't

•Is funny and flirtatious

•Smart always

Station: Costumer

Why you come to the Cafe: She loves the strawberrry cake and milk tea

Background: Meow no way!

Other: Is always dressed fancy and hair curled. Loves music of all kind, she even plays the harp.

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Sunny Farrow




Sunny Farrow











Wood Nymph- This species have superior navigation and climbing skills compared to humans, and they also can recover from injuries at a faster rate. They get stir crazy very fast, and can get sick if they don't go outside for a prolonged period of time.




British, has an accent




Sunny is just as cheerful as her name would suggest. All smiles all the time, it's not often you'd find a frown on her face. She's very optimistic and overall just a happy person. She has a childish mindset, causing her to be gullible, but playful as well. It's easy for her to trust people, even though this can get her into some bad situations. She's a very honest person, always truthfully expressing her opinions, even if no one asked her. She's quite talkative and spontaneous as well, and often acts on a whim.

Sunny is easily embarrassed, and you can often find her with her face in her hands, hiding her blush because she said something she didn't mean to. She has a habit of bluntly blurting out whatever she's thinking, which ends up in awkwardness a lot of the time. However, she is able to move on from this quickly.




Thunder Farrow- Cousin

TBD- Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend


Usually adorns herself with flowers, whether it be in her hair or tied around her wrist.

River Farrow




River Farrow






Asexual Panromantic





Sea Nymph- This species has the ability to breathe underwater and is extremely proficient at swimming and other activities related to it. However, they can become dehydrated quicker and often get anxious or even sick if they haven't been in or around a body of water in a long period of time.




British, no accent




River is nearly the opposite of his cousin. While not exactly the gloomiest person you'd ever meet, he's definitely the quieter, more cautious person in the duo. He's careful and precise, usually thinking about his actions and how they would affect the situation at hand before making decisions. He's more sensible than his sister, and often doesn't agree with all of her ideas. However, he is quite weak willed, and while protective of his cousin, won't speak against any of her decisions.

While he's not one to show it, he cares deeply for those he cares about and it's easy for him to become emotional. He often has mood swings, and it doesn't take much to anger or upset him. Even though he usually comes off as level-headed, he's one to bottle up his emotions until he can let them out in a more peaceful way.




Sunny Farrow- Cousin

TBD- Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend

Why Do You Come to the Cafe?:

To look after his cousin, and to just pass time.

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"I'm not sure how much pain I can actually feel."

"I'm a person."


Jaclyn Rachel Hanns














Currently Available




One word:





Reasons for Going to The Cafe:

Jackie likes the cafe because it's peaceful. She likes places in which many people stay, probably because of her lack of socializing. Although she doesn't talk to many people there, she enjoys watching the other people's conversations.




Shui-Ling Roina Li


"I'm just a doll devoid of emotions...at least that's what I've been told."

Personal Info
Name Li Shui-Ling (? ??)
Pronunciation Lee Shway Ling
Middle Name Roina
Gender Female
Age 17
Nationality Chinese-English
Date of Birth January 21st
Crush/BF/GF "I-I'd rather focus on work..."
Sexuality "Is this something related to my job?"
Race Living Doll
Hair Color Black/White
Eye Color Black/Purple
Height 5'5" | 165cm
Station Entertainer


"Is it really so wrong to simply say what I truly think?"

One of the reasons why Shui-Ling was never allowed to work in positions that required a substantial amount of interaction is due to her seemingly apathetic and cold demeanor as well as her brutal honesty. Many people come to believe that she's rather rude due to this bluntness, although some realize that she's really just oblivious.

There aren't many things that bother or scare her (although she does get embarrassed easily when given an honest compliment), which often makes people wonder what kind of environment she grew up in. Any attempts to do so usually ends with her giving the offender a blank stare, which is something that has become somewhat of a habit even if the person is simply trying to grab her attention. Many of Shui-Ling's odd actions stem from being unable to express herself properly without the aid of music. Her skill on the piano and violin is top-notch, with being able to play a song from memory after having listened to it only once, and her looks aren't bad either. However, her social skills definitely need a lot more work.

Despite acting aloof, Shui-Ling actually tends to keep to herself as she dislikes worrying those around her. This often proves to have the opposite effect as she doesn't hesitate to get into trouble stating that she's "just a doll" and that she "doesn't mind getting injured."



"I don't believe this question is relevant to our current situation."

<coming soon?>

Extra Note: Despite her small frame, Shui-Ling is surprisingly strong. Perhaps it has something to do with her being a doll.


I do the pew pews and the doodly doos!


Name: Jaques Alex Courtmanche

Nickname: Jack

Height: 6' 2"

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nationality: French-Canadian

Species: Half Angel, half Human

Crush: "Get to you on that..."

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Jake is very casual and is eager to strike up conversation. He doesn't mind people asking him what he's doing, and he is very enthusiastic. He doesn't get mad easily.

Station: Customer, and sometimes performer if you can convince him

Why you come to the Cafe: Everyday, Jake walks into the Cafe with a keyboard and his laptop to work on his career as an electronic musician. He likes the vibe, as it generally gets him going easily. Sometimes Jake will do performances with his keyboard in the Cafe, but he really has to be convinced.


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Name:Piper Hylene Woods

Appearance(Anime preferred):

Height: 4'3

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Nationality: Autraliatan

Species: Human/ Wind Fairy

Crush: Jaques

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Shy, quiet and conservative


Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer):

Background(Optional): Not telling

Other: She is Hope's older sister.

Name: Moka Akashima Hayashi

Nickname: Akashi

Appearance(Anime preferred):

(her human form)


(her vampire form when she's upset/angry/or just feels like showing it)






Age that she looks:


Age that she actually is:

7,000 years old


Japanese X Italian



Crush: Bf/Gf:

None at the moment




Moka has two different types of personalities since she usually switches to her human form or her vampire form at times but when she is in her human form it's like she is a whole different person she is very spirited and loves to help others which is why she is great at the job she has. She is usually quiet and likes to keep to herself at times. She has trust issues and doesn't like to cling to many people for too long. Moka is sweet, loving, forgiving at times, caring, and very generous. Moka also loves to help others who are in need as stated from before.

Moka has another side to her as well which is she isn't one to mess with. Her other vampire personality can be harsh but once you get to know her deep down she is very generous, and kind. But that's only deep deep down when she is in her vampire form. Throughout the years she built a wall for herself, making her have trust issues when meeting new people. She is dauntless, cold, and confident. She can be very flirtatious. Moka is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. Moka is a loyal person as well.

Station: Waitress


Bio: Moka was born to a pure blood family with two other siblings, Takema her sister and Usai her brother. The families name was pretty well known, since they would donate to the town. Moka takes after her fathers personality which is probably why she often keeps her other vampire form hidden at times, but when the fangs come out they come out all the way with or without the vampire form that she has which is where her hair changes into a silver-white color and her body features are much bigger and curvaceous then her other body. Moka was raised to be a very poised, well-mannered 'young' lady that her mother always wanted her to be, and her father raised her to be ruthless, cunning, and very mature for her age. Moka was out of control during her teen years as a vampire but she soon was able to control herself and thirst from her parents who helped her. At times she can be a bit blunt which usually kills the mood since it puts her in trouble at times. Moka used to, and still does, train with her father on her fighting skills teacher her how to strengthen her agility and speed as well as strengthening her mind and body as well. Moka thought it was time to be on her own for a moment so she went out to get a job to see how it felt to work with other creatures different from her race, her mother loved the idea but her father thought otherwise to it.


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Neil Connors Dylandy

Human form


Changeling form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-29_10-46-49.jpeg.00695dcc64eb3eba6d1bd4fe56f673f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-29_10-46-49.jpeg.00695dcc64eb3eba6d1bd4fe56f673f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'11"

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Nationality: Irish

Species: Changeling

Crush: TBD

Bf/Gf: No

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Neil is incredibly charismatic, which is only proven by his skill to talk himself out of bad situations. And although he is incredibly charming, Neil has also been described as a giant man child, and although he'll never admit to it this is exceedingly true. But of course that only one side of Neil, he also has been considered a cynic, or as he likes to say, a "disheartened critic". Despite these things Neil has a heart of gold and loves to make friends.

Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer): Some goddamn peace and quiet.

Background(Optional): Neil grew up in a rough part of town with his dad and mom. His dad went to work as a farm hand in the human world (he could of course do this because as a changeling he can appear human) leaving Neil at home with his mom.That was of course until Neil turned ten. Neil's mother had fallen ill so Neil had to be put to work as well. She needed expensive medicine and with the income his dad was making, it wouldn't be enough. So the day after Neil's tenth birthday he got up at five in the morning and climbed into the back of a truck with his dad and the rest of the farm hands. They would drive for about an hour until they reached the acres of agriculture they would be working on. Then after a hard days of work they would come home around 11, go to sleep and repeat the processes the next morning. This was life for Neil for along time, and although he was doing only modest work, he learned a lot. From the farm hands he learned how to shoot his first gun, how to flirt with woman and, hell, they even gave him his first taste of liquor when he was sixteen. Life seemed alright. Sure the work wasn't the best, but the co-workers were good fun and he got to work with his dad. Plus mom's treatment was working! Everyday she was looking better and better. By the time Neil was 18 his mom had made a full recovery. She was up and moving and able to do house work. Everything was just dandy, until tragedy struck. One day while Neil and his dad were working out on the fields. Pop's had a stroke. He didn't survive. In his will Neil's dad had left Neil all of his savings, which he used to get into Police academy. He now has a job as an officer on the force and is doing his best to support his mom and himself. He has moved both himself and his mother to a shabby apartment in town.

Other: Loves hard alcohol and cigarettes.



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Character Sheet:

Name: Mason Yeri


Human form:


Celestial Lion Form:


Height: 6'9


Age: 20

Nationality: Irish

Species: Celestial Lion / Male Siren

Massun's brother

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: split personalities:

Nice, calm

Rude, aggressive



Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer): Massun's singing


Marine (Along with Massun)

Wanted (Along with Massun)

Name: Sampson Yves


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-13.jpeg.9e6256cf0c5281c9ff4eab49dc68f0e7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-13.jpeg.9e6256cf0c5281c9ff4eab49dc68f0e7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'11

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nationality: Half Canadian, Half Portuguese

Species: Stone Golem

Crush: Bf/Gf: N/A

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Quiet, but at the same time intense. Sampson is just one of those guys you don't really want to make mad because he's usually a nice guy. He can be summed up as pretty normal guy, even if he does have trouble controlling his strength sometimes. It comes with being a Golem.

Station: Entertainer: Musician. Plays the Alto Saxophone. Usually performs solo, but doesn't mind playing with others.

Background: Sampson hasn't revealed much of his past, other than that he moved here from Canada after spending some time in College, perfecting his saxophone. He left before he graduated though, and has mostly been wandering around, seeking work as a musician. He's seen a lot of the world, and this café is just one stop on his travels.

Other: As stated before, he performs solo or with others, it doesn't matter to him. His best performances are when it rains outside and he can start playing Smooth Jazz or Blues.



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Raven Lilian Blanc

Appearance(Anime preferred):


Height: 5ft4

Gender: female


Nationality: half French, half English

Species: Elf

Crush: N/A Bf/Gf: N/A

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Raven is a quiet girl. Often coming across as nervous and distant she's not the most eye catching person, despite the horns, she however is blunt and to the point about how she talks to others. Often coming across as rude by accident since she really is a nice girl, kind and considerate but sadly with few friends to prove this.

Station: Entertainer- singer but also plays various instruments and will play with others although she prefers Solo.

Background(Optional): as far as people know Raven has no family, it is unsure if what truly happened to the girls parents and people are often confused as to why they both died when she was so young. She now lives with her grandmother in a small cottage and often helps around the house.

Other: posses the ability to perform spells and stuff.

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Name:(First,Middle,Last) Ronnie Rick road

Appearance(Anime preferred)::<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c830ddbe7_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images(5).jpg.21a5c724083a24db34d52c5ba68caa59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c830ddbe7_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images(5).jpg.21a5c724083a24db34d52c5ba68caa59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'1"

Gender: Male


Nationality: British

Species:weretiger (pink were tiger xD )

Crush: Bf/Gf:non

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Funny, relaxed, but can have very short temper,


Why you come to the Cafe(If your a costumer): He wants a place to have some fun and relax





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Masamune Makuda

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/1.jpg.d76427b4986716c096599b06b4449756.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/1.jpg.d76427b4986716c096599b06b4449756.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6'4"

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Nationality: American

Species: Dragon (Blue Dragonflight)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83315c17_1Dragon.jpg.baf6568dd4064f707947d5c79fecadc6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83315c17_1Dragon.jpg.baf6568dd4064f707947d5c79fecadc6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush or Bf/Gf: "Umm, none?"

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Easily lost in thought, eager to learn, obsessed with magic, charismatic, kind, easy to talk to

Station: Waiter



(I hope you add a tab for this stuff)

Magic is what mosts concerns the members of the blue dragonflight. Acquiring it, researching it, cataloging it. Blue dragons are masters of the arcane and the wield it with a natural, almost intrinsic, ease. Even the flight's dragonspawn armies are flush with magical aptitude. The blues believe that with this power comes a certain responsibility and so members of the blue flight can often be found in positions policing and monitoring the use of magic by non-dragons.

Their traditional home is Northrend, where they remain close to the great Dragonblight. Historically, blue dragons have had a reputation for spending their days in solitary contemplation of the secrets of the world, but in recent times blue dragons have proved to be more social due to the growing threats to all living creatures. Their approach towards mortals, specificly arcnae spellcasters, can vary anywhere from amiable curiosity to outright hostility.



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